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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Forceaus February 5th 2013, 4:20 pm

All major channels had been tuned in to the big speech that was delivered that day. Much of it had gone just as anyone who had been keeping track of the news would have expected. The predictable changes to how people would react to the presence of what were known as metahumans living throughout the world were now set in stone. It was perhaps a necessary action to take considering how things had gone recently but perhaps some things were overlooked. It was never really addressed so it was of course left open to interpretation but what about those metahumans who simply took no part in any of these things that sparked such a change as this. The metahuman population was certainly a large and expansive one. It was a wonder just how prepared they were for what they were about to do. Some parts left even the most prepared of people in some awe.

In a hotel's lobby where the guests were frequenting, most had come down to watch it on one of the television sets that were located down there due to them having much better reception. As soon as it was over people started expressing their various opinions. Some of which were quite loud with them. John Capore was one such person that had been in the lobby during all of this. All the noise pressing its way through the air caused by all this talk made it hard to focus on one's own thoughts. He got up and sought a more calm and quiet place. As he walked away he continued to listen on to the things being said.

"About time the government started doing something about all those metahumans running around."

"Are they going to be able to take on all of them?"

"What's going to happen to those that don't sign that bill?"

"They should just exterminate the lot of them."

"Are those supposed heroes going to do anything?"

John was now out of earshot of the discussions going on below. He was thinking about everything that had been said during that speech. That girl's story was sad. Yet it just bugged him. Her presence there kind of seemed unecessary. Like it was just a tactic to gain the public's support. Again sad.

The prospect of going in to sign that registration act and having to reveal himself to the world was one that he simply could not undertake. He still desired and sought after the idea of trying to live a more relatively normal life even despite possessing the very thing that qualified him as a metahuman. But he had not simply gone forth and used said abilities to be a superhero out of ego. There were other reasons. Ones that were his own. "Do they know who I am? Or do they just know about the cover identity?" He had to wonder how much they could know about him, if they did so at all. Paxton had of course mentioned the Talons but he was no longer a member of the group anyways.

John was now reading a novel, A Wizard at Earthsea as he tried to relax a bit from the stress that had come of beleaguered thoughts and the things he had heard. He had reached page 37 when a sudden thought broke him out of his tranquil state. He had remembered some of the things that had been mentioned during the speech. How he could have overlooked them was beyond his rational stae of mind at the moment. He searched through his suitcase in search of some things. After a few minutes of traversing through the various things that were scattered about it he found them all. "I need to clean this out sometime." he thought as he looked at the things he had been searching for. He tried to activate the first but it still did not work. He disappointingly placed it back in the suitcase as he checked the other things. The second one did not work either and as for the third he simply could not think of any reason to even bother with it. He put them both back in as well and closed his suitcase.

About an hour later the protests had began. Said protests were being carried on in the streets by a couple of metahumans in response to the speech that had been presented. They had a megaphone in their possession and were using it to shout out to anyone and everyone in the area about what they called an injustice that was being taken against them. They were challenging Dominus to come after them claiming how they had done no wrong and did not deserve such actions taken against them. Then they started threatening those nearby, daring them to say anything against them all while showcasing their powers. One was strong and tough and could protrude spikes from his body. The other grew an extra pair of arms and could stretch them all up to ten feet. People started running at this point. Then they started using their powers to attack those that were running away from them all while shouting viciously at them.

He had left the hotel earlier in order to grab some stuff at the store when this happened. Even with the knowledge of the fact that his hero identity was sure to be hunted he still could not see those people endangered like this. So on this occasion he became his superheroic persona.

Moments later the two of them had managed to capture a few civilians and were menacing them. The four armed one was holding on to three of them while the spiked one beared down on them. "So we're the bad guys huh? Well, let's see if Dominus still wants to mess with us after they see what you guys look like." he shouted at a woman as his hand turned into a mace of spikes and started to come down on her. She was spared however thanks to timely intervention. Forcewave had arrived and blocked the spiked fist with his mentally generated electricity. Both of the rogue metas turned towards him in anger.

"What do you think you're doing protecting these people? They want people like us dead or haven't you heard?" the four armed one yelled to him as his spiky friend continued to struggle with the energy that was preventing him from striking.

"I know about that speech and what's to come. Doesn't mean I'm going to let you two go on a killing spree." he said as he manipulated the electricity to push the spiked one away and to the ground and then hit four arms in the face and thus causing him to lost his grasp of the three civilians."Get out of here now." he called out to them without really needing to. They had already started running away. The two metas got back up and were now directing their anger towards him.
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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Jordan Reynolds February 5th 2013, 6:20 pm

The planet was strange and its people stranger,they resembled the wingless of his own world but their bodies seemed sadly frail. They for the most part had populated this world but if used correctly,they could prove to be useful. The mistress had chosen to take refuge within an abandoned building called a “church” where they would continue their worship of her,not that he was much for worshiping or being worshiped. The servants had installed something they called a television,something his mistress called a “magic box”. From it he had seen one of the pathetic wingless giving a speech against a thing called a “metahuman”,a powerful strain of the wingless it seemed. So it seemed they wanted to stop the rise of these “metahumans” before they could rise and put the wingless race under their foot.

Perhaps they were just trying to stop the wheels of fate,something inevitable within their societies but he was really uninterested with the affairs of lesser beings. It was similar to the way that one would find themselves disinterested within the affairs of the ants crawling beneath their feet. It was a few weeks now and he was getting tired of the boring dishes that the humans had brought before him and he wished to explore more of the city himself. He was never really given a name of the civilization they were now in but it wouldn't matter,soon its name would change to suits its future rulers whims. His mistress has excused him and allowed him to walk among the pathetic commoners of this world,possibly even sample their finer foods. He was told to conceal his wings to avoid drawing attention and with reluctance he did so,though they felt painfully annoyed kept within the shirt.

He had chosen to dress in simple khaki colored pants and a simple white muscle shirt with a white jacket over it, as well as a pair of shoes that he had found interesting. Walking through the front door of the abandoned church he found himself on a cracked looking walkway,hands digging into his pockets but not with enough force to rip them. ”Never really got used to this common speech,its so.....strange.” His voice was tinged with an accent that could be mistaken to be Irish but it had something that made it not quite that. No one really walked this section of the city and that made the perfect place for them to live without any undue interruptions though for now he wanted to find something to eat and possibly draw his attention from the monotony of life. Without wars to fight and enemies to conquer,he found his life to be boring.

In a few minutes of walking he found himself in a place with a few stores,a sort of place where the merchants had gathered to sale their wares within their concrete buildings. One looked like a place where they sold sweet foods,something that he had not had within a week or two and that was something that he had missed the most from his home world. Walking through the clear front door he saw what looked like a sheepish young female giving him a strange look;something he ignored as he perused the multiple cakes and sweets. He went over the things within his mind,their scents appealing but which he would choose was yet to be seen. After a few more minutes of looking he chose a large chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Sure he did not know the substance that this treat was made of but he had a feeling that it would indeed be good.

He picked the cake up within its plastic casing and made his way from the building while the cashier shouted at him to stop what he was doing. “Hey! You can't just take that!” She shouted at him. Eadóchas raised an eyebrow at the audacity of the serving wench but it was perhaps what he masters had ordered her to do. She would of course have to be reprimanded for her nerve but he would not try to break her within doing so,seeing as these wingless were so frail.

”FraochÚn! Know your place wench,I will take what I want, when I want. I will not have a pathetic wingless telling me what I am allowed” It was a simple brush of his hand but she was sent reeling. He could hear her sounds of pain and that meant that she was alive for the most part,so he would leave the place with sweet treat in hand but when he did so he saw that there was a sort of riot happening outside. Two strange wingless had taken more hostage and another producing strange lightning. One that interested him as the one with four arms, something that he had not seen on the wingless before.

”Interesting.” He muttered to himself,perhaps the mistress would like to experiment upon them. Approaching the conflict in motion he spoke up. ”Taking hostages,I never knew this planet was full of weaklings and cowards,aithiseach.” He noted much to the anger of the two rogue metahumans.

Last edited by Misneach on February 10th 2013, 3:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Dragoon February 5th 2013, 8:46 pm

Drake smirked at his phone, watching the speech being broadcast live. So it finally begins. Drake was stricken with anxiousness waiting for this day to come. This would be an exciting war and he wanted to be front and center for it. He didn't really care which side he would be working for, but the only offer he received was from the group Dominus. They were the group that was opposing these metahumans that were being forced to register themselves. Apparently they hypothesized a war breaking out from this. Drake didn't think too much about it. He had learned to force himself not to as figuring everything out would be too easy and take all the fun out of everything. Besides, money talks. For every renegade metahuman that he brought down would only bolster his paycheck. That was one thing that he loved to hear. Bonuses. Drake took no pleasure in killing, but he did take pleasure in everything that leads up to a kill and everything else after it. Adrenaline. That was what he was in for. Pretty soon this part of his script would be written.

His equipment was in a suitcase he brought with him to the hotel room. His deal with Dominus was just struck a few days ago, and Drake thought to linger a while. Almost everybody was downstairs in the lounge to get the televisions with better reception. He knew that everybody would be eating the bullshit that they were fed. When the politicians get on the big screen and yank those emotional legs, everybody listens. It was amusing to Drake. They would condemn their friends, families, and neighbors to the mercy of the government. Part of it made him sick and part of it made him laugh. Drake took out his weapons and started disassembling, cleaning, and reassembling them. Perhaps today he would go bungee jumping. Most people prefer to skydive, but Drake thought it overrated. He had free fallen through the air before. It wasn't as thrilling as most people think it is. Now, trusting your life with a simple cord was another thing. He knew the details behind it but still thought it amazing of how your life is held together only by a cord.

A disturbance outside had summoned Drake's attention. Just outside his window was a big demonstration by a couple of metahumans protesting against what had just happened. They started yelling into a microphone, challenging Dominus to come get them. A large smile came upon Drake's face. Today was his lucky day. Quickly, Drake obtained the rest of his gear, changing quickly into his suit and helmet then retrieving his ammunition and weapons. As he did the final strap, Drake looked outside to see the situation change. The now had a woman in their possession, making now the only time to take action. Drake scooped up his rifle and loaded it with a plasma disc. The window in his room was opened to allow him to shoot without leaving a hole inside. Drake took quick aim at the spiked metahuman's head. Just as the he was about to take action, other events unfolded. It seemed as if another metahuman prevented the assault on the woman. This only meant that Drake didn't have to reveal himself. He loaded a smoke disc into his 2nd chamber and watched as yet another man walked up calmly to the scene. This one had to have some sort of power as well if he would knowingly approach that group. Drake switched his helmet vision to magnetics and searched the area behind the building for anyone else approaching the scene. Two men holding large rifles were coming around the corner to apparently take matters into their own hands. That was their decision. Drake would not try to save them.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 45
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Genevieve Montreal February 5th 2013, 10:38 pm

Things in the Super Hero business were moving kind of slow so Ms. Montreal decided to connect with some old friends. Down south her friend Vanessa had a quaint little home. Small town, had a mall at least with some decent shops so she figured that it was worth visiting. On her flight down she thought about what's been happening in her life recently. Joining the Talons was a big step for her and has been one of the best decisions so far. She had not done nearly as much work as some of the other heroes in the group such a Phoenix, but it was still nice to be able to help and have a purpose. Even though everything seemed to be going extremely well for Genevieve there were dark rumors spreading around of events to come. Organizations that aimed to destroy Metahumans. But with all the good that they've done, the general public would never stand for something like that, it would just be a civil rights movement all over again... Only far more violent. Gena did not think that whoever was starting these rumors understood the amount of damage this could cause to the population. There are some extremely powerful people out there that are not afraid to kill to get what they want, and who knows how many people they would go through to stop the onslaught on their own kind. Thinking about it, it wouldn't be for the other Metahumans, it would just be to help themselves so that they did not have to continue running. A life of running, something that Ms.Montreal never wanted to experience.

As her first class flight landed she exited through security to meet up with Vanessa. She let out a sort of teenage squeal and ran over to her friend and gave her a big hug. They proceeded outside to Vanessa's car and they set off to her house. During the drive they just caught up with each other, Vanessa had started up her own salon in town and Gena just said that she was doing free-lance fashion merchandising. She was unsure if her friend knew that she had powers or if she would be accepting with the attitude that supers had been getting lately. Once they arrived at her house Gena got settled in as her friend started to get ready to go out. The first thing that Vanessa said that she wanted to do with her was shopping since she didn't know any better with fashion than Genevieve. So they wasted no time getting to the mall. They hit shop after shop buying shoes and tops, dresses and hats, jewelry of every kind and color and after a few hours they just had too many bags to carry by themselves. The two of them took a seat in the food court and Vanessa offered to go get them some pastries, they deserved it after all for carrying around such dead weight for so long. While Gena sat she scrolled through her phone and glanced up at one of the TV's seeing an announcement regarding a speech that had been given by a man by the name of Adam Paxton regarding the supers and their threat to the human race. Gena put her hand over her mouth in shock and then just covered her whole face in disappointment. How could they? This will be the biggest mistake anyone had ever made in history. Soon after her friend came back, but without any goodies. She said some weird dude had walked in that gave her a really weird vibe. Not seconds later was there a scream and the strange man walking out of the pastry shop. Quick on her feet Genevieve sprung up and ran into the shop to check on who had screamed. The cashier girl had been thrown violently across the room and was hurt pretty badly. Nothing fatal but she was in a lot of pain.[i]"He-He just barely moved his hand and I-I just went crashing in this direction....""[i] Genevieve instructed Vanessa to stay here with the girl until help arrived, she had to go take care of the brute that did this. Vanessa chimed in to try and stop her, but Gena gave her such a look that simply told her friend everything...

Genevieve ran outside following the man who had stole the food and seriously harmed the woman and saw that the streets had erupted in chaos. Metahumans all around the area were enraged with the man's speech and were rioting against his words. The senseless fighting and kiling had already begun and there was damn near nothing she could do about it. The man who had harmed the woman in the bakery had moved in a group with a bunch of supers. There was a man covered in spikes, and one with four arms holding a poor woman hostage. She had no idea who was on who's side at this point, for all she knew it would be four against one right now. Gena had to bring her A game for this.
"Hey you!" she called over to the man who had hurt the woman earlier while tossing a small piece of ice at his head to get his attention. She was now close enough to the group to seem like she had been associated with them
"I don't know who's done what here, but if someone doesn't explain themselves you all are going to be in for a world of hurt..."
With what Genevieve was wearing she did not seem too intimidating, however once she finished her threat she crossed her arms and a very large dome of ice began to from around the five of them. The top of the dome was being created the same time as the base and they both started to rise up to connect to seal all of them inside. There would be plenty of space inside the dome to move about, they would probably be able to harm each other but not anyone outside of the ice structure. Glancing over her shoulder, she looked outside of the dome before it completely sealed itself off and created one of her ice mirrors in case she needed to escape.
"I don't need to nor do I want to hurt anyone here, but I just need to understand the situation first before I let anyone out of here..."
The dome was coming to a close when she created a second mirror behind her, shifting her weird from her right, to left. She took a deep breath in and out before she spoke again.
"Now then... Who wants to go first...?"

INT: 5FS: 3
OCC: ---FLT: 2
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Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal

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Registration date : 2011-10-23

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Forceaus February 10th 2013, 2:41 pm

This morning the young man standing in this now evacuating street had woken up feeling offset and somewhat despairing to what was to come later on that day. That moment had come and gone and yet it was still persisting. After all when somebody announces on air to pretty much the entire country that metahumans were going to be dealt with some of them are sure to take offense. Two of which had gone on a rampage and Forcewave had stepped in to stop it. Most of the people in the area had gotten away to at least a relatively safe distance from these two in particular. They were even safer for now due to the two of them now seeming to want to kill him instead. They started to advance menacingly as he prepared for what may soon come. Then, they were interrupted.

A man approached them. He had come from out of the pastry shop and walked directly towards them. For as strange as it might be for somebody to just walk into such a situation as this the way he spoke sure did match it. "This planet" he thought. "What? Why would he say that?" went through his mind. Strange thing to say it sure was. The two rogue metas glanced towards the newcomer and back at Forcewave a few times as they tried to determine who to deal with first. They were still leaning towards Forcewave himself as he had been the first to interfere.

Mere seconds later came another from that very pastry shop. This time it was a young woman and she strided towards them all and was glaring at the man who had just came out of there as well. As she approached Forcewave saw two armed men heading their way but they would be getting delayed in whatever action they were preparing to undertake. Ice, and lots of it suddenly appeared from seemingly out of nowhere and it was now encasing all five of them in a massive dome. "Well then, did not expect this." he was thinking as he looked upon the frozen dome that now surrounded them all. He was wondering if he would be able to escape it should the situation come for him to need to do so. The odds of that were highly likely but he did not see now as the best of moments to test out whether or not he could. Perhaps later, when a better moment comes.

All the ice seemed to have come from this woman. Both the violent metahumans seemed to think so for sure. They seem very displeased by this. They looked at it as if it were a prison mean't to keep them locked up. The spiky one spoke to her demanding that she get rid of it. "Look here lady, if it's you who's making all this damn ice then I suggest you make it go away. I will hurt you if you try and keep us trapped in here." he said glaring at her. These two really did not seem to enjoy the prospect of imprisonment. It was showing itself very well.



Last edited by Forcewave on February 22nd 2013, 7:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Jordan Reynolds February 10th 2013, 3:22 pm

The two strange beings looked to him before returning their gaze to the the one that they were originally aiming to kill,basically ignoring what he was saying. It seemed that they had no idea who they were dealing with, but he would show them soon enough. Unluckily for them his strength was unrestricted at the moment and that meant that they would be dealing with what he could do,they would break in no time. He weighed the cake within his right hand,placing it down upon the ground as he cracked each knuckle before rolling his shoulders. Then what seemed like a dome of ice formed around them as if aiming to contain them. A strange light haired woman had seemingly formed it and threw a small piece of ice at the back of his head,though it came up as only a dull thudding upon the back of his head.

“You, hurt me? I think you have no idea who you are speaking to.” He raised an eyebrow, a slight chuckle escaping from his lips as if what she said was something like a joke. ”Wait....honestly it doesn't matter who I am to you,speak like that again to me and I’ll snap you in two.” His strange accent moving through the atmosphere almost like a gunshot in its severity. His gaze then turned upon the two strange wingless. ”As for you two,cease your public disturbance, its annoying.” They did not seem pleased by what he said but he didn't really care what two wingless thought of him,they were nothing. Where he came from they only served as slaves and nothing more. It seemed like they were actually considering attacking the arrogant male.

The spiky being looked strong but the question was if his strength would pose a threat to Eadóchas. He was sure they would be put down with a small show of force,ending this farce quickly. He was growing hungry and curious what this “chocolate” tasted like. He would take the initiative approaching the two with a few steps,the one with many limbs attempting to restrain him with a pathetic amount of force,something that did not even slow him down a bit. ”Well...this is pretty pathetic.” Eadóchas stopped,gripping one of the many arms gripping onto him and increasing the amount of force he exerted as the bones beneath the flesh broke so easily. The man let out a curse as he attempted to bring the arms back,but he grabbed another;yanking on it with enough force to sever the arm at the elbow as the rest returned to its source.

”Well that was...messy.” Blood had splattered across his face as well as his white jacket,the partial limb still within his grasp. The wingless were always so fragile and this proved so. ”I assume you'll want this back.” He said throwing the broken limb back to the seething meta human. He was now left with three arms,one broken and one that was simple a mangled stump bleeding out upon the ground. They were both angry now and that meant they would make more stupid mistakes like that,it would make this all easier for him if they both attacked him at once.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Dragoon February 10th 2013, 9:37 pm

Drake was grateful that he hadn't opened fire on the spiked metahuman earlier. Another obvious metahuman seemed to join the area, or at least Drake figured him to be a metahuman. He didn't think it realistic for an unpowered individual with no training to walk up calmly to a metahuman the way this man did. Even if he were an unpowered individual who did have training, Drake would have have expected to have seen at least one weapon on his person. This man held a cake. The more the merrier. This just meant that Drake could expect a bigger paycheck. Drake kept his eye in the scope with the other one open to keep a gauge on the surroundings. He didn't want to rush anything and give away his position and presence.

Drake was happy to see another person join this little party. A rather good looking woman by Drake's standards had walked up and threw ice at the head of the other newcomer. That didn't seem like such a good idea. Drake was surprised when the woman created a dome around the group with ice. This event caused a sinister smile to come across Drake's face. An idea popped into his head and he let the rifle rest where it lay. He reached into his holster to retrieve his side arm and unloaded it. The first bullet was still showing within the magazine. It was touched by the gloves that Drake was wearing and it was imbued with their sharpness enhancing quality. Drake loaded the magazine back into the small handgun. Reaching into his armor and withdrawing two smoke discs, Drake loaded them into his rifle. Drake then took aim with one arm, stabilizing the rifle with the windowsill. With the other arm he took aim at around the same area.

It was at this time that he was able to see the power of the man with the cake. He had torn off part of the four armed man's arm with ease. Stay out of his reach, then. Drake steadied his left hand that was holding the sidearm. Then he opened fire at the dome from straight on. The enhanced bullet would be able to break through the ice, especially after being covered with the plasma inside the gun as well. Drake then fixed the aim of the rifle in a split second to aim directly at the hole he made and rapidly fired his two smoke rounds inside the hole. They would land a little bit farther from him than the center of the enclosed area and then release the heavy smoke. It would become heavily concentrated inside that area within a few seconds.

Drake then reached back into his suit to retrieve an explosive round and a force field trap disc while simultaneously holstering his sidearm. Drake loaded the two new discs into his rifle and took aim again, waiting to see what this group would do next.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 45
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Genevieve Montreal February 11th 2013, 2:37 am

Genevieve was keeping a steady on on everyone in her dome. The poor woman was strugging but it would not result in anything, she was just simply too weak. The hostage would be her first priority. Though before she could formulate a proper plan the troublesome Metas began an attack on the brute she had tried to confront about the pastry. She did not interfear as it would be a good demonstration of what they could do, the man grabbed a hold of the extra arms of the troublemaker braking one, and tearing the other off. Blood had splatted around and a couple of small, thin sheets of ice appeared in front of Gena in order to prevent any of it from getting on her clothes. SHe stood in awe seeing how strong this man was as her mercilessly tore this man apart, literally. Not soon after did a bullet penetrate her dome, She flinched seeing the mark on the ground where the bullet at struck. Quickly following the bullet was a couple of smoke bombs that began to quickly fill her dome with a thick smog.
Genevieve threw her arm upwards, her palm facing up. An opening in the top of the dome appeared with ice fan blades which began rotating extremely quickly pulling all of the smoke up and out. After she glared at the klutz who tore off the arms of the poor Meta and swiped her hand horizontally in front of her body causing a wall of ice to cut off him and the other individual who was in the dome. Now it was just her and the unnamed supers. Meanwhile, the hole where the bullet had entered had been sealed, the opening in the roof closed off after the smoke had been filtered out, and the ice that composed the dome began to increase in density preventing it to be seen into from the outside and much more difficult to pierce. It grew darker inside the dome, but light could still enter even though nearly nothing else would be able to.
Genevieve moved her arms in quick motions which cause the ice around the man who had just lost his arms to form a box around him and pull him slowly outside of the dome."Hey! Bring him back what have you done!?" shouted the other super holding the hostage with spikes which he launched at Gena. She effortlessly froze them before they got too close to her and turned them around to attack him. They merely pinned him against the wall of the dome. "Now would you please go take care of your friend..." she twirled her index finger in a small circle and the part of the dome that he was pinned up against rotated like a revolving door putting him outside as well, but leaving the hostage. Gena walked over to her and explained to exit over on the opposite side of the dome so that she could run somewhere to safety. After she had left Genevieve bean to remove the wall between her and the other two. The ice barrier split in half and opened slowly, she first glared at the man who had done nothing, then moved her stare to the beast who was causing the most trouble so far. Her eyes narrowed sharply and before the two halves of the wall completely retreated they shattered into dozens of large, sharp, shards of ice which rushed over to completely surround the one mutant. Following she stomped on the ground sending a fast moving, zig-zagging stream of ice along the ground which she would have follow him. Once it made contact the ice would instantaneously grow upwards in such a way that it would greatly restrict his movements, but cause no damage. As for the multitude of shards of ice floating in every direction around him, those were to keep him in place so he would not try to dodge her impending binding ice attack.
She was not afraid to hurt this man, especially after what he had done so far. And if violence was the only was to get to this man then so be it. Genevieve remained a safe distance away from the two so that she would have time to react if need be. Her Ice Mirror had been following closely behind her in case of any sort of unseen emergency. With such brute strength being tossed around, and someone with the possibility of having an ability she had no knowledge of it was most definitely better to be safe than sorry.

INT: 5FS: 3
OCC: ---FLT: 2
STR: 2MAG: 0
SPD: 2POT: 0
DUR: 2SPL: 0
ABI: 8/4$$$: 3
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 74
Registration date : 2011-10-23

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Guest February 12th 2013, 11:53 pm

"Master Roy, you're breakfast is ready." the well dressed butler said to Mr.Roy King.
"How many times do I have to tell you X? Roy is fine. You've known me since I was 5 for gods sake."
"My name is Xavier Master Roy, X makes me feel like one of those hoodlums you surround yourself at the bars."
With a smile forming across his face Roy continued buttoning up his collard shirt. It was a solid black Armani Exchange polo, with a pair of stonewashed designer jeans accompanying. Roy still felt last night's bar trip in his lower gut. "Shit, I feel like I've gone 10 rounds with Pain." Roy said to himself splashing some water onto his face and looking in his mirror.
At age 27 he had the world by the balls. Millionaire, gorgeous, super model dates. There was nothing wrong with Roy King's life. As he walked back into the giant bedroom, he got a glimpse of Adam Paxton on his TV. He was rambling on and on about how metas were a threat. Roy sat down and began listening to Adam slander the hero Phoenix. "Damn that dude just gave his life for these people, and they're already lynch mobbing? Tough crowd."
Roy himself was a meta but nobody other than Xavier, his best friend, and the hero Seraph knew of his identity.
His power was minor compared to those such as Sean Collin or Tyuki Gold, but they still helped him out when situations got rough.

Roy made his way downstairs and sat down at the table, begging his meal.
"Good morning Showboski" Roy's father said to him in a condescending tone.
"Showboski?" Patriot asked raising an eye brow.
"When you got home last night you were so drunk you demanded everyone call you The Great Showboski from now on."
"I...Dod mom see me?"
With a slight chuckle Roy's father shook his head no and continued his breakfast as well.
"So did you see them slandering those heroes on the news Roy? They were really laying it on those poor metas."
"Yea I caught when X called me to eat, it's looking like it could be pretty bad."

On the news, Roy saw a giant ice dome forming. "What the hell?" he thought to himself. Before Roy's dad had a chance to look up at the screen, The Patriot changed the channel and got up from the table.
"Well I have to get going, I'll be home later dad." and in a flash Roy King was out the door.
He made his way up into his room and pressed a few buttons on his wall.
His closet's back wall dropped and into his base of operations he went.
He quickly changed into his Patriot costume and left the mask off. With his civilian clothes on over them, he walked out of his closet and out his front door.
In his car under the back seat was Miss America, and in the glove compartment was his sonic gauntlet.
Hopping in his '88 Corvett he peeled out of his driveway and made his way into town to help out with whatever was unfolding. Once a black away from the Ice, he parked his car and took off down an ally way, throwing his mask on and tearing his clothes off, he was now fully suited up as the Patriot.
"Now let's see why there is a giant ice cube in the middle of a street."


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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Forceaus February 13th 2013, 8:40 pm

This dome of ice would soon be tested. Would it be able to contain any of what was about to happen within it. For how long though. Some brutal battle had begun. Everyone present save Forcewave himself seemed to be seething with anger for whatever reason. It was a tough call as to who to attempt to deal with first. The two guys who had started this whole mess seemed like the obvious answer. They had already proven themselves to resort to violence and even murder after all. Then again the desire to escape this frozen structure that now surrounded them all existed strongly in him as well. Whatever decision to be made should be done so quickly. Considering what he just heard not to long ago people were sure to show up soon.

He was not the first to take action however. The one with the cake strode forward again and as soon as the four armed attacked him he started ravaging his four arms. In a matter of seconds three were damaged, one of which was ripped right off. Forcewave cringed a bit at the sudden sight of such a thing. That man with the cake was strong. That was for sure. A noise came next. One different from the sudden screams of pain. The sound of the ice shattering rang through his ears. He looked up in the direction it was coming from and saw something come flying in. Smoke started rising from two objects now lying on the ground. "They arrived sooner than I thought?" he said out loud. The young woman took offense to the damage to her frozen structure and quickly did away with the smoke then generated more ice separating them all off from each other. Forcewave now figured if those bullets can penetrate this ice then he would be able to do so as well. For now he looked in the direction of where they were fired from to see who had done it. It could not have been either of the two armed men that had been approaching earlier. The angle of the trajectory suggested the shots were fired from higher ground. He look to the hole and was attempting to trace the trajectory back to their possible source. Based on the sheer potential likelihood there was only one option. That building at the end of the road.

The two who had started all this were beyond furious. Even as the four armed screamed in pain from was had just occured. Sure that had been one of his additional arms but it still hurt beyond recognition. He was in too much pain to even react as more ice formed around him and forced him out of the dome. He was free now and could get out of here. Where he would go however was something he could not figure out. These injuries should definitely be looked over but it would surely lead to his arrest. Something like that was just out of the question. His friend was enraged at the damage done to him. Even with all the ice around them he still attacked. The spikes on his body protruding outwards and becoming as sharp as they could be. He charged her with the fullest intent on causing her suffering. "You'll pay for that." He screamed as he drew ever closer. Unfortunately he too was no match for this. As he was forced out he individually glared at all three of them with the desire to maim them horrendously.

Forcewave could not see the two who had started all of this had essentially been defeated. The two of them were now retreating as fast as they could run even with the injuries that had been inflicted. In fact said injuries seemed to be making them run even faster. In fact they were heading in the direction of where those bullets had come from. He could see the two armed men attempting to apprehend them but seemed unsure of how much effort they wanted to put into actually trying to capture them. He looked back over towards the other two and saw them focused on each other. Seeing this he ran forward and blasted a hole in the ice dome in order to escape it. He rushed through the hole and out of the dome and back outside. They both heard the damage and the spiky one turned towards him "Oh, you want some more huh? I'll be glad to kill you first." he said ready to fight but Forcewave was paying more attention to something else. He was expecting the shots to come again any second now. Where they would be aimed however he did not know.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Jordan Reynolds February 14th 2013, 5:48 pm

As soon as he had dealt with the loud mouthed wingless with many arms, the blonde one erected a wall of ice that separated him from the rest of the group. Luckily his treat was unharmed and still lying on the ground, almost as if it were waiting for him to pick it back up again. Things were growing hectic and that only added to Eadochas annoyance, all the roaches were skittering out of nowhere. Then in a matter of moments the wall was removed and the female had launched an attack that for the most part kept him unable to move, ice in such a way that his movement would be restricted. ”A cute attempt but if you think something like this can hold me. He chuckled to himself. You will be in for a rude awakening.”

He gave an experimental flex, strength rippling through his muscles for a moment as he gathered his immense strength. The ice was durable but he knew that even it would not be able to withstand his might, nothing could forever. H e seemed to struggle for a few moments as if the ice was his superior, unless one could see the cracks running along the expanse of the ice shards holding him in place. Slowly they would break and he would once again be free. Admittedly he was impressed by her prowess but he expected as much from the special ones of this world. Exerting his full strength, there seemed to be the sound of breaking glass throughout the dome as the ice around him shattered, his attention now upon the cake that had splattered across the ground.

He let a deep sigh escape through his lips and walked through the shattered remains of the ice that once held him. The un harmed special wingless seemed to be charging the blonde in question, who had managed to dispose of all the smoke and was now somehow the object of not only his ire. One more pathetic mite and he could get to the important one in the room, that woman who had not only caused his “cake” to be ruined but also had managed to bind him with her strange ability. Tightening his left hand into a fist, each knuckle seemed to crack. Then the strange one who seemed to do nothing ran to her aid and that lead to the spiked one choosing to go after him first.

Without giving him the time to really do anything, the female changed the scene to where it was him and her. So it seemed that she truly had a death wish and he would comply with that wish. "Now that those weakling ares out of the way, I can get to work. I'll show you what real power is." He said simply letting the muscles through his upper body tense. He was going to perform a maneuver that had wiped out many in his wake before.

Bringing his hands together, he unleashed a clap so powerful that the very ground tore in its wake.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Dragoon February 15th 2013, 8:02 pm

Drake watched keenly as the woman inside had dispersed his smoke as soon as it had been delivered. That fan would be able to keep the smoke pooling outwards even if his disks kept distributing it. She had a very strong power that he would not like to be caught off guard with. It seemed as though she had a score to settle with the physically strong metahuman though. It would be easier if he could just let them duke it out and then attack when they became weak. The enemy of my enemy is my friend... For now. All he would do now is observe. It didn't seem as if his position was revealed yet. Either that or the metahumans were too busy with each other to worry about a sniper. That would be a big mistake.

Drake took aim again as the two metahumans creating the riot and the one that saved the woman from them were removed from the dome. They would then become easy pickings. Drake stared into the face of the woman's savior through his scope and suddenly had a change of heart.

He would take a more tactful approach. Drake unloaded his explosive disc and replaced it with a net disk and a force field trap disk. He took quick aim first at the one with the mangled limbs, then set the air burst to one meter away from the man. Drake fired rapidly after setting up the disc and then quickly set the air burst on his force field trap to the same setting for the spiked man. Only a second after the man with the mangled limbs was captured in his net was a force field generated around the spiked man, capturing him as well. Drake then took his eye out of the scope and looked down at the other man, giving a small smile to try and ease any hostilities that may be present.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 45
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Genevieve Montreal February 15th 2013, 10:05 pm

Genevieve rubbed her temples as her ice dome kept being broken through. After the first shot through the apparent hero burst through the wall leaving a gaping hole. Gena rolled her eyes as she began to seal it back up and noticed that the thief's cake had been ruined. Something in her gut told her that he really wanted to eat that cake, and now that it had been destroyed he was most likely not in the best of moods. He began flexing as she could see and after exerting some force he was able to break free of her hold on him.
Gena took a couple steps back after seeing this now truly understanding how powerful this individual was. She took a preparatory stance waiting for his next move. By this time the hole in the ice dome had been completely closed and sealed off, however before it closed Gena caught a glimpse of another hero looking figure entering the fray from afar. She did not get a good look as the ice closed up too quickly, so she kept it in the back of her mind until later.
The man now stated that he would be showing her what real power is. This would in fact be interesting. These two were on the completely opposite ends of the spectrum. Gena was a powerful ice user who preferred to work at longer distances where as her opponent appeared extremely strong and would most likely need to remain at closer distances to do the bulk of his damage. Unfortunately she was instantly proved wrong as the man clapped his hands together and sent a terrifying shockwave overturning the ground rushing towards her. Genevieve narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms and stomped powerfully on the ground letting out a small shockwave of her own while simultaneously bringing up an extremely dense ice shield in front of her person. Instead of tearing up the ground she was reenforcing it by freezing it solid. Her wave of ice continued forward until it met with her opponents attack and when they collided her ice shot straight upward channeling the force of the shock up and away from her where as the barrier in front of her cracked heavily.
Her eyes darted to the left, right and up very rapidly taking in the damage that her dome had taken from this shockwave. Her gaze then moved back forward as the cracks in her dome began to repair slowly. Redirecting the force caused the pillar of ice to shatter completely into dozens of shards of ice which Gena manipulated to spin and swirl around the man seeing what damage they would do and to keep him occupied. For all this she kept in the same stance with her arms crossed across her chest and allowed the damage shield in front of her to shatter and join the swarming fray of ice shards. In keeping still she was trying to exhibit how powerful she was being able to take on so many different processes without making any major movements.
All the while an extremely large icicle began to take form above her. Once completed it was about the size of two and a half full sized sedans and coming to a deadly point at the tip. Genevieve threw her hand up to take control of the large weapon, as soon as she did, two more ice mirrors formed to her very far left and equidistant right in addition to the one already existing behind her and outside the ice dome.
She let out a small grunt as she pulled her hand down sharply and pointing at the man sending the massive spike in a spiraling crash course with him.
"You're going to have to try a little harder sweetheart."

INT: 5FS: 3
OCC: ---FLT: 2
STR: 2MAG: 0
SPD: 2POT: 0
DUR: 2SPL: 0
ABI: 8/4$$$: 3
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 74
Registration date : 2011-10-23

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Forceaus February 22nd 2013, 7:30 pm

Forcewave could hear the ice dome sealing up the hole that he had just made to escape it behind him. Now it was just the young woman who had constructed the entire thing and the bold speaking man who had brought the cake. He would soon reenter in order to make sure they don't potentially seriously hurt each other during this feud they had developed. As for now he would focus his efforts against both the two rogue metas responsible for causing this whole damn mess and the sniper who had been targeting all of them. He was discreetly looking up and down the building that he knew those shots had been coming from. After a moment of checking it out he finally saw an open window and somebody in it looking down on all of them with a rifle in tow. "There." now how to deal with him. The options were limited. Well, the options he was willing to undertake were. There were other options but none of which he was going to do.

The two rogue metas were offended by his continued persistence at interfering with their actions. The formerly four armed one spoke up in utter dismay despite the continous pain circulating through his body. "Hey, you know what. This here." he indicated the damage done to his arms by the man "This is your fault. You know that right? If you had just minded your own business this wouldn't have happened." his said angrily to Forcewave. His ally was in full agreement of what had just been said. "Somebody was trying to play the hero and just wound up getting an innocent man injured." Forcewave briefly closed his eyes and sighed before speaking up against what they just said. "Innocent? You think you're innocent? You tried to murder some people. All I did was protect them. Whether you have powers or not murder is still murder. Your own actions are the kind of thing that caused what you were protesting over." He told them defiantly. He would have probably continued but at that moment an intense vibration came rattling from behind him. Something had happened in the ice dome and it had distracted him enough to cause him to turn towards it. At that moment they both charged at him.

They came rushing towards him while he was turned away but Forcewave reacted quickly and summoned forth a burst of energy in order to push them back away from him and to the ground again. He then heard the rifle sound off again. His power stood before him ready to possibly protect him if they were aimed towards him. They were not however. Instead they were aimed towards the two rogues. The first was a net around four arms and the other some sort of force field around spiky. Four arms was too hurt at the moment to put up much effort into escaping the net but the spiked one instantly started striking at the barrier now surrounding him and after a few blows broke through it. As was trying to break out Forcewave looked directly towards the sniper and focused his power. He then precisely aimed a blast directly at the rifle itself all while having it swerve and spiral around in order to make its pattern too hard for anyone to determine. In fact it did not have any real pattern to it and even then it was moving at incredible speeds. It reached where the sniper was in no more than a second and struck at the rifle in order to destroy it.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

Post by Jordan Reynolds February 26th 2013, 8:44 pm

He found his large show of force somehow easily out done by that strange power exhibited by the blonde wingless female, and that angered him more than one could realize. She then followed with a counter attack, something that had started with a wave of ice and turned into many shards of ice cutting across his once though impenetrable hide. Blood ran down his skin, and some into his eyes, lips curling into a savage snarl as pure white teeth flashed through them for a second. His canines were sharp, as if they were meant for tearing through meat and could even rip through steel. ”That bitch will pay for damaging me like this.” He muttered fiercely, fists tightening into balls as muscles coiled underneath.

Next she formed a large attack composed of the ice, one that looked as if it were aimed to finish him off with one blow. It was large but nothing that he could not take, there was nothing that the flying brute could not stop if he put his mind to it. The attack came at it and he was already ready for it before it was half way to him. Eadochas took a defensive position, hands shooting forward as they gripped the front of the attack while trying to keep the sharp end from jabbing into his body. While he was a durable man, this attack he could tell would run him through if he let it.

The pressure behind the attack began to push the winged back a good few feet, his teeth grinding together as his muscles worked overtime to stop this gigantic attack. Even with the power that this woman had at her disposal, he still had more than her. With the attack now stopped, Eadochas lifted the large ice construct over his head in triumph.”Are you finished, or must I continue to show you how futile your efforts are?” There was something about those mirrors that seemed off to him, though whatever they are; he would destroy everything around him, even if it were just more of her constructs.

Brandishing the large icicle that was once meant to kill him, the powerful make swung it like a bat. It was aimed to both maim the blonde as well as smash through anything in the way, including any mirrors that it struck.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus) Empty Re: How we live.(Wally, Patriot, Orange and possibly Vexus)

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