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In the highest room of the tallest stadium

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In the highest room of the tallest stadium Empty In the highest room of the tallest stadium

Post by Ember_Fangs March 12th 2012, 5:58 pm

Scarletta shoved the door shut of the stadium and moulded it shut with a little teasing of her fire. It actually looked like a molten hand print on the metal even after she had taken her palm away. Her molten hot skin came in handy sometimes so it seemed. After double checking it was the last door to seal off so they didn't have to worry about any other unwelcome guests, Scarletta made her way back up stairs to the broadcasting room in the highest room of the stadium. Taiz - the man who was the reason for Scar's decision to stay - had ordered them up the stairs even though really her and Elena could have bullied him into another room. Something about another song.... Scarletta hadn't really been listening. Her power was beginning to lag slightly now even though she knew her blood was ready to produce more and take on more. Her human body couldn't take the angelic fire and so it took her a moment to mentally catch up with her new found strength in her blood which Faith had left her with. Hence the walk around their little stadium. Scarlie felt like she was trapping herself in a metal cage and the idea made her shoulder blades itch, right where her wings had once been. The urge to fly, to run, was strong even though she'd grown up around this kind of place. She longed for the Earth and the endless sky, the air under her wings as it lifted her above the cloud line. It was peaceful and utterly liberating. Scar glanced down at her rather mundane feet and pushed her blonde hair from her face with a rather loud sigh. Her feet were reliable, she'd done a lot of things and gone a lot of places with these two feet. Reliable. Safe. Sure. Faith was gone, she should get used to this grounded idea already. The dreams of flying were nice, but they were just that. Dreams.

The blonde Inferno hitched her gun further up her shoulder and jogged up the stairs back to their 'base'. She had shut off the downstairs layer after dragging the bodies of the bots outside the others had left behind. She didn't like the idea of them being like zombies, standing up in the middle of the next wave of coming attacks, and stabbing her in the back. It sent chills down her spine and so in the spare minutes she'd rounded them up and either thrown them out the window, melted them down, or dragged them outside before locking and sealing the doors shut. She'd also rounded up the left over guns and some bigger machines from the army which was trying to help. She'd told them to move out and go patrol the streets when she'd seen the General. He'd bulked at the command but he'd come round to her way of thinking when he'd seen the ominous mass of on coming bots. They'd left the group with three machine guns, two rocket launchers, air snipers and 3 lovely new antiaircraft guns from the good old days. Scar had also made sure Taiz was not about to collapse on them and had forced him to drink and eat some of the food left in the stadium.

Popping her head round the door and shutting it behind her, she looked at the other members of their little trio. Elena - the woman she had met ages ago and had coffee with, mother of Sea - and Taiz who seemed to be her side kick. She had no reason at all to dislike them but something about them made her wary. Once again she adjusted her gun strap and then wondered to the windows where she'd lined the guns up around the room. It was a perfect room - circular and completely made of glass windows which they'd opened so they could shoot easier. Scar worried carefully at her bottom lip. The glass didn't fill her with happiness but it was the best they could do.

"How you two doing? Any signs?" she queried and wondered over to her team mates. They knew they were going to be attacked soon, it was just the countdown now.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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In the highest room of the tallest stadium Empty Re: In the highest room of the tallest stadium

Post by Alpha March 14th 2012, 5:33 pm

The hordes only managed to increase, but the heroes were still the same in number. They would be overhwelemed if nothing was done about this mayham. She dissmissed Malice for now, but soon enough his help would be required. She pressed herself against the wall of the communications room, knowing this to be the most stretegic place to be. Where else to broadcast your voice than here? The swounds of explosions resounded from the other side of the wall, not leaving them much time to relax. Elena moved to take a peek out a window, catching a glimpse of women who her! An anger welled up within her that she could not fathom. No way could someone use her imagine to destroy what is hers. "Taiz, we may initiate the plan sooner than initially thought." Elena muttered, as she rubbed her arm absently, ready for the fight of her life. She handed him a small pill. "This should replenish some of your energy."

In the highest room of the tallest stadium CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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In the highest room of the tallest stadium Empty Re: In the highest room of the tallest stadium

Post by Terrance March 15th 2012, 5:07 pm

I had overestimated my abilities gravely. My little concerto had been effective, but at a cost. I had been overzealous in trying to use my powers on such large scale. Though many of the sentry bots had fallen, their internal components vibrated apart violently, my being incapacitated afterwards allowed a next wave to go unhindered. In hindsight, perhaps I should not have spread my soundwaves thin, and should have focused on a smaller area instead. That would have allowed me to keep it up longer, and taken down more of these vile machines. Ugh, robots, how dreadfully unimaginative. And ugly too. I had noticed the designs were incredibly efficient, tailored to be as deadly and mobile as possible, yet so incredily dull, so plain.
Was it so much effort to put in some aesthetic effort?

Ah, but I digress once again. Apologies. Gasping for breath and fatigued to the point of near collapse, the fire-wielding woman had helped me up. She and others had suggested we leave post-haste, but I was not done with this place yet. No, Taiz Treffalman would not allow an army of mindless machines, cold steel and technology to prevail against him. He held a notion of honor that kept him from giving up. Young Treffalman, in his weakened state, suggested that the others take him to the broadcasting room, high up in the stadium. With the incredibly sophisticated sound broadcasting tech that was installed in the building, designs he had had an influence in, he could be able to amplify his powers to a far greater scale. It was a long shot, and perhaps it wouldn't stop the sentries' relentless advance, but for now it was his only choice.

Then Elena, Treffalman's current employer, benefactor and manager, said the words. She gave him a pill that revitalized his energies, and then suggested they initiate the original plan soon. Soon, far too soon, Taiz thought, though he nodded obediently, with only a slight hint of discomfort at the plan showing in his face.
True, the broadcasting room was crucial to Elena's master-plan, but it was also necessary to fend off Necrodium's forces. Choices, choices, choices. And there Taiz had been thinking things would be easy, a nice little game to rid himself of life's boredom. Games are for children.

Having entered the broadcast room, I dusted off my suit, and set to work on the control panel. Opening up the virtual interface I had installed on my Sonic Regulator Gauntlet, I began to callibrate the sound systems, preparing them to amplify my sonic emission as much as possible. It almost didn't catch my eye that new enemies had joined the fray. Clones of my witch, Elena, flying around, a mockery of the woman they were modeled after. I had to suppress some amount of anger at this Necrodium fellow. The design of his forces was horrid, his attack was merely ruthless and had no theatrical value save for that of its savage strength, and now he was plagiarizing meta-humans? The nerve?! The fucking nerve!
Needless to say, Taiz Treffalman had now received more than enough motivation to fight, something that was rare for him.

"Time for my encore then. Wish me luck, and please do try keep those things at a distance." Taiz said to his companions, before beginning his second concert performance this day. The most famous passage from Beethoven's 9th symphony, the Ode to Joy. Taiz even incorporated the lyrics, no matter how difficult that was. Elena's pill had helped bring him back to health, even energize him further. He felt like he could do this, accomplish this great feat of musical mastery and sonic destruction. And so he began, with renewed strength and conviction, to perform once again.

"Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium!
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt."

The soundwaves that were being broadcast and amplified were meant to damage both organic tissue, especially the insides, and mechanical components. Taiz directed his attack mostly towards the sky, having aimed the sound systems up a little. Still, those unfortunate few still standing outside might have suffered some serious effects, though only lethal to the weaker humans.
Taiz seemed in a trance, standing high in the crow's nest, the composer of the battlefield, directing all of his concentration and mental power at this task.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Location : Amsterdam
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-12-19

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In the highest room of the tallest stadium Empty Re: In the highest room of the tallest stadium

Post by Ember_Fangs March 16th 2012, 4:14 am

Scarletta was not to keen on the idea of Taiz doing something on such a scale as he had last time and she worried at her lip very slightly as she watched him heave himself up, dust off and set to work. A little shake of the head and she glanced to the sky - were all men this damn stubborn? She glanced to Elena and then back outside. She hadn't missed the similarities between the two and she was growing more wary of the pair who seemed to share whispered words or secret nods. Lesson One of being a Superhero working in a team? Never trust them. Watch your back. Scar hadn't picked this team, she would have probably chosen to go with the Ranger who she had worked with previously but she wasn't as fast as she would like - not yet anyway. One day she'd unlock Faith's speed but for know she was stuck at the peak of human abilities. Either way Taiz and Elena were not her first choice. She had an odd feeling something was not all right with them. For now though, they were helping. and that was all that Scar cared about. New York had become her home and she didn't take kindly to people blowing it up. After this she was going to London. She needed a break from the Americans - seriously needed a break. She ran a hand through her hair slowly and then kicked herself into gear. The droids on the ground were not her problem at the moment, the fiery trench she had set up before sealing the doors shut was keeping them at bay for now. Robots didn't like scolding hot angelic fire so it seemed. So instead she turned her eyes to the sky.

The U.S air force were doing as best as they could though she could only see three little aircraft's now. They were seriously out numbered, no doubt about that. She wasn't going to order Elena around, it would be like poking a bear and asking for trouble, so she moved to the rocket launcher one of the U.S land troops had given them and then began to set it up. It was easy enough to do, not complex and irritating like the Russian rockets she had dealt with in the past. These rockets were meant to cause quick and easy deaths. Mass scale deaths.
"Okay, lets see how good these Americans are at killing machines," she muttered under her breath and began to line the rocket up to the centre of thee group. Squinting she made sure it was on the biggest ship in the middle - hopefully the controller unit - and then fired it, adding her own little curl of angelic fire to the bomb. The light caused from it was fantastic. The whole ship went up in a yellow mushroom shaped fire which she then compressed into a discus shape and forced outwards. There was an echoing of glass as the circular fire shot outwards, cutting through at least a 200 other air ships in the sky and damaging a further 100 bad enough they went crashing to the Earth. Scar's head was pounding at the sudden stretch of her abilities and a little bit of blood dripped onto her lip. Elements were not easy to control, it was like trying to a million wild animals at once. Scar wiped it away and moved to the next rocket launcher which was facing their other side and did the same thing. By the end of her circle of the three rocket launchers and her own fire manipulation she had wiped out a good 700 of the air ships and hopefully crushed several of those on the ground. Picking up her water she took a sip. The music was not helping in her headache but it seemed to be giving those on the ground a worse one.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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In the highest room of the tallest stadium Empty Re: In the highest room of the tallest stadium

Post by Alpha March 22nd 2012, 5:57 pm

There would be no other chance than now to do whats he had to. No other chance to perform the act of a lifetime,which Elena would perform with the utmost skill. Fire billowed in lagre clouds,but she didn't pay it any mind as she felt the very power within the earth flow into her body. Becoming the conduit of a near limitless power that is said to be able to rend the very foundation of what is called magic. In the face of this power she was insignifigcant at its scope. Elena Marie the great witch was but an insect. A burning pain coursed through her stomach as she felt herself lift ever so lightly from the floor Words flowed from her lips too low to be heard by the human ear in such a rapid procession that it would hurt if anyone could hear it.

Light radiated from her skin as she felt the pain so sublime fill her entire body. It was as if she were being filled with liquid gold that was both hot and cold. The spell was going awry? Elena couldn't stop it,even though she had all the right words to do so. No,there was no ways he could stop it. Lights rose from the sigils that were scattered along the streets and key areas of Queens. Meeting in a dome over the borugh, as light radiated from ehr like an atomic angel. There was no hope for her,yet she had to think of something. Nothing could stop her from her revenge. Though why.....did she want it? Even memory was slipping from the witch as the light grew brighter. Beyond the sounds of battle the frenzied cries of people could be heard as they escaped supposed evacuation to roam free. Free and insane.

Cracks moved over her face as she let out a peircing screech, as energy pulsed from her body. Sending otu shockwaves that only came before some sort of explosion. All feeling slipped from her as the explosion expanded with a loud bang.

In the highest room of the tallest stadium CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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In the highest room of the tallest stadium Empty Re: In the highest room of the tallest stadium

Post by Ember_Fangs April 12th 2012, 3:35 pm

Scarletta ducked when Elena broke, shattering from the inside out. Her spell shot out like a sound wave, breaking the glass in on them and covering the floor. She covered her head while the glass fell down like droplets of rain and crashed over the floor. Bits of glass cut her arm but only on the surface so there wasn't much blood. When the glass attack had finished she stood up and brushed it from her shoulders before glancing over to Elena. Her body was crumpled on the floor and Scar was pretty sure she was dead. Glancing to make sure everything outside was dead and gone, Scar trod the ground slowly to where Elena lay, checking her pulse.


"Sleep well," Scar dropped the woman's wrist slowly and crossed it over her stomach. She was dead. It was a shame that she had gone in such away after all she had done for them, basically winning the the battle. She wasn't sure what else to say to the woman she had hardly known but she hoped Sean would be okay. Glancing up to Taiz she stood up and then wondered over to him, checking him over for any damage.

"Come on, lets get out of here," she muttered, leading him down the stairs and out of the stadium. It was then that she saw the air elemental creeping towards the centre of Queens. Pursing her lips together very slowly she thought about what exactly a rare element would be doing here. "I'm going to have to.." she motioned to the cloud with an apologetic smile. "Get those cuts looked at!" she shouted over her shoulder as she began her run towards the angry air abomination.

[[End of Topic]]

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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