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Steelheart Industries

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Steelheart Industries  Empty Steelheart Industries

Post by Argonath Belzenlock February 9th 2022, 10:27 am

Name Of the Group: Steelheart Industries

Color of the Group: Silver

Description/Goal: Steelheart Industries appears to be a legitimate state of the art multipurpose company based on the ‘improvement and evolution of the human race as a whole’ that has divisions in defense, medical, technological, meta-human studies, environmental preservation, and ‘general quality of life improvements’. It is run by its founder and CEO, Argus Black. A South African native and Multi-Billionaire the sixty year old is a wealthy and charitable philanthropist and the only person he cares more about in this world than humanity as a whole is his young Granddaughter Sammantha Black. Steelheart Industries is also in the business of hiring metahumans and even reforming those considered villains by the world nations. Giving them jobs in fields deemed too dangerous for normal everyday citizens (or even ones that armored and trained soldiers can’t accomplish). Striving to show that they can use their gifts in more productive ways to contribute to society.

That is the cover story for the true purpose of this group. As it is actually run by Lord Argonath Belzenlock, the Blackblade. The lost God has taken the Chaos Witch known as Dabbler under his wing, and uses her knowledge of this world to fulfill his desire to conquer this world. To use its resources to eventually return to his own dimension and bring it under heel as well. The main purpose of this group is one singular purpose: to conquer the multiverse with Lord Belzenlock at the top. All will eventually Kneel Before Belzenlock. This is your opportunity to influence how that plays out and make sure you have a say in the grand plan. Plus, it's always nice to be on the winning side of history.

History: Argonath Belzenlock is from another dimension. Specifically the world of Gienus, and there he was the God of Destruction, Fire, and War. He was cast out by his fellow Gods as they took to following the ways of Lorasil, the God of Peace when the people decided what good is a God who only destroys when in a time of peace and prosperity. Eventually he came back and led an army to conquer his entire known universe before Lorasil and his champions banished Argonath. After some time the forgotten god found his way in our universe and with the help of Dabbler was able to set up an alternate identity for himself and the business known as Steelheart Industries. Now, he seeks to gather allies (both Heroes and Villains) informing them what they want to hear to garner their support in his ‘peaceful takeover’ or, whatever flowery words you wish your character to have been told.

  1. Argonath Belzenlock (Argus Black to most)
  2. Dabbler (Samantha Black to most)
  3. Thalassophobia
  4. Lu Tong Niao

Name : (Include your real name and your 'Super' Identity)
Age : (Optional)
Main skills : (State your two strongest attributes/skills)
Reason for Joining Steelheart Industries : (Mandatory, but keep it brief.)

Any other info: The Base of operations and main building for Steelheart Industries is currently Bandarbeyla, Somalia. However the corporation has buildings in Chicago, British Columbia, London, Moscow, Brasilia, and Sydney.

Wealth: Argus Black, Samantha Black, and Lu Tong Niao.

Lord Argonath Belzenlock, The Blackblade
Experience Sheet
Argonath Belzenlock
Argonath Belzenlock

Status :

Quote : "This World, it's so different. So new. It too will fall. All will Bow to Agnorath."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2018-08-04

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Steelheart Industries  Empty Re: Steelheart Industries

Post by elephantlord February 15th 2022, 6:23 am

Name: Alexis Ada Lovelace / Adjunct
Age: 28
Main skills: Hyper-Cognition (Attributes) / Administration, Asset Management, & Teambuilding (Skillsets)
Reason for Joining Steelheart Industries: Alexis is interested in Steelheart due to their metahuman outreach. She has hopes the company culture will provide her a better working environment than her previous employer, as it became toxic near the end. A little digging would show that Alexis is a psychic metahuman with the ability to form social psychic bonds with other individuals. She also is in possession of a highly advanced portable supercomputer.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 105
Location : Phoenix, Arizona
Job : Pharmacy stuff
Registration date : 2022-01-18

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Steelheart Industries  Empty Re: Steelheart Industries

Post by Argonath Belzenlock February 15th 2022, 6:31 am

Welcome aboard Mrs. Lovelace, Steelheart Industries, if you’ll just read this NDA contract and sign on the bottom line we’ll get you started immediately.

(Get with myself and/or Neko in the discord and let’s see where this goes!)

Lord Argonath Belzenlock, The Blackblade
Experience Sheet
Argonath Belzenlock
Argonath Belzenlock

Status :

Quote : "This World, it's so different. So new. It too will fall. All will Bow to Agnorath."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2018-08-04

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Steelheart Industries  Empty Re: Steelheart Industries

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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