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Milla Hale, Harbinger of Ritual

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Milla Hale, Harbinger of Ritual Empty Milla Hale, Harbinger of Ritual

Post by Artemis April 23rd 2014, 10:53 pm

Harbinger of Ritual

Basic Biography

Name: Milla Hale
Title: Harbinger of Ritual
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: 65
Gender: Female
Race:  3/4 Human, 1/4 dwarf
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 114lbs
Blood type: O-

The Looks


The Legacy


When Eir laid waste to the world it directly affected the magical leylines of the world, corrupted or destroying most of them. Milla felt the corruption and it slowly started to drive her mad. But it wasn't until She tried to channel a corrupted leyline in an attempt to fix it did she snap. Even though she may act calm and collected, in reality she is paranoid, ruthless and insane. She has an innate desire to try and fix the leylines that had been corrupted, constantly using her prisoners and lambs for her rituals. She has an unhealthy obsession with the Harbinger of Empyreal, Micheal Atterrius.


Shortly after Milla's fall to insanity she joined up with Eir, quickly becoming on of her Harbingers. She was given control of Russia, which Milla was fine with due to a majority of untouched leylines in the region made her feel overall at peace. But her control of Russia was not to relax Milla. Rather she was in charge of mining the natural resources of Russia. But instead of using robots Milla was tasked by Eir to run labor camps to get the work done. Which Milla full-heartedly agreed to. She runs Russia like a prison, and occasionally picks up a poor prisoners to torture and use in her rituals. Due to the her connection with raw magical currents and her dwarven blood her body ages a lot slower then a normal human, making her still look really young.

The Powers

Power 1: Leyline Magic: Milla can channel the power of a magical leyline to temporarily gain some of it's powers. Once she activates one leyline, she can not channel another one until she is done channeling her current one. The only exception to this are the basic level channels, which she can channel along side any of her higher level spells.



-Channel: Leyline of Light: Milla becomes attuned to the Leyline of Light. A rather harmless leyline, Milla can simply generate light and a small amount of warmth (similar to sitting around a campfire). The light and heat are both harmless as they are not hot enough to hurt anyone.

- Channel: Leyline of Sight: Milla channels this leyline to gain 360 degree vision.


- Channel: Leyline of Lightning: Milla channels this leyline to gain electrokinesis equal to an ability level 4 for  5 posts. Cooldown: 10 posts

- Channel: Leyline of Water: Milla channels this leyline to gain Hydrokinesis equal to an ability level 4 for  5 posts. Cooldown: 10 posts


- Channel: Leyline of Earth: Milla channels this leyline to gain Geokinesis equal to an ability level 6 for  7 posts Cooldown: 21 posts

- Channel: Leyline of  Fire:  Milla channels this leyline to gain Pyrokinesis equal to an ability level 6 for  7 posts Cooldown: 21 posts


- Channel: Leyline of Nature: Milla channels the leyline of Nature, gaining Arborkinesis (plant manipulation) equal to 8 ability for 9 posts. Cooldown: 36 posts

- Channel: Leyline of Force: Milla channels the leyline of force, gaining Telekinesis equal to 8 ability for 9 posts. Cooldown: 36 posts


-Channel: Leyline of Earthly Binding: Milla channels an ethereal leyline, gaining ethereal chain manipulation equal to 10 in ability for 11 post.  Ethereal chain manipulation allows Milla to spawn chains of semi-sentient ethereal energy with in a 50 yard radius around Milla. The chains, unless commanded otherwise, attempt to trap down and capture foes. Milla created the Ethereal leyline by capturing a powerful ethereal and transforming him into a leyline of ethereal energy through her mastery of her other leylines. Cooldown: 55 post

-Open: Leyline of the Realm: Milla uses a lot of of her energy to force open the central leyline that at the same time connects and separates all the existing leylines. The flood of energy revitalizes and awakens dead and forgotten Leylines. Milla forces the energy down onto one area with in a 70 yard radius. The center of the blast has a 10 foot radius and the explosion expands up to 30 yards. This move is very draining on Milla and is usually used as a finisher move. It damages the very essence of a being, their soul, on any plane of existence. Cooldown: 5 posts

Grid (30-38 points) (Think of a beginner character; then make them tougher)
Occult: 10
Strength:  2
Speed: 3
Durability: 4
Fighting Skills: 4
Magic: 10
Spells: 5
Wealth: 1

Items of the Harbinger of Ritual:


Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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Milla Hale, Harbinger of Ritual Empty Re: Milla Hale, Harbinger of Ritual

Post by Forceaus April 24th 2014, 4:38 pm

NPC approved

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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