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Eagle Empty Eagle

Post by Eagle February 20th 2012, 2:11 pm

Real Name: Arthur Slate
Hero Name: Eagle
Title: The rat, bird guy, stranger and punk.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark blue
Height: 5.8ft
Weight: 140Lbs

Costume Description: Arthur Slate’s costume in the persona of the Eagle wears a dark blue shirt that covers the base of the neck before leading down to the waist and covering the arms. Over the top of the shirt Arthur wears a long overcoat that falls to knee height, it has a black dye tone slightly darker than the shirt, but upon the back is a thin white emblem of an eagle with it’s wings spread out splashed across the back, upon his waist the Eagle wears a utility belt that he uses to store more subtle devices that Slate would use in combat. Upon his legs he wears black trousers slightly loose so not to obscure or make movement difficult, upon his face to mask his identity the Eagle wears a domino mask to obscure his features and make him much more harder to recognise.

Personality: The Eagle has two different personalities for each of his persona’s, Arthur Slate is his outside persona from which everyone usually associates him with. Arthur Slate is a man that’s slightly shy around large crowds, his attitude is one that fears things to change, for instance on the subject of organised crime from which he has lived so much of his life battling has given this persona disdain for the organisation but a conviction that it could never be stopped no matter what it does, along with scepticism about heroes or vigilantes, although one that would discover his identity would find this hypocritical to say the least, he only uses this character in public to divert attention away from himself. Although possessing a vast arsenal of weaponry and martial skills in his public persona he will only block the most vital of blows but allow the opposition to always gain the upper hand with little resistance, this way from any observer that might be observing from the distance will not be able to link the connection between the two.

The Eagle on the other hand is an utterly different side to the personality of this man, this is where his true self displays it’s self against the criminals of the world, as a result of his history the Eagle is utterly relentless in his pursuit of criminals. Taking out any form of crimes that may be committed from drug rackets to taking on meta human super villains. Eagle usually gives the most pettiest of criminals a chance to turn tail and run but anyone committing more severe crimes or guilty or previous ones he rarely gives them the opportunity to speak out until they are locked in cuffs. In his style of taking down criminals the Eagle prefers the much more subtle method of using gadgets and surprise to startle or incapacitate their enemies. Eagle has only one rule however, he is not bound by the law or other peoples opinions but the one rule he will not cross is cold blooded murder under any circumstances.

History: Born on 14th January 2005 in England, Nottingham, Arthur Slate was born into a moderately wealthy family, his father named Roy Slate was a designer and inventor for a military hardware company, it’s primary function is constantly pushing out more cutting edge and superior technology for the military in America however, his father was very highly regarded as an employee hence the humble wage he was on. Arthur’s mother however, was an architect unfortunately her life would end at childbirth due to unforeseen implications during the birth which resulted in her death moments after the birth of her son. Arthur grew up as an only child who didn’t get along well with his father, although he would never address it Roy Slate would always have a segment within his heart for his wife which contributed to his dislike for his son as a part of him blamed the offspring Arthur Slate for the tragic death of his wife, in turn Arthur would sense this unreasonable animosity from Roy, to add more tension between the two his father would eventually lose his job after squandering opportunities or having plans of his own manufacturing stolen by rival employees looking for the commission, Arthur on the other hand would lead his life in a more tragic pursuit of recognition taking to the streets or giving into the influence of the local delinquents.

Roy Slate after suffering from the depression of losing his beloved wife to constantly being at odds with his son as well as losing the only job that he had ever liked, or has any desire to fulfil he turned towards outlets such as alcohol, smoking along with drugs, anything to help him escape the dreadful reality that he had fallen into, with this he became increasingly more and more abusive towards his son, this brought their relationship to breaking point to Arthur Slate at the age of sixteen who had developed interest into joining the police, it was especially infuriating to the young mind as his father began to steal property in order to pay for these vices that he had fallen into. Arthur reluctant to have anything to do with his father still persevered attempting to help him straighten his misbegotten life, instead for the next two years in their relationship he was met with nothing but disregard or even violence at times as he fully supported his family by working at a full time job as a life guard.

After two years after reaching eighteen years of age, the young Arthur finally achieved his dream of becoming a police officer it was here that he finally moved away from his father along with the negative baggage that he brought to his life. Arthur would felt this positive boost in his life that was extremely needed, he joined the force to make a difference in someone’s life, in order to help them along with protecting them but deep down it was also as harbouring of psychological help from his background a lifetime or being abused or treated with increasingly violent behaviour would leave their scars on anyone, it changed his standard of living into a much better state, as well as changing his personality from one being depressed or frightened into one more of an extrovert letting his voice be heard, able to speak up more confidently about himself and those around them. Arthur however, as he climbed the ladder of ranks through the offices would find himself covered with red tape unable to do anything at times, during investigations he was unable to perform certain acts that would of put his targets behind bars for instance. Frustration at the system and sheer revolution for the revolving doors on prisons along with the corruption of those at higher rank, Arthur after long consideration would finally quit the force. Deep down inside though he still had the same burning desire to right the wrongs in the world, to bring criminals and lawbreakers that did so much damage to everyone’s lives to justice, just this time without administrators or colleagues barring his way.

Arthur without the consent or even notice of his father would reopen the research that Roy had been working on, it was new weaponry that was slightly dated at this point but could easily be brought up to the cutting edge standard with modifications. Learning more and more about the hardware he would use going over in more depth with the strategies that he had picked up on the force along with training his body in more forms of martial combat, Arthur was preparing himself for the life of a vigilante in his crusade against crime. At the age of twenty two Arthur left the United Kingdom in order to pick up more experience in America, he found work as a security guard or bouncer for local bars and clubs often picking up useful intelligence on various targets for future investigations, it was only over the course of that one year that Arthur deemed himself ready at the age of twenty three to begin his crime fighting career, adopting the mantle of ‘Eagle’ he set out into the streets ready to dispense his own brand of justice to those that considered themselves above the law.

Powers: The Eagle has no manifestations of meta abilities physically, instead he has been blessed with a high level of intelligence and natural fighting ability.

Power Grid:
STR: 3
SPD: 3
END: 4 (3 Without coat on)
INT: 6
EP: 0
FS: 6

Power Grid colours: Dark blue background, white bars.

Character Image/Description: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Roleplay Sample: ‘drip, drip, drip’ the sound of rain tapping down upon the city in it’s never ending barrage as the night sky wept shedding it’s tears for all to suffer, to anyone that looked up upon the raging storm would survey the gigantic rolling fields of grey clouds that swarmed together clashing against each other as though a war in the heavens was raging, the sound of the clouds rumbled with the ever raising pitch of thunder along with the steady flashes of lightning in combination of the terrible weather. The smell of wet garbage lifted through the city streets as the sewers were close to overflowing with the residue of water that was being poured upon them, it’s intoxicating stench had made many of the inhabitants dread the next day as the stench would likely still be carried within the air the next day. Emerging from the midst of the raging storm the pale light of the moon although heavily shrouded with the mist of clouds it’s elegant shimmering light would submerge the dark depths of the world in a small radiant of it’s silver glow. Many of the inhabitants of the city had taken to slumber or at least find shelter within their homes, the ones fortunate to find themselves with a place to stay at least, to anyone that surveyed the streets on first glance they would only find the drenched roads or steadily building water levels however, in the parts of the streets that many of the public keep a wide distance from business was being conducted despite the conditions. Business for these gentleman was simply petty crime, it was fencing their stolen goods in a small clearing in the slums of the city adverted from the public eye an old lorry where the stolen goods were being stored was parked with it’s mouth wide open accepting it’s greed one by one.

“Hey man, sure you weren’t followed?” One of the thieves asked as he began to display the stolen property, it was an old jewellery box which one would imagine would be worn by a rather wealthy member of society, “of course I’m not some green idiot, now hand it over if you want the money.” Outside of the truck was a group of eight individuals either fencing their goods or some higher members of the illegal community looking out for raw meat to begin indoctrinating the most talented and coheres them into working for their side of gangs. None of the figures below however, were even remotely aware of the looming figure above them sitting upon the taller buildings cloaked in thick shadow, his footsteps masked by the cacophony of noise that shattered the night air, water slowly tricked down his black overcoat that fell towards the knees the black shirt underneath was almost soaked through by the water and his black hair that was once spiked upwards would instead be flattened by the on pour of rain. Over the face it’s outline just visible over the shroud of shadows was a domino mask that obscured the features of anyone that was to meet the man head on, as the thunderstruck the night momentarily obliterating the shadowy outline the emblem of an eagle with wings spread wide apart in a finely carved white outlining on the back of the overcoat. “Witless idiots, if they think a little rain is going to get rid of me then their dead wrong,” Eagle muttered to himself as his keen gaze swoops along from the shadows watching the exchange of merchandise waiting for the right moment to strike.

Some big timers here, if I can take them out quickly they shouldn’t pose me a problem, also if their bosses decide to bail them out it’ll push them more into the open, I best get to work before they leave. Eagle pondered to himself as he crouched on the ledge of the building like a bird of prey, the rain causing a constant thud on his clothing as it slid off in waves. Soon as the community gathered into one group to discuss their next heist or potential ideas for the future, along with the fencer mingling with the criminals sniffing out any left over goods that they may have, the Eagle drew out an own design of his it was a smoke bomb but with a much larger casket than usual expelling even more smoke then usual at quicker rates, it wouldn’t last long in the open but combined with the darkness Eagle reasoned that it would give him enough time. Eagle held the bomb within his hand that fitted smoothly within his palm, the vigilante threw the canister directly into the centre of the crowd immediately releasing the smoke as the shell hit the concrete with a loud clatter that ripped through the shattering of rain, the thugs began to choke along with those covering their eyes as the dense fog of smoke flew into their eyes or other senses. Not wasting anytime the Eagle launched himself from the rooftop before swooping down into the crowd that were blustering within the smoke, it was standard process as the Eagle slinked behind them one by one before striking them from the shadows, most of them would drop in the fist punch but those more stubborn would need an extra swift kick to the face to finish them off, it was not long before the only two left were the more veteran of the thugs as the fence and common criminals were already laid out onto the ground.

As the smoke cleared and the two regained their senses, they gazed open mouthed in shocked amazement at the individual that had taken apart their operation so quickly, the older one out of the two with more experience in these matters immediately drew his pistol it was a colt model rather out of date and was likely an antique that one of the fellow criminals had managed to smuggle for sheer value. Before the hammer was thumbed down in order to begin shooting the weapon, Eagle sweep his hand forward before tightening his fingers around wrist of the mobster like a noose tightening around the throat at the gallows, it was not long before the Eagle quickly stepped into the criminal after forcing the wrist downwards to make the gun insufficient before shoulder barging the man onto the ground dropping the pistol in the process, the other remaining thug finally cottoning onto the action swung a rather well aimed punch towards Eagle aiming for the back of the head and disrupt the medulla oblongata making his opponent into a mere vegetable it was cheap tactic but effective if it landed. Eagle was able to raise his right arm popping his hips alongside with the technique and slam the arm upwards into the air with a jolting movement with the forearm, this left a wide opening to the chest and face of the opponent before the Eagle slammed his knee into the directly into the ribcage feeling shattering bones from the pulverising blow, the shattered ribcage was not lethal but the man would likely be in pain for a very long while. Whimpering like a small child the man fell towards the ground cradling his wound, in the mean time the older of the two opponents made a lurch for the gun but his hopes were quickly dashed as the masked man knocked aside the gun, the colt rolled away into the gloomy darkness far out of reach. “What do you want!” The helpless thug yelled looking up at the Eagle with uncontrollable terror at the threat of death or prison, “I just want you to start talking.” Eagle growled as he loomed over his prey over powering him with his sheer dominating presence, the only reply to this statement for now was a whimper of fight.

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Registration date : 2012-02-18

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Eagle Empty Re: Eagle

Post by Archer Roland February 21st 2012, 12:54 pm

Seems fine to me. Approved.

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Archer Roland
Archer Roland
Post Adept
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Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-04-12

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