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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Alpha October 11th 2011, 12:10 am

On a highly peeked building stood a single girl, orange red hair blowing in the New York night breeze. Eyes like a polished emerald looked down upon the concrete jungle. As she smirked lightly, the target in sight. Moonlight played off her milk white skin, as if it were a gossamer silk. Black painted lips stretched into a pleased smile, as the small white rabbit like purse at her side moved ever so lightly. Button eyes blinking to life, as they looked up at the young girl, who was only in appearence of the age 16."I've waited for this oppurtunity, and now the time has come." She spoke like a prayer almost, hushed to the point of reverence.

"What're you planning?" The small bag asked, the strap that acted as handle forming back into his body. As it turned its rabbit like ears into dragonfly wings. Buzzing around her head, as she simply ignored it. Though her body did flinch as it spoke. Her legs were for the most part chilled, considering the only thing that covered them were fishnet stockings, and a frayed short skirt. Though Elena found it fashionable, and that was all that mattered.

"I plan to take back what was mine, and to take down a few enemies." She stated simply, as she gave a look to the creature. With a sigh, it turned into fairy like wings, as it attached itself to her back. Lifitng her from the rooftop with an insane ease, as it hovered forward. Before slowly lowering her down, into an allway bathed in darkness below. A humm going into her ears, in a melidous way that soothed the soul. Light music began to fill the pumpkin headphones on her head, a transmission from a local music station. Elena enjoyed modern music, especially rock. It had a sort of magic sense to it, and that went with her .Considering she was of magic origins, and the such.

The tied orange boots made contact with concrete, as she touched down, familar turning into a backpack. As she walked out of an allway,into the territory of the clan of witches known as The Thiels. Though she had no relation, they considered her a traitor of the ways. A scum that deserved nothing less than the flames, as if they could. No, she was too strong for that. Still, she had to give them credit for holding a person in thrall enough to convince him to kill her. Then he actually succeded in doing so against someone like her, which was a pleasent suprise. Still, that never kept her down, as long as men were stupid, and people made mistakes. The witches of the world would come to regret having triying to kill her, with a debt of their lives.

People payed her little mind, and that was good, considering she wanted to avoid attention, especially in her covens domain. They had trackers who could track her magic essence, and that mant they would be here soon. A few redheaded indivuduals were already upon her,and that was not good. Sighing, Elena stepped of into an allway, followed by the people. She would quietly take care of them, and be back on the hunt for her book.

"What do you want young ones?" She asked in the sprite like voice

"We want your blood, kin betrayer." The youngest looking one with zeal said.

Elena tutted, as she turned to them. Face belying the danger that was within."My kinsmen are dead." She stated simply, as the witches prepared to cast the spells. Fire that would devour her flesh whole, with a roar of red.

Last edited by Elena Marie on February 25th 2012, 4:35 pm; edited 2 times in total

Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Guest October 11th 2011, 1:05 am

Sachin sat in Central Park. The young artist sketched casually in his book, and occasionally would write something in the margin. The young man, the comic book writer, was about to have an advantage of his short life. On this day, he wore a black shirt showing a flatline, with the caption "Sorry, but you bored me to death." and blue jeans. His hair was messy, as though he rolled out of bed without bothering to comb it, which was what had happened, incidentally. His dark brown eyes looked up from his notebook, and saw an attractive sixteen year old girl walking along.

A sudden discussion on the ethics of statutory rape went through his head for a few seconds, then politely interrupted by that annoying voice of logic, which pointed out he had no real chance. He was turning his attention back to his notebook...

When her rabbit purse started flying around her ears.

Sachin logically concluded he had somehow managed to get high, which angered him since he didn't take drugs, and angered him even more because he did not remember getting high and he expected it would be better. The other voices in his head then told logic to shut up, since this was not a logical situation.

OK, magic. He could deal with that. As a comic book writer and gaming nerd, he could stretch his imagination to believe in magic. Or perhaps just very high tech technology. After all, he was the guy who could heal himself from most wounds, which seemed to be a kind of magic in itself, though he classified it as 'useless useful super skill'.

He decided to take a risk, and stood up to follow her and ask some questions, potentially.

He slowly followed her, and as he was moving, he saw her walk into an alley, followed by some redheaded women. Sachin blinked. He had missed them, having been so focused on the girl.

Young ones. The girl had said 'young ones', though she didn't seem a day over sixteen. This was certainly interesting.

The next words chilled his blood. He unwisely followed into the alleyway, and saw some fire blazing. He replied with instinct.

"HOLY SHIT!" he shouted loudly, revealing his position.

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Alpha October 11th 2011, 5:01 pm

The spell itself was a simple fireball spell, so all she needed to do was dodge it. Which with her new found flight, would prove fairly easy. This was but an annoyance, and she could rectify it easily. It would take more than these amatuer witches to take down a master like her. With a smirk she readied to leap up intot he air, wings supporting her to flight. As she did, the sound of a young mans voice caught her attention over the roar of the flames. What was he doing here? With a sigh, she felt the heat rush under her feet, only barely missing the soles of her shoes. Though whoever that was had sealed their fate to be a target of the clan."Who the hell is that?" Elena wondered as her eyes caught sight of the strange boy who had wondered up onto this scene.

Whoever that was, he was either really brave, or really stupid. Though she was unsure which to peg him as, so it was left to further evidence."Do you think he will make it?" the pair of wings on her back seemed to ask, as she shrugged. It was an unknown answer. Though she mind as well held the young man out, since he bothered to barge in on her sake anyway. Granted it was just an assumption on her part, and could be completely wrong. He could be a hero,and perceptions were easily warped. With all the speed possible she moved to land behind the witches with as much stealth as possible for her, which was suprisingly easy.

The youngest of the group turned to face the young man. Her green eyes filled with both intrigue, and rage. Her lips curled into a snarl, as the flames leapt from her hands, out in a torrent at him. Followed by the others, though they fell short from a sharp crack on the back of their head. Elena looking over their unconcious forms with an amused grin, though she couldn't stop the first torrent. Though maybe he had enough skill to dodge, or he would die. There was no sugargoating that fact, and honestly she felt no reason to worry. Though she decided to take care of the females at her feet. Digging into their pockets, pulling out a small, yellowed scroll. Its paper starting to fray, but she could see the letters clean, and new through it. This was the final proof that she was being targeted by them. Thought hat only made things more interesting in the end. One step closer to her goal, and no one could stand in her way. Though incase she had to, Elena decided to keep up pretenses."Hey watch out!" She called out with her hands amplifying her voice.

He may prove a useful resouce in whatever she ahd planned, if he could do anything that is. If not, just another body in her wake. Not as if she had any of those anyway. Those who didn't prove themseves, would be disposed of, and that was that. In the distance, golden eyes looked upon the scene, as an ancient hunger was rising.

Last edited by Elena Marie on November 12th 2011, 12:12 am; edited 1 time in total

Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Guest October 11th 2011, 8:57 pm

Then the people there started to float in the air, and fire at him.

The sixteen year old girl who Sachin very much began to doubt was actually a sixteen year old girl, managed to knock out the superhumans, witches, sorcerers, aliens, demons, angels or whatever the fuck they were. The point is that she knocked out the three of the females trying to kill Sachin.

The flame torrent was flying straight at him. Sachin immediately jumped out of the way, and yelled out in panic. "Damn!" Sachin slowly started getting back off the ground, as he had jumped to the side and on the floor after the blast went over his head.

This would make for a fascinating comic book, but the thing with books is that the writers never expect to be the characters. So while Sachin could appreciate a normal boy being pulled into a supernatural occurrence and meeting an attractive female supernatural being, he could appreciate it in theory. In practice, it tended to be an excellent way to get you killed. Real life, in his experience, did not work like an anime. No, it worked like real life, and you could expect a lot of reality to ensue.

Yes, you can expect reality ensuing in real life. How amazing.

Sachin looked up, and saw the girl pickpocketing the other witches. So a kleptomaniac teenage witch girl with a transforming purse. Sachin wished he had watched more anime.

He thanked his parents for forcing him into some of the school plays, and used some of his limited acting experience to not piss his pants and not scream in fear and run off saying "MOMMY!" That is very much not to say he did not have that feeling.

Instead, he kept a calm appearance, and walked over to her. "What the hell was that?" he asked.

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Alpha October 11th 2011, 9:19 pm

Her eyes moved to Sachin, with a friendly smile on her lips. As she stood, pocketing the letter, and approaching him slowly. Emerald orbs narrowing upon the young indian man, who she thought had a sort of nerdy cute. Her hands smoothly went down her curves, following each slowly."Glad to see you're okay, I thought they would kill you." She said with mock worry. Lips turning into a false, yet convincing frown for a second. As she heard his question, quickly thinking up a good enough lie, and added the acting which was in her opinion perfect,internaly smiling.

" Sorry, that was just familty affairs. Though I supose that won't sufice considering they tried to kill you. Sorry, but i'm not comfortable enough to give you my full name,but you can call me Sophia. Its a pleasure to meet you. Those were, well witches to be blunt. They want me dead, because I am the heir to my coven,and theirs has been at war with mine for decades. Even the move to the great New York had not done anything to distance the blood feuds." She said witht he right amount of emotion, enough to sound convincing, but not overdoing it. The large black start sticker on her cheek glimmering in the light of a streetlamp."They had stolen somethign precious of mine,and I want it back. It's what a young witch needs to have a fufilling, and productive life." She paused, with actual grief. That book was her everything, almost as important as her son.

'Without it my family will disown me." Her eyes watered, mostly due to the fact that her real parents did, and that got them killed. The foolish bastards. Though she still could feel the wounds of such shock even now, as her eyes pleaded witht he young man to help her. Hopefully he could, and she would not be forced to use drastice measures to force him to. Elena had seen somethign similar to this on an anime her son loved to watch. Though changed it around to suit her purpose, which was working fantastically.

As the dark presence lurked, watching the two. As a pleased hiss crept from between its lips.

Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Guest October 12th 2011, 12:32 am

Brain pointed out the fact that whatever this young witch wanted to do, it would be extremely dangerous, and chances of dying were extremely likely. Brain further supported it's case by noting the fact he had no case to actually support her, and she could be lying. Hormones furiously responded, by saying that they need to help this Sophia girl, that she was hot, that she obviously seemed to be telling the truth, that she was hot, that they should work with her and see how this ended up, and they could make a decision afterward.

Did we mention Hormones thought she was hot?

In any case, Hormones was given a standing ovation, and something did stand to attention. Sachin nodded at her, smiling. "I'd be glad to help." he said politely. Brain sighed, saying You will regret this decision, just you wait.

Lol noob, u should be quiet. Bsides, DAT ASS. Hormones replied.

Sometimes I wonder how we share the same body. Then I remember we are artificial representations of the abstract concepts of thought and lust, respectively. Brain replied.

Lol noob.

Sachin was oblivious to this mental conflict in his head, and looked at her. He looked at specific parts of her, but that was just what most did. "So how can I help you?" he asked, still polite and not showing any traits of pervertedness. Unless she looked at his crotch, but he would just hope she did not.

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Alpha October 13th 2011, 10:18 pm

Her ears perked up, as she heard him reply positivly. Elena internally smirked, as she now had this boy who would so easily be controlled. Especially by a small fact she tried not to pay too much attention to. Her emerald eyes looked over the guy, sizing up whathe would be to her, as the fake frown turned into a smile. Most of the truth would suffice, as long as she played her cards right. So with careful, well thought words she spoke." The most imporatant item in a witches life is their book of shadows. Though I seem to have had mine stolen by a coven who wants to take the knowledge of my family for things I don't dare to utter." Keeping her voice well modulated, as she felt the winged backpack flutter.

"I know where to find them, but alone I cannot break through to get the book. Would you mind helping me? I'm sure I can make it worth your while." She added with flirtacious undertone, knowing that he would be easier to use this way. He was a boy, and boys were a slave tot he desires of their bodies. Somethign that Elena had learned to be an easy way to use men, and never failed on that. With an audible sigh, she looked down upon the witches, her former kinsmen. If only they had joined her instead of having their pointless grudge.

"Now if you want, we can go now. I don't want to be here when the cops arrive." She added, taking off, hovering in one direction. Motioning for Sachin to follow her. To an older part of New York, where the coven would reside. Deeper into enemy territory.

Last edited by Elena Marie on October 13th 2011, 10:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Guest October 13th 2011, 10:31 pm

Sachin nodded, following her. "Exactly how do you need my help?" he asked, keeping up. He felt he'd be a drag, though his healing ability could help him. He felt it best to mention this. "I can heal people, and I'm pretty good at it- I can even regenerate limbs." he told her. His attitude was like that of the Trix Rabbit finally seeing the yogurt in his sight, or a male who had heard of the species 'female' but never expected one to possibly take an interest in him.

He glanced backwards at the unconscious witches, and then went back to keeping up pace with Elena. He felt themselves going into a deeper part of New York, an older part, the part that the tour guides did not like showing the general public. "You, err, sure this is the right place?" he asked, not wanting to show fear but some slipping out anyway. The Trix Rabbit had suddenly seen explosives all around the yogurt.

But, like the Trix Rabbit, Sachin would continue till he finally got the damn yogurt.

Or till he got scared and ran off.

Or till he died. But Sachin had no wish to go to his next life just yet. The more spiritual reason was that he wished to help people as much as possible in his current life, and dying was not the proper way for that.

The other reason was that death scared him and made him want to piss his pants.

The final reason was all the bad karma he had. He'd probably reincarnate as a castrated chimpanzee.

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Alpha October 14th 2011, 5:20 pm

He mentioned his ability to heal people which was an interesting power indeed. With an approving nod, Elena turned to him."My clan would welcome you. We have so few healers these days, and everyone is driven mad. Though thats a tale for another time." She dissmissed, as she turned the corner. Slowly entering an upperclass neighborhood. The houses were beautiful, and they gave her nostalgia. With a heavy sigh, Elena looked over the area. Which didn't ahve any red headed interlopers nearby. So she felt safe enough, to begin her plan. Sharp mind working through every possibility that could happen. The front yard of the compound was a long green yard, and she knew the security was of a magical nature. So magic could counter it, and since most of the inhabitants were not around, she would have an easy time.

With a sigh, she pulled out a small scroll, making sure no one was around. A small, whitish cloud of breath fell upon the scroll. Slowly the runes came to life, and Elena began to chant into it. "Anextlomara Dia na cosanta, iarr mé go dtugann tú dom Elena Marie ádh ar an iarracht seo. Leis na runes ársa na cumhachta, glaoch mé leat chun deireadh a gcuid slándála. De réir an fhuil ársa an Thiels glaoch mé an mhargadh, agus ag bannaí ársa éileamh mé freagra." The words let out a small red mist that quickly made a sweep over the yard, as the wards fell away. Even the mechanical defenses went down, as she smiled. Gate swinging wide open, as she motioned for Sachin to follow through. "Come on, we have much to do. Times wasting, and we won't have this opportunity for long." Briskly she walked ahead, expecting him to follow.

Last edited by Elena Marie on October 14th 2011, 8:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Guest October 14th 2011, 6:34 pm

In Sachin's head, a sudden pop song showdown commenced in "How Could This Happen to Me" by Simple Plan, "If I Die Young" by the Band Perry and for some bizarre reason, "I Am the Walrus" by the Beatles.

The general gist was that he saw a chance of dying. The metaphorical Trix Rabbit now also saw snarling bears in the gaps between the explosives leading to the yogurt.

He also heard "Most of them get driven mad." Most healers were driven mad. How? Why? Now he was a rare artifact for these witches? Oh good God.

Brain: I told you this was a bad idea.

Hormones composed an amazing reply, and overruled Brain's concerns. DAT ASS.

In other words, Sachin hesitated for a moment, and then nodded. "Of course." he said, following after her. "We need to recover the book for you. What does it do, anyway?" he asked, curiosity in his voice, though he had heard the statement "Curiosity killed the cat" before. In this case, Sachin was the cat. Which was a pity, since he rather liked cats better than dogs. He was hoping his nine lives would help him out on this one.

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Alpha October 14th 2011, 9:51 pm

"The book is a repository of all the knowledge i've collected since I was ten. That is years of information that I do not want to be lost, or used against me." She explained, as her feet crunched the crisp grass. balls of fire should've burnt them, and needles peirced them. Though she had taken care of that, and made everything much easier. Hips swaying with each step in a calm fashion, as she walked onward. Knowing the boy, controlled by his body as he was, would follow. The front door was a large structure of rowan wood, to ward away evil. Though she was not evil, and thus would be unaffected by it. Long sharp nail dragging down the wood, as she moved to open the door.

Leading to a large hallway, with a large staircase that would open up to the second floor. Halls branching out to the enormous structure. Candled chandalliers hung from the ceiling, giving an ominous feeling aboutt he house, and she didn't like it one bit. It had been yearss ince she was last here, till she stole the knoledge of binding. As well as their madness magic that was so guarded, yet Elena got to it easy. By using an impressionable young man who wanted her. Though the Hales were always her favorite,a nd their heir went well with her son. Elena sighed content at the old memory which was like a plesent breeze through her mind. Maybe she would visit them someday, proclaim her return, which would be followed with spiced ciders, and the such."Follow me." She motioned, as the sound of footsteps could be here. It had an odd familarity about them.

Around the corner came a man in billowing black robes. His hair, silver, was tied into a ponytail."Ah, the Thiels girl. Its been years since we last met, and you have changed alot. I am afraid you are intruding on my property." He tutted, shaking his head."I cannot allow that, so unfortunatly, I have to deal with you. What a shame really, but thats the world." With a wave of his hand, skeletons appeared in the air .They clamered towards the two. Limb rattling as they carried rusty axes, Elena cursed. With a quick motion,s he grabbed for Sachins wrist. Urging him to follow her down a long corridor, as the enemies came closer.


Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Guest October 14th 2011, 10:18 pm

Sachin followed, and pulled out his gun. He had poor aim, but fired three shots at the man before running after Sophia. He also was seeing the skeletons, and was terrified. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap." he said softly under his breath, not putting on a brave face anymore. Instead, he had swapped to "Oh shit, why did I come here?" which was considerably more accurate as to his feelings. Brain was laughing hysterically.

The skeletons came closer, and Sachin fired another shot back at them. When he sat down, he'd freak out further, but at the moment he was going on pure instinct. He was being held on by Sophia, but he was running as fast as he could as well. "This is what you do every day?" he asked, trying for some sarcasm. When you got down to it, this could make a good TV show or comic book (His fingers twitched to draw this) but that's where it belonged. It belonged in fiction, and not in real life. In real life, it was way scarier than fiction.

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Post by Alpha October 14th 2011, 10:31 pm

She could almost feel the fear in the boy, and it was not an unusual sensation."If by this you mean being attacked by a necromancer, no I don't do this everyday. I wasn't even expecting him to be home. Thantos is not someoen we want to mess with." He let off a few shots, but they hit skeletons instead of the man. This was nto a good thing, but she could adapt, with all this brain power she got from Nightkill. The room of records had to be somewhere, but where?!? Her thoguhts were rapid as she thought over. Elena had found a schematic, and studied it religously. Now she was tottaly lost,and couldn't find her way. Skeletal monstrosities just a few steps behind them, and getting closer.

"You won't escape me Elena, i've waited too long." He muttered as he followed, skeletons charging. This would finally be the end of her, and then he could move on to her son. He was too important to let him live. That and he gave her an alliance with the Hale coven,and that was not good. So with a brisk pace he gave chase, ready to take them down himself.

Down the hall was a large wooden door, with runes etched on the expanse of it. Quickly she shoulder rammed it, as it gave way. Into a large library, as the sound grew louder."Barracade the door! I''ll look for my book." She shouted, as she ran off. Looking throught her numerous shelves for her property. Heading to the door that held the most sacred, and restricted files.

Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Guest October 14th 2011, 11:24 pm

"Barricade the door, she says." Sachin muttered, but did so. He was feeling rather angry at his hormones right now. He fired at the skeletons coming toward him, and when they were too close for that, he applied his taekwondo knowledge. He threw punches and kicks toward the skeletons, holding them off. He had his arm ripped off, but he used his right arm to grab it, and started using it as a club to whack the skeleton's heads off.

His left arm started regrowing quickly, and he ax-kicked another skeleton. "How long!?" he yelled at Elena. Having an arm ripped off, even though it would grow back, was a very painful process. He sincerely hoped sex was worth this, and sincerely hoped that she would actually have sex inside of just using him for her own goals. He should have been smart and realized this could not have ended well. Why did he have to enter a supernatural story instead of just writing about one? With writing you generally didn't die, though some of the more psychopathic fans were willing to oblige you on that.

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Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) Empty Re: Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.))

Post by Alpha October 16th 2011, 1:49 pm

"Just hold them off till I find what I want!!" She called out, as the door was infornt of her. Though it was locked, and that was not good at all. With a curse she slammed her shoulder against it, though it didn't give way. So there was plan B, as she summoned the magical energy blade. Pumpkin on her bracelet spinning around, and expelling it. With quick, and precise slashes, the door began to give way to her. Though it took about a minute for it to fall away. Hanging ragged on its hinges, as she kicked it with all her force. As it fell away to reveal the wonderful documents, as well as her book of shadows on a table.

Well it was more of a gathering of thin, notebooks packed with about 27 years of magical knowledge she gathered. Though for her that was alot, so it would prove useful. Considering she had a very special spell that would help with a future plan in mind. Next was a very important item she knew where it was. In the hall not too far over, actually it could be accessed from this place.

Quickly she gathered the files, and shoved them into a bag she had at her side, running from the room to see Sachin beating them back with his...arm? Well that meant he could heal himself as well? Which was a useful trick in dangerous situation, considering you don't want your healer down."I've got it, follow me, we got one more thing to get." She called ot him. Dashing towards another hallway entrance at full speed. Red hair whipping lightly around her head, hoping Sachin would follow her.

"Where the hell does she think shes going?" He hissed, as the next wave came. A lare amount of skittering spiders, black widows. All kinds, with deadly venom aiming to bite the two to death. First they would try to kill the boy, and then the young girl. Noone would get away from him.

Ancient tomes of darkness.((Invite only,PM if interested.)) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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