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Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone

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Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Empty Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone

Post by Guest December 22nd 2010, 1:19 pm

Real Name: No Name
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name: Project Fury

Title: None

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: Super Human


With Injection: Silver and Long, goes down to mid-back

Without Injection: Gray and Long, goes down to mid-back.


With Injection: Her eyes are the color of Magenta.

Without Injection: Her eyes a beautiful sapphire, exactly like Pain's.

Height: 6 feet 2 inches

Weight: 257 pounds of solid muscle

Personality: Despite her 'name', Project Fury is not a person who is ruled by her anger. Her name Fury is rather a pun of sorts, referencing the old quote 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'. Instead, she is almost completely devoid of any and ALL emotion whatsoever, sort of in an almost brainwashed manner, although at times, her emotions will surface. Her personal style of fighting is a combination of technical wrestling and martial arts, which says a lot for her fighting ability, though her surprising flexibility helps too. She always listens to those who is in command of her and will obey any and all orders given to her without hesitation or question. Although it may seem like she has a lack of free will, she secretly desires to find the identity she had before she became a part of Project Perfection. A part of her old self that remains is her ability to speak perfect, fluent French.

History: Project Fury is someone who is considered very unordinary. She is a perfect genetic copy of Brock O'Day, in appearance and everything. She was cloned from his DNA by Project Perfection and handed over to a French woman named Amelie Vipere. She was given injections weekly by visitors of Project Perfection that changed her appearance enough so she didn't look exactly like Pain, though there are some slight similarities, it drained her of her emotions as long as she took it and at the same time, slowly increased her physical abilities to peak human perfection. She was raised in France by Amelie, who was an agent of Project Perfection, who injected her with the serum under the disguise of it being a medicine since she was lied to and said it was a medicine for an illness she had.

For years, she was raised by this woman and taught French and since for years Amelie was the only person involved in raising her, she started to gain the French accent and was even taught French as her first language, learning English later on in life. She was given a very sheltered life and was never referred to by a human name, merely that of Project Fury. When the time came for experimentation, she was taken to the lab where she was experimented on. She was given the same abilities Pain had when they turned him, since they were unable to get him back and decided to start from where they last left off.

Powers: Project Fury has a variety of abilities. Her strength is said to be nearly limitless, skyrocketed to match that of her male counterpart Pain, at least it was before his strength was raised even further without Project Perfection's knowledge. Her physical toughness(AKA her Endurance) is said to match that of Pain's, though her toughness is actually below his, since his Endurance was raised without Project Perfection's awareness, indicating she is easier to damage then the gray-haired male. Her speed is the only one of her abilities that she has that aren't a copy of Pain's. As a matter of fact, she is much faster then Pain, being able to move much faster then him, which makes her a little deadlier.

PowerGrid: Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Projectfury

Character Image/Description: Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Mishiki Project Fury can be described best as a towering amazon. Almost everywhere you look, you will see well-toned and large muscle, mostly because her choice in clothing are very revealing. Her favorite outfit, and by far her only one, is a simple black bra that is designed specifically to keep her E-sized breasts in place and a pair of black bicycle shorts that end right at the beginning of her thighs, which is very short.

RolePlay Sample: Project Fury calmly stood in front of one of the heads of Project Perfection, listening attentively with an absolutely blank and emotionless look on her face as she stared at the scientist with her normal Magenta-colored eyes with white pupils. Her usual attire consisted of a black bra that was designed to bind her E breasts in place and very short black bicycle shorts, considering the emotionless behemoth had practically no modesty whatsoever. When the scientist questioned her on the things she was told, she nodded quietly and even responded back in a quiet, blank tone of voice as she crossed her large, incredibly muscled and well-defined and toned arms across her chest. She already knew this information the much smaller man in front of her have given her about Pain and there was no need to continue debriefing her about it. She knew that with her abilities, she has a chance of beating Pain by herself but the scientists preferred her to have a partner, her partner being Project Medusa when they go out to fight and eliminate Pain. She personally believed that she didn't need a partner to help her eliminate the traitorous experiment but she did not comment as because she is merely meant to serve and obey and so she will not complain.

Last edited by Project Fury on April 27th 2011, 2:53 pm; edited 9 times in total

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Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Empty Re: Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone

Post by Entropus December 22nd 2010, 5:28 pm

-22 points used
-RP Sample is good
-Powers are fair.

Look's good to me. You may RP. Approved.

| Entropus, The Virtual Man |
Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone SignatureentropusProject Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Entropusgrid
"I aspire rather to be a hero, than merely appear as one."
"From Darkness to Darkness"

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Location : Fla, US
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Registration date : 2008-07-24

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Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Empty Re: Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone

Post by Slamfist December 23rd 2010, 12:31 pm

Also, you know of course your healing factor isn't as strong.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Registration date : 2008-11-28

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Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Empty Re: Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone

Post by Guest December 23rd 2010, 12:35 pm

I don't have a healing factor. ._.

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Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Empty Re: Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone

Post by Victor Vincent April 26th 2011, 10:09 am

I don't really see why a married Russian man would go to France and have a affair, but it's not really worth complaining about. Anyway, I can just about re-approve this application, I only see one problem.

Project Fury wrote:Her strength is said to be nearly limitless, skyrocketed to match that of her male counterpart Pain. Her physical toughness(AKA her Endurance) is said to match that of Pain's, though her toughness is actually below his, since his Endurance was raised without Project Perfection's awareness, indicating she is easier to damage then the gray-haired male.

I know you used to be as physically strong as Pain, but you can't put that in your app because your actually not as strong as him anymore. A easy way to fix this is too just add that you are suppose to be as strong as him, but he has also gotten stronger without Project Perfections knowledge. I know it's only a small thing, but I can't approve you til it's fixed. After you edit that out though, I have no problem re-approving your character.

Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone VictorsigProject Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Victorpowergrid
Victor Vincent
Victor Vincent

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2011-02-23

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Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Empty Re: Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone

Post by Victor Vincent April 26th 2011, 10:23 am


Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone VictorsigProject Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Victorpowergrid
Victor Vincent
Victor Vincent

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2011-02-23

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Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Empty Re: Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone

Post by Archer Roland November 27th 2011, 11:25 pm

Trashed to make room for another character.

Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone ArchersGrid
Archer Roland
Archer Roland
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 356
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-04-12

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Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone Empty Re: Project Fury, Pain's Genetic Clone

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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