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God of Nightmares [Storyboss advancement] [Jacks fifth advancement]

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God of Nightmares [Storyboss advancement] [Jacks fifth advancement] Empty God of Nightmares [Storyboss advancement] [Jacks fifth advancement]

Post by Zonkes October 27th 2022, 2:28 pm

Item/Character Advancement Name: God of Nightmares

Character Advancement Description: The Black Beast cometh! Jack has been granted a portion of the Black Beasts power, making him a Scion. Jacks already prodigious power and twisted mind have both been granted more power, giving him the following powers.

Item Power(s): Multiversal Dream Empowerment - The roots of the God of Nightmares reaches far, far into the multiverse. Dredging up power from the deepest reaches of eternity. Jack’s physicals are easily on par with the strongest metahumans on earth, capable of lifting skyscrapers, moving at near light speed, and tanking attacks equivalent to a nuclear bomb.

Nightmare Reality - Jack can pull from the deepest fears of every being he is in contact with using his Multiversal Dream Empowerment. These fears are as real right then as anything else, capable of dealing real damage. Anything the real version of that fear could do to them, the Jack controlled version can do. Additionally, Jack can make entire cities into his personal nightmare dimension. Completely under his control.

Mass Sleep - Jack can put hundreds of thousands of people into a comatose state, in this state, Jack can dreamwalk into their minds as normal.

Voidphase - Jack can become one with the void, ignoring anything real that would try to harm or impede him. Becoming unreal himself, only other beings that are of the void can harm him in this state.

Sleeper Agent - When a person is sleeping, Jack can place them under his control. This is easier when it’s someone Jack is closer to, such as a family member, but beings with insane willpower can fight this off with enough effort. Jack has to concentrate more the harder they fight. (If Jack takes over a player character, he can only control that player character and no others.)

Shadows of the Nightmare King - Jack can split himself into a currently unknown number of pieces, with each piece having the main base powers of Jack and his physicals, but without his other new scion abilities like sleeper agent, mass sleep, and nightmare reality.

Call of the Void - All of Jacks formerly magical abilities are now considered to be made of void for the purposes of resistances and weaknesses.

Item/Character Advancement Weakness(es): Black Beast - If for whatever reason, the Black Beast were to renegg or otherwise be unable to continue his relationship with Jack, these powers would be drastically reduced.

Item/Character Advancement Price: 75 XP

Last edited by Zonkes on October 27th 2022, 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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God of Nightmares [Storyboss advancement] [Jacks fifth advancement] Empty Re: God of Nightmares [Storyboss advancement] [Jacks fifth advancement]

Post by Nate6595 October 27th 2022, 2:40 pm

Sooooo...based off our advancement charts and my own take on the abilities, I would say you can probably get away with this by spennnnndinnnnnnng......I feel like a tier 5 advancement. So let's say, 75xp? If this doesn't feel right to you, feel free to contest it!

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God of Nightmares [Storyboss advancement] [Jacks fifth advancement] Empty Re: God of Nightmares [Storyboss advancement] [Jacks fifth advancement]

Post by Nate6595 October 27th 2022, 2:54 pm

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God of Nightmares [Storyboss advancement] [Jacks fifth advancement] Empty Re: God of Nightmares [Storyboss advancement] [Jacks fifth advancement]

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