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Sean vs. Paine

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Sean vs. Paine

Post by Paine April 26th 2011, 8:03 pm

Thud thud... ... ... ... Thud thud... ... ... Thud thud... ... Thud thud... Thud thud. Thud thud. Thudthud. Thudthud. Thudthudthudthud. The thumping of a heart, bouncing around in the cage of nerves and anxious tendencies. The lights were all bright, shining and picking out the number one reigning champion of this once a year underground fight night. Hoots and hollers were heard from the crowd of people that came to watch. Beer was staining the floor, a DJ was playing music, and there was a dance floor set up with smaller stages hosting strippers. The whole club smelled like a perfume store that had been bombarded with a slew of sweating teenagers. Gulp. A swallow to help that heart calm down. Breath in... breath out... A steady inhale and exhale to get rid of the nervous anxiety. A mirror was set up, and it gave a perfect flipped image of the face that everyone was waiting for. Rebbecca O'Day. Paine. The Ice Queen. The Bad Bitch.

Paine had been fighting in this tournament since she was sixteen and took out the champion then and has never been beaten since. She took a damp cloth and wiped a bit of blood from her cheek. She had broken the fifth nose for the evening. She gave herself a snarl in the mirror and then stood up with her arms stretching above her head. She was in the bathroom that was set up in the back for star fighters. There was three others for the top four fighters. She had just beaten two of them. There was a buzz going about that there was a new guy, someone named Deluge. An odd name, but so was Paine, including the 'e.' As cerulean irises stretched and made the dark pupil dilate and then become the circumference of a point oh seven ball point pen, a few thoughts ran through Paine's head. She was so confused. A new guy? She had been fighting a the same people for three years. This was going to be different. Maybe they would finally get to see her true side.

Paine took another breath and stepped out of the bathroom and walked the narrow hall back toward the loud, bumping music. She turned the handle, and with a gentle shove, she was stepping out into a group of people. The spot light immediately swung over to her and nearly made her blind. She shielded her eyes and grimaced from how bright the lime light was. People reached out and touched her. Well, they attempted to touch her. Her icy skin had them snatching their hands back instantaneously. She hated it when people touched her, even her fans. She stepped into the ring, it being set up like a basic wrestling type ring. It, though, was four times the size of your average wrestling ring, and it was caged. Cameras were set up to give better views of the brawl from within the cage, even though people could see just fine. There were monitors hanging from the ceiling, giving the image of Paine walking into the center.

She waited, patiently, for the opponent she was going to face. Deluge. She still could not get over how oddly familiar that name sounded. It was as if she had read it in a tabloid, or saw it on the news. She had no idea. She kept running it over and over in her mind, trying to find a face that matched the name. While her name was racing, though, she crossed her arms over her chest and relaxed in the middle, her shoulders slouching lightly. Her feet were shoulder width apart, and her hair was blowing around gently with the air conditioner that kicked on just for Paine's sake. She loved the cold, and it gave more moisture to the air. She could manipulate it and have it help her ice type powers. She, though, was more typically using melee over any other type of attack. She almost refused to use her genetically given powers. It was her mothers fault, of course, seeing as Raine had lied to Paine her whole life about her father.

Paine sighed and the crowd whined. They were getting anxious now. With Paine standing out all alone, and her opponent either stalling on purpose, or full of nerves.. It was kind of funny. She laughed and the DJ started to play one of Paine's favorite songs. She nodded her head to it and jumped around. Her converse, a darker green, thudded against the wrestling mat while she bounced. Her tank top, skin tight, slid up her stomach a bit while her knee length capri styled fighting pants slid down just a fraction from her violent movements. She pulled her shirt down and her pants back up while she relaxed and looked toward the door she had came from only a few minutes ago. "And now.. the moment we've been waiting for.. PAINE! VERSUS! DELUUUUUUUUUUUGE!" The woman arched a brow and looked toward the door as it creaked open. The second follow light was shining on the door, anticipation building, as a figure stepped out.

Sean vs. Paine Vywjf8
Sean vs. Paine Paine1
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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Arcana April 26th 2011, 8:31 pm

Anticipation was in the air. So thick it was almost palpable. Saturating it. It was the night everyone had been waiting for. Sean needed something to get his mind off the stress of the last week. What a week it was. First he found out his mother who was supposed to be dead. Was you guessed it. Alive. She was shot in the head about two years ago. Yet he learned even more disturbing news. Pain was his dad? How was that possible? Did his mom have it out with Pain? Sean gagged as he looked into the mirror. The thought alone was a revolting notion. As well as the images that came with it. yet he had gotten used to the bizzare. Its just how his life was. Meeting his brother also changed somethings. He found out that he had siblings. Well half siblings anyway. Which made life more interestin.

In the mirror he saw his face. Tired and world weary. the begginings of dark bags forming under his eyes. Hair black with blonde highlights combed down. Eyes a strange greyish color. Looked silver in the lighting of the room. He wore a simple favorite of his. A raidrop designed graphic tee. Tight black jeans with ripped up knees. Tattered black fingerless gloves on his hands. A ring in his left eyebrow as well as the right side of his lip. As well as his favorite pair of black and white converse. His gaze went to the silver ring on his finger. As memories of how he got it flooded his mind. To any of the fighters in this little underground thing. He was just a five foot,six guy. Small weak and unable to really fight. That wasn't the case though. he was actually quite strong and tough. Which he now attributes to Pains blood flowing throuhg his veins. After all he had to have got something from his dad.

Sean formed a small pool of water in front of his face. As some splashed onto his face. Waking him up. Ready to fight his next opponent. Her name was Paine from what he heard. Who the hell was she, and why did she have a name so closly related to Pain? Fangirl? Whatever the reason Sean ddin't care. he had already decided who would win. Him of course. After all he was the new up and coming fighter in this thing. So he had a bigger shot than anyone else. After all this girl was the last of the night. After a few fights where Sean pretty much beat the enemy till they fell unconcious. Didn't land one hit on him. So he had no need to use his power. Everyone else was weaker than him.

Then it was the moment of truth. Sean made his way to the wrestling stage esque arena. Down the long dirty corridor. taking a deep breath as he pushed on the door. Nervous wouldn't begin to describe him. If this girl was anything like her namesake. It would be a difficult fight. They announced his stage name as he walked through the door. One of those badass rock songs turned on. His personal intro music. It suited him. The crowd erupted in noise. Some cheering him on. Since he had gotten quite a following since he started this. the boos came as well. Most likely the fans of Paine. Sean frowned at that. Though the cool air conditioner made up for it. It provided sweet moisture to use his power. If he needed it that was. As he caustiously made his way upto the ring. Which was caged in of course. Sean didn't inderstand the need for the cage. Yet it didn't matter. They had one and that mattered. Maybe for crowd protection. Sean hoped Brightside was watching. having his boyfriend as emotional support was always welcome. he looked at the girl across the ring. She seemed a bit older than him. Well he seemed like a scrawny little 18 year old. With nowhere close to as much strength and durablitlity he did. He lookd like he couldn't do much if he hit you, but that was a mitake to make. Sean had more power than most people guessed. He was pretty damn strong. now it was time to test what he could do. Against the woman called Paine.

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on May 28th 2011, 12:30 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2483
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Paine April 28th 2011, 7:23 pm

Paine was actually shocked to see her opponent, Deluge, walk from the top player's hallway. She grinned in a snarky manner, the labret piercing she had shimmering in the lime light. As soon as the boy, pierced face with dark, high lighted hair, approached and entered the ring, Paine spoke. "Well, well, well.. look who finally showed up." She chuckled in a devilish manner and took a step forward, her foot slamming into the mat with a heavy tap. She made a faux lunge toward him and feigned back with a large grin on her face. "Actually," she started, her voice becoming louder, so that everyone could hear, "Since you've shown up late, you get the honors of kicking this fight off." Paine was, and had been, continuously cooling her skin down. It was about ten degrees below zero at this point. If you touched her, you would surely become frost bitten. If you touched her with water, or any other moist substance, you would be completely stuck to her. She would then end this fight quite easily with this Deluge kid placed into an icy coffin. She then smacked herself mentally and let herself warm up a bit. Maybe it was best if she went easy on him. She had watched a few of his fights, and his actual strength was indeed superhuman, but he wasn't as strong as her. She would have to go easy until Deluge decided to try hard enough to have Paine feel some real pain. "Are ya' gonna hit me or just stand there?"

Sean vs. Paine Vywjf8
Sean vs. Paine Paine1
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Arcana April 29th 2011, 2:22 am

Sean looked at the girl. She had an air of familarity of her. His tounge tracing his lips. It was strangely moist in here. Strangely moist and cold. Now was time to think of how to beat her. From what he knew she had pretty damn high strength. Higher than him anyway. Though not enough to make her live up to the hero himself. She was just a little girl compared to his dad. Sean had Pain's blood coursing through his veins. It gave him an edge over most people. Something he needed in this fight. Afterall they both had suprise on their sides. Sean didnt knwo what powers she had beyond tough skin and strength. Yet she had the same problem. So it was sort of equal in a way. A multitude of plans forming in his mind. How to beat this girl. What would be the best option? Narrowing his eyes ,the air around Sean became colder. He would make her attack him first. What would do that? Then the most brillant idea came to mind. "Hmm kick this fight off? Sure. Sounds fun fighting a Pain fangirl." he said sarcastically. Raising an eyebrow wittily. Eyes catching a subtle beam of light. Making them take on a light icy blue color. Pale pink lips forming a smile. Hands resting on his hips. Waiting for her to rage most likely. Which would make it much easier. After all he preferred to be on the defensive. It made things easier.

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on May 28th 2011, 12:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2483
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Paine May 1st 2011, 12:28 am

Paine immediately let all of her logical thought processes die. "Paine.. fan girl... Pain.. fan girl? Fan girl? FAN GIRL?" She then let out a battle cry and shook her head. "FAN GIRL? I'll show you a fucking fan girl!" Paine launched herself at nearly full force, momentum, and speed. She took off with a single lunge, her leg muscles working at their top ability. She moved so fucking fast, and her form became a blur. She whizzed right by Deluge and came back behind of him with her foot moving to ram a sharp kick into his spine. She was going to have him down on the floor and knocked out cold if she had to. If he didn't react in time, though, he would be on the floor. If he at least moved, she had her right fist pulled back and arching toward his shoulder and up area. She was going to hit him at least once. Need it be with his nose breaking under her fist, or his spine shattering from the kick she had launched toward him. It didn't matter. She was pissed.

Sean vs. Paine Vywjf8
Sean vs. Paine Paine1
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Arcana May 1st 2011, 12:41 am

She moved quick. Not too quick for him to react, but pretty damn fast. Sean whirled around as the kick came at him. Wow she was way more pissed than he foresaw. Maybe she had a beef with Pain? Whatever it was. He had to act. Shoulder moving instinctivly. Though the kick aimed at his spine slammed into his stomach. Sending him reeling back. Gasping and coughing for breath. As he slid back. Slamming against the cage. She was tough he gave her that. "Ow that actually hurt. I guess I can understand why you call yourself Paine. Didn't see that one coming at all." Sean was giving her a compliment. never had he fought someone so small yet so powerful. It was imressive. "Though I can't let you hit me and go on without me doing the same." He grimaced unnoticably. Stomach bruised from the crushing blow to it. Moisture somewhat condensed in the air. Making a light mist. dew clinging tot he cage bars. now he had to think of something to do. Prove he wasn't some pussy she could brush off. As he charged. Doing what looked like a straightforward punch. though in the last minute he dropped down. Delivering a sweep kick at his full power. Ready to trip her. if that worked he would deliver a heel to her stomach. Sean wasn't playing around. If she wanted a fight. She had one.

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on May 28th 2011, 12:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2483
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Paine May 1st 2011, 12:54 am

Paine looked over at him, her form relaxing and standing up a bit straighter while she saw him fall away from her in pain. She huffed once and then chuckled afterward. She shook her head and closed her eyes while Deluge stood and gave her a compliment. A compliment? Really? She chuckled again and looked up to him, her eyes of icy cerulean locking onto the male's own. She may be small, petite, and shorter than most of the female fighters, but she was tough. She was the spawn of Brock O'Day and her mother, Raine. An alienistic human. Super human. She clenched her teeth and looked at the boy. He was younger than her. That was noticed easily. She then took notice to the mist forming in the air. It was a mild, light fog. Her eyes, though, could see just fine. She saw him coming at her, so she beckoned him. "COME AT ME BRO!" She snarled and moved into his heel, using a semi-jumping motion to use his kick as a lever to launch her over his form. She did become a bit disgruntled from the pressure upon her solar-plexus, but she was fine. She could handle it. She grunted as she flipped over Deluge, using one of her hands to grasp his ankle in mid-air. If her hand did grab hold of him, she would pull the boy over into a full flip, herself landing on her back. And if she did get to flip him completely, she would have him over on his stomach in the middle of the ring, laying with her. This was if and only if her hand grasped his ankle, though, and that was if he left his heel upon her stomach during her own flip.

Sean vs. Paine Vywjf8
Sean vs. Paine Paine1
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Arcana May 1st 2011, 1:11 am

Her hand graped hard around his ankle. Damn she was pissed, and did she call him bro? Sean wondered the validity of that statement. Well that thought didn't last long as he was slammed against the floor. She was way more skilled than he thought. Turning his kick against him. Followed by a reverse. It hurt like hell yes, but she was doing this move. Not some normal human fighter. Sean was now stuck. the girl was way too powerful. In hand to hand she had him beat. Though hand to hand never was his best suit. he was better knwon for his power. Water manipulation. if he couldn't beat her up close. Slam her with an attack her strength had nothing on. His power. As tentecles of water condensed from the air. Snaking along the arena floor. As Sean struggled to move. Hhis body hurt more than he thought. Joints aching from the slam. Tentacles of water standing at ready to lash at Paine. Sean was not going to be taken out so easily. No way at all. Using alll his strength to try and break from Paines grip. If that worked he would roll away. Jumping to his feet. Trying to keep his distance. Until he could find out her weaknesses and use them. This was going to be his victory.

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on May 28th 2011, 12:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2483
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Paine May 1st 2011, 1:35 am

As soon as she felt the mat underneath of her back vibrate from this Deluge kid landing against it, she leaned up and let him go. He had no need to struggle, she wasn't going to force him to stay down. She hopped up onto her feet and took a few paces back from him and let the mist touch her skin. She had warmed up her hands so she wouldn't give him frost bite, but all this mist around of her was pissing her off. She closed her eyes and let any moisture that touched her become a lovely snow. The water would instantly freeze and flutter off of her. There was a pile of snow around of her while she waited for Deluge to make his move. So he finally gave way to his power. Water. She watched as the tentacles of water moved and danced to a defensive pose. She was already thinking of a way to turn this back against him. Considering she could manipulate ice, she could have this water turn into ice with one touch from her hand. From any part of her skin, at that. The water, if he used it, could throw her off balance, and hinder some of her abilities to move. She could even drown if he forced too much near her face, but if she stayed one step ahead, she could keep him at a disadvantage. She was already cooling her skin down to ten below zero. She was going to be the upper hand here. She was, after all, genetically born with ice abilities. "So.. you're a water bender or something?" She snickered, mocking his water ability. She was trying to piss him off just as much as he had pissed her off.

Sean vs. Paine Vywjf8
Sean vs. Paine Paine1
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Arcana May 1st 2011, 3:33 pm

Sean giggled a little at the comment. A water bender? "Yeah something like that." Sean said snickering. As the water on the cage began to freeze. Forming white ice along the bars. Now was his time to see wgat she could do. As a steam of water snaked along his arm. Somewaht predatory. As his arm shot up. Spear of ice shooting at Paine. Aimed at her face. What would she do now. Blocking it or taking the hit would do damage. Which Sean had calculated. She would most likely try to dodge. So he discreetly froze the ground around her. Which would make her slip. An insult to injurt in his opinion. After all paine seemed prideful. So he planned to use that to his advantage. After all he was the son of Pain. No little pain fangirl was gonna beat him. Especially if she lost her temper so easily. Reminded him of Pain. then a thought passed through his head. Was she related to pain. Though it was dismissed as soon as it came.

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on May 28th 2011, 12:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2483
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Paine May 1st 2011, 3:50 pm

Paine looked toward Deluge and allowed her eyes to calculate her surroundings. The ice upon the bars, and even the ice below her feet. The steamy bit of water vapor upon Deluge's arm was a bit different, though. She kept that bit of info at the back of her mind. It was so easy. The upper hand was definitely being slipped her way with every second passing. The spear of ice was step one to Deluge's loss. She allowed herself to lean into the ice, it becoming one with her body. Her own flesh became an icy sheet. You could see through her as if she were an ice sculpture. The spear, though, upon impact, seemingly molded into her like a form of gelatinous liquid. Though, it was a solid object being sucked in and molded into another solid object. Paine's own powerful control over ice was going to make this a fun, and not so fair, fight. She smirked and stepped forward, using the icy mat to slide toward Deluge, her form stopping with her arm becoming a blade of ice. The edge of malicious, and even in temperatures of up to one hundred degrees, it was hard to have this ice melt. She just had to be hydrated, and well rested, and her ice abilities would stay at their highest potential. "Wow, really? You think you can just throw a fucking spear of ICE at me? Really? They call me the Ice Queen for a reason, buddy. And it's not just because of my rude attitude." Paine stood with a defensive pose, her blade up and arched over her torso as a protective shield. Her once crystalline skin was again back to normal, but it shimmered from the lights over head, her eyes a bright, clear blue.

Sean vs. Paine Vywjf8
Sean vs. Paine Paine1
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Arcana May 1st 2011, 4:00 pm

Sean was impressed by her ability. Another little ice bitch in the world. though she was nothing in his sights. he had Pain's blood coursing through his veins. no way a bitch on a powertrip could stop him. As the water in the air condensed intot he densest and most powerful blade of ice he could make. In the shape of a katana. With detail and everything. paine came sliding at him. using his own ice against him. "you may be the queen of ice, but that doesnt make you shit compared to me. I control all of water. Liquid ice and steam. So get off your high horse little Pain wannabe bitch." With all his strength he would push. In one attack he planned to fling her back. Get her to stop her prideful talk. Even if he had to gut her up to do it. After all this blade has enough to damage Pain. though Sean never tried that himself. Since he both worked with Pain and he found out the man was his father. So it's true power was undetermined yet. Now was better than ever to test it though.

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on May 28th 2011, 12:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Number of posts : 2483
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Paine May 1st 2011, 4:30 pm

Paine came at Deluge with her own blade clashing to arch into his. The ice blade was going to make things fun. Paine smirked and shook her head. "Kid, I don't care what you got power wise. It doesn't matter to me. Just because you cam do a few neat tricks with water doesn't mean shit. You're another scrub in this stupid tournament, and you're going to get your ass whooped." She slammed against him with her arm, the blade being her arm, and felt her own piece of work clash with his. The sound was horrendous, but she kind of liked it. It echoed while the crowd around of them got silent. Paine used the slick mat to her advantage and fell back, her right leg flying between Deluge's in attempt to trip him on top of her, her blade's dull end being used to brace the male's body if he fell into her. It would surely do a bit more damage to his solar-plexus, seeing as she had already harmed him only minutes ago in this little scrap they were having. She had to admit, though, this kid had guts enough to join this tournament, and even more guts to try and call her out on her ice abilities. It made her smile, and she was laughing on the inside about it.

Sean vs. Paine Vywjf8
Sean vs. Paine Paine1
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Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Arcana May 1st 2011, 4:44 pm

He lost balance as he fell forward. So her plan was to trip him eh? Well this would be trickiert han he thought. No way was he gonna be at the mercy of this ice bitch. As his grip on hs ice blade went slack. He gave the water in it one simple command. As it melted rushing to his stomach. Slamming into him at a decent strength. As he slammed back. Hard into the cage. Not hard enough to do amjor damage, but would sure leave a bruise. At least he wasn't where he could be. though the air was knocked clean out of him. Pain coursed thorugh his body for a second. "Nice try, but i'm not a pushover. No way are you going to beat me with that attitude. Damn you act too much like my dad." Sean said as his hand rubbed his stomach for a second. Now she was getting annoying. Though it was fun. Sean coudn't remember the last time he had a fight he had to try in. Well since Pan, but that guy beat his ass like a drum. This was a girl. She was no Pain. So he had to put her in her place. Face down on the ground.

Last edited by wallacewells4eva17 on May 28th 2011, 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Sean vs. Paine Empty Re: Sean vs. Paine

Post by Paine May 1st 2011, 4:55 pm

She watched while Deluge purposely hurt himself to get out of a situation that would have him down for the count. She chuckled and hoisted herself to her feet while the boy sat there, breathless from his own doing. "Who called you a pushover? And who's your dad, God?" Paine smirked and looked at the boy while she flicked her wrist. She was a right handed person, so with her blade being her right arm, she shook the ice into the form of the blade, but with a handle she could hold. She grasped the blade and swung it around gently, whipping it through the wind. She transformed the blade to a double edged malicious icicle. She licked her lips and let them curl up into a wicked grin. She took a daring step forward, threatening him with some body language. She cocked her hips and took another step forward, swaying her body. She was letting off a cold, very cold, temperature. At least three feet around of her was below zero, or at zero degrees Fahrenheit. She was one cold hearted cunt, that was for sure.

Sean vs. Paine Vywjf8
Sean vs. Paine Paine1
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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