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Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by Sim March 23rd 2014, 12:21 am

This is an idea for an arc I would like to run (with some help from a volunteer or two) This is a basic outline, and more will be added depending on interest.

(plot summary, subject to change.)
In the year 2030, a super villain named Eir attempted to wipe mankind off the earth. She nearly succeeded, but the heroes and villains of earth united to stop her. The nations of the earth were forced to work together to rebuild, ushering in a  relative peace that would last for over one hundred years and begin what would be known as the golden age of man-kind. Eir had survived however, and was simply biding her time until she could enact her plot for vengeance. No longer content with simply eradicating mankind, she resolved to erase her shameful defeat from history and ensure the golden age of mankind never happened.  Alone and away from the rest of the world, she perfected the technology to rip time and space asunder and create a two-way link between two points in time. Using this technology she used her knowledge of the future to give the Eir of the past the information and resources that would ensure that this time she would not be defeated.

time travel was only part of the equation. The driving force behind Eir was the ability to create more automata like herself. by the year 2050, much of the government of the world's most powerful countries had been replaced by agents of Eir. Soon the world was plunged into war. As the warfare reached it's peak, great machines began to pour pollutants out into the atmosphere. The earth became much less hospitable for life as the dirty air kept the sun permanently shrouded. Ecosystems were ruined, many plant and animal species went extinct. As man struggled just to survive, Eir's mechanical legions were set loose. The heroes of Earth tried to stop her, but it was too late. All opposition was crushed. The age of man was over, it was the Era of Eir now. However so long as man survived, so did hope. A pitiful rebellion managed to replicate Eir's technology enough to send messengers to the past to attempt to undo the future.

These are various factions that will be involved in the arc.

The Automata: Those who rule by right
Beings comprised of almost entirely inorganic material, made in Eir's image. While the majority that make up Eir's military force are mindless soldiers some are given distinct personalities. They are Eir's chosen, and all bioligical organisms are regarded as inferior. Their loyalty to Eir is unbreakable and fanatic. This group will consist of NPC's, largely regular enemies and mini-bosses.

Eir's Generals: Those who rule by might
The only position of power obtainable by biological organisms in Eir's world order. These individuals have proven their power and act as Eir's generals, each entrusted with a certain area to govern or conquer. Their reasons for serving Eir differ, though for many it is the only hope to live. Many of her generals have been culled from Eir's metahuman breeding projects, where the only hope of escape is to prove their superiority over the rest. These generals generally have command over some Automata forces. Despite their high position, they are still considered inferior to Eir's new race and failure or defeat by a more powerful individual means replacement. They must constantly prove their strength to remain in power.  This group will consist of player characters, and will be major villains of the arc.

The Rebellion: Those who seek to bring back the light
The rebellion, based in the US, is the ragtag group of freedom fighters that has contacted the past to find heroes for their cause. Aside from the reinforcements from the past, they are largely regular humans. However, some metahumans of old survived the fall of man and are a part of the rebellion. This group will be the main hero faction, although any alignment may join. While most PC's will be present-day characters, for those whom it makes sense (characters with long lifespans) older versions of characters may be played.

State of the world
Touching on some major areas of the arc.

The United States: The U.S. was the first to fall under Eir, and she rules it personally. Much of the U.S. has been devastated by nuclear war, and the East coast is all but uninhabitable. It is here that Eir runs her metahuman breeding programs.

Japan: When the world was thrown into war, the Japanese government was overthrown by the immortal samurai Ryo-Shun. Through his leadership Japan was able to prevent being conquered, though Ryo himself was killed in battle by Eir. Japan remains the only free country in the world, though it is constantly under assault by Eir's general based in China. Japan is able to defend itself through both advanced military technology and the fact that it has the highest free metahuman population in the world. However, they simply don't have the numbers to stop counter-attack. There is however a faction that believes Eir must be defeated, and they may enlist some past heroes of their own...

London: The city of London has become a walled in city where the sun is always blocked out. Here the Automatas rule, and even Eir's generals are not allowed inside the city walls. London is now home to the majority of Eir's industrial manufacturing including the creation of the Automatas. human residents are born only to work the factories until death, and none are allowed to leave. The few who have escaped speak of a broken people, and whispers of "Eir's ghost" that disappears any who would speak out against their tyrant.  Crippling the factories here is a crucial step in defeating Eir.
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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Re: Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by The Nekromonga March 23rd 2014, 12:29 am

Shoona was already involved with the robots, so I guess this would be a Shoona thing.

But mostly it'll depend on my personal muse.

Last edited by Nekromonga on March 30th 2014, 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Re: Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by Humanity March 23rd 2014, 12:29 am

This is a great idea Spidey
I'd be whole-heartedly into this if it happened


Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Humani11
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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Re: Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by Timmmithy March 24th 2014, 2:43 pm

I would like to join in. My character works with an investigations group, maybe he could approach the rest of your characters as an investigator, and then help you through the troubles:

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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Re: Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by Timmmithy March 24th 2014, 2:45 pm

I would need a confirmation before I really come up with a good intro to the idea

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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Re: Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by Sim March 30th 2014, 3:35 pm

Tim, it sounds like you're looking for more a quest than an arc. That said, you're welcome to discuss this one and see if it fits your character.

I'd like to try to get this off the ground. I have an appointment tomorrow which may keep me from staying online for a couple days,

In the meantime, anyone that wants to discuss the arc or their character's potential roles in it please hit me up on skype. ((Allis_Liri )) I'd especially like those interested in certain roles to discuss this with me. The general in China in particular, as this person will ideally be someone willing to help out hosting the arc.

Also! One thing to keep in mind is that when/if this arc starts groups will be able to sign-up. Those that sign-up will be incorporated into the story of the arc somehow. so that's something to think about for the groups out there.
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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Re: Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by Timmmithy March 30th 2014, 6:23 pm

I'm happy to see this is still going to happen (hopefully). I have a few comments I would like to share.

First, how exactly would our characters be here? As far as I can tell, we are brought to the future as recruits. So we would actually time travel to the point of all this, this removing the hassle of finding a realistic way for our characters to be alive still. Correct me if I'm wrong please.

Second, I believe I would play a neutral role. But mainly pulled into the rebellion side. What I mean by this is, my character (his name is Trent) is the kind of person who wants to benefits from every action he does. So when he does work for the rebellion, he will demand a payout of some sort, that's kind of how he acts. He won't however, fight for Eir in any sense. If anyone wants me to clarify this a bit more, please ask, I will be glad to do so.

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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Re: Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by The Nekromonga March 30th 2014, 9:29 pm

Teenage Xia could confront evil Dark Dragon General Xia, warlord of all Asia, with an awfully full grid. Kitty Face

Since you say kid xia can't meet big bad xia, xia will have to be set upon the path of darkness to become Eir's Dragon enforcer in the future. Some people important to Xia were killed, and it was Eir who helps her attack the Alien City- allowing the machine overlord to assimilate powerful alien tech... Tech strong enough to influence Xia, once her she psychologically vulnerable enough.

Big Bad Future Xia could become your warlord of the east, Or one of the General's most powerful physical enforcers. She could get into epic fights, overly long scenes of angst and despair and rage, and other such dramatic, fallen hero things. She could have an army of cybernetic dragons and dragonkin.

She should also live in a big aquarium. Xia loves aquariums.

Then at the end, when she's defeated, she sees the light and joins the fight... or earns a redemption in death...

Last edited by Nekromonga on March 31st 2014, 11:39 am; edited 9 times in total

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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Re: Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by Elena Vexus March 30th 2014, 9:49 pm

This sounds like a grand idea, I'll probably contact you on Skype because I would like to involve Vexus as one of the generals Very Happy

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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Re: Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by The Bolt March 30th 2014, 10:53 pm

I am more than willing to use a future version of Michael in this arc, if thats alright. We could talk out the specifics of his involvement further in skype.
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Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Empty Re: Arc Idea: Era of Eir.

Post by Twinkletoes April 1st 2014, 10:46 pm

This is actually a fantastic idea and will probably get me to post more actively again!

I have a feeling Daji will be my major player through this arc, since she's based in China and her niece just happens to be one of the generals. She'd of significantly weakened and would've more or less lost her zeal for life…whether she does good or bad really depends on the development of the plot.


Arc Idea: Era of Eir. Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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