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Basic Bases [RESULTS]

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Basic Bases [RESULTS] Empty Basic Bases [RESULTS]

Post by Zonkes October 3rd 2020, 6:17 pm

Base Creation Contest

THEME: Basic Bases


1st Place: NomadOfTheCoast

Score: 99


Zonkes: 33

Vorik: 33

Ed: 33


Zonkes: Where to even begin. Holy shit. Nomad, you didn't have to build an entire ecosystem. It's a single base. You single-handedly had more information in this one sheet than I saw in the entire contest. The judges literally had to take turns reading it out loud for each other because of the depth and length of the thing. Very creative. Very good concept.  Very very good design. This is the only one that the judges unilaterally agreed was the best base. We genuinely are shocked that you went this far with it. Why do you hate us, Nomad?

Vorik: We ask for a base and you gave us a town. Not just any town that you just copied like Detroit, but a completely original and handcrafted town. Not only did you go to the extreme with what would be considered a base but you went above and beyond when it came to making this made up town feel real. You not only describe the town itself but you describe the daily routine of those that live there, and how it came to be. This has more thought and detail put into it than sthe majority of D&D premade towns I've read by far. I can only imagine the amount of time you put into this. While I do think this is wonderfully done me and the other judges had to take turns reading it aloud because there was just so much detail that it became longwinded and all of us were tired of reading afterwards. I don't think that is a big enough issue to warrant point loss but sometimes less is more. No grammar issues were found except for a single typo in one of the names. Overall this is clearly a work of passion for you and it shows.

Ed: *Cracks knuckles* allow me to start off by asking you, the creator, three simple questions: wtf Dan? wtf Dan? and finally: WTAF DAN? I would be lying if I said this is my favorite, in fact, I think it somehow ranked lower then the entry with the worst Grammar. Why the hell did you build a fucking society Dan? If it wasn't for Vorik's grand idea of us talking about the sheets as we read them I would have just given yours a "meh" at best, now I have to give you a perfect score. On a judge note, your sheet is very well done. You can tell you put so much thought into it that it almost feels like you were creating something for a thread that may or may not come, I almost wanted to be there and see the history of this place with my own eyes. all of this hurts me to type because I really want to score you low because the sheet is rather dull but God damn it you just did so much work with it that I can't bring myself to do it. You broke me Dan and made me look down on my own writing, Just take your points and be happy to yourself.


A Sub-Board for your base
200 flat XP

2nd Place: Nate6595

Score: 70


Zonkes: 23

Vorik: 23

Ed: 24


Zonkes: So, this one here I liked a lot. But it was also safe. Which is fine, but come on man. I've seen this a hundred times in different media. UA and Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters come to mind. Not to mention all the super school based RPs. I'm not saying its bad, but you really could've taken some risks here, and that's what put it behind the other applications on this contest. Also the minor grammar errors. I loved the map though. Nice touch.

Vorik: Minor but consistent grammar issues such as using the wrong words (ie import instead of export). While the issues did not affect the reading they were still noticeable. When going over the entry I felt that this was playing it safe using a really stock standard hero school. Nothing wrong with using something that works but thre has been so many hero schools in comics that you need to make it stand out which I dont feel like you did. The only real difference I could see what that the academy still has the abandonded ruins of a previous town. Everything else seems copy and pasted. Would of loved to see you add some of your personality into this. I gave you a 10 in Design because you were very detailed and thourough on describing what exactly is in the base. I honestly couldnt think of any major question or aspect you missed. Some of the details are a bit vague but not enough to be uncertain.

Ed: Right off the bat, I want to say your sheet was by far the one I found the most interesting and I really liked the work you clearly put into it. With that said your sheet has some issues, one of the biggest beings we've seen most of this before, It felt very X-men like with the symbol even being a letter that just so happens to come after X. That aside you do get a small issue with grammar but that is an easy fix. Overall I want to end it with a simple "Good luck and try to aim for this level from this point on because it worked well for you."


150 flat XP

3rd Place: CooperSword

Score: 67


Zonkes: 21

Vorik: 20

Ed: 26


Zonkes: All I can say is that I hope the raccoons next door don't mind their netflix buffering every once in a while since you stole their fiber optics.

Vorik: Almost nothing about this entry made sense to me or the other judges. Like, when we tried reasoning out how a treehouse only half a mile into the woods from their known address hasnt been found by an assassin is baffling. First, there isnt any forrests near Boston for a .5 mile distance, 3 oaks would absolutely not provide a dense canopy, why is there a random optic fiber cable in the woods? I'm going to have to give a 1 in Concept just because the entire reason of the base falls apart as soon as you begin to think about it. That all being said, this was the most entertaining sheet we read. All of us really liked the idea once we got past the part where it doesn't make any sense. The concept might be bad but the creativity of it was wonderful and we had a good chuckle thinking about how 3 heroes decided to build a treehouse in the woods to hide instead of skipping town. Lastly, none of us could find any grammar issues in the entry. Thats honestly impressive and shows that you know how to write. Now all you gotta do is think things through Razz

Ed: This sheet is an interesting one since I both loved and kinda disliked it. On the one hand, it is very faulty with the logic of the building being very unrealistic with the origin story attached it felt like the whole story is just one big "Fuck you and your stupid civilians" to Boston. On the other hand, the idea of a treehouse was very good and the laughs that the other judges and I had while reading your sheet very much saved it from 4th place in my book. In the end, I should probably leave you with a note to tell MVP to stop wrestling and fight Ganja with Wonderkid more and keep up the decent work.


100 flat XP

Honorable Mentions

4th Place: Woof

Score: 63


Zonkes: 22

Vorik: 21

Ed: 20


Zonkes: A solid entry, fairly safe again though. I wanna see more with this place, but I can't in good conscience rate it above the more risky entries. Also you had a ton of grammar mistakes in this. You guys know you had two months to fix these, right?

Vorik: I like the concept of a magical being turned wandering inn for anyone and I think it could lead to some great threads in the future.  I do think you can shorten the origin a bit since it reads more as a character sheet than a base sheet. While I like the concept there wasnt much creativity to make it radically different than similar wandering inns. You could of added more personality to the servants or to the inn itself. An example could of been that not only does the inn change in size to house people, but it also matterializes various supplies, self-help boosk, and reasources to help those who come. This would give it a more intelligent inn sort of vibe. The minecraft reference picture was a nice touch but I want more detail in the sheet itself here. Would of loved to read more than just the general layout of the inn. There was also numerous grammar issues with a few of them making it hard to read. A once over could of gotten a few of these.

Ed: There isn't much I can say about his entry since I very much got lost reading it, is the guy from the start become Inn or did he just build it? I will give you credit that I was impressed that you built the thing in Minecraft of all things for a graphic, putting that much effort into an entry like this really made it come off better to me. In the end, all I can say is "Good Job"


50 flat XP

5th Place: Jeannie Rose

Score: 37


Zonkes: 13

Vorik: 11

Ed: 13


Zonkes: I actually don't have a lot to say about this one. I liked the concept, it had potential. But there wasn't enough information to really give me an idea of what this place is beyond Jeannie's home base and animal shelter. In the end, between the grammar mistakes and the failure to provide enough information, I had to rate this one low.

Vorik: This is a very unpolished submission and it needs ALOT of work to be a good entry imo. There is not a single sentence throughout the sheet that does not have some form of grammar error usually being space spam or complete lack of capitilization. All judges had to try multiple times to read through the entry because there are so many glaring issues in sentence structure that we actually had to stop ourselves from subconciously correcting the errors we were seeing. This feels like a very rushed entry that was done within 40 minutes. That all being said, I still think there was some potential with the idea of a medieval castle passed down from generations but I honestly know next to nothing about it. How big is it? Where even is it? How many animals are sheltered there? Is it easy to get to or hidden away? A lot of the sheet is just vague when it comes to what the castle actually is. If you aim to win the next contest you need to work on your grammar and further explain things.

Ed: I must say your base idea was a really cool one to me, like the Batcave but for a family. The layout was something I also found enjoying since it looks like you put some work into it, the use of animals was something very much lacking from this contest and it was refreshing to see you use them. This kinda ends the good part of it as the grammar issues really blast a hole in the sheet's overall structure, grammar is a very important element of the whole thing and is something you should work on. In the end, I feel like this base could use some polishing before it can sail anywhere close to decent, I wish you luck in your future sheets.


50 flat XP

Congratulations, everyone!

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