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Captured by Shade

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Danger May 28th 2011, 2:27 am

The force of Phil's back hand jolted Elaine's head back against the bench. She flinched in pain and lost the momentum of her vivacious insults. "Enjoying yourself." A burning pain crawled along her wrists. The struggle accomplished nothing except bruising her skin. "With your mommy gone you need a new bitch for you to be a lackey for. You must've had the cutest mommy issues when you were growing up in order for you to be such a weak willed, spineless whelp."

During the course of the barrage, Elaine felt Huntress place a blade against her stomach. The blade crept up over her sleeveless, white shirt. Elaine twitched at the touch of the blade to her stomach. She knew the stomach held all of the unprotected organs in the body, and feeling the blade move along it unnerved her. She reassured herself that these people would not poison her just so they could slice her up. "Are you looking for that poison? If you want it back you could always give me the antidote." Huntress did not comply and continued the path of the blade along her chest. Elaine pushed forward to try and scrape against the ropes that held her upper chest to the ground.

The blade pressed against her wind pipe, and held the voice of Elaine against her will. If she spoke the small blade would open up a serious wound. The situation turned against her, and now the only means of protest seemed momentarily delayed. Elaine felt a lump swell up in her throat as she heard Phil give a slight laugh. A roll of tape flew over to Huntress, and as she unrolled a large piece Elaine tried to shoot out an insult that fell under the silence of the tape that ran from jaw to jaw. Elaine mumbled out the remaining insult, but felt the heat of her breath swell up in her mouth. She let out a flow of oxygen from her nose. Phil's blows to her face left her nose in tact; if not she would face a whole new set a problems.

Huntress seemed pleased with her work, and gave a look to Phil, assuring him he controlled the situation. Elaine would need to bide her time now for rescue. She looked down to see all of the futile work and blood she poured into an escape. Phil lumbered over her, and her restrained form. Elaine looked down to her hands and tried to squirm them out of the knots. Whether it would worked no longer mattered; Elaine just wanted to know that she could still fight and try to escape.


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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Alpha June 2nd 2011, 3:33 pm

They had finally shut the girl up. Which in itself was a wonderful relief. Yet they couldn't relax yet. Still much work to be done. More planning had to happen. Huntress had a sneaking suspicion that things weren't gonna go all nice. A fight would most likely happen. They had to be prepared. So Huntress motioned for Phil to follow her. As they left the room. Heading to a place that had some natural light. Due to a hole in the roof. Large shelfs extended as far as the wall. With rickety boxes stacked onto them. The shelves extended up to the cavernous ceiling. Huntress spoke low to where only Phil could hear her. "I have a sinking suspicion that the heroes if any come won't go along with the plan. From what I know they won't be too keen on trading the Lady Elena. Which would put a kink in our plan." She pulled out a clear syringe. Which was filled with a clear liquid. Tapping softly on the plunger with her index finger. Phil looked at it warily. Raising a brown eyebrow. " Could I ask what that is? Is it another poison?"

Huntress appraised his question with a smile. " This is an accelerator. Sort of a foil to the antidote. While the antidote stops the effects of the poison. Neutralizing it and converting it to harmless proteins. This will cause the poison to become more aggressive. Speeding up the process. For example if the person has 6 hours till the poison kills them. One dose of this will lower it to 30 minutes." She tapped lightly against the syringe. "Wow Theresa thats amazing. " Phil said in awe. Looking at the clear liquid. Their ticket to victory if needed. The comment raised her self esteem a little. Out of the shadows the slim form of Malice stepped out. Black eyes glancing over the two. "I hope for the both of you that your plan works." He struggled over the words. His English was not the best. With that he returned to the wonderful shadows of the warehouse. A plan had been made. Now to wait.

Captured by Shade - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Danger June 4th 2011, 1:09 am

Finally they left her alone. Elaine sat still for a moment letting her wrists relax. All the violent struggling only hurt her wrists, and left her with a burning pain. Air entered in through her nostrils as she closed her eyes, and began to slowly relax her wrist and pull against the ropes. Her wrists pulled out from the ropes that bound her waist to the bench. Relief came over her as she brought her hands up to rip the tape off of her mouth. She maneuvered her hands underneath the ropes tying her chest to the bench and wedged her way out. Huntress tied her feet to take away her best escape strategy. Elaine reached down and untied her feet.

She sprung from the bench with her hands still tied. This would give her a challenge. Light headedness came over Elaine; the poison still worked through her and drained her energy. A work bench looked to contain a few tools that could help Elaine out of her predicament. She took a screw driver and lodged it in between her wrist and slid the knot over towards her right wrist, granting her leeway to slip her left hand out. The sense of freedom came over Elaine, but she still felt captured.

Voices spoke in the next room; they seemed preoccupied on their current goal, but the voice of the one named Malice seemed to give reason to the two. Elaine began stretching to try and get blood circulating to lessen the intake of the poison, thin it out. Her captors would undoubtedly of hid her guns, but that did not matter now. Now, she needed to get out of this warehouse. Elaine took a breathe and moved forward making a jump into the hallway of the warehouse. One more jump and she could clear the warehouse and make a clean escape. "God, I feel terrible"

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Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

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Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Alpha June 4th 2011, 1:39 am

For the moment they were done with scheming. Well actually no they weren't. Huntress still had a few more ideas in mind. Being that she was the only one here at the moment who could compitently produce a plan. Still Phils strength and Malice's power was needed. A fight was what she expected. Though that only excited Phil. He always loved a good fight. It was just his nature. Huntress returned to the room Elaine was held in. Eyes scanning it. Expecting to see the woman bound. Yet she was gone. Her eyes widened in suprise. "What the hell?!?" Phil rushed to her. Seeing exactly the same thing. Lips twisting into a snarl. " We have to spread out! Find that bitch!"

Malice slunk from the shadows. Somewhat annoyed by having to hunt down this woman. The shadows around him leapt to life. Taking the form of hissing shadowy snakes. With a flex of his legs muscles he took off. Making for a quick sweep of the warehouse. Which Phil did the same. "this is just fucking perfect." He cursed to himself. Nothing was goign as planned. Seemed like life enjoyed giving them a good fuck you to the face. Though Malice in his mind saw this as a game. A hunt for an opponent. Which he loved to do.

He searched for about two minutes. Till he came upon the girl. Suprised that neither Huntress, or Phil hadn't found her. Walking slowly up to her. "You've been giving us trouble woman." He said in that odd multilayered voice. As a few snakes of darkness moved to wrap the girl up. It was made clear he couldn't kill her. Though a little pain was nothing. Much better than what the bloodlust demanded.

Captured by Shade - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Danger June 4th 2011, 1:52 am

As the sense of freedom came into her senses, the slithering coil of a shadowy snake wrapped around her arms and legs. She tried to jump, but her legs failed to move. Elaine fell to the ground while another snake wrapped around her mouth. Using the momentum of the fall, Elaine flipped over and pushed her arms out to free herself of the slithery captor. Her arms flung down in fluid motion to remove the other two snakes around her legs and mouth.

The stoic defender stood between her and freedom. He gave her a dark message in an intimidating way. A few days ago she could only imagine where this man existed, but now he attempted to bring her back to her role as a hostage. That just seemed unacceptable. Her head seemed at odds with herself, but escape was above all else. Elaine darted towards Malice and bounced off the wall to deliver a kick to his head.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Alpha June 4th 2011, 2:00 am

Malice watched with keen interest as the girl struggled. She rushed him. Performing a manuever that ended with a kick to his face. Foot crashing across his cheek. It hurt somewhat. For sure it did. Well more like it hurt a bit. Yet he seemed for the most unphased. With little thought he reached out. Aiming to grab the woman by the ankle. Which would follow by her being slammed against the floor. Though with only about enough force to dizzy her. If that all worked he planned to tie ehr down with full power tendrils of darkness. A sneer coming across his face. While Phil dashed around the corner. Just catching the woman kick him across the face. Malice was in a mood to toy with her some, but he didn't know if he would kill her by mistake if he did.

Captured by Shade - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Danger June 4th 2011, 2:14 am

The force of her kick met with the face of Phil. It connected, but failed to give the outcome she desired, but rather the outcome she feared would happen. Hanging upside down Elaine threw her boot towards the jaw of Malice and tried to flip out of his grasp. Her flip would land her hands on the ground where the tendrils shot forward towards her. The tendrils connected with her body and wrapped her arms to her side, sliding over most of her upper body. Elaine struggled against the substance that brought her arms together. Given enough time, she could dislocate her shoulder and slide out of the goo-like substance that wrapped around her like tape.

Her shoulder slid out of its socket and her right arm escaped from the shadow tendrils. She maneuvered her body to escape the rest of the tendrils, but her right arm gave her no control over the situation. She moved forward and used her last ditch effort of a shadow jump to move behind Malice. With the looseness of the tendrils, her step allowed her to move without taking the bonds with her. She quickly brought her left arm over and moved her right arm back into place. It hurt like hell, but she faced desperation tactics now.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Alpha June 4th 2011, 2:24 am

Phil saw the woman move. She was a deadly foe to be sure. Though her tenacity was getting annoying. Malice turned quickly to see her behind him. However she got there didn't matter. More shadows moved. He wanted to wrap her up. Somehow not remebereing how the last few attempts went. Though Phil had that covered. As he rushed towards Elaine. Ready with a slug to the stomach. Incase she were caught by the darkness. While Huntress made her way there. Slightly breathless. Diamond tipped fingers clacking together. "About damn time." She pressed the button on the box attached to her wrist. As the crossbow extended. Pulling a crossbolt from her pouch on her thigh. Notching it. As she took aim at Elaine. " Move one more inch ,and i kill you!!! Huntress yelled out. Ready to let a bolt fly only if Elaine moved any further.

Captured by Shade - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Danger June 4th 2011, 2:40 am

Her reprieve ended early as tendrils shot around her and pulled her to the ground. They reached and wrapped around her, pulling her bound hands to her chest and securing her. Black fibers continued wrapping around her forearms keeping them tightly secured. Elaine pushed forward to see Huntress training a crossbow on her. Huntress issued a severe ultimatum to Elaine. Seeing the futility in continuing forward Elaine darted to the side and shadow jumped into the room she just escaped from. Fighting three people at once on any other day would not phase Elaine, but today it seemed like a very bad mistake.

To her horror the tightness of the tendrils stayed with her this time. She tried slipping her wrists free, but could only feel them growing tighter as she tried to escape. Her breathing picked up in the excitement of the escape. The escape gave her a chance to stretch if nothing else. A sinking thought came to her mind. If she moved to the left instead of the right, she would have escaped the warehouse and been free. Her movement in the jump only brought her back to her holding area. Elaine surveyed the room and prepared to make a blind shadow jump through a wall in hopes that she would appear in an unoccupied area of the warehouse.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Alpha June 4th 2011, 2:52 am

Once again the girl somehow used that odd power to escape. though an idea was made. She ripped off a peice of her shirt. Along the waist. Pouring an odd smelling liquid onto it. Till it was saturated. Throwing it to Phil. "Hunt her down!! When you find her! I'm sure you can figure out what to do!" Phil nodded wondering where she may have ended up. So he just went on a full dash. Till he reached the room where the woman was held. There was just a feeling in his gut. Which was realized when eh saw her there. Seemed like it was going his way again. Without a second of waste he rushed her. Aiming to bring a back hand across her face. Followed by a solid pin. Where he could forth the cloth to her mouth till she breathed the fumes. Which he only assumed would cause her to black out. Then they could go back to the original plan.

Captured by Shade - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Danger June 4th 2011, 3:05 am

Elaine moved forward to jump through the wall when a hand slammed across her face. She fell to the ground, but as Phil moved to pin her, Elaine through her legs up to hit Phil in his jaw. With the force of the blow, she would spin on her back and bring her onto her knees. She needed Phil off of her back in order for her to make an escape. The tendrils kept her bound, but the rag that Phil held seemed far more dangerous.

Phil never ceased his pursuit of Elaine, and treated her with such brutality, mindless brutality at that, he would no doubt chase her. Elaine faced the opposite wall and sprung forth from her knees and ran as fast as she could to get a jump through the far wall. She hoped Phil would assume she hoped to jump through the wall. In actuality she would flip off of the wall and bring her leg down hard against the head of whoever followed her in pursuit.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Alpha June 4th 2011, 3:16 am

Somehow the woman managed to escape him again. How she did this amaze him. From what he could tell, she was an amazing fighter. Gave him a small bit of respect. Not enough to where he didn't want to beat the ever loving shit outta her. At full speed he pursued her. Hoping to end this soon. It was all getting rediculous. When a blow came hard against his head. Normally that type of attack wouldn't hurt him. Yet it really caught him off guard. As he fell face down for a second. Though with a quick motion he leapt back to his feet. Bringing his left foot aimed at her. With full force. Whatever damage was done. He was sure Huntress could fix. While Malice peered throught he door. Huntress not too far behind him.

Captured by Shade - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Danger June 4th 2011, 3:43 am

The thud gave Elaine a sense of accomplishment. She fell the foul beast who hurt her for so many days, and allowed him to see who he really opposed. She ran towards the only door in and out of the room. If she got just out of the room, she would put herself just in range to jump outside of the warehouse and end this nightmare captivity. As she began her flight a foot flew at her. It caught her in the back of the knee, and caused her to buckle under and fall face first into the ground.

Elaine straightened her back and lifted her head off of the ground. Scrambling with time and danger she sought with all of her might to get her feet flat, and off of her knees. The flailing and slips exacerbated the days of torture and her fatigue levels came early today. She stood abridged with one foot on the ground and one of her knees bracing her body. The pain from her right shoulder turned into a throbbing soreness. She took one deep breathe and knew time stood to judge her.

Footsteps and raised voices surrounded her. She sought to lunge forward and push forward, although the trouble of running with her arms and hands bound made her breathing off. One last push for freedom, she told herself, just one more.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Alpha June 4th 2011, 2:47 pm

The girl never gave up. Always trying to do some futil escape. They knew that they had to somehow disable that power. Somehow stop her from trying to get away. "Malice do whatever you have to. Break her legs if you must. Just don't kill her." With that the man took off in a full speed dash. This time he didn't aim to tie her down with his power. His arm shot forward. To grab her by the hair and wrench her down to the floor. With an immense amount of force. Though not enough to yank out any hair. If that worked Phil would take the clorophorm soaked cloth and force it to her mouth. Untill she finally quit struggling. Though only if the first manuever worked. Then they could have their hostage back in the position she was in the first place. Except they wouldn't ever leave her unguarded again.

Captured by Shade - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Danger June 4th 2011, 3:03 pm

Never ceasing in brutality, Phil lunged towards Elaine with vehemence. An order barked out from Huntress to Malice to break her legs. Time to shut that bitch up, she thought. Elaine was grateful to not see any tendrils flying towards her for once, but knew the impending danger of the two men around her. Elaine leaped forward and made her jump, landing on her back, in front of Huntress. Hoping that she gained some element of surprise, she lunged her foot towards the crossbow. She hoped to force the trigger and send a bolt flying into Malice. "Having fun yet?"

Elaine would try to regain composure and roll backwards, putting her back to the room Phil and Malice chased her into. She would attempt to lung forward and tackle Huntress, while delivering a head but to try and disorient Huntress from taking charge from this situation anymore. Once the she delivered the blow, the force of the shot forced Elaine to take a step back and regain her bearings for a second. "Maybe you should just shut up for a little while." She spoke with her back to the room.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Captured by Shade - Page 2 Empty Re: Captured by Shade

Post by Alpha June 4th 2011, 3:12 pm

All in all the attack failed. This woman was getting to the point they found no use for her. Still they had to keep her alive. Her foot came at Huntresses arm with the crossbow. She cursed as the bolt went off. Flying only a centimeter by Phils face. Though that gave little reprieve as the girl somehow pulled a tackle at her. The head colliding with hers. It blurred her vison for a second. She could barely see straight. Pain ringed in her ears. As a small trickle of blood made its way from her nostril. though it was just a minor nose bleed. Phil saw that action enraged. He ran full speed at the woman. As malice sent out what seemed like chain of darkness. This time he would make sure the bitch stayed down. "I tried to be nice. Yet this is all the thanks i get." Huntress muttered to herself. She could have not fed the girl at all. Let her suffer the pains of hunger. Now she just wanted her to suffer. Suffer the most grueling torture her mind could think up.

Captured by Shade - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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