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Victoria Westerly

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Victoria Westerly Empty Victoria Westerly

Post by Victory November 6th 2011, 11:59 pm

I’m trying to make a power armoured hero, as I’ve had this concept bouncing around my head for ages. I wasn’t entirely sure how to make a suit-based hero though, as most of her stats will be different when she’s out of her armour. If I’ve screwed up egregiously, please let me know how to fix it.

Real Name: Victoria Westerly
Super Hero Name: Victory
Title: None
Alignment: Good
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: American
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5’11” (while in armour)
Weight: 60kg

Costume Description/Image: Victoria’s costume is her suit of powered armour, the Mk III. The heavy suit is made from segmented armour plates over a mechanical exoskeleton. The MkIII is painted in a simple white scheme and trimmed with yellow down the shoulder and arm guards.

The armour is built for function rather than form, and so it is impossible to tell Victoria’s gender while she is fully armoured. It also incorporates a helmet that turns the suit into a sealed environment when word, including a basic filtration system that provides some protection against gasses, etc.


Personality: Victoria is a driven young woman, which is the polite way of saying stubborn, blunt and often too eager to go looking for a fight. As a result of her accident, she’s always felt like she has something to prove, even to people who already know her. Though she presents a caustic, snarky shell, Victoria is actually reasonably easy to get along with once she decides to let you in.

History: Victoria has always been a gifted woman, fiercely intelligent and determined to make her mark on the world. Having the good fortune to be born to parents both loving and wealthy enough to indulge her passion for knowledge, she always went to the best schools, had the best teachers and used the best technology. She never had many friends growing up, you were more likely to find Victoria with her nose in a book than out with other people her age.

Blitzing through her education, Victoria found a passion for engineering; first electronics, then cars, then robotics, anything you could solder, weld or machine in a workshop became the target of her voracious mind.

The true catalyst for Victoria’s focus came in the form of a car accident in her third year of college, a relatively innocent thing, as far as origins go. She stepped out onto the road and was hit by a driver speeding to catch the changing lights. Her legs were shattered beyond repair; both had to be amputated above the knee.

As soon as she was well enough to get out of a hospital bed and into a wheelchair, Victoria went straight back to college, determined to not be stopped or even slowed down. Finishing her degree and graduating with honours, she was almost immediately snapped up by technology research company Dyson Industries.

Now with the equipment and resources she needed, Victoria set about regaining what the accident had stolen from her. Within a year, her first prototype was ready; a pair of highly advanced robotic prostheses, linked to her own nervous system. Presenting the prototypes to her employers, and inspired by stories of superhumans, Victoria obtained the grant money she needed to take her designs to the next level.

The Mk II was her first attempt at an exo-armour design, intended for mass military production but eventually proving to be untenable due to cost and materials. Taking the lessons learned from the Mk II, Victoria began work on the Mk III on her own time and on her own dollar. The finished product would exceed her wildest expectations, and she was determined to put it to good use...

Powers: Victoria possesses no powers in and of herself, instead relying on her suit of powered armour. The Mk III boosts her physical abilities to formidable levels, allowing her to move faster, hit harder and jump further, giving her superhuman-equivalent physical abilities.

Power Grid:
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Character Image/Description: Apart from missing her legs just above the knee, Victoria looks pretty average. Of normal height and slender build, she tries to stay in shape as much as she can, given the limitations of her disability and keeps her body toned. Her dark hair is worn almost boyishly short to keep it out of the way while in the workshop, and she wears thin-framed glasses when not piloting the Mk III.

Roleplay Sample:

Victoria pushed her chair toward the centre of the robotics workshop, buzzing inwardly with anticipation. She’d been waiting years for this chance, and everything since the accident had been leading up to this moment. Sitting on the specially lowered work surface were her prototypes, a pair of disembodied legs that looked faintly ridiculous alone on the benchtop.

She drew herself to a halt just inside arms reach of the prototypes and studied them critically. They were cruder than she’d wanted, all exposed mechanisms and wiring, but good enough for a first attempt.

Drawing in a sharp breath, Victoria picked the first leg off the bench and weighed it in her hands. It represented the culmination of all her efforts to date; she wasn’t sure what she’d do if it didn’t work. All the basic tests so far had been positive, but this close to the end she was getting jittery and paranoid.

She dropped her gaze to the stumps of her own legs where they emerged from the running shorts she’d bought specially for the occasion. Usually she kept them covered, she didn’t like being reminded.

“Come on, Vicky,” she told herself. “Let’s get this over with.”

Victoria lined up the socket of the robotic left leg with its flesh and blood counterpart, the inside lined with thousands of nearly microscopic needles. Gritting her teeth, she connected the two. The pain was brief, but just as intense as the test subjects had mentioned. Tears welling in her eyes, and not entirely from the pain, she attached the right leg.

Once she’d caught her breath, Victoria looked down at her blocky new feet and focussed. She nearly fell out of her chair with shock as she first managed to twitch, then move, her feet. Gripping the sides of the wheelchair, she raised herself up onto her feet.

Swaying drunkenly and with tears running down her face, Victoria took her first step in four years. Then another. And another. She jumped awkwardly, nearly falling over in the process, and laughed and she steadied herself. Looking over at the wheelchair, she grinned fiercely.

“Yeah. I can walk.”

So, a bit of Iron Man inspiration and a cheeky reference, but I hope she's distinct enough for a passing grade. Have at it.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2011-11-06

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Victoria Westerly Empty Re: Victoria Westerly

Post by Super Cutie November 7th 2011, 12:44 am



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Super Cutie
Super Cutie
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : idk.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 920
Location : yes
Age : 32
Job : yes
Humor : yes
Registration date : 2011-02-18

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