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The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko))

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The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko)) Empty The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko))

Post by The Bolt August 4th 2011, 9:58 pm

John sighed lightly as his eyes quickly scanned over the other two people he was paired to work with. Two little girls, and then there was him, an odd combination, but he could deal with it. Not like he was a creepy guy, like some people in New York. He was just really happy to finally meet other heroes from arond. Considering he had not met many in his life, it was a weclome relief to know he wasn't the only heroic type that was around. Even if he wasn't the best hero, he still was a hero afterall. The helicoptor made it's way through to the city with little trouble, though once they were in. All hell had broken loose. They were fired upon with some pretty powerful ammunition, it seemed like they were fine for a bit, but soon it went wrong. It was too chaotic for him to correctly shield the helicoptor, well he was afraid of messing with the blades. So he unwillignly let if go down, not sure what would happen next. Though the coptor made a nice landing on the roof of a building, much to his happiness.

It was then that the roof gave way under the weight of the helicoptor. Not good at all. John cursed to himself as the coptor went down, feeling something wet, and warm splash against his face. It felt familar,then there was a loud crash as the vessel fell to the floor. He barely knew how to react, but all John knew was that he was alive. Next thing John knew he was laying down on the dust covered floor, a small trickle of blood made its way down his forehead. It ran down his lips, some into his mouth, with a mettalic taste. John grimmaced at the taste as he absent mindedly wiped something from his face. The back of his hand was now covered in a dark, viscous liquid. It was blood, but he knew he hadn't bled this much, eyes darting over to what seemed like the wreck of what used to be the helicoptor. The front was torn to hell, but he could see gore decorating it. As well as an arm dangling from a torn peice of metal limply, it turned his stomach.

The sickened frame of mind was disrupted by the creaking of the roof, as well as the support beams keeping it up. It told him this place would not be up for long. He knew enough to know if he stayed here for too long,the building would most likely collapse on him. He could feel the disgust well up in his chest, as well as his hatred of himself for being unable to stop those people from dying. It was too much, he was supposed to be a hero, yet he coudln't save those people. Sickened he wiped away the rest of the gore strewn blood from his cheek on the sleeve of his brown jacket. Hoping that the other people on there were as lucky as he was. Reluctently he left the factory as quick as he could, a small tear collecting in his eyes.

Left side screaming in pain, it was bruised. Though he would not be held back too much by it, just ignore it, and all would be fine. Finally he made it out onto the street, which was pretty much empty. John felt his heart fall quickly, as he looked for anyne to talk to. All he noticed was a severe lack of anything metal. Though he didn't pay it any attention immidiatly. Once his attention got from the pain in his side, he looked over the lack of metal. Where the hell had it gone? John fell to his knees, feeling somewhat dizzy, mostly from the overload if information at the moment His body felt incredibly weak, yet he knew he couldn't fall asleep now. Not with whatever was shooting at them out there still.

He supported himself with a crutch of ice, as he called out."Is anyone there?!?Anyone alive at all?" He was in pain, which was obvious from the tone of his voice. He had most likely gotten banged up from the crash. Though he had dealt with worse injuries, though they may be the reason he was in such pain. He had just healed from a broken rib not too long ago, so he was not exactly in the best shape. Maybe that was why Jimmy bitched at him about going out here. Yet that was just the price that had to be payed for him to try, and be a damn hero. A large plume of smoke loomed over Down Town, which was most likely the best place for him to go. With, or without the others, he would have to go.Though he knew it would be not a good idea in his shape. Sighing John let the crutch of ice clatter to the street, as he made his way slowly to the Down Town area. Cursing the luck of his body acting up at this of all times.

Jimmy rose slowly from conciousness, remembering the last moments of the flight in the helicoptor. Then they were crashing down tot he ground, which was not a good feeling at all. Though they were fine, and that was all that mattered. He wasn't too serioulsy injured, though he was only assuming from the telekinetic barrier that surrounded his body. Next thing he knew, he was on his back in a factory, as pecie of sharp metal hovering 5 inches away from his face. With a thought he sent it back from him into the ground, as he stood up. He looked for the other people who were with him in the coptor, though all he heard was John calling for people. Quickly he ran through the nearest door, to see his brother limping weakly along. He looked hurt, which wasn't good at all. " John!" He ran to his brother, draping a supporting arm around his shoulder. " Damn you look messed up." he said seriously, though John chuckled weakly. He noticed the plume of smoke above Down Town. So they were going there?
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The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko)) Empty Re: The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko))

Post by Doc August 6th 2011, 1:33 am

Dante listened to the pleasantries and orientation about the situation at Sea Cove, listening in for any sort of clues or information that had escaped his attention. Though his attention remained constant, Dante heard very little that escaped his own information network. He was unaware of any other theories created by top scientists, which were always good, as they could provide possible clues to the entire investigation. Dante wanted to know what was in Sea Cove, something in there held great power, power beyond what he could accomplish. He had to prepare about the fact that something could go wrong, whether the projectiles hit the helicopter or whether in fact that the barrier might do something unorthodox like repel and destroy the helicopter. With all of his preparations, all that was left was up to fate. Dante obediently followed his teammates to the helicopter and sat idly inside of the appropriate seating, the closest to the opening hatch.

During the ride, the calm before the storm, Dante observed his teammates, two young men, seemingly brothers, and a teenage girl. They were both not something that Dante would expect to come to the mission, but it wasn’t the first time that he had seen young people flung into the world of violence and chaos. As the batteries of an unknown origin began to fire green projectiles, Dante sat back and allowed his teammate to take the initiative, observing his extensive and impressive cryokinetic powers. Dante appeared nonchalant, but in his mind he was searching through possible origins to which the attacks could be from. He also attempted to perceive their firing trajectory, to know the locations, should the need ever arise. Overall, the young man did well in protecting the helicopter, his special ice holding up against the attacks, while not obstructing the view of the pilot too much.

However, barely anyone could have predicted what was going to happen next. The helicopter traveled to the designated area, the old factories, it never occurred to Dante what could possibly be the reason for going to such an architecturally unsound structure, but he wasn’t there to judge, but to investigate. Once the helicopter touched the surface of the roof and no longer had the lift of the propellers, the entire roof gave way. In that moment of falling, Dante’s first reaction was to fly, allowing him to levitate into the air. His second reaction was to surround himself with aether, burning a hole through the hull and ensuring that he would be safe from any sort of falling debris.

Dante surveyed the after damage, attempting to find some signs of survival. He looked at the cockpit to see the situation of the pilot, trying to see if there was a possibility they could have survived the ordeal. Unfortunately, the crew of the helicopter did not make it, the pilot dead via a pipe through the chest, indicating a slight amount of suffering before he died. Dante gave a brief prayer and then continued along his way, surveying his surroundings. The building was unsound, and would likely topple at any given time with the roof now missing. Dante made his investigation quick, seeing that besides the metal poles, there was little to no metal inside of the factory, which was very uncommon, and very suspicious.

Dante's search continued until he found evidence that one of his teammates, the ice user, was in fact alive but seemingly injured. Following the tracks, it was obvious that he was favoring one leg over the other, and was using some sort of support in order to assist with the walking process. Dante soon quickened to the sound of voices, exiting through the door to find both of the young men. Dante rushed to their side, stopping to catch his breath, his newest body not being the most impressive in cardiovascular health. Dante looked at both of them with content and happy eyes, he had to act like he actually cared for their safety.

"It's good to see you both made it out of there alive" Dante said through ragged pants "I wasn't sure if I was the only one to survive that, the pilots are dead, nothing could be done"

Dante looked past them towards the hazy smoke, which covered a large section of the city. Pieces to the puzzle were located there, and he had to get to them. Dante then looked at the condition of his teammates, both were slightly injured, though the ice user was even more so, having created himself a crutch with his powers. Dante rationalized that he would travel with them for a short while, until they became too much of a liability for his search. Dante was ruthless, but he wasn't without a heart, he would allow these young ones at least a brief moment of safe passage before leaving them to their own devices.
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The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko)) Empty Re: The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko))

Post by The Bolt August 6th 2011, 3:43 pm

John hated having to be helped, but he was in no condition to turn down help when it was offered to him. That, and Jimmy would ignore any protest he gave to him anyway. So it was better to just bear with the help, and make their way to the polic station, maybe Jimmy could smooth their way over with his status as an officer. Though that was just a hopr, and hopes were not very useful in a place like this, they didn't even know were thier teammates were. Mostly Jimmy was looking over the odd situation, which was pretty odd. Where the hell was all the metal, he couldn't understand this so he had to just move on. Maybe the answers would come soon enough. Now the police station was a high priority. "Do you think the others even survived?" John pretty much whispered, as a jab of pain shot through his side. It was an annoyance to breath, but he had to deal with it. Using the added supposrt of the arm to keep him steady as he walked on.

"If they are superpowered at all, I think they would be alright. Don't beat yourself up over anything, theres was nothing that you could do. I know you tried your best, and thats all that could be asked of you." He said calmly to his younger brother who was looking slightly pale.Though it was most likely from the shock of all that blood he had seen, which was not a good sight for someone as impresionable as John. Sure he had chosen to be a hero, but he wasn't truely prepared for the harsh reality of being a hero. He wanted to save people, and all that. Not really putting into mind that some would die, and he couldn't do anything about it. That sort of defeated look he carried about that fact made Jimmy feel uneasy. It was not a good thing at all to have him so down on himself in a situation like this. Now he assumed his teammates were dead.

Then the sound of a young girls voice reached them, they turned to see the girl on the coptor ride still alive. Not a scratch on her to be seen. It was a much welcome relief, Especially to John, who had given up hope that she was even alive. Though the other girl was nowhere to be seen, it was a good enough relief for now."Unforuntaly nothing could be done about them. Though I assumed the same about you, I thought everyone else had died. Though my brother is not in the best shape." he pointed to John who was still steadily trickling blood from his forehead. Jimmy reached into the bag at his side, he knew that he had to stop that bleeding, even if it wasn't major. It still persisted, so who knows how much would actually shed before the flow stopped. He pulled out a large cloth bandage, unfurling it. As he steadied John against him, wrapping it tightly around his head, to staunch the bleeding. Followed by a cloth that he used to wipe away the blood trickling down his face slowly.

"You know you didn't have to do that."John said slightly annoyed, but painfully. His brother didn't listen tot he protest one bit, hs eyes unphased mostly by the scene of death. Jimmy wasn't as moved by the poinltess death. Most likely he had the excuse that they were prepared to die, and sitting here mourning them would be a waste of thier sacrifice. John knew his brother that much. Though he was just making a guess on how he felt about the situation at the moment, glad that blood wasn;t flowing across his lips. He hated the taste of it that persisted.

"I would assume introductions are in order. My names Jimmy,and this one is John. We are brothers as i'm sure you've guessed by now." He put the supplies back into his bag, feeling over the pistol osltered at his thigh. He still wondered why he didn't change into civilian clothing, instead of staying in his officers uniform. Though he was hoping that any villains didn't take it as a sign to try to kill him. He had taken on some younger villains, but they were pretty tough to beat. Though now stuck in jail. He even remembered that time his friend told him about meeting Pain in person! He was majorly pissedo ff about that one. Though he had seen Pain upclose before, not as if the Big Guy would remember him. John gave him an odd look as he drifted of into thoughts.

Considering whether to elbow him, or not. His body gave him an instant no, so he went with it. Waiting for them to get the pleasentries out of the way, and move on with this.
The Bolt
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The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko)) Empty Re: The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko))

Post by The Black Arrow August 6th 2011, 5:36 pm

((Calm down wally. You need to give Kiyoko time to make her post before you carry on.))

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko)) Thephantomssig
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The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko)) Empty Re: The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko))

Post by The Bolt August 6th 2011, 5:59 pm

((Sorry bout that Razz))
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko)) Empty Re: The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko))

Post by Kiyoko Sora August 8th 2011, 5:39 am

((I'm really sorry about not posting guys. I've been unable to get on the computer all weekend... Crying or Very sad))

Kiyoko woke up in a pool of blood. She sat up abrubtly, causing a sudden feeling of wooziness to come over her. Her first observation was that she felt unharmed, and therefore the blood could not be hers. Her second observation was that the blood was coming from a wrecked helicopter, and the carnage that could be seen within. The helicopter's crash caused the death of the enitre crew, jagged pieces of metal tearing through there human bodies. Tears welled up in Kiyoko's eyes as she repressed the urge to vomit, and she looked away and covered her face with her hands.

Oh my god... all those people... Kiyoko wondered, panicking. What happened here? She wracked her brain, attempting to remember anything from the past few hours. Slowly but surely she her memories began to return, revealing the events that had led to this abandoned factory. She had come here with a group of heroes as an effort to find out the truth behind an apparent alien invasion. As their helicopter flew towards it's destination, the team was attacked, but through the help of one superhero on the flight, they were able to safely make it to the factory. Unfortunately, the factory roof wasn't designed to hold up a helicopter, and the roof caved in almost as soon as it touched down. Beyond the helicopter falling, Kiyoko could only remember flashes of moments, and a kaleidoscope of different scenes. It was obvious that as the helicopter fell, she had instinctively turned into her alter-ego, Karasu, and used the the transformation skill to escape harm.

Glad that she had figured out what happened, Kiyoko now took a closer look at her surroundings. Careful to avoid looking at the helicopter's gory wreckage, she observed that the factory looked quite barren, missing something. But Kiyoko couldn't be bothered to try figure out what, she had never been in a factory before and didn't know what one would look like. Besides, she was still a little woozy from the smell of blood and her loss of consciousness. She couldn't see anyone else inside the factory, which meant they were either dead in the helicopter wreck or they had left. Staggering to her feet, Kiyoko made her way to the destroyed remains of the helicopter, reluctantly looking inside. She could see the mangled remains of the crew, but no bodies that could be identified as her superhuman teammates.

So they left without me... Kiyoko thought, dejectedly. They must be carrying out the mission now, while i was over here fainting like a little girl! She kicked herself and began searching an exit, nearly slipping on blood in her haste. When she was able to regain her balance, she heard a dangerous creaking noise above her. That can't be good. she worried, looking up towards the source of the sound. The roof had a tremendous hole in it from the helicopter's fall, and what remained looked as if it was going to give way at any moment. Kiyoko decided it would be a good idea to leave the factory before it caved in on her.

As Kiyoko left the factory, she heard a group of voices in conversation. "Guys?" She squeaked, her voice so weak it was almost a whisper. Shaking her head and clearing her throat she tried again. Hey guys! She approached her teammates, The two brothers and the other girl around her age. Putting on the bravest face she could muster, she gave them her own take on the events. "Those lasers... They had to come from somewhere right? And this place is mostly abandoned, so all we have to do is find some clue to civilization." She didn't really want to talk about the crash, because it just brought imagaes of carnage to her mind, so she had just stuck with what they could do now.

Looking around, she saw that like the factory, the town was unnaturally barren. She suddently realized what seemed to be missing. "Uh... Where'd all the metal go?" she asked, wondering what could have stripped the metal from this place. Then, for fear of looking stupid in front of these heroes, she added "I mean, maybe its a clue to whats going on or something.

Kiyoko Sora (Karasu)
Kiyoko Sora
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The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko)) Empty Re: The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko))

Post by Doc August 24th 2011, 8:19 pm

Dante turned to the pitter patter of footsteps coming from behind his vision, seeing that the last member of their group, the little girl, had survived. This was a good development, the two brothers wouldn't last in their condition without additional help, not that he cared about their safety. Dante was thinking more of the the fact that questions would be asked if several superhumans were killed, which would cause complications that he did not have the time for. Dante needed to make sure that these “heroes” would be able to survive even without him, should he need to leave when they become useless. To make sure that they would survive, Dante decided that it would be best if they had help on his side. Dante handed the ice user a small vial of green liquid, the first of his batch of Aether Potions, the weakest version he had, but it was enough to take care of his wounds.

“Drink this, it’ll heal all your wounds, but it will only do so once, so choose wisely when you want it done, you can either do it now, or when you gain more injuries that hinder our progress. I don't mean to be rude, don't take it that way, but with your wounds, I just want to make sure you can go on in case we were to encounter any trouble.” Dante said, closing the ice user’s fingers around the vial, the liquid inside glowing as it detected wounds and things that required its uses. Should he use it, his injuries would heal rapidly, as if he had a healing factor. It would make sure he didn’t slip up while injured. “But more importantly, I believe introductions are in order, to make sure that we address each other properly. I am Anna Blade”

Dante looked around noticing that girl did in fact make a point, it wasn’t something that someone would notice at first, but most if not all the metal was gone, not even small little bits of metal could be found. Dante took the time to further inspect his surroundings, looking to see that the once invisible barrier around the city was now a green color, most likely a sign that nothing was getting out anymore, possibly the outside still being as invisible as always. Dante also made a note that the color seemed to become more prominent when heading towards a certain direction, on that he would investigate soon, should the opportunity arrive.

“And yes, what our teammate says is correct” Dante nodded, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket and began to smoke. Right now was not the proper time, but Dante required to take on every now and again to maintain the bodily functions, due to the instability from rapid cell regrowth used to quickly age his body. Dante took his time to smoke before he continued, the smoke creeping out of his mouth as he talked like a mist “The metal missing from the area is indeed a strange thing to happen, possibly due to a strange phenomena, or it could be done on purpose, either way, it is up to us to figure it out. The first thing we could do is search through the down town area, the dark cloud should be a sign of caution however, or we could take a look for more clues here, or find the other heroes around here.”
Post Mate
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The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko)) Empty Re: The Impact:waking up to blood((closed to Aether, and Koyoko))

Post by The Bolt August 25th 2011, 4:43 pm

John raised an eyebrow at the odd vial of glowing liquid ahnded to him, but he asked no questions. Even if he felt like he would be unable to trust this little girl, and his gut was more correct than he ever gave it credit for. Still if they were to survive this little ordeal, atleast he would have to put a little trust in this perfect stranger. Not what he wanted to do considering the times he had almost been killed recently, and this was no different. Still it may prove more useful than what his brother had done for his injuries. Which was just pretty basic first aid, and he didn't know how much that would help him in the long run. Smiling John took the vial, placing it in his specially made jacket pocket, one that thankfully zipped up. So he made sure it was held safe, and sound. While Jimmy was just trying to keep him from falling face first on the ground. Mostly since eh knew how vain John was when it came to his face, but that habit was quickly being discarded. Mostly due to his hero career.

" Thank you, i'll make sure to keep this in mind." John said with a half pained grimace. Though his head whipped around when he heard the sound of a young woman, a bright smile coming across his face, as he realized that the girl was still alive. So atleast not all the people on the copter had had a cruel, and horrific death. Though Jimmy didn't look too suprised about it, just keeping an eye on the odd young woman who gave the healing item to John. He was cautious by nature,and with good reason. With years in the polic force, Jimmy had dealt with odd people before, and this may be no different. Consideringt he times people had tried to put his brother for various unknown reasons, but that was just how things worked in New York. Now all they needed to find out weas what the next move would have to be.

" I have noticed the severe lack of metal in this town, and its somewhat disturbing. Though I would have to say it may be possible for this alien theory we've been handed, but i'm kinda skeptical about that. Though in my line of work, i've learned to never rule out a possibility." Jimmy said as he somewhat encouraged John to drink the potion with his eyes. Though John shrugged that off, as he tryed to stand on his own, trying to ignore the pain. Though that proved more difficult than he expected it would, but with gritted teeth he stood on his own two feet. Putting on a face that he usually put on, instead of an expression of pain. Though as long as he didn't get hurt, he wouldn't have to use this valuble tool till he absolutly had to. Till then he would have to deal with the pain of a bruised rib. Though he had equally painful injuries before, so this wasn't too bad.
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