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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Arcana January 3rd 2019, 5:59 pm

The call of the void

No matter how many times he performed it, there was a certain level of discomfort that came with the action itself. Feeling reality slip by, that rush making his stomach feel as if it would flip. Darkness sweeping past him and eventually orienting himself in the space that he wanted to be. The faint brush of something greater, roiling and heaving on the outskirts of the universe. Then he came to where he wanted to be, a small group of people accompanied by Humanity. Why he was with these people was a factor that was beyond understanding but that didn’t matter. There was much he had to do, to say and enact if he wanted to...well stop what he came here to stop. The Black Beast wasn’t an easy thing to defeat, he knew that but then again there were always those that believed they knew better.  Gather up enough power-players and hopefully they would be able to knock back the monster roaring at their doorstep.

A woefully three dimensional school of thought.

Lost in thought, Humanity turned to him and seemed surprised by the fact that he could see him. Masked features contorting, and crackling as they changed.  All other thoughts seemed to fade from his mind, back to the dark corners that they belonged and he just looked to the one that was looking at him now. Shifting along to the world around them, revealing they were not who he had expected. Now begging the question of what was happening. The world itself oriented around this man, shadows leaping and flowing like a fluid. Even color fading away to some unknown whim, leaving the two of them as relative constants within this sensory chaos. Even now he felt the urge to escape, like that of a cornered rabbit despite a small thought that told him he was in no real danger. An impossibility he had come to accept so long ago when he changed beyond the confines of humanity.

In the end however, aside from the multitude of voices speaking, he was told that his journey was fruitless. He was already too late and things were failing. He felt the darkness swirl within him, pupils and sclera fading to black voids within his skull. No light reflected, simply as if nothing were there. He took a few steps back from the being, so many thoughts going through his mind but all of them likely fruitless. His life had become a cavalcade of being unable to stop anything after all.  ”I don’t know who you are or what you’re getting at but time is on my side. ” His form seemed to waver, like vapor in the mid-day sun. Shadows writhing. With it an oddly familiar presence, though there wasn’t many people to experience the sensation. The world around them reverberated along with him, and then all at once his form came back together. The shadows switched, forming something more casual looking, though the mask itself remained.

”So, did you trap me here? Feels that way from what I can tell.” There was a silent threat within his tone, as if he  weren’t inviting

Living a constant contradiction
It took Mike a minute or so to hunt down Jordan. Not that he was really having any deep difficulty in doing so, but his mind was a busy thing. Constantly working over the various thoughts that were assailing it and the voice that was a little too critical on him. No matter what he found himself being assailed with his doubts. One last talk with the lover before Armageddon? Not that I imagine he will have anything to say in return.

Do you ever just shut up. He frowned, looking around outside of the building and stepping around a corner to see Jordan meditating.

Don’t think I will. It’s funny when you get all angry i’m still here. Not false, though his displeasure was something that amused the voice even more. A futile, even  pointless gesture really but he didn’t overthink things. After all, he had more important things to worry about than the fact he had a voice in his head. A growl showed the male noticed him, followed by a smile and him closing his eyes again. He returned the smile, joining in the meditative sitting despite how he did not intend to actually join.

His fingers interlaced, inhaling a deep breath as he worked over what he could say. If there was anything that he could say that would somehow calm his own frantic mind. Use your words Casanova. It’s just your brother who is also your boyfriend. How could thoughts sound so condescending?

”Hope you don’t mind if I sit with you. Would say I wanted to talk with you but don’t think you do much talking these days,” He broke the silence, twiddling his fingers and looking around. Was he the only one feeling this awkwardness. ”I know, it’s pretty rich to hear me going to someone to talk to but plenty of firsts lately I guess. I swear i’m not just coming to you because you can’t respond.” He sounded almost nervous really, as if he were trying to convey a thought that weren’t the norm.

”This isn’t the first time we’ve had to deal with the fate of the world...or rather our family. I’m used to at least one of us dying per major conflict, but something tells me that this might be different. I don’t know what it is but it’s one of those...gut feeling things,” How could he convey what that meant? It wasn’t even a thought. Just feelings and sensations he normally didn’t give too much a thought towards. Still here he was trying to tell Jordan. ”I know, confusing but just something that’s been on my mind. Been looking into this Black Beast thing for the past few months, but now that it’s on the horizon it feels all the more...unstoppable. I know dad probably has some grand idea but...”

His words faded, as his expression became more contemplative. ”Don’t know what i’m talking about. Guess I just wanted to...spend time with the person I love, even if that’s just sitting here without any talking.”

Ugh, feel like i’m gonna throw up.

Tears fall like rain
He wished he paid more attention when people spoke to him. Ryan always found himself confounded by the dense terminology used around him. Eric and Austyn however seemed less confused, nodding along as if everything being said made perfect sense and he was supposed to as well. Samhain had a plan, however he assumed a lot of it was just metaphor for something else. That was how magic worked, right? The names being mentioned of people needed were there, some even making sense though he tried to hide his disdain for Lucius most of all. Not as if he had any room to judge the metahuman any longer. If anything he was on the opposite end of this spectrum.

What he did understand is that his happiness was needed? ”A child born of shame and a spawn of chaos?” Ryan mused outloud, seeming to fall into deep thought. What could both of those things mean? There had to be a rhyme and reason behind what was being said. He had been trying to...well shed the assumptions about him, working through puzzles fed to him by Mike from time to time. Something to strengthen his seductive deductive. ”A child of shame…maybe they could have been made by someone shameful or in a way that was...shameful.” A small guess from his side of things, but he didn’t know if it would help.

He couldn’t suggest Lucas, or any of Lucius’ remaining children. His mind replayed the last moments of that girl, a sudden sickness filling him. Though at most he would look marginally paler than normal. Nothing to really take note of compared to someone that was cold to begin with. ”Chaos one is a little confusing...don’t know anyone that would fit that.” He admitted, wracking his brain for information about someone that was associated with chaos. Only one person came to mind due to their chaos spouting nature but it couldn't be it.

Lookin for a ride on D-day
He was willing to listen, looking to his friend while waiting for some kind of answer to his invitation. Afterall, not like he expected to have his offer pushed off. Well their relationship had a bit of secrets but everyone’s friendships had a few secrets within them.  Not all of them involved being a secret terrorist vigilante that killed people. It came down to someones family being here, Drifter being pissed off and then orders being given to those around them. Well that was not something that he was hoping for, the whole his attempting to help his friend being interrupted by said orders. Not that  his surprisingly serious expression was something that changed despite that.  Except perhaps an annoyed expression, as if he should have expected that but was bothered by it anyway. From these orders barked however he could tell that Matt was planning to fight this monster alone, without any back up. Not that logic really said any more of their human bodies would stop it.

Even still he listened, nodding along as his friend let out what felt like was a deep representation of what he was going through. That Savior guy not being here, though he didn’t know too much about their relationship. Matt seemed to care about that weird villainous figure more than he could comprehend but then again that was his own thing. This was just him allowing himself to be...was vulnerable be the right word? It was hard to tell, especially if this was that or him just reading too deeply into something.

Even still the concept of being unbreakable and undefeated came. Though from where he was standing he had already defeated and broken himself.

Still he sat there, occasionally glancing to anyone else still around but his attention was primarily on the person talking. Little cogs and gears whirring within his head, as if trying to put together the information he would need to form words with. There had to be something that he could say that would somehow help in any small way. At the very least that was what the small portion of him capable of optimism spoke against the raging tide of darker thoughts. Following the others eyes, he noted the people one of which looked rather close to how his friend looked. From there his brain put the pieces together, which meant...well his friend was related to the God Squad somehow. That was what they were called right? He didn’t really know, considering he didn’t keep up with Christian themed metahumans….not even most metahumans in general save for the hot ones.

What could he say? There had to be words that he could produce that would somehow help. Not that existential crisis’ like this were so easily mended because he managed to say something that sounded vaguely wise. In a sense he felt powerless himself, but he couldn’t just let himself fall apart like he assumed everyone else was. ”A lot going on up there. Can’t really fault you there, it’s a trying time with Black beasts coming to destroy the literal universe and whatnot.” Of course, he had to bring up the monumental stakes as if that would help. There had to be a rebound from that, so his mind quickly added. ”Don’t know what’s going on really, not truly but I do know I believe in you. Only reason i’m here of all places instead of living it up. I’m sure that’s why everyone else is, even if they won’t admit it.” Okay now that sounded much better. Had inspirational written all over it.

More things were said that were inspiring but the writer couldn’t think of anything. Just assume this is a paragraph of just the most inspiring shit and we can move on.

Regardless his words seemed to have stuck as Humanity spoke a little more and walked off. Leaving him with Drifter who was likely drinking copious amounts of booze and likely truing to do whatever. Ash had something to say about that, though he looked a little confused by the whole thing. ”I’m both pretty and inspirational. Comes with being Charlatan.” He smirked, seemingly smiling at the small compliment given to him. He had to take it wherever he could, regardless of where it came from. Compliments were not the most common thing in his life.

”Nope. i’m not stupid enough to try and do that thing.“ He shrugged, now even more curious about the whole concept of someone trying to leak names like that. Joining them were two blurs, both he didn’t recognize but one he was introduced to. That was when the lights clicked. ”Oh wow, you’re that speedster hero from Chicago. I’ve been following you...because and have to admit I have a soft spot for the speedy types.” He seemed to go on a small tangent, stepping up to offer a hand that the other hesitantly took.

”I...nice to meet you too? What do you do...since you know a lot about me.” He seemed a little uncertain about the whole situation, looking around awkwardly.

”A lot of things. Might have show you sometime.” A small wink as he withdrew his hand and turned around, leaving the speedster to ponder that as he walked off. Luke’s van shouldn’t have been too far from here, though what he saw was a woman standing in the back doorway. Well that was odd, though he didn’t really say anything and instead just walked up. ”You in there L...Drifter? It’s me!” He called out, stepping around to see the scattered glass and puddles of booze pooling across the floor. Not good at all. ”Normally you’re wasting booze in different ways.” He stepped around the puddle and sat down on a seat that was...there for some reason, and looked his friend down. ”Why is there so much booze in here?” He asked, picking up a bottle and looking it over with a sigh.
Hope rides alone
He saw the action in motion. Each subtle movement, and Alpha reacted accordingly. An arm snapping up to meet the kick, the impact striking his personal barrier and sending vibrations through the thin membrane. There was more force behind it than he expected, something that surprised him as he felt the faintest of something beyond the defenses themselves. Ripples vibrated outwards from the visible barrier. No real signs of weakening, though likely it was thinner in that point if he were fast enough to react. Watching them back up, he mused to himself. This obviously couldn’t be everything they had. Testing the waters was something that he could respect. Make sure he didn’t get irreparably harmed or whatever. His sons friend seemed like a good kid….sorta. He didn’t really know them, and said son was less able to care for themselves in an obvious coke caused manner.

”Wow, okay that was pretty solid.” In an instant the barrier stabilized itself, and he shifted his stance.
He focused his power around himself and in a moment seemed to rush forward, too fast for the human eye but not for the inhuman one. His personal assault started with a kick towards the others their mid, followed by a spin kick as if to brush them aside. Each strike meant to knock them aside should he not defend himself properly.

Red like roses
He thought he was being a little stealthy but The Warden of Will had noted him looking in his direction anyhow. Sixth sense or just intuition he didn’t know but it was something. They hadn’t seen each other in years since the two had been brought back into line, yet since the last week they had been seeing more of one another. It was more than he had expected really, but not an unwanted phenomenon. He blinked, not realizing he might have been blushing though he nodded and broke away from the other wardens. As much as he considered himself one of the elders, it was much preferable not to spend too much time with them. There were others he would have preferred to spend time with. Even if Flamel was not someone that enjoyed their presence too much.

It took them a small while to find this alchemist. The perfect time to talk but what could he say that would really undo the damage he had done within his own corrupted state so long ago. ”We’ve got to stop meeting like this. First dealing with Asy and now...some kid of Black Beast.” It could have been the universe giving them a sign, or just a strange kind of luck happening. Regardless he didn’t mind the reasons behind it. Instead he kept his mind on finding their target, and the silence remained until the elderly human came into view. Not that he was always so frail looking, sometimes even looking far younger through whatever means were available. He was speaking with someone else, though they looked far less interested in whatever was being talked about.

He seemed to not like seeing them around, hiding behind the male he had been talking to only seconds ago. The amusing sight was enough to get a smirk out of him, though the will warden broke the metaphorical ice first. Causing his conversational partner to leave before he got dragged into any real awkward problems that could come of this. Amor offered them a small wave before turning back to Flamel. ”It’s been a while Flamel, when was the last time we met? I feel like it was France a few decades ago.” Free love was more of a thing then and people were more apt to take psychedelics. He loved it, though that was also just a time when he wasn’t one to enjoy the mortal world alone. Leave it to Flamel to point out their being together as something to question.

He coughed awkwardly, relying on one with more willpower to not react as adversely as him. ”Yeah, big guy wants you for whatever reason. Probably that alchemy you got goin on.” If there was one thing he was good at, it was keeping up with the modern lingo. Though he preferred to not taint his speech patterns with it alone. That tended to leave his fellow wardens left in the dark. Though their expressions were always so amusing. ”Still a douche, though I think that gets worse with time somehow.” Still he had to admit the warden of power didn’t really bother to chide him about what he had done. Leave that to the lesser wardens.

Burying hands into his pockets, he walked alongside the warden and immortal, wondering what they even wanted with this man.

The nose knows
If there was one person that did not care about social norms, it was Shael. Sniffing along on all fours until he found the scent they were supposed to be looking for. Rapidly sniffing against the leg he had pressed his face against until he looked up to see the form of one Humanity, lips curling into a wide smile. ”Found him!” He announced, overly pleased with himself while pointing at the male with an index finger. ”Know if someone cleans themselves.” He noted off handily, standing up to his full height and bu8rying hands into the pockets of his shorts. Sure, he should have questions why this person knew who he was but then again he had just assumed that everyone here knew each other to some degree. That was why they were all gathered to save the world like in this video games Jordan played with him.

There was the question of if he knew Humanity, and that made his brain...well think. Did he know Humanity? The scent was vaguely familiar, but not enough to where he could actually pick the person out. Someone he had fought with his mother over also gave an idea, though he was cut off from that train of thought by the compliment of his nose being the best around when it came to finding people. ”Yeah,” He nodded to the question about whether he were for hire or not. ”who do you need to find?” He waited for an answer to that, cocking his head to the side and waiting for some kind of answer or even example of a scent he was supposed to follow.

Nothing weaves a good yarn like a savior
As if to prove that the people joining the party wasn’t done, the air began to pulse before splitting apart like a seam being undone. Three people stepping through. A red haired woman decked out in what looked to be steampunk attire,  the man known as Savior and his own Frankenstein creation a few steps behind him. ”Didn’t think I would make it here on time.” He noted,  eyeing a watch attached to his wrist. ”No, definitely late. Matt’s going to let me here it later.” He sighed, looking to the strange woman stitching the portal close with a casual motion.

”It was hard enough to pinpoint this area. A lot of universal interference going on here.” She protested, a small frown forming on her lips and arms crossing almost petulantly. ”Hyperion was supposed to be meeting me here. I hope he’s not making me look for him.” She muttered looking around and then huffing under her breath.

”I know. Find who you’re looking for and i’ll do the same.” She didn’t waste anytime, wandering off and he did the same with tag-along in tow.

Fires fade
Cas suspected the man would chase after him. Not like he gave the impression of someone that would simply give up when told to leave someone alone. Part of him was wound up, all too prepared to fight but he didn’t want to waste energy that could have been spent elsewhere. When he had so much to prepare for.  It was someone else who had stopped the potential conflict, bearing the symbol of the void and someone he knew well enough. Why this person was stating he would need to serve his master rather than being contacted directly was something else. Perhaps he was worth not even being told directly, or perhaps the words spoken to him were more true than anyone would have admitted.  Thinking that way made his side burn like fire.  ”If your master wants my service he can tell me himself.” Was all he said, cradling his side with a hand and walking off.

A walking, talking anti-christ in kid-friendly form

He listened quietly despite being the one standing before Lucas as if to shield him from someone that set off as many danger alarms as their father Lucius Alba did. Perhaps even more despite how clam and quiet he talked. As if these words were nothing more than the pleasant lights of a predator waiting to strike. In the end however he had been told to protect his brother, to be strong and he...well he intended to. With Isalia gone he was the only one that could do it. Thinking about it made him feel sad but he didn’t want to. That was behind him, something he should have been aware of by now. A few of the fictional stories he read espoused the virtues of forgiveness and that put a few ideas into his head. After they talked to their father however. That looked like something that would be its own thing.

” to talk to someone real quick.” He said with a small apologetic smile, stepping away from Lucas and walking off in a resolute fashion.

He had a self styled greek god to find.


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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Silus January 5th 2019, 10:22 am

=====The most Un-vigilant Vigilantes ever=====
            Patrick had left the group and passed someone who looked a lot like Citizen Zero, the primary difference being the permanent scowl that said “I’m sick of your shit” almost constantly and the fact that his eyes were almost cyan-green in color. Otherwise they had enough similarities to make the solid assumption that they were related. He likely heard the young man approaching Citizen Zero and hounding at him. Hiding the fact you’re a vigilante and you work for Humanity was a bad thing in that family. Of course, Cameron’s father had every reason to despise the vigilante squad.

           “That’s Charlatan. He’s a nice guy. Flirts a lot, and if ya give him an inch he’ll take 9. But he’s a good guy.” Khaos said as he shrugged with a chuckle. He was still working on his own little device, trying to see if he could somehow help what Drifter and Charlatan were working at. He looked up to Bolt, as if expecting him to finally put it all together. After all, a lot of non-lethal vigilantes were here alongside people known for working with Humanity. They all seemed to be following orders and cooperating together, like some form of family.

            “Seriously? YOU’RE Citizen Zero? Bullshitm, you broke your arm trying to open the salsa jar!” He shouted, the more one looked the more one might notice another type of look on the angry young man’s face. The circles under his eyes looking similar to Cam’s however unlike Cameron he simply seemed tired, not like a drug addict playing with eyeshadow.

             “SHH! Stop! Max, I will shoot you in the kneecap!” Citizen Zero said from under his hood and black mask. The words were obviously said through his teeth. The boy buried his hands in his blue hoodie and his eyes trailed off to the side. “It’s a cybernetic brace. It attaches to my bad arm. It does all the work and insulates my arm to support my bone structure. Okay?” The explanation was met with a very

              “Tch-whatever. I hope you don’t expect me to sit here and do nothing like Mom. Gimmie a gun or something.” The adolescent demanded as he pulled one hand from his hoodie and extended it, as if waiting for his brother to hand him a weapon. Citizen Zero just shook his head and scoffed. He stepped back and the cyan-green eyes rolled.

               “You’re not getting in the way. The whole reason I do this is to put bad people down. I’m not going to let you become one of them.” Citizen Zero said quietly, Max sighed and shook his head a little. There was a heavy showing of disappointment, though he pocketed his hand. Max turned and shrugged as he started to walk off. Citizen Zero didn’t say anything else, he just watched and rubbed his one arm, uncertain if he had done the right thing there. He thought he would have done what Humanity would have done. But was that best? Look at the situation he was in now...

=====The Tower=====
               Luke seemed as though he was done talking. It turned out that she wasn’t the only long-winded one. Though she had to confess, that was a trait within her entire family. It was no wonder this young man got along with Matthew. He also shared Matthew’s penchant for trying to have the last word. Poor boy didn’t realize that mama always gets the last word. She jumped in her seat, a little startled when she heard the bottle shatter. She closed her eyes and let out a shaking sigh, her heart racing. She leaned down and began picking up small pieces of glass as she listened. Sitting back up and listening before returning for more of the broken fragments.

               She did in fact listen. It was intently as well. She knew what this boy was going through, she could feel his anxiety radiating off of him. She had struggled with anxiety for years, a gift she unfortunately passed to two of her sons. But she refused to treat this boy any differently. She heard everything he said about the purifying humanity through corrupting one’s sense of self. She nodded to that one. He took a new bottle and began to drink, then he concluded. He took a pile of pills to his hand and the woman reached out, grabbing his wrist gently.

                “Before you do that, while you’re still somewhat conscious. I want you to know that I understand. I don’t blame you for wanting to stop.” She said sympathetically. At first she figured Drifter wouldn’t understand what she was talking about, but then she elaborated with her own look. She seemed almost curious as she looked to him and asked a question to the inebriated boy. “Do you think he will stop too? Humanity, that is. Do you think he’ll just decide to stop killing your friend?” She was hoping that the symbolism was enough to make the boy see things in a slightly different light. If Luke gave up here and now, even if he wasn’t gaining much ground, then Matthew was truly lost. Humanity was tenacity, it was darkness and hope all at once. Humanity was determination, and if Drifter gave up now then it was as good as allowing it to kill the very person he wanted to save.

               “When you became Matthew’s “Brother” you became my son. So let me tell you something. From a mother’s perspective. Something I wish I had told Matthew. Stand up and fight. Just because the world around you is dark doesn’t mean that you have the right to let that light die. In you, or in anyone you meet. If there is a light, you protect it. There are stars in darkness. So far from one and other, but so brightly shining in the darkness. When the world around you is dark, you remain a light. If Humanity pushes you away, it’s because Matthew is afraid of being seen, or afraid of seeing what he has become. I can’t stop you from making your choices, but I promise you.” She sighed as she removed her hands from Luke’s, allowing him to look at the pills or do whatever he wished. “It does not stop things from getting worse. It only stops the possibility for it to get better.”

              She opened the van door and stepped out. Dropping glass on the grass before turning back to Luke with a short smile.

           “I’ll pray for you. If that means anything to you. I’ll be at the church. I’m hoping Matty will be coming to visit me. I’m sure he’d love to have you too.” She said as she stepped out and began to close the door. There was a knock on the van and there was another voice. She smiled kindly and greeted him with a Hello and waved before turning to walk away. Patrick had taken his seat by a puddle of spilled drink and some of the faint remaining glass fragments.

=====A Savior and an Angel of Death=====
               “Savior. I have Humanity’s EMF in view. How shall I proceed?” The dark clad Azrael asked, his mask dark, his scythe still secretly hidden in it’s broken down form, wings dropped down like a cloak. The six foot muscular being of plate cyberpunk armor was nothing less than intimidating. It looked to its master and creator in anticipation. It was almost agitated by Humanity’s existence, that it still lived and drew breath after tasting Azrael’s scythe. The Weaver had left so that Hyperion may be found and there could be some form of assistance.

               “Savior, I also detect a high concentration of the energy that rendered me vulnerable when I last clashed with The Unholy Trinity. Please be advised that it was just thrown through a wall and is likely hostile.” He said, looking around as if he were scanning the entire area. He wondered if perhaps he should acquire some information for his creator...and he knew just where to begin when given leave.

=====The SamuraiHero that smells of cherry blossoms=====

              “Silus. I need to find Silus. Smells like the cherry blossom and jasmine or whatever it is. That Arcane accident is really going to haunt him forever, ehehe.” Humanity chuckled as he realized probably how easily a smell like that could be identified. He was thankful that Silus’ enemies rarely consisted of those with a superhuman sense of smell. That would be horrifying if they were trying to hide from a monster. Though it would be easy to split up and confuse the beast as to which way they went.

               “So whazzup You-Manatee?” Pup asked as he leapt forward and shoulder checked into the vigilante. The vigilante hardly budged as he just scoffed a little. His hand came up and he began to rub the boy’s head.

              “Easy pup.” Humanity warned a bit, feeling uncomfortable already. He could never tell if the kid was being creepy or just overly affectionate. If Silus were doing this he would just think of him being overly affectionate, and Mike it would be in amore creepy way. It was horrifying for even the most chaotic of brains (like Matt’s) to try and figure out. He was innocent looking like Silus but he had a rather mixed personality that made him similar to Mike. “Hey Kit. Fox and the hound over here. Does this make me the old woman?”

               “S-shuddup. It wasn’t funny the first six times.” Jack said as he shrugged his shoulders uncomfortably. Soon enough there was a small flash of light and a small child around the boy’s age had wrapped himself around Humanity’s leg.  

                “Daddy!” The little voice squeaked, hugging tightly. Matthew’s eyes widened as he knelt down and embraced the small dark brown haired boy. He seemed to laugh and nuzzle into the creepy armor. Matthew felt his heart grow heavy as his eyes threatened to water. He hadn’t expected to see him here. His eyes began to scan the area and he saw The Minister off in the distance, disappear in a flash of light. Matthew pulled his son as close as possible to the degree the boy started to struggle a little. “Ow, ow! Love too strong!” Matthew quickly released the boy, who turned and looked to Pup and Jack. Pup smiled and waved while Jack was in shock.

                 “Boys this is one of my sons. Victor. Victor these are...friends.” Matthew said, uncertain how to categorize the two other than pests that put him in horrible situations.

                  “I’m Pup. Detective and metahuman specialist. Breaker of chains and slayer of jokes.” The smallest one said as he reached out and slapped Victor’s hand, making them both feel kinda cool for being on the same wavelength. Then Pup looked to Jack.

                    “I-I-I’m uh. I-” Jack was just stunned to meet Humanity’s child that would most likely have had to have been conceived when Humanity was like three. His stammering and stuttering was a result of his brain trying to process. But Pup smiled and nodded. He needed assistance with a badass introduction? No worries. Pup stuck out his thumb and smiled while pointing to Jack.

                      “He calls him “Daddy” too.” He said as he pointed to Humanity. Matthew began to choke on air as Jack’s face burned a bright red. Victor cocked and eyebrow before looking to Matthew. Pup looked back to Jack and smiled with a slight nod. “I gotchu fam.” He said with an innocent smile. Jack wrapped an arm around Pup’s neck and began to squeeze as he actually seemed like he was trying to kill the younger boy.

                    “Oh, so he’s my brother?” Victor asked, looking to Humanity. Humanity cleared his throat, slapped his chest and shook his head. He honestly had no idea what was going on here, but form Jacks' reaction he figured they may have been something that he wasn't supposed to know.

                   “No-I..I have no idea what that’s about.” He said, looking to Pup who was still staggering out a little laughter as he caught breathes, wrestling with Jack’s arm who was suffocating him.

                   “I’m gonna kill you! I’m gonna fucking kill you! Any last words?” Jack asked as he huffed the words angrily into his smaller friend’s ear. Pup smiled as he felt his feet being lifted off the ground.

                   “Harder!” He said with a smile, it almost came out as a slight moan of pleasure. Humanity's eyes twisted as he looked slightly repulsed. Then he chuckled as he realized what the boy was doing.  Jack’s face paled and his eyes looked away then back to his captive. he had been taken by surprise..

                   “W-what?” He was taken off guard as Pup’s elbow went right into his stomach, forcing him to release the boy from the chokehold. Pup dropped to his feet, not releasing Jack’s arm. Instead as he landed, he stepped off to the side, twisting jacks arm and flipping him onto his back.

                  “You should try to choke harder. Kills people faster.” Pup said with a wink as he extended a hand to help Jack up. Humanity chuckled and Victor seemed to be amused by the interaction to say the least. Victor even hopped in and jumped on Pup’s back, starting a small dog pile. Humanity chuckled a little and truly hoped that everything he was hearing was just his spending too much time with Pat and not some form of weird event that would cause Nihilus to be hunting Pup down later.

=====The power of One=====
               Cas seemed to be deterred from fighting Asmodeus. Asmodeus noticed the emblem on the eye of The Disciple. The name was whispered into his ear. He nodded and swallowed, his throat closing as he realized who he was looking at. Cas seemed to want nothing to do with it, saying that his master could tell him himself. He proceeded to walk, but The Disciple was not having any of it.

                 “He did not save you so that you could simply surrender yourself to Death.” The Disciple said as he turned to look over his shoulder. He was hoping Cas had heard those words and stopped. He hoped those resonated and told him exactly who it was that he served. If that were the case it would also explain why his master could not speak with him personally. Yamm’s essence could not be felt anywhere since the night Sin almost consumed him. “Casmaudius. As the High Priest of Yamm, and of the Pantheon in which you are responsible for, I beseech you to come with us. If you deny me, you deny the one who saved you. To deny the one who saved you is to deny yourself.” The words spoken were like a warning, ominous in way that had such a gravity. Yet somehow this was not a threat. No perhaps it was a vision, or a prediction? The Disciple stood as Asmodeus stepped forward.

            “I don’t owe Yamm nothing. But the kid? If it keeps him alive, I’ll serve a life sentence.” Asmodeus said as if he were setting up conditions for the service he was providing. The Disciple nodded and Asmodeus stepped through. The Disciple turned to find Cas, though was unsure if he would even be there.

=====Hidden Agenda=====
              “I’ve assembled four of my Guardians of my dominion. I’ve also brought our little Nephilim friend here.” Ares said the six people were standing together as they looked to Ares. There was a young boy with a vicious white liquid hair and shorts made of the same fluid. His forearms seemed to be braced by the stuff and his eyes seemed to be closed as he nodded and listened, his tongue lolling out a little. Next to him was the six foot tall werewolf in what appeared to be a tuxedo-like dress suit with a robe over it and a monocle in the one eye. Beside him was a young woman, with pale skin and black hair. Her eyes were a piercing green color and the shadows seemed to slide around her in a small way. Green plants seemed to wrap around her and create floral dress, flowers with vibrant blood red and pink colors mixed with orange as they bloomed on her dress train and in her hair. Then there was the most obvious Guardian, Ares’ right hand man. Finely dressed in a red pinstripe suit with a red helmet like headwear with serrated red waves making a rose like formation that contrasted his purple skin and sharp white fangs, a magenta colored iris sweeping the room. The guest of course was the boy by Ares side, Raziel’s son apparently.

               “We will be working alongside Samhain, an Eldritch entity. The Plan is to spurn the Black Beast and destroy as many fragments of it’s being that have rooted themselves here in this universe. Including The Good Sister.” Ares said with a smile. The woman smiled widely, the young child seemed to laugh in a mischievous way.

              “Ichee Kaba bacha Igu-igi-whanna! Chiki Nibbu Loma Daaar ahahahah!!!!” The young boy, Belobog cheered an almost proud smile beaming from him. Ares shook his head with a smirk.

              “Would you expect any less? She owes me a favor, a debt. One I will collect with her fragment.” Ares said. Axel smirked and nodded in approval, everyone seemed to be in agreement that Ares had formulated a plan, even if it was one they didn’t understand. Did he ally with her to bring her here, to a place with such powerful individuals just to strike a crucial blow to an entity like The Black Beast? Was he that ingenious?

              “Zachriel here may not know you. So for the sake of formality, introduce yourselves.” Ares said, his elbow bumped into Axel, he smiled and turned to Zachriel. They had met before, but he was still leading by example.

               “Young Zachriel, I am Axel. I am Lexa’s brother and Guardian of the fifth and sixth sanctums alongside my sister. My duties tonight are to keep you safe, at all costs.” He introduce himself a purple hand with small white claws coming across as he bowed politely. Next in line was the woman.

                 “Sher’Thal. It is excellent to meet you little lord Zachriel. I am the guardian of the first sanctum.”  She said as she lowered herself, the foliage clothing automatically rising to her hands as she gave a curtsy. Next was the werewolf.

                 “Slayerrrrbane! At your Serrrrrvice! Guardian of the second sanctum!” The wolf bowed, the slight sound of a tear in his shoulder, made him pause in place as he growled and quickly stood back up as he covered his tearing clothes with the robe, tying it tighter. “So sorrrry!”

                    Ares turned to point to the small child next but he was gone. He blinked and then suddenly the child tapped Zachriel on the back, he was hanging from the ceiling from the slime on his forearms as he spread his arms wide, eyes still closed as he yelled his name.

                    “BELOBOG! Rawr!” The child said with a small giggle before the slime moved from the ceiling to the wall and then the floor, the child never moving from his fixated space. Soon the slime was beneath the child and forming a bean-bag like structure for him to sprawl out on. Then the structure rolled the boy back to his place, the child rolling to their stomach they listened. Ares looked to Zachriel, his sunglasses fallen from his nose a little with a slightly confused look as he shook his head and silently mouthed the words “I have no idea”

                   “Samhain. Eldritch horror with his own agenda. Saving the universe just so happens to be part of it. Nice to meet you, Raziel spawn. Introductions over? Good. As you all know, The Author had a dream and in this dream he was discovered, seen and called out by individuals from another universe. He also had a dream where he confronted The Black Beast and the reality as he knew it ended. That being said, we’ve got many forces at work here. Never before has there ever been such an opportunity for me. Opportunity for me, is opportunity for you. This is a chance for you to make your dreams come true. In the course of this confrontation...” Samhain began as he went to detail out his plan. Apparently Samhain wanted Ares to focus on destroying The Black Beast, while they were to keep their eyes peeled for two beings. “The child born of shame” and a “Child of chaos” or something to those effects. So this whole plot to save the world had a dark twist to it, saving the world to kidnap people.

                 Axel continued to give sideways glances to Zachriel, trying to gauge his reaction. He had hoped that despite the fact they were opposing forces...Angel and Demon, Zachriel would know that Axel was always truthful, and was the designated mentor and guardian of the Nephilim. Questions and complains were always addressed, as best as he possibly could. Despite being a demon, Axel seemed to be genuinely good, just like his sister.

=====Splash zone=====
             Azrael watched as he anticipated the next attack the kick to the mid section was seen right through, thought he follow up was not. Azrael brought his forearm up and he heard a cracking noise as he was hit and sent flying into the wall, breaking right through it. There were screams as others watched Azrael roll over, the plate armor on his arm completely shattered and breaking off in pieces.

             “A-AH! OH NO!” Zeke began to pull at his hair, strands of blonde being pulled between his fingers as he felt his nose start to bleed, the stress of watching his friend get kicked through a wall was more than he thought was going to happen. He had faith in Azrael, but his father had no idea how strong he really was. Zeke feared for his friend’ life. Not because of his father’s malice. His father’s raw overpowering force.

             "Alright. If you want to play it that way." Azrael said as he rolled over onto his side, moving up to his knee, one foot planted with is toes folding up as he pushed off, with incredible speed he shot out like a bullet and began to assault Alpha on his own a flurrying of kicks. Roundhouse, low leg sweep followed by a butterfly kick. Spinning to the ground and regaining his balance he would begin to interwork a punch. His goal was to give several small strikes to the barrier within a short amount of time. Something he knew he could do. But he couldn’t take his guard down.

              He had a plan to defeat Alpha, and unfortunately it wasn’t a unique plan. It was one created by the one he used to be, the one he used to inhabit. He growled a bit as he began to let out a flurry of blows, mixing punches and kicks, throwing Alpha on the defensive as quickly as he could.

=====The Devil on Earth and The Devil from Beyond=====
                Archon felt his nose itch as he went to sneeze. He glared his throat and gripped the bridge of his nose, preventing himself from sneezing. He stepped away from Sean and began to prepare for his “reinforcements” to arrive. These individuals know their goal and they would obey the restrictions placed upon them. It was a business negotiation, a deal that had been struck. These individuals had survived something similar to The Black Beast, and now they were willing to help Archon in this universe as well.

                “Lucius...Ren, is it? Excuse me a moment. I’m pulling something through.” Archon said, a secondary being of himself stepped outside of his back, looking over the two as he cleared his throat. “You’ll be the first to welcome them I guess. So what can I do for you?” He asked, though beings began to walk forward through the light. The being wore a ragged and tattered navy blue cape tied with unholy clasps covered in molten chains. The exosuit stepped forward with a flat face and a small crown of horns poking form it’s head and moving upwards like a crown. The armor seemed to be made of a black shale-like substance with a silver luster to it, seeming almost impossible to be real. It stepped forward as it’s eye seemed to glow red, while a face of molten glowing fangs seemed to melt the mask it wore continually. The person was truly concerned with cosmetics. Those that followed him less so. There was a being in a black leather jacket, an inverted cross on his back and sunglasses over an unimpressive black latex mask. Beside them was a man in a cloak, he wore strange technology, though his mask seemed to be almost integrated into a visor that covered his mouth cover and his eyes. Hardlight technology apparently was achieved as EKG rhythms were seen

              “Coven. All introduced. I need somewhere dark and enclosed. Now...” The three had exchanged introductions. Well Archon and Diablo did. The other two just jumped in. The one in the leather jacket walked away almost immediately, and the one known as Coven just brushed past Archon without a care as he began to search for his ideal habitat.

=====This is us=====
                Austyn listened to what the brothers had to say, and he agreed with them. Well truthfully he agreed with Eric more. Mostly because he didn’t know anyone that fit either description. A child born in shame was a hard thing to get someone to admit. One born of chaos was equally difficult. How was one born of chaos? Was that literal or figurative. Austyn grimaced a bit as he began to think, his eyes flickering back and forth as the voice in his head began to chant it’s little melody. Out of instinct, Austyn perked his head up and turned, looking around and searching. He could see Poltergeist standing on two legs, looking oddly human in posture as it’s head dropped to the right, the malicious grin combining with a haunting laughter that bellowed. No one else could see it but him. He shuddered as he looked back, rubbing his arm.  

                "I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so distrusting. I was just...I had a family and they...I couldn’t trust them to not die. Moreover I was the reason they died, some guy’s sick obsession. Next thing I know I kill him and he’s possessing me. I didn’t want to let anyone close. I didn’t hate you for something that was different about you. I hated you because we were the same. I just didn’t want people like us ruining someone like him." Austyn said with a smile to Eric, he then looked and motioned to Ryan with a slight bittersweet smile. He wanted to say something reassuring, something that would make it better. He couldn’t though. There was no way to make it work in all the ways he needed it to.

                "Ryan, you’re one of us now. Welcome to the cool kids killer club. It sucks and it’s full of nothing but regret. But it doesn’t matter what we did. What matters is that there’s not one of us whose better than the other. We’re here, together. The way we were born. I don’t know about you, but I wanna die that way too. Just not today, and sure as hell not tomorrow. We’re gonna do this the right way. We’re not gonna give up, roll over and die. We’re gonna fix this. Not just for us, but for the people we wronged. That’s what we can do, with Samhain’s plan. He’s got a group of people here to help us, so look for a very tall werewolf in a tux and a robe. I dunno why but apparently he’s in charge of helping us however we need it."

=====The Beacon in the Dark=====
"Time? My dear boy you have no idea how much time you've lost. Such animosity towards me. Don't be a fool now..."
Hayse began to laugh as the shadow quickly began to shift and meld. Reality itself was beginning to reject The Dark Traveler, forcing him out. Trapping him here, between the realms. Where he would have shadow grow, now there was but the Void itself, and all existence would begin to fade. It was NOT the way The Dark Traveler would have wanted it, that much Hayse was certain. The being was being rejected, unobserved and unperceived by reality, so much so that it’s own make-up and ties to power were fading.

"Yes, embrace this. What you've always been. Nothing..."
The Doctor laughed, though suddenly there was a boom, a vibrational echo throughout the nothingness. Something that caused his sadistic smile to shrink to its regular grin, it’s pupils wide as its own body began to morph. The world around fell silent.

               “RELEASE HIM!” The voice commanded, the Doctor grumbled as he stepped back. It quickly began to weigh it’s options. It began to calculate and murmur to itself. It’s smile returned to the one it had prior, the one that was overjoyed at the prospect of turning The Dark Traveler’s own power against him. The doctor faded, laughing rather manichally before he disappeared, fading away. The world returned to color and The Dark Traveler had arrived in the middle of Ares and Samahin’s little meeting, all eyes looked to him frozen. The small child with his eyes closed stuck his tongue out and seemed to give little hums of laughter, amused by the new presence.

                “Excuse us. My dearest friend and I have something to see to.” There was a man who spoke, he was older with tanned skin and white hair, streaks of grey peppered through it. He wore a red suit, very similar to that of Axel’s, however his goatee beard was properly kept. “Doctor Hayse is a slippery one. He is the only being that The King of Fools truly fears. Though it seems as though you’re quite the force to fear as well. How did you do that? How did you call out to me?” The man asked as he pulled The Dark Traveler away, completely ignoring Ares and his group as they made their exit.

=====The Sound of Silence=====
              How was he supposed to leave that without a response? How was he supposed to sit here and look at Michael with a straight face and not talk. All he wanted to do was to tell him three words. Three words and that was it. But he couldn’t. If he broke his vow of silence now then everything he worked for was for nothing. He wouldn’t be able to do what he needed to do when the time was right. He sighed a little as he reached over and placed an arm around Michael, pulling him close and resting his head on Mike’s.

              He was sorry, he was so sorry and no matter how devoid he had to be of thought and of word, he could never truly be devoid of feeling. This was a guilt that was placed upon him, and not being able to communicate with someone he loved was killing him in all levels but physical. He wasn’t able to talk or communicate with Michael, but that didn’t mean he had to leave Michael alone. He stood up and began to look around, taking Michael by the wrist and dragging them off to find one of his fathers. Either Archon or Humanity would do. He needed someone who knew him well enough that would know what he wanted by bringing Mike.

=====This dude got balls=====
             The Lych stepped out and walked briskly, his staff in hand as his eyes narrowed at the Wardens. He looked to Nicholas and then back to the Wardens. Then he looked back to Nicholas and then the Wardens. Then he looked to the ultraviolet glowing figure as his light dimmed to conceal itself in the distance. Then he looked back to Nicholas, then he looked back to the Wardens.

              “Nicholas...all is well?” Was all that The Lych would ask for a moment. The cryptic code was not even guised as his own energy began to rise steadily. The Lych was capable of unleashing a miasma that wiped out the Ethereal race and sunk an isle in five minutes flat. A few lesser beings would be no match for the immortal. Though he had to confess he worried for his old friend. Not that Nicholas was weak by any means. There was none other that The Lych would consider an equal in the terms of magical scholarship, especially in the terms of immortality-seeking. It was more the fear that perhaps Nicholas was being too polite. The empty eye sockets in the Lych’s skull were soon filled with small dots of energy. The second that Flamel gave the symbol he would strike, or the energy he stored would fade instantly and the Lych would be as happy and chummy as he could be.

              Meanwhile there had been another visitor that walked up as calmly as possible and looked to the wardens. The young man had blonde hair, standard street clothes and a book in his hand. Folding the book over with a small silken strand marking his place he looked to the Wardens.

              “Hey, hi. Yeah. Excuse me. Yeah. This looks exactly like the group of people I need. I need the one you call “Archon”, “Azrael” “Asy” and “Cock-a-Peel.” or was it “Cop-a-feel?” Coclabeel? Gobblefield? Look, the one who knows shit. I need everyone who knows shit to help me find someone. I also need that rather quickly, because they’re the ones key to defeating the Black Beast.” The young man said, he took off his purple sunglasses and cleared his throat as he began to look over everyone, gauging their reaction. The Lych’s eyes slowly turned to Flamel as The Lych slowly raised his hand. Flamel would likely realize that The Lych was about to blast this young man with miasma, or dark energy of some kind...all while looking to see if Flamel was going to stop him.

Last edited by Silus on May 14th 2019, 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Red January 8th 2019, 3:37 pm

Somehow, Drifter was in a situation where someone was feeding him advice he himself had given hundreds of times. It was the old 'take responsibility for your life, pick up your cross, and press on despite the adversity in your way' routine. He believed it. He knew that was the best way to act in the world. Hell, it was probably the only way to act in the wolrd while actually getting shit done, because there's no way you can do anything worth doing without facing trials at some point. Drifter knew by now that life wasn't easy, and that in order to live a meaningful life, you had to face that fact head on. He knew that people were stronger than things were terrible, and that perseverance in the face of suffering was what separated great men from the rest, but here he was, hearing it from another person's mouth. His actions clearly weren't living up to the standards set by his own words, otherwise this woman would have had no need to say what she just said.

So, she left, leaving Drifter alone in his van. He had a moment of reflection. A moment where he did nothing but stare at a wall, and realize that he was a hypocrite. His preformative contradiction knew no bounds. He could push the pills, give the advice, and package it all up in a pretty little box of charismatic delivery, but he couldn't live by it. That, or he was simply choosing not to. Either way, he was ashamed, but not in the way he was before the woman came to him.

Drifter gritted his teeth, whispering a soft "son of a bitch," under his breath. He crushed the pills in his hand, chucking the bottle aside. He knew he was screwing up. He knew he was wallowing in his own helplessness, like a coward. He just didn't know what to do about it.

The sound of silence was short lived. A knock came at the door to the van, then it swung open. Pat, the real Pat, was standing there. He asked about the booze and showed a bit of concern on his face, even if he wasn't doing so consciously. Luke just smirked slightly.

"You left it for me. Long story," Drifter said. He kind of wished all the booze was gone now. He really didn't need this much, and he had no clue what to do with it all. Not to mention the fact it was rather embarrassing to be in a pile of bottles while being as drunk as he was. Regardless though, Drifter remained pretty sharp. He knew why Pat was here.

"Matt sent you, right?" Luke stared at his friend, looking for a reaction in his expression. Luke wasn't any less good at reading people while inebriated, it was just more apparent when he was doing it.

"He tends to do that when he feels I'm a bit too touchy to talk to himself. Guessing he thinks he might screw me up more by saying the wrong thing..... But he knows you have a softer heart, and that you won't say anything that will drive me over the edge, like he believes he potentially could. In that way, he trusts you more than he trusts himself. Must be nice." Luke pivoted in his chair as he finished talking, looking at the ceiling and waiting for the kind words to flow in. He was grateful for them, sure, but at this point he just wanted to lay down. Maybe sit the end of the world out in a dream.


"With something a bit out of my realm of expertise. Ren has been pulled here by forces unknown, for reasons unknown," Lucius said, looking to the goth as if he were inviting him to explain. Ren just looked at Lucius, confused by the gesture. Lucius sighed, bringing his hand to his masked face. "Go ahead, give him the details."

"Oh, right. Well, see, my.....patron, yeah, let's call him that, told me what I was doing would have consequences. I haven't been doing my duties. In fact, I've sorta been doing the opposite, saving people instead of reaping them. Now, there is a huge imbalance. A lot of people shouldn't be alive, and that seems to be centered here..... But I don't think it's just me causing it. It couldn't be, right? Saving a dozen or so people wouldn't upset things this bad, would it? Either way, if it doesn't somehow get resolved.... The bill is going to come due for a lot of people. I feel it," Ren said, staring at Archon with questioning eyes. He knew this stuff wasn't exactly concrete, but if anyone could give him closure on it, it was an omniversal being.

Lucius was just listening, and watching, as Archon pulled others into this reality. More factors he didn't understand—more pieces he wasn't aware of, just like Ren. He just hoped he could still play the role of Chessmaster while not being able to see half the board.


Lych approached before Nick and the two Warden's reached the others. His old friend seemed defensive, as if he might attack at a moment's notice. Actually, it was exactly like that. Nicolas knew that if he wanted it, he could just give the word, and the Wardens would be dead. Fortunately for Amor and Aurelius, he wasn't THAT disturbed by their presence. The Father of Alchemy smiled at Lych, nodding slightly in gratitude at his protectiveness.

"Yes, of course.  All is well. I've known these two a very long time. They're harmless......... Usually," Nicolas said. He was about to say farewell and continue on to meeting with Amory, but then another person approached. He was a young man asking about a few specific individuals. His reasons for wanting to see them were unclear, but it was evident he needed people with knowledge. Flamel raised his hand up in an 'at ease' gesture when he saw that Lych was about to destroy this poor boy.

"Hold on, old friend. His goal is our own. Though, I must first know who you are before I help you, and why you need these individuals. These are paranoid times, as you may know." Flamel spoke in his usual courteous fashion, though he did have some amount of reluctance still. He didn't usually go around telling people where to find others simply because they asked.

"The traitor 'Asy' isn't here. We don't know where he is," Aurelius added, perking up when he heard the former Warden's name. He wondered why anyone would want anything with that thing other then to kill it.


Eric put his hand on Austyn's shoulder after his brother was done speaking. He looked at him straight in the eyes for the first time in almost a year. He was being sincere. The facade, the mask, peeled back to reveal the real Eric. His glowing eyes watered slightly. He almost couldn't bear the pain of seeing his brothers, and himself, like this. He wondered where it all had gone wrong for them. He wondered why the universe had made all this bad happen to them. He didn't know why it had all happened, but he knew that they had to change it, and that meant putting it behind them—letting it go.

"It's ok, Austyn. We've all done wrong. None of it matters now, because we're together, even if we fail. Let's stop trying to figure out who is to blame for this and that, and just fix this. We can do it if we just forget about it all, and don't let it stand in our way," Eric said. He wasn't much for philosophy or motivational speeches, but he felt his little two cents was pretty good, as two cents go.

"Now let's do this. We gotta find those two, even if we have to comb through everyone here."


Using Optic, his little contact lens supercomputer, Lucas tracked the signatures of his father's technology. He'd scanned it plenty of times, and his little device had the ability to use that to find it again. Oddly enough, though, it was leading him to a rather secluded part of the suburb, behind a house, where there was only two people being picked up by his Optic. Lucas raised an eyebrow, wondering why Lucius would be back here, given that he was Strategist, but he kept on walking toward the signatures anyway. He figured his father had his reasons.

Once Lucas turned the corner though, he did not see Lucius. He saw a man in a grey and black suit. Not like what his Dad wore either. This get-up had 'eighty hour work week' written all over it. He looked like law enforcement, that was for sure.

Once the boy's gaze reached the man's face, he let out a gasp of shock. He knew this man from his Dad's files. Agent Michael Daniels. The boy never thought he would meet him, but now the Forensics Director himself stood in front of him, holding a small device that Lucas now realized had been replicating his Dad's technological patterns. Michael smiled.

"Hey there, little one," the Agent said. Lucas realized now this was a trap, and he tried running. Unfortunately, Michael was a bit too quick on his feet. In an instant, he tripped the boy, then grabbed him up by the neck.

"W-what are you going to do to me!?" Lucas yelled, his eyes dilating in panic. He tried to contact Sven, Rot, or anyone using his Optic, but he found that the signals were being jammed. Michael had covered all his bases.

"Hopefully nothing but use you for collateral, but we'll just have to wait and see." Michael then jammed an injector in the boy's neck, causing his vision to blur. In the last few seconds that he was conscious, Lucas sent a telepathic message using the device Orpheus had given him. He just hoped that wasn't blocked too.

Help me!

Michael let the boy fall to the ground, then turned to walk out from behind the house. He had a winning smirk on his face as he snapped his fingers.

"Carry him, Gizmo."


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Arcana January 9th 2019, 3:00 pm

The call of the void
He glared at the being, feeling a strange roiling presence within himself as if there were something wrong with the situation entirely. They shouldn’t have been here but something was happening. Had they drawn him here or was he simply thrown out of the world that he had been inhabiting. Regardless his wicked smile showed something that he couldn’t tell, despite his words giving away enough on their own. What was this thing planning? The voice calling out within the darkness broke whatever hold seemed to be on him however, followed by a strange individual walking into the darkness. He turned towards them with an arced brow.

All at once the colorless world around them gave way to the color of the scene he had initially seen. Save for the fact they were now looking at the two with strange, surprised expressions.  With a few words he was dragged away, more confused than ever before. ”I...who are you? Not that I don’t appreciate the help but seems like i’m just calling everyone today.” He mused, looking around with furtive excitement and what looked to be even anxiety. He seemed to be looking around for something, though what that was didn’t get portrayed to the one that was dragging him away.

First this doctor Hayes guy and now some dude in red. Looks like this place had become a hotbed for omniversal weirdos. Pulling away from whatever grip had him moving along, he looked around once more.  ”I was looking for someone...around here. Great, now I have no idea where he is.” He grumbled, hands resting on his hips. ”Whatever. So, who are you anyway?” So many questions and not enough answers for him. Snacks weren’t even that great either. There was something more to this than met his own eyes.
Hope rides alone
Travis underestimated his own power, though it took seeing a chill collide with a wall to realize that small fact. Stopping in place with an expression of sheer shock across his face, he looked down where they were and then back to the point by which he co0llided with the wall itself.  I did not meant to do that. He spoke mentally over the web of the hive mind, feeling the aggravation across the connection.

You kicked what I assume was a child through a wall. Might have gone a little overboard there. Chris’ response came, leaving him a little annoyed with both himself and the situation itself. I’m going to deal with Zeke because he’s probably pulling his hair out. With that the connection was cut off, he he found himself looking to the...person rising from the wall itself with a portion of their armor shattered. At the very least he hadn’t accidentally killed anyone, because that would have made him look bad. Like the Silus and Jason situation.

Rolling over onto their side, he pushed off into a crouch and propelled himself forward towards Alpha in an impressive burst of speed. Now this did not look good, though he quickly tried to muster up a defense against the far quicker attacks. Looked like he had managed to aggravate him,  Each motion was an attempt to block attacks, most of them passing his arms and slamming into the barrier meant to protect his vital organs. Despite hoe quickly he healed, there was no desire to have his ribs puncture his lungs. Because that sounded like a really painful experience his own assumptions.

The attacks what he noted were meant to wear down his defenses. A pretty smart plan, though he intended to stop this before he actually got hit by something. Well, he was being hit by a lot of things but hopefully he didn’t actually break something.  Avoiding the part where he accidentally killed this kid was another story entirely. A hand raising to catch one of the, he felt the bones within his hand crack as the barrier itself seemed to have weakened around that area. Pushing back, he rushed forward with a flurry of blows, augmenting himself with the minimum amount of force needed to maybe keep his sparring partner on the defensive rather than offensive.
Lookin for a ride on D-day
Pat gave the woman walking away a curious look before stepping into Luke’s van, taking in what he could only describe as typical drunk Luke fare. Something he had hoped would not make an appearance here but then again that was just small hopes rather than the truth. Reality was always more disappointing butt hen again he knew that his friend could do better than just that, ”I like it for you? Well...that makes no sense.” He seemed to mutter to himself, looking over the bottles before picking one up and giving the label a glance. Well at the very least he seemed to have an interesting taste within alcohol, rather than just something dull and cheap. Being called dull and cheap was not something that he would have wanted even associated with his name., Hell, Atlas was here flying about and doing….whatever it was the hero did. Honestly he had to talk to the guy at some point. Hero worship was something that he did occasionally fall into when the circumstances were right.

”Yeah, Matt sent me here. Might have come himself but he had that whole determined look like he needed to do something.” Pat explained, though it seemed like Luke already guessed that much. If there was one thing that he could assume, it was that his friend was sharp enough to guess a few things on his own.  Not that his intelligence was ever within question. Because that was not on the table.  ”Can’t say if that’s how he thinks. Matt’s pretty good at keeping his thoughts to himself when he wants to.” Undoing the bottle, he took a few sips and his features seemed to screw up in distaste.

”Since I feel like I already had this talk with one friend, what’s up? Normally you don’t drink this much unless somethings bothering you.  Is it the whole Black beast and end of the world deal?” He queried, arcing a brow and grabbing one of the water bottles and downing it too. ”Because no offense, but you don’t look that good. Considering our history that’s saying something.” Blunt honesty but he knew that was what worked best with the person he called his best friend. One thing he could do was keep him from continuing to drink more of this stuff. Not like he wanted to have a drunk Luke making any mistakes that would make someone pay later.

Living a constant contradiction
No response.

Mike wasn’t surprised by that or even really mad about it. Ever since...well when it started Jordan wouldn’t speak. He didn’t have any words to say and just seemed to remain in that silence that there was no breaking. Did he do something that made him no longer want to speak with him? Very possible, considering how absent thew young ethereal tended to be within their relationship. Anyone else would have done away with him, so a little not talking should have been a small pittance really. Still he found his mind working over so many things. Reasons, consequences and the spaces in-between those two things.  The only thing that kept him from assuming the worst of things was the fact that he wrapped an arm around him and the head resting on his own.  Small comforts but something told him that he needed it.

A small moment of physical contact until it was broken and he was being dragged away from the meditation spot.  Mike looking about as confused as one would expect with the situation but he followed along without an issue. The question of where they was going however was more pressing. ”i know asking questions is a little pointless but where are you taking me?” Mike said, realizing how pointless the whole question was. Trying to ask a mute was something that he should have known better about but then again not like he was thinking in a normal Mike fashion. What had happened ended up being that the dragon was looking for someone, walking around until they bumped into a familiar face….well faces.

Shael on all fours, sniffing around for someone. Pup, and Jack along with Humanity. Rising from his hunt, the small shapeshifter offered his father and Jordan a smile and wave.  ”Hi dad, hi uncle Jordan. Looking for someone too?”

”Something like that. If so, well he isn’t telling me.” Mike shrugged, wondering if that would prompt a response but he had the feeling there would be no such luck. There were probably other people he would have wanted to talk, however here he was.

So what would they do now?
Red like roses
Amor had the strangest sensation from the person that approached the two of them. It could have been a subdued feeling of dread, as if they were one step away from trying to assault the two of them.  Regardless he kept himself lax looking, just taking in the activity around them and people seemingly talking among themselves. His worry was more towards the lesser warden with him. As if he would need to leap to their defense should The Lych make any move on them.  That being until what looked to be a strange person walking up to them, asking for people that he mostly did not know about until the rogue warden came up.

”Probably doing something insane or whatever it is he does.’ He added in when the former warden of sanity came up.  Regardless of where they were, he knew they had to bring the alchemist to Amory so he could ask his usual inane demands.

A walking, talking anti-christ in kid-friendly form
Now that Ryan had broke from his family, he had to find  the person he was looking for. They were somewhere around here after all. Unless they weren’t, because then he  was just assuming so many things. This curious little twelve year old looking child proceeded to walked round the immediate area. Taking inf aces and comparing them again the one of who he was looking for. His father fighting against a kid, Zeke freaking out and even his uncle trying to calm his poor sibling down. Jason was supposed to be here, though he didn’t know where that guy was. Being free of Beta expectations was something that he took to as well as one expected.  Even that nice man with the purple eyes came across him, offering him a sandwich because he apparently looked hungry.

He was.

Now with a large  sub he was beginning to walk around the outside, with the sky above him. Settled against the nook of a building...three of people he was looking for. They all looked pretty similar, except one looked pretty scarred. Could he somehow clone himself? That was possible, even though the file his father had on them was rather lacking beyond powers and a short profile on him. Isalia’s killer didn’t look that scary now, or maybe he just wasn’t as scared anymore.  Nervously the kid twiddled with the dangling portions of his hoodie as he peeked around a corner. It was possible for many things to go wrong. Maybe the three clones would want to kill him to get back his dad even more, because he was hated enough to be compared to the most evil person in mythology. After a minute or two of waiting he finally stepped out, quietly walking up until one of them turned towards him and he offered a rather awkward smile and wave.  This was how people greeted each other, right?

”Ummm...hi. I’m looking for Ryan,” Eyes scanned over the three. ”which one of you are him?”
The savior not many people would want
”Keep an eye on him. We can’t have any premature bloodshed going on when we have...more pressing matters.” Ever sicne she had come on the scene this Weaver character had been trying to warn as many people who seemed important about the incoming threat and he was one of them. Fortunate that she had come to him with the information, because he had taken the doomsday warnings seriously enough despite not knowing what he could do about something that would destroy the entire world.  One thing he didn’t need was the amalgamated creation meant to be Azrael killing humanity...literally anyway. The mask itself was not something he cared for, just the one behind the facade.  What had garnered his interest more than that however was the mention of energy being thrown through a wall. That was an interesting concept really, but maybe it needed to be looked into.

”Look into that source of energy. Don’t initiate it, just...gather information about it. ” Smoothing out a few wrinkles within his suit, he turned to the looming figure.  ”if it turns hostile towards you, don’t fight it.” With that done, he motioned for it to go to the task and he would do his own. That meant finding Matthew wherever he was and hopefully showing that at the very least he was here. His own lateness likely was not proving his reliability. So he allowed Azrael to do what they needed to and he went through the difficult process of finding  Humanity.
Fires fade
Cas had a task to do but he didn’t know how he would do it. His sister was more powerful than him. Their prior fight had proven that, considering how well she came out of it compared to him and it seemed the only reason he came out alive was because Christian had come to his aid. Not the norm that a human would be the one to save him, but she left the moment he jumped into things. Almost looking as if she had seen a ghost, though he didn’t know what that was about. Yamm shouldn’t have needed him anyway. He was a god, in his full might no less and Cas was...well not even close to his own let alone like the dragon god. Each injury that would not heal was a testament to that, though he didn’t even want to consider voicing those thoughts.  He would have gone on to continue brewing over these words but then he found himself being spoken to.

Of course, he owed Yamm. To ignore that would have been an insult, though he had somehow forgotten that within his own uncharacteristic angst.  ”You’re right.” He sighed, turning back towards the disciple who seemed to have said all the right words and knew how to get him to go along with what he owed.  He owed Yamm that much, though he knew it was more than just duty. Despite how much of a sham the marriage was, he couldn’t say it was all a sham to him.  His former vessel just perhaps didn’t realize what the words themselves meant when they were spoken.  No time for self deprecation now, when more important things were at stake.  ”We...probably have to talk anyway.” Turning around he stepped through the portal, wondering where exactly in the space of worlds it would take them.

Light within darkness
Zachriel had come with Ares, though he was with the strange planeswalker for a while beforehand.  At first it had been a strange experience really but he had come to enjoy the strange interactions that had come with that along with the people that hung around with him. Granted he got along best with the strange angelic woman that had first greeted him when he visited the Nexus. There was a plan to stop this Black beast, that much he had guessed but he didn’t know what was going through the mans mind. Not as if these small details were being shared with him, so he had to assume a few things rather than just knowing. Now with four people around him, he was even more curious. Considering that he didn’t know who these people were.  Not that the oversight was left there for much longer, as the four of them introduced themselves.  One was obviously even a werewolf, something he hadn’t seen before so he was perhaps the greatest focus of his attention.

Well he was the focus of attention until the strange slime child disappeared and then offered a jump scare of his own behind him. The young nephilim jumped, scrambling a little away from him before just watching the strange slimy individual. Okay, so everyone around here was pretty interesting.  Samhain however did not seem that interested within continuing the introductions as he went on what seemed to be a longer spiel than the others.  Part of him liked the more simple life before all of the angels and demons nonsense, though he knew there was no real going back. Honestly he looked more confused than anything else with most of the explanations however, nodding along only to make it seem like he was understanding everything. So many things that likely made sense to the people around him, and looking out of ones depths would be awkward.

Scooting along over to the demon who had been helping him lately, he leaned and whispered. "I have no idea what he’s talking about." Well, he had to let someone know he was out of his depth.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2483
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Silus January 12th 2019, 3:11 am

=====The Point of No Return=====

   It was only a brief period of time, Orpheus heard the cry for help and instantly he stood up. He closed his eyes, trying to focus for a moment as he saw the image of Michael Daniels flash before his eyes. He began to growl as his suit began to light up form the darkness of the shroud that covered him, THe eyes began to glow a bright red and the chest, his fangs energizing and his talons following suit. He walked as he began to order minor command.

   “Rot, a message to Samhain. NOW! The Agency has Lucas! I need everyone.” He snapped, the vocalized command seemed to snag the attention of a rather interested individual. He walked out into the open, following where he gathered Lucas had been. Humanity could see Blood Tithe walking out, looking around frantically with his entire arsenal lit up and ready to go.

   “Shael, go find Silus and then come tell me where he’s at. Pup, Kit, Vic I need you guys to go play.” He said, the change in his tone made Victor’s face visibly scrunch with worry and fear. Pup didn’t hesitate to help Jack up with a hand before pulling Victor with him off to follow after Shael. Humanity almost reached Blood Tithe as Jordan and Michael had broken away, arriving. Jordan was still holding Michael’s hand before looking to his father with almost pleading eyes.

“So what? You’re fucking your half-brother. I’m sleeping with Satan. There’s a reason I wasn’t comfortable ever going back after Jordan.” He said with a snap to his voice, but after a moment he sighed as he looked to Michael, realizing what this was all about. “He can’t talk because he’s attempting to undergo a right of passage. He’s becoming a man now. As a Dragon it’s his responsibility to connect with the primal being that was responsible for us Dragons. Until he does, he won’t speak. He won’t eat. He won’t drink. He’ll commune, or he’ll die. While the thought breaks my heart, I’ve already cried too much over the concept. I have to trust my son knows what he’s doing.” Humanity said as he turned and looked to Michael and let out a deep sigh.

“I don’t need to accept who he’s doing it for, however.” He quickly spoke again before Mike could cut him off. He held up a hand and cleared his throat. “I do, accept you though. Because Michael, despite the fact you’ve been tied to the darkness for so long...I’ve been watching you. With Pup, with Silus. I don’t know what has happened. But you’re not the man you used to be. You’re a better man than I am. That breaks my soul to confess. But as someone, like you, who is tied closely to chaos, destruction and ruination. DO NOT GIVE UP. You’re so used to the chaos, to the darkness that’s horrifying. You’ll sabotage yourself. You’ll do anything to go back to the chaos, because you don’t feel that you deserve normalcy. But you do. You proved that taking care of him...but when you do slip. You will...but when you do. Know that at least even a monster like me believes you can find your way back.” He said as he brushed past Michael, not letting him even get a single word in. He’d love to sit and have a deep philosophical debate with him...oh wait no that was Luke. He wanted nothing to do with Michael. Regardless, he had a more pressing matter as Orpheus was on the warpath.

   “Teacher? Teacher The Agency has him. I will rip their hearts through their throats!” Orpheus said as he turned around, hearing Humanity approaching him. Humanity held up and froze, contemplating everything this could mean. He nodded and reached to his wrist. “We cannot lose him! We need to find him!”

   “Get Archon. Rot will assemble the others. Announce “Code Adam”. You’ve got this.” Humanity said as he moved past. Orpheus turned to grab Humanity, turning him around with a snarl. His anger seethed from the abduction,and his “master” and mentor in the way of the Blood Moon seemed to abandon him. Humanity held his knife, the dragon encrusted treasure, one of the fragments to the end of ends. Orpheus looked warily, making not a single move, but Humanity’s stance was relaxed.

   “Where are you going!?” Orpheus hissed. Humanity’s relaxed posture remained unchanged. Humanity simply and plainly replied, but the reply even took Orpheus off guard.

“I’m going to kill his backup.” Humanity said as he turned, walking away. “Zodiac, I want you and Rot both working double time to crack the encryption on The Agency. I want the director….now.” Orpheus watched him walk away, his heart was heavy for how he distrusted the man whom trained him in the ways of Blood Moon. He would forever be grateful because Orpheus knew exactly what Humanity was doing. He knew exactly how this would end.

“It was his choice.” The A.I within his head commented, the sensory detecting the pangs of guilt and shame.

“But why?” Orpheus’ breathing had slowed and become steady as his rage slowly subsided. He would need to keep a level head. This was exactly what Daniels wanted. Anger, rage and confusion. Unfortunately for them, Orpheus had a personal relationship with the chaos.  

=====The Devil’s Due=====
   “This is Diablo. He’ll be assisting us in the control room. He’s seen the Black Beast in action, and lived to tell about it.” Archon watched as he turned and looked to Lucius. Diablo nodded to Lucius as he turned and walked off, the horrifying visage of his armor and mask leaving sight and mind. Lucius had continued to prompt Ren into speaking to him regarding his situation. There was a patron, and there was the concept of Death. Zell smiled as he remembered those days fondly.

“When you die what do you think happens? One of two things. You are moved to a new area of the Omniverse, or you return to the Void. Ghosts linger in one reality but I just made it so they can rarely do anything substantial...unless you know the tricks of the trade.” Archon said as he looked over to Ren, almost as if he were sizing the boy up for something. He nodded and let out a sigh. He looked around and scratched the back of his head. He already knew where this was going, as he looked to Ren and bit his lower lip eyes angrily narrowed.

“I don’t know why you wouldn’t do your “job” but what I do know is that now I have an entire universe and not just one section to worry about...wait a minute. Ren….Ren? Silus told me that...Oblivion. No-No! Not there, you’re not from there are you?” Archon asked, swallowing hard as he frantically looked about, panicking as he immediately began spawning twelve different versions of himself, all of them whispering words into their hands as they began to mutate and transform the entire area. There were sigils, horrific and terrible omens from all the areas of the omniverse.

“If he’s here then that means we’re not just worrying about The Black Beast anymore. There’s a being called Consequences, he’ll be here. I can contain him here...but it won’t be for very long. Just to get The Black Beast turned away, then we need to repel him.” Zell said, he knew exactly what he was talking about, but even Lucius could realize that a genius in a thought process didn’t exactly spill their secrets. A kind reminder might have been needed.

    Samhain arrived, appearing from nowhere. He was honestly surprised that Lucius hadn't made any reaction or comment on the issue concerning his actual identity. That was his big disappointment for the day. The day was still young, but he was certain at this point they had far too much to worry about.

     "Gentlemen. We've got a problem. Humanity handed out secret codes and agendas in case any particular one of us should go rogue. We've got a Code Adam. Agency has gone rogue. Obviously against Lucius and Orpheus...and they've got a hostage. Thankfully. We've had a plan."

=====The Consequence=====
   “You’re looking for Matthew, right? He’s on his way to face his consequences.” The older man said, his voice was slightly familiar. He smiled as he looked to The Dark Traveler, tugging at his suit and looking around.  “I’m actually just that. Consequences. Nice to meet you, nice to leave you to your...messy business here. I’ll see you later however. We have a...meeting, of sorts at another time.” The man said as he brushed back some silver hair and walked off, scratching at his silver stubbles. Two beings seemed to leak from his back, stepping out as if they were blobs budding off of their source. The beings had no face and dressed uniformly in black and white, unlike their master’s own suit which had a nice color to it.

The two faceless beings scampered about in different directions, they seemed to be very intently looking for someone.  

=====The Story of Chaos and Creation=====

   “Yamm cannot speak to anyone. He has been fragmented and sent across many vessels. But we have much to discuss. Please. Both of you.” The Disciple said as he ushered the two beings to the portal as quickly as he could. As soon as they were on the other side they would see Sin, a rather creepy individual with a wide smile, hands tapping on a book stitched together with flesh. Beside them there was a teenager with crossed arms and dark tattoos that seemed to be made of living darkness, crawling upon their skin. The last two at the table were a giggling man with three masks, one upon his face that smiled, his red and wine colored clothes clashing against a silver armor and dark purple accents. Finally,  beside him was surprisingly enough Asy. The Disciple ushered Asmodeus and Cas to their nice, regal seats. The room was obviously made from bone, large draconic bones arched while candles hung suspended.

   Blood red carpets meshing with an abyssal blue then a more royal color of blue flowing from banners and tapestries. Each throne was colored and hand-carved or chiseled accordingly. The throne that Sin sat upon was made of Sins’ essence, and black carpet surrounded him with a black tapestry. Next was the creepy smiling man, whose chair was made of bone and flesh, dismembered animal and human parts formed together, his banner was of course made of flesh, and the carpet was made of stitched together scalps, varieties of color. The teenager seemed to be sitting on a beautiful deep sea-stone throne, a small fragment of a gem with many beautiful colors surrounded in blackness and a light shifting magical glow from blue, to purple to black and then white. The carpet beneath them changed many colors, though seemed to match whatever magic the fragmented gem emanated. The one man had a torn banner, tattered and fragmented with the repeating letters of H and A over and over written as Humanity’s mask seemed to be the primary insignia. The throne was made of equipment, broke and fragmented pieces of Humanity’s armor, the old Withdrawal armor and even Drifter’s many scraps. At the head of the throne was the mask of Humanity’s first personna, the most good and kind of them all. THe Mask of Azrael was fragmented as a horrific mask of Humanity was melded onto it, a knife driven in the center of it, and there was no carpet beneath this throne.  Asy sat in a throne that shimmered many different colors, shifting from a standard stone throne, shifting to one covered with livelihood and flowers to dark twisted thorns as he shifted between his thoughts. The ground beneath him was a continual glowing water, though the heavenly color shifted to a darker sense as his throne did.

   Asmodeus was given a throne that depicted his demonic form, sitting upon the brimstone and obsidian with the glowing hellfire rubies protruding. Cas had his own throne as well. It was a throne of gold with life blooming across it, the life remained untouched by the madness and atop the throne the golden dragon that spiraled around the throne seemed to open it’s wings over the one who would be seated there, the eyes were deep sapphires, making it quite clear who this idol depicted.

   “We are the Fragments of Yamm. Each one of us holds a key to reawakening out Master. The lord whom we all serve. The True Chaos, the father of all. The Void. Please everyone take your seats. Casmaudius, can you debrief us on everything you know thus far about your sister? She may have a use for us in restoring Yamm.” The Disciple asked, allowing Cas to have the floor.

=====The Point of it All=====

   The entire meeting with Samhain and Ares was cut short. Samhain’s lips twitched as he excused himself saying he needed to see a “Danimals” about a “Screaming in perpetual agony”. Of course when he vanished Ares handed out the assignments and sent everyone away. Axel smiled as he heard the boy’s whispers. Axel whispered back.

      “Truthfully, I don’t know either. I just nod and act inspired. The others seem to enjoy that.” He gave a small chuckle, glad to see that they were both apparently on the same page. Truthfully he probably contemplated more than what the child did, but the span wouldn’t be a great improvement with how vague the Eldritch being was. Axel looked as the others began to fan out. Axel stepped away from the boy to speak to Ares, talking about the most important lesson to teach. Zach may have been able to listen if he didn’t have a closed eye boy about his height standing in front of him. He might have been able to say staring, but the boys eyes were closed, and it had its tongue sticking out of the side of its mouth, a goofy smile as is stood with its hands behind its back.


   “H-hey watch out!” a small voice shouted, wincing as Saviour walked right in line with a lash of an energy whip. A small child smiled meekly, apologizing as they looked guilty from an attack that must have just inadvertently struck out. THe child wore armor, that much was for sure and his fingerless gloves seemed to hone in and draw upon a type of energy. His hairstyle and tan skin along with costume design was indicative of Khaos, Humanity’s old compatriot.

   “Sorry mister! I’m trying to get used to this again. I swear I used to be good at it!” He said, totally not attempting to sound anything like he knew more than he did. That was unallowed, that would be lying and lying was exactly the opposite of what the child was trying to achieve by being a hero.

   “Saviour, I have eyes. It appears as though the one small child. The one whom called themselves by MY name is engaged in a duel with a member of Rise. A ranking member. They are utilizing inhuman levels of speed to overwhelm them.” The dark Azrael stated as he watched the battle unfold.

   Azrael’s blows had been effective. But he felt his own knuckles bruise and brittle up. He immediately went to the defensive and began to evading. He knew that he couldn’t afford to be hit like ALpha could, but that’s where it was all wrong. He had no chance of winning this flat out.  One of the blows hit him and sent him off his footing the second blow connected and then the third. Quickly Azrael dove forward, augmenting his strength as he literally latched onto Alpha’s legs and with on a hand around each ankle he lifted Alpha and threw him. He charged forward with a faux-attack using his speed as he almost teleported to the other side, an opening. His wheeled wing-blade appeared and it began towards the barrier. It would slice through the barrier, with ease as far as Azrael was concerned. All he needed was a nick to prove his point…

=====The End of Days=====

The Lych smiled as he allowed his power to dissipate. He smiled and bowed his head politely to the wardens as Flamel explained that they had a previous relationship of kinds. The new arrival whom asked many questions was a point of concern, though The Lych had assumed that Flamel had known them as well. Okay, he opted to choose to believe that because he truly didn’t give a flying foresworn frog where this person came from. He looked to Flamel and shrugged, they mentioned Archon and The Lych looked, the small glowing spheres in it’s sockets fading as he remained silent.

“Right. So you guys know nothing. So useful. This world is dead. Welp, I’m not sticking around for it. Wanted to save you but you’re all too damn clueless. I’m leaving. Hail Eros, etcetera, have a good last days. what-have-you.” The young man said, cracking his neck as he turned to walk away.

=====Gods Amongst Us=====

   Austyn looked as the boy came up to them. They asked which one was Ryan, though Austyn seemed to recognize the boy. He wasn’t sure from where, but he recognized them. His chest got heavy and his throat closed as a slight smile formed to his face. He wanted to speak, but he couldn’t. He just smiled like a lifeless puppet. He had felt so good about what had been said, about the progress he had made. The progress that they all made. He didn’t want to lose control. Not here. Not now!

   He smiled as he looked to Ryan and then to Eric, then back to Ryan and then to the child. He wasn’t saying anything, and he was normally the one who spoke up first. Most people could assume that he liked to hear himself talk, even though that wasn’t the case. His heart slowed and he swallowed hard, waiting and hoping for someone to speak up. His eyes flicked up for a moment, the large invisible creature standing right behind the small child.

   No! No you son of a bitch! I won’t let you!
   You see, you say that. But I don’t think you quite understand how this works, my boy. You do what I say.

   “I can’t. I can’t think straight guys.” Austyn said as he took his hand to his head, rubbing at his temple. His eyes shifted, looking to the beast behind the boy. Deep within it’s maw one could see the skeletal smile of the corpse that had been trapped within.


   Williams stood with his drink in hand. He cleared his throat and looked to the monitor, seeing Humanity step away from Orpheus with that infernal knife in his hand. Williams smirked as he stirred the class with the small rotating motions he made with his wrist. He pressed his finger to his glasses, and immediately with a flick of his eyes the room bgan to change, the tables dropping down into the floor the desk rising up and fitting into the ceiling as the floor that supported rose up to reveal an armory.

“Nerovii. Stop the vigilante.”     Williams ordered as he looked over his selection.

Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Red January 12th 2019, 11:53 pm

"Great, another ultra-powerful being we have to stop. I can't wait," Lucius said, sarcasm thick in his voice. Things were now firmly out of his control, if they ever were to begin with. At this point, all he could offer was moment-to-moment strategic guidance to those unable to competently perform in these types of situations. The rest was up to the combined effort of this force. They were essentially just rolling the dice now. There were too many unknown variables for even a super genius to come to any kind of likely conclusion. They just had to go through the motions as best they could, and adjust as changes occurred.

Lucius was sure Archon knew what he was doing, so he would focus on handling what he could actually help. He turned to Ren, who seemed only slightly less confused by what Zell had said.

"I told you he'd get something from what you told me. Either way, he's on it. We have to delegate authority here. I want you to find a suitable place and try to get in contact with your patron. Elena Marie or Nicolas Flamel may be of service if you need anything on the magic front. If we can secure his help, maybe we can reduce casualties. Now go," Lucius said, Ren nodding in response and walking away. The goth wasn't sure if he could link with Death, or if he would even be interested in helping, but he supposed it was worth a shot. Lucius had the same instinct it seemed.

Lucius was about to ask Archon if he needed anything in containing this new threat, Consequences, but he was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Samhain. This had been the first time in quite awhile that Lucius was close enough to look him in the eye. He had wanted to speak to him sooner, but there was a lot going on, and simply yelling 'that's amazing!' when his identity was revealed wouldn't have added anything.

Unfortunately, this was also not the time to catch up or try to understand how Castiel and Samhain were one in the same. The Scotsman announced that The Agency had gone rogue. Not surprising. What really caught Lucius' attention was the mention of a hostage who was being used against both himself and Orpheus. There could only be two, and that prospect made Lucius' heart race with panic.

"S-samhain, who is the hostage?" Lucius' voice quivered in a manner that could be heard even over his mask's voice changer. When Samhain wasn't immediate with his answer, Lucius would march towards him aggressively. A rush of fear and rage overtook Lucius, and he wasn't able to entirely control himself. A faint pulse of energy involuntarily launched outward, not causing any real damage, but pushing everything around him back with enough force to be shocking. It'd certainly knock you down if you were off balance, and cause some discomfort on the skin. it was clear from this display that the dictator was in a state of barely contained fury.

"WHO IS IT, SAMHAIN?! TELL ME, CASTIEL! WHICH ONE OF MY SONS DO THEY HAVE?!" Lucius pulled his blade from it's sheath as he yelled. Despite appearances, he didn't intent to use it against Samhain. He was going to take the head off the first Agent he saw. This would not happen again. Not after Isabella, and not after Isalia. As soon as Castiel confirmed it was Lucas, Lucius would be on his communicator, sending a message to everyone that could hear it as he stormed off.

"Animus Thirteen, Protocol Four. All military personal are to use lethal force, as outlined. Lieutenants should pull back their metahuman forces. Your abilities will be used against you in a manner the Peacekeepers will not have issue with.

"For those not under my direct command, let it be known that The Agency has taken my son, and are therefore disrupting this defense for petty ideological differences. As strategist, my recommendation is for all leaders to order their forces to eliminate the deviants so we may get back on track, by whatever means they deem necessary.

"And to the Agency; you slay Gods, but you just provoked the Devil. The boy will pity your souls—I won't."
Lucius' HUD was a flurry of information. He scanned the whole area, using Sven's connection to nearly every electronic there. It was only a matter of time before he picked up traces of his son's Optic, hidden by a jammer as it was.


Luke laughed at the 'you don't look very good' comment. That was probably the understatement of the century. He knew he looked like shit, and he knew this whole thing he was doing to himself wasn't the proper way to handle things. He knew. He always knew. Acting, however, was another thing entirely. It was much more difficult, but thankfully, it seemed Drifter was ready to. He let the now powdered crushed pills fall to the ground. At least he knew people were there that cared about what he did to himself. No, he wasn't 'cured' or in much of a better state of mind than he was moments ago, but Miss May was right, and so was Pat. There was no point in doing this. If he was going to die, he might as well do it fighting, and if he was going to lose Matt, he might as well do it trying to save him.

"It's partially that, yeah, partially the fact I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Not as a friend, a vigilante, or a person. But, I'm just going to not think about it for now," Luke said, rubbing his head. The headache was setting in now. He wanted to pass out, but there wasn't exactly a Queen sized bed back here, and it wasn't exactly a good time either.

"Thank you for your concern, because it means a lot, but right now I just need a cup of coffee and some hot water on my face." Luke span in his chair and dug through a compartment, pulling out a thermos. He chugged from it for what seemed like an eternity. That was one thing down, but the sudden message from Lucius coming out of his computer kind of cut that short. Seemed shit was getting real.

"Jesus fucking Christ, can they put shit behind them for one damn day? Let's go. We have to help Matt. Knowing him, he's going to the center of this." Luke, though drunk, seemed to be coordinating well enough. He put his mask on, pulled his hood up, and loaded his gauntlets. He even pulled out a large case containing a 50 BMG sniper rifle. Agents were tough cookies, but perhaps he could at least lay down some suppressive fire.

"And yes, I'm fine to do this. I've hit a bottle from a hundred feet with a paintball gun while shitfaced before."


Flamel scoffed at the young man's arrogance, reaching out to grab him by the shoulder as he tried to walk away. Why go up and ask someone something only to walk away when asked about your name and why you need the information? This person must have never got anything from anyone if he gave up that easy.

"You wait just a minute, lad! I didn't say I knew nothing of those you asked for—I simply asked you some reasonable questions. Now if you really do want to help, perhaps it would be best to drop the dismissive condescension. We are dealing with the fate of the universe, after all. Can you not grow beyond the maturity level of a snarky fourteen year old for the occasion?" Flamel said, pulling his hand back. He didn't know who this kid was, but if he was trying to save the world, his technique was less than impressive.


A small figure that Eric did not recognize approached. He seemed shy, and asked for Ryan. What he needed him for was unknown, but Eric saw no reason not to tell him. After all, what could this little thing do to harm them?

"He's right there. I know, it's a bit confusing. We're triplets," Eric said, a smile on his face as he looked at the boy invitingly.

"You know this kid, Ryan? Eric asked, looking to his brother for an explanation. Before he could get one though, Austyn suddenly seemed sick, saying he couldn't think straight. What was going on now? This was all just too weird for Eric to keep track of.

"What's going on, Austyn? You alright?"


With Gizmo in toe, Agent Daniels made his way to the most opportune person on his list. There would inevitably be a large standoff, where he would get Alba, but that didn't mean a few stragglers couldn't be picked off beforehand. Many people The Agency did not like valued this child, and that made this plan all the more fruitful.

"Well well well, if it isn't Oliver Masters. Still running things for Mr. Amnesia?" Daniel's said, 500 Magnum drawn. Oliver had been smoking, and had his back turned to the Agent. He was about to get up and tell the guy to fuck off, whoever he was, but then he realized it was Michael, and realized Lucas was being carried by some kind of android monstrosity.

Oliver grabbed the lighter in his pocket, copying the metal. His skin became as solid as the material, taking on it's properties and making him look like he was made of solid steel.....Because he practically was. He took up a fighting stance.

"What the fuck are you doing, Daniels? Are you suicidal? My brother, not to mention Lucius, will have your head on a plate!" Oliver said, clearly irate. They were still too secluded for anyone to be seeing this, but that wouldn't stop Gamma from trying to tear this guy's head off.

"Perhaps. Alternatively, they will give themselves over to us, in exchange for not seeing Lucas' blood splattered all over the ground. I'm prepared to offer you the same..... Even if I would really enjoy killing you," Daniels said, pointing his gun at Oliver's head as he spoke, but Gamma didn't flinch. He even advanced, actually.

"Stop! You think I won't blow his head off?! Kid or not, he's still infected garbage! A stain! I'm more than willing." Daniels held up the detonator in his hand, as if he were a moment away from pressing it. However, Oliver didn't stop moving forward.

"Oh, I know you'd be fine with doing it, but I also know you're after Alba more than anyone. You won't use that card on me." With his last sentence, Gamma reached Daniels, throwing a flurry of punches. Michael easily avoided them, falling back and drawing a high tech looking knife. He had a smile on his face.

"He's mine. Only intervene if I give the order, Gizmo. Safeguard the child."


Kakabiel fanned through his book, unseen eyes glued to it's pages. All the wonderful knowledge in the area had poured into it, and the Knowledge Warden couldn't help but gobble it all up while they waited for Flamel. He had never before had access to so much information, and certainly none of such quality. This situation was getting more interesting the more he read. The Agency had captured Lucius Alba's child, new players had emerged, a fallen deity was in the process of resurrection, a dark stranger from God knows where was lingering about, and most shockingly, another threat other than the Black Beast had been discovered. Well, multiple, in fact, but the one Kakabiel had just read along with another which was associated with it were of the most import.

"Great Amory........ Did I ever tell you the myth of Eros and Psyche?"


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Charlatan January 13th 2019, 11:59 pm

Living a constant contradiction
The moment the two of them reached Humanity, he already seemed to be in the middle of something. Well not just him, as others were already in motion to deal with an issue. Something about a child in trouble from what he could tell, though it was more a call to The Belarusian forces. The children found themselves being told to go play elsewhere, Shael giving him a curious look before sniffing the air and following a scent that only he seemed to have. He was supposed to be finding Silus it seemed, though what the young Atterrius was needed for he did not know. Jordan had their own reasons for seeking out the masked vigilante, something he did not know entirely. Maybe even he didn’t know, considering that his response to say he didn’t care if they were sleeping together and that he was sleeping with Satan. What did that have to do with this? He wondered but that did explain why his good half didn’t even get a backwards glance.

That was however followed by him explaining the lack of conversation between them. Jordan unable to speak because of some sort of coming of age thing that dragons went through. It could have been something that he was given fair warning of beforehand but instead he had to be out doing his own strange things. Helping a weird synesthetic child do whatever it is they do and playing at heroics which was going in a strange direction. Hearing that he could die should he fail in this was...not ideal but he trusted that Jordan wasn’t going to get himself killed. There just had to be trust, he knew that much and was actually beginning to understand the concept. His expression showed a level of understanding about what he had been told, nodding along to the explanation before he went on even further.

His explanation about not liking him was not new. No one really liked him, loved was an even more nebulous factor. Trying to throw out the things he learned when he was growing up was difficult, to the point that it was almost painful at times. Reworking the very fabric of his being was not the easiest of concepts. Still apparently the attempts were being noticed by someone, despite their disdain for him. That should have been the sign that he was doing something right but there was no real room for responses.  Blinking a couple times as he walked past him, and watching Humanity walk away to do whatever it was that was on his mind. ”I swear I always leave that guys presence even more pissed off,” He said with a roll of the eyes,  realizing that he was still holding a hand. Brushing his thumb along the back of the skin and sighing.  Talking when no one was going to respond just made him look insane.

Turning back to the dragon, he offered a faint smile. ”Keep on with your communion. Honestly...don’t like the idea of you dying,” Thinking about it made him sick, even physically so. Leaning up and kissing the taller figure, he reluctantly removed his hand from the others and looked around. ”Still a few more things to prepare before we deal with a certain Black Beast.” He had to look confident, and his expression showed a level of confidence within it. A yarn weaved for the person he was with, even if they couldn’t say anything. Hopefully becoming an adult dragon didn’t involve gaining empathy and learning things about him he was trying to keep partially on the down low.

”I’m sure we’ll see each other around pretty soon.” With a wink he walked off, wondering if he could keep that promise. Even now he was feeling that doubt within the back of his mind.

Is that relief? Good to know dragon boy isn’t ignoring you, right?

It feels pretty good actually. No sarcasm really, just what he could only call a genuine mental tone.  He felt something hit his template. A small balled up piece of paper, Mike picking it up and unfurling it to see a small note. Looking up he saw the red haired woman, arching a brow and tapping her foot against the floor.

Oh yeah she exists. Should probably talk to her before she gets all angry at One of us. His “friend” had hunted him down, though what she was looking for he could not say on hand.  Approaching the woman, he rolled his eyes and rested hands on his hips.

”I know spending time with your love life is very important but we’re dealing with The Black Beast here.” She wasn’t angry, more of a polite frantic that showed her otherwise calm exterior was slowly chipping away. ”He is very nice looking though.”

”Could we not ogle the dragon?” He snapped,  grabbing her by the arm and walking along. Despite whatever power she purported to have, there wasn’t much physical strength behind her frame.

”Ow ow, hey not so rough.” She complained,  jerking away from him but walking along anyway. ”I wanted to see what you had planned, maybe even add my own additions to this thing you have going on.” Dis she think he had some kind of master plan? His parents were more savvy in the stopping dimensional terrors than he was.  It felt almost like he was getting so many expectations from different people.  Even Humanity, though he didn’t know why that was even the case. So many questions.

”I’ll...tell you on the way. Sheiara seems like she knows a bit about what we’re going to do.” So the two were supposed to be looking for the former war goddess of the titans.
The call of the void
Facing his consequences? That would have taken time he didn’t have the patience for.  The fact that he had called Humanity by his proper name was something that felt...odd but then again this guy was no human. He had the feeling about that the moment they met, and how he forced the strange Dr.Hayse to retreat with a few words. Still he looked curiously at the man, almost as if trying to figure them out but eventually the traveler would give up on that difficult endeavor.  ”Yeah, have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other again...knowing my luck.” With that he was gone, the same black puff of smoke and he would appear elsewhere. Actually finding the person he was looking for, which was a surprise within itself.  What showed of his face, was  a smiling mouth and a bit of stubble. Though what could be noted was that he wasn't wearing the strange robes, but instead a comfortable looking dark green sweater, black jeans and what looked to be a gun and combat knife strapped to his chest.

”You’re a really hard man to find. Had to teleport like...twice ya know.” He spoke as if he knew them, rambling on and even walking should the vigilante keep walking.  Gone as the almost ethereal weightlessness he carried himself with, instead looking to be walking along and even making jovial and conversational motions. He had a small interest within this person, though only him and a few others had reasons to know why that was the case.  ”Doing something about The Agency and their child abducting scheme? I can help with that if you want.” He offered, walking backwards while maintaining conversation with the person beside him. Despite whether they wanted him to talk or not.  There were plenty of people that didn’t like hearing the sound of his voice when he spent too much time with them.
Hope rides alone
Travis had to give them this much, they were pushing him far further than he had been expecting. Not as if he felt that the small child was by any means weak, but he wasn’t actually sure how to gauge their strength.  Each attack however wore away at his barrier, weakening the integrity  of ot before the knife flashed through the air.  It cut through his barrier, and the flesh below bringing about a wash of pain. He took a few steps backs, feeling over the injury which was letting out a little bit of blood.  The only strange portion of that was the fact he wasn’t regenerating. Normally a cut this shallow would have closed pretty quickly, bleeding even sooner than now.  ”Huh, pretty neat.” He noted, looking downt o the injury and back to Nihilus as Lucius put out the information that Lucas was in danger. Or little Ryan.

With a wave of his hand he produced what looked to be a conical barrier around him, looking around. ”I’d love to keep fighting with you but sounds like someone kidnapped my kid.” Pressing the wound closed, it stayed that way with a pinch of telekinetic pressure. An illusion layered over that to keep it from looking as if he were actually injured. ”take care of Zeke, he seems to be...freaking out.” With a a wave he walked off without even a look back at someone that was easily capable of stabbing that exposed back. Instead he had his own family to protect and an agent to teach manners.  Pressing a button to his communicator, he got a hold of Lucius. ”Caught the message. Where’s the future corpse at?’ He queried as he felt Omega reach him via hive mind.

I don’t know what’s happening but Oli is in trouble. Okay, he sounded pretty worried and that was enough for him to move even faster.

Oliver where are you? I should be there in a minute...maybe less if I run. He was hoping he would begin running, pushing past anyone within his way and hoping to find the agent before it was too late. For Lucas or even his own brother. Both were important.
A charlatan on the  road
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting but Luke laughing at his comment was a hopeful note. He even smiled at that small fact, drinking slowly while the other male talked. In that same way that he tended to. Something he had grown used to. That was when he heard something was going on, from Lucius Alba. Someone was starting shit and they had the least creative name in existence. The Agency? What, did they go to the Crackdown school for naming things? ”Even when it comes to saving the world, someone has to ruin literally everything.” he agreed, sighing deeply and standing up. This was something that he could fight against, unlike those aggravating world destroying monsters.

In a motion he rose from his chair and felt it threaten to fall over from the sudden motion itself. ”Not gonna argue though. If Matt needs our backup, we’re sure as hell gonna give it.’ Whether or not Luke could function in his drunken state was another story, though he had to trust his friend at some point. ”Don’t know if I can actually offer any help but i’ll see what I can do.” He said, picking out one of his friends guns and checking the weight. Not the first time he had fired one of these things, though typically not at people. Stepping out the back, he felt over his mask and sighed.  A vigilantes work was never done.

Jumping out the van he had to stop before being run over by what looked to be someone running fast. Well two people. Not the blur fast of speedsters but faster than he could have hoped to go.  All he saw however was a shock of ginger hair and someone else that looked a little more plain. ”Wonder what that was about. Maybe they’re on the whole child saving mission like everyone else. ” With a shrug he let his friend lead the way.
A walking, talking anti-christ in kid-friendly form
All at once one of them became pretty weird. Could it have been his expression upon seeing him? Ryan didn’t know but it sounded like something was going wrong, though one of them looked as if he had become even paler than he already was. Looking to the young male as if he were some horrific ghost that came from the deepest pits of Hell. Luckily one of them gave him the answer, looking rather affable and that helped out immensely. It even drew a more sure smile from him. ”He knows me. He was the person that murdered my sister.” He stated in a tone that was oddly equal, calmer than one would expect from someone that was meeting his sisters killer face to face. That didn’t stop the older looking Ryan from being pale looking. ”By the way, i’m Ryan. Ironic I know.” Looking over the three he turned back Ryan. ”I need to talk with him. I promise it’s not a fight. I...I don’t want that and I imagine you don’t either.”

Unfortunately that was when he heard something about...his brother being kidnapped. For a second that calm facade broke before his eyes seemed to glow a deep blue and it returned.  ”I need with that first. We can talk later.” It was hard, controlling the energy that was threatening to leak from him. If he lost control for one second they might have attacked these people before him but they were not his targets. All at once he turned away, rapidly letting his mind reach out and latch onto other minds until he formed a vague  idea of what he was doing. Not all were receptive but they worked. He didn’t need to waste time telling anyone and with a thought his body propelled through the air until he collided with earth once again. Luckily his uncle was one of the people he had connected to beforehand.

However he seemed to have a hard time dealing with the agent.  His eyes turned towards the android monstrosity, and then back to Lucas.  ”I don’t know what you’re doing mister but if you don’t put my brother down i’m going to hurt you.” Calm and cold. All it would take was a thought, maybe even less than one to crush him. Still, it was the mechanical monster that he had to worry about.  They had a chance to take things back but bad men like him weren’t the kind to do that.  Anyone that knew the child would see there was something different about him.
Nothing weaves a good yarn like a savior
He stepped back from a whip of energy nearly lashing into him, turning to the strange tan kid that was playing around with weapons like that. His brows knit into annoyance before turning more into that same compassionate face he put on. ”You’re fine. I was focused on something else. ” It was not entirely true, though watching a child calling themselves Azrael fight was a pretty distracting sight.  His personal Azrael relayed a little of the fight, giving him enough information to get something on the new bearer of the mantle. They were superhuman, something that likely did not fit with the first Azrael. Turning attention from the kid which resembled Khaos, he paused before turning back to the kid.   ”Actually, could you help me? I’m looking for Humanity and have not found him anywhere. Have you seen him around?” Better to use his new mask than the name behind it.
Fires fade

Yamm wasn’t speaking to anyone. Something that he could have guessed but he didn’t know why, even as he stepped through the portal. Beyond was a collection of thrones and those sitting upon them. None really familiar, though they all seemed to have some connection to the chaotic wyrm of a deity.  His eyes worked over the thrones, each one bearing with them questions that he couldn’t voice. There was no real desire to do so when he was dealing with his own personal demons. Ironic that a god was worrying about metaphorical demons within him. Picking out a throne, he stepped up and  sat down beneath the protective wings of the dragon over him. He felt the life around him, seemingly rising and springing further within his presence. What was the reason for all of them being here? Now able to sit down, he felt a sudden weight lift from his injuries though that didn’t lighten his mind. They were still dealing with more dangerous things than his own potential mortality.

”I don’t know how i’m a key but I...can work with this,” A small sigh, looking to the realm around him. ”What I know is that she’s learning from this Good Sister figure. I believe she’s learning something from her, maybe even just using her to steal the knowledge of The Black Beast. I’ve...never understood her that well.” What could one do with the kind of information about a monster like that. ”’Whatever power she’s gained, it seems to have...stopped my own ability to recover entirely. She has always been aligned with destruction but I was always told it was a matter of balance. Don’t believe she cares much for that aspect.” He didn’t honestly have too much to tell about what she could do, beside her affiliation to chaos, death and destruction. Hopefully they could get something out of that.
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Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Silus January 16th 2019, 1:36 am

   “Rot, I want you to make sure EVERY accomodation he needs is made. He’s going in blind against the impossible. This is a foe he’s only heard of. He has no idea what he is doing.” Orpheus hissed as he began to walk towards the conflict. He found himself observing a Pod dropping to the ground, the mechanical thing opened and Lucas was placed inside, closed. Orpheus watched as Gizmo was vigilantly on watch, probably adapting it’s sensory to protocol. Orpheus closed his eyes and nodded. He stepped on the way quite quickly as Oliver was dealt with. The next thing Daniels would see was a fully powered Orpheus with his hands off to the sides, claws out as his fingers twitched.

   “If you think Lucius is bad now, imagine what he would do if he lost the last things keeping his sanity in place. Think of what I’d do… It doesn’t take a deductive mind to figure it out.” He said, Blood Tithe was something The Agency only knew of through dealings with Tarot. The information on him was that he was a sin clone and that it was unlikely that he would have any connection to Lucas. Though here it was, ready to lash out like a feral animal. The connection there was obvious but that was a very valid point.

   “Ryan, I need you to stand back and cover your eyes. I’m feeling a little hungry.” Blood Tithe said as he attempted to usher the smallest child of Alpha and Lucius back.

   The boy seemed happy to make Zach’s acquaintance. But instead of talking it just babbled incoherently making small hand gestures. It’s eyes remained closed the entire time. It sounded like a slightly higher pitched and more childlike voice of stitch from Lilo and Stitch decided to begin making random noises as if it were talking. At the very end of it’s long talk, it just looked at Zachriel and then tilted it’s head to the side, it’s oddly flat tongue sticking out as it listened.

Then the creature leaned forward and tuck out it’s tongue as it held Zachriel’s head in place and licked him on the cheek. This was not only a violation of personal space, but it caused Ares and Axel both great alarm. They both shouted out at the same time, causing the small child to jump back, startled as the slime all over him began to ripple pulsating up and down as they shuttered and shivered, obviously scared to have been yelled at. The slime creature let out little noises as if trying to talk.

“No Belobog! Zachriel is a Nephilim! He is not a chicken in human form! You cannot eat him.” Axel said, Ares just chuckled as he placed a hand on Zachriel’s head and messed up his hair a little. Belobog continued to make noises, seeming in protest, though Axel continued to scold him. “I don’t care that he tasted good. You do NOT EAT Zachriel, am I understood?” The slime seemed saddened as it’s tongue slipped into its mouth and it’s shoulders hand. It’s head downcast as it seemed to whine a little, like a whimpering puppy. It murmured something, making a gesture with his fingers as if asking for something small, to which Axel just growled. The boy whined again, looking to Zachriel’s direction and stammering out the foreign noises.

“Sorry about that. Belobog is the most curious and...foreign creature you’ll probably ever meet...Alright Belobog. It’s showtime. Go do what we talked about.” Ares ordered. Belobog seemed to brighten up and give playful little giggles before opening their mouth and shouting out words of joy? Affirmation? Were these even words?

“Skyoshish Okiwmi Jowhnya! Eheheh Aya-hahahha!” Then it began to run off with its hands in the air like a lunatic, charging off in a fit of manic laughter. Ares shook his head and sighed.

“Zach, little buddy, I brought you here to teach you the most important words a person could ever say. The power and important of those words. No it’s not I love you, so don’t even ask.” He said as he patted him on the back, starting to walk with him. Axel excused himself to oversee Belobog’s success.

   “Lucius! We already have a plan don’t turn this into a blood bath while we have the advantage! I thought you were the strategist! If they think we’re oblivious they’ll overplay their angle, they extend to far and you obliterate it. Overwhelm it so that it spreads back into the core.” Samhain shouted. He growled as he had previously been forced to tell Lucius whom the captive was. He acted exactly as he anticipated Lucius would, entirely falling into the trap that The Author so desperately feared.  Of course he had to have a backup plan, didn’t he? The Author always had one. Samhain began to worry. Which was no small feat. Archon began to sort information as Lucius gave his orders.

   “This is his son, Yancey! He should have known about this to begin with! If I find out that he was used as bait-”
   “Goddamn Zell, can you not?! Seriously. I’m trying really hard here, okay? I’m trying everything I can to make everything alright. No we didn’t know until The Author saw someone with a book, reading and flipping through shit. Then he looked into his own book and realized that there was stuff written there. Stuff he didn’t remember writing, but his hand was still moving. He formulated a plan based on what he wrote. Humanity had a plan for if The Agency went rogue, we’re using that as a distraction and to keep Daniels cut off from reinforcements.” Yancey said, his Texas voice now far more prevalent that the scottish undertone had been removed. Zell had turned to walk with Lucius, leaving several other Archons to continue spelling out and drawing out runic markings.

“Nothing’s wrong. We should probably go help that kid.” He said almost as if he were distracted by what he was beginning to witness. Though he could perfectly see The Poltergeist, he had no means to control it. Only inhibit it. He stopped it from attempting to attack the youngest child of Lucius and instead it followed him. Austyn walked along with it, his eyes drooping before he almost fell asleep while walking.

=====The Disciple=====
   The Disciple looked around the room, steadily looking over all of the individuals. There was one last fragment they hadn’t gathered, but the Disciple even feared to enter their presence. They were far too twisted and they took way too much from the power fragmented within them. These were fine enough. With these fragments, Yamm could return to them, and save them. Or that was the theory. It was awkward to think that such humble beginnings would turn The Disciple into a doomsday cultist.

   “Then she must be dealt with. Casmaudius, Yamm would not forgive me...he may actively smite me if I sent you into battle against your sister. Especially when both he and Matthew held you as such a dear friend. I know both of them very well, and I can tell you I know first hand that he would never say it...but I also know that once you were’d see it.” The Disciple said, Asmodeus looked awkwardly as if he were trying to figure out what The Disciple was rambling on about. After a moment Asmodeus’ eyes widened and he looked to The Disciple, as if putting two and two together.

   “I can fight her...I’ll need Cas to draw her out first though. Then he’ll be responsible for retreating and being ready for when Yamm needs to be pulled through.” There were whispers throughout the room. Some of them from The Fool, whom wasn’t saying anything worthwhile or of note as he clattered and snickered. The room silenced and The Disciple looked to Cas, as if trying to see how he was responding to the idea.  

=====The Lych=====
   The Lych remained still as the boy halted and turned around, looking at Flamel. He grumbled as he seemed to rub his hair and shake his head. He didn’t like this old guy already. He was too old, too wise and he was going to  poke all kinds of holes in his logic. Well actually it’s his mentor’s logic. Mostly because all he did was what his mentor said. He let out a little sigh and did his duty.

   “Look. I get it. Universe ending shit. It’s scary. I’m kinda crunching on time to get what my master needs. I am looking for people, specific people. I need people who know where these people would be. Primarily the one you people call “Lucifer” and the one you call “The Villain”. Also the one called Belobog, but that one is just an added bonus. We just assumed Archon, Asy, or Cock-la-beel would know where to go. With those three, we can avert not just this Black Beast crisis, but literally the next 300 events of reality ending events.” The young man said as he looked about the faces of the strangers.

   “I certainly don’t like this...”

   There was a sudden Deadpool knock-off that arrived in a comfy cheery green sweater and pants in order to help him do battle with The Agency. Humanity completely ignored them to begin with. Their personality began to slowly make more and more sense. It wasn’t the one he had originally believed it was, but the shock factor was enough to keep him off guard. Then the help offered was responded to, but it probably was exactly how The Dark Traveler knew it would be.

   “You know nothing about me. You know nothing about what this fight means to me. Luke already took my chance at revenge away for what Khan did. I won’t let anyone stand in my way. I need to go, I need to bury Azrael. The man you knew is DEAD. Let the dead rest in peace.” He said as calmly as he could before continuing to look through his arsenal of weaponry. It was already more than he could bear to know that he was going up against a man known as “The Godslayer”. He wouldn’t lie, for the first time in a long time, Humanity felt fear.

   “The fact that you’re here, like this. It tells me somehow, some way I failed. You can say that I’m not responsible for you, but I am. Deep down there’s something in my gut that tells me I am. So what you’re going to do, is you’re going to keep your goddamn mouth shut. You’re going to let me do what I need to do, because in the end relying on you is most likely what got us into whatever mess you’re in. If you really want to help, take care of whatever Agents are between me and Godslayer. Otherwise they’ll be my warm-up- Oh for the love of fuck. WHAT!? WHAT DOES EVERYONE WANT WITH ME!?” Humanity yelled as he saw Savior walk up, Luke and Pat not far behind him. He was afraid, and tweaking out on the highest regard.  
    =====Kid Khaos/Saviour=====
   The child smiled at Savior and seemed to think it over. He seemed to be lost on the name Humanity, like he was trying to remember something. He didn’t wait too long though, lest Savior perhaps leave or think he was being rude. The boy straightened out his woven metal ringed suit and shrugged as he teetered a hand left to right as if he were uncertain.

   “I don’t remember where he’s at in this moment of time. He was getting ready for a confrontation I think. Hey, Stephen. Where is Humanity at this moment in the records of history?” He asked, though no one was there. Suddenly his visor came to life and began highlighting maps and showing locations just before the boy. The young child looked to Savior and nodded with a smile. He made a motion for Savior to follow as he hunted down Humanity’s trail. It didn’t take long for them to stumble upon Humanity, who seemed to have just finished a conversation with a being dressed in a comfy green sweater.

   “Humanity! Yeah, at this moment in time he is here getting ready to confront the director of the Agency.” The boy said as he looked around, part of his visor beeping and alarming him to something shifting within the timeline. He let out a gulp as he began to look around frantically. Hoping to see something other than what he was warned about. “Oh man, something happened to the time-stream! This is bad! What if one of my ancestors die!? Oh no...” The boy said all worried as he excused himself and ran off, without another word as he left Humanity to address savor.

=====The Void Stirs.=====
It was dark, but not empty. The burning light of creation more than a perfect description of everything profane and offensive. This darkness, this emptiness was their kingdom. But such an affront to see reality usurp that which was not it’s and take it for its own .The years ticked at, countless after countless.

Sitting upon the ground and looking to the stars was a small figure. It looked through the infinite cosmos. Star after star disappeared from the sky until there was only the pale moon left. The small figure spread it’s legs out on the gras and leaned back, posting themselves up as the grass turned grey and turned to ash.

“Are you there...Psyche?” The little voice asked in a hushed tone. The whisper echoed throughout the sky and the stars seemed to burn a little brighter for only a moment as they faded again. There was only silence for a moment as the moon seemed to be enclosed by darkness, only for the darkness to peel back and the entire moon to shift form as the entirety of the night sky was pulled to the ground, leaving only darkness as the entire thing consolidated together into the form of a quadruped animal.

   “I’m here….Eros.” The creature whispered, though it’s voice a rough growl, causing the lights within it’s body to flicker out and die.

Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Red January 16th 2019, 4:37 am

Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Stand_10

"HE'S MY SON! If strategy is to put him in harms way, then strategy be damned!" Lucius said in response to Samhain, still walking away at a determined pace. He had locked onto Lucas' technological signatures. He was close. They had done this right under their noses. Who did they think they were? The arrogance that exuded from The Agency, that foul organization, was tremendous. They were in the presence of enough power to perhaps destroy the universe, if not more, and yet they were still foolish enough to provoke it. Lucius wasn't certain if he should be impressed by their bravery, or amazed by their stupidity.

Lucius arrived on the scene. He looked Daniels dead in the eyes. Oliver had been fighting with him for around a minute, and it was clear that he hadn't touched the Agent, despite now sporting both metal skin and pyrokinesis. Gamma lashed out with everything he had, shooting flames that were dispersed by Michael's shielding systems, and strikes that were evaded and countered. When he saw Lucius coming, Michael ended what was quickly revealed to be nothing more than a game. He swiped with his knife after evading a punch, slicing Oliver's arm clean off with the energy blade.

"M-my arm! Jesus Christ, my arm!" Gamma yelled out, blood coming from the limb. Michael, without even hesitating, followed this strike up by shooting Oliver twice in the chest with his Magnum, using his special thermite rounds. They burned through the now screaming Gamma with ease, causing him to drop to the ground in a heap, bleeding.

Michael smirked as he saw everyone arrive. It was the main event. Lucius, his other abomination of a child, and Blood Tithe. An anomaly, yes, but someone Daniels was quick to recognize as a threat and someone who cared about Lucas. The cards were still in his favor. He holstered his weapon, looking down at his handiwork.

"You'll do no such thing, Ryan. If I'm hurt in any way, your brother loses his head to explosive nanites, and If the devices related to the detonation are interfered with, he's dead. You can't touch me, as much as I know you want to. If you don't believe I have it in me, just take a look at your uncle here. I'd say he has minutes to live. And guess what? Nobody can help him. My game, my rules," The Agent said. He turned to Lucius, Orpheus, and Archon, looking at them each individually. He still had that smirk of victory on his face.

"It's up to you three genius' to decide what's more important—Lucius' life, or the kid's, as well as anyone else's who may be killed in this little standoff. Seems we'll already have one causality here in a moment. Tick tock, tick tock." Anyone could tell the agent was loving this. He had been waiting to take down Lucius Alba for years, and now the moment was here. Lucius looked to Gamma with sorrow. It was too late for him. If he could beat this at all, he couldn't do it in time to stop him from bleeding out.

"Don't....don't let me die...." Oliver whimpered. For the first time since Isalia, Lucius' eyes welled up with emotion. Gamma never liked him, but that didn't mean Lucius wanted to watch him die in a pool of his own blood on the pavement. The Dictator gritted his teeth in rage, clenching his fists.

"YOU'LL DIE FOR THIS! What, you think that if I give myself up, that will be the end of it? You had to know you wouldn't make it out alive. None of us can even leave right now. There is no running," Lucius said, panting in anger, Even through his mask's filter you could tell he was in a fervor.

"We'll just hold the boy and you hostage until the Beast is defeated, and the time displacement is lifted. If anyone kills me before then, you and your kid still die. And if the Beast wins? Well, at least I go out knowing I beat you," Michael said, playing the the energy blade he had used to cut into Oliver. There seemed little way out of this, but Lucius wasn't giving up yet.

"Make your choice. You have thirty seconds."


Drifter heard the tail end of what Humanity said. Something about what people wanted with him. Luke could only roll his eyes at that. He was too drunk to deal with this shit. Even at the end of the world, Matt was acting like the standoffish persona he always took up as Humanity. The fact it showed no cracks even in the face of such a threat showed just how strong it truly was. If The Black Beat couldn't break through it, how could Luke?

With sarcasm and snark, of course.

"What do we want you for? Your sexy voice, of course. And your pretty hands. Like, dayum. Did you think it was for that winning personality of yours? No. Just sex appeal," Luke said, slurring his words a bit. He had the sniper resting on his shoulder as he walked along, inserting himself as part of this little mission.

"Who are we murdering this time, Batman?"


Nicolas Flamel nodded his head as the boy spoke. If what he said was true, than he should be taken to who he wanted to see. Besides, there seemed little harm in it at this point. There was already a universal threat at their door. What could one boy looking for Archon and Humanity possibly do that was worse? Flamel was about to respond and agree to take him to see at least Archon, but that's when he saw the man himself, walking speedily with Lucius next to him.

"Speak of the devil..... There he is now. Come on. He looks busy, but I'm sure he can make time," Nick said, unaware of what was happening with Lucas and The Agency.


"You did not. What of it, brother?" Amory said, walking among the chaos with Kakabiel and the rest of the Wardens in toe. The Knowledge Warden seemed to have come across something interesting, but Amory wasn't connecting the dots. He just hoped his fellow elder wasn't going to go on another rant about something completely unrelated to the task at hand again.

"Ah, well, there seem to be many parallels with what is happening and the myth. Further confirming this are the ones proclaiming allegiance to Eros. Something is happening that we do not yet fully understand," Kakabiel said, turning his pages. Amory sighed, irrtated that he wasn't getting anything concrete. The Warden of Power was going to respond, but he was quickly interrupted. Wide eyed under his hood, Kakabiel had found some shocking information.

"It is HIM! He walks among us! The Black Beast!" Kakabiel proclaimed, showing his book to Amory. The Warden of Power had the same shocked reaction.

He was bursting at the seams with power, unable to stabilize himself without Nicolas Flamel's help, but it was too late for that now. Using the Elder Warden of the Mind's mental abilities, Amory sent out a message to the entire area. He didn't care who heard. In fact, he was counting on a certain someone hearing.

[The Black Beast is among us. The final hour has come! Wardens, arm yourselves for glorious battle!"

The Warden of Power grew in size. First doubling, then tripling, then making exponential gains in height until he was at least a hundred and fifty feet tall. New armaments adorned his body, and purple energy—raw power—surged through him. He was fueled by the power of all those in the area, increasing his power to that of practical God-hood. He had never contained this much before, and it was ripping him apart, slowly but surely. That said, he was confident he could take down The Black Beast before it overtook him. The other Wardens, including Aurelius, armed themselves, but it was Amory leading the way.



They were about to go help the kid, but then it happened. The ground quaked, cracking the streets. Purple energy shot into the sky, lighting up the dark fog that had overcome it not long ago. Eric's heart raced. Was it the Black Beast? It must have been. And at such a time? Daniels could not have chosen to pull his stupid stunt in a worse moment. The strategy was barely in place, with people scrambling every which way. Worst of all, most of the assault team was off trying to recover this kid, from what Eric could see.

Thankfully, it wasn't the Beast, but it might as well have been. The message was brief, but it was horrifying. The thing had been standing there, watching them this whole time, and waiting to strike. Now, this giant purple knight God thing was towering over them, blotting out the sky, challenging the damn thing. How tactful! This could not go any further wrong.

"So, uh, new plan?"


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Arcana January 16th 2019, 5:18 pm

The little angel boy and a slightly larger angel boy
Zachriel looked to the strange slime oozing boy as they continued to make more strange noises. Was that even human speech or was he being messed with? Dealing with the odd was nothing new to him, however having someone lick him was another story entirely. That was usually reserved for dogs, because that was what dogs did. His expression told everything, a mixture of disgust and surprise. ”Eat me? I look nothing like a chicken you bastard covered in the stuff from those videos on the internet.” He grumbled out loud, wiping his cheek with one of his  baggy sleeves while keeping eyes narrowed on the strange other child.  That was one person he wasn’t turning his back on.  If only because they apparently thought he was something that could be eaten. Not exactly the best way to get someones affection.  Given words of affirmation however the strange child looking thing squealed in an unknown language and ran off.

”So long as he keeps his mouth away from me,” His eyes followed the slime covered male until he left sight,  huffing as he heard the sound of footsteps.  They were here for some reason, to find words that meant something but not love. Walking along with the man, he buried hands into his pockets and looked up to Ares. There had to be some plan brewing within his head but he didn’t know. ”I assume that portion of the plan won’t go said.” He knew that much, though what did surprise him was the air ripping open before them and something stumbling through. They looked slightly familiar to him if only because the person bearing this visage. Similar to a certain spouse of the archon, plus a few pulsing runes flowing around his body.

”That bitch...” They grumbled to themselves, the very ground beneath them beginning to rot from his touch before he turned to Zachriel who seemed a little confused. ”little angel boy, well guess i’m not dead. Not enough fire and brimstone here. ” Dusting himself off he stood to his feet. ”Now where the hell is that Archon?” He muttered to himself and walked off.

”That was….weird.’
It falls apart from the very start
Ryan felt the gold rage burning through him. Like liquid nitrogen coursing through his veins, made worse when he saw his uncle cut and shot down into a pathetic bleeding mess. It brought many memories to mind, most of them good. He felt the desire to hurt Daniel’s even more. To make him plead that he didn’t want to die before wringing him out like a dirty dish rag.  Despite that he didn’t notice the faintly wet sensation of tear dripping down his cheeks, this silently furious state not enough to dampen his more pitiful emotions. ”I’ve seen someone I cared about die before me before. She died, choking, crying and it didn’t matter.” His tone was calm, almost academic. ”The moment he dies you have no shield. No one to stop all of us from ripping you apart, but I promise you won’t die quickly. ’ His eyes turned from the pod where Lucas was being held to Daniels to Oliver and then back to Orpheus.

He didn’t know what to do that would save Lucas. This terrible feeling was something that he had to hide, otherwise it would overwhelm him and he didn’t like it at all. What he or perhaps anyone else didn’t know was the fact that an illusion had been placed over the dying test While the image stayed there, whimpering the true him was being dragged from away the scene by a telekinetic force.  Hidden really behind the same illusion, until he was pulled behind a corner, out of sight and out of mind and even within his pained state he would see someone standing above him. Around his age physically, dressed all in pink with neon pink eyes looking down on him in what looked to be...concern? Maybe even pity.

”You probably have no idea who I am. Makes sense, considering we’ve never seen each other face to face before. Names Amor, warden of love. Think of me like...your guardian angel.” He was not his guardian angel or even an angel in the traditional sense.  With a motion he was lifted, dominion holding him up a she looked over the various injuries that were all over him. Specifically the big stump that was once an arm. ”Yikes, that Daniels sure doesn’t hold back. Explains why I didn’t follow that boring man any. So, I can fix you up just...don’t think too deeply into the how.” This was followed by a kiss. Yes, normally this was no time for that kind of thing but instantly he would feel the pain of his injuries pass, replaced with an itching sensation.

The wounds in his chest closed first, followed by what looked to be the severed arm rapidly growing. First the bone, muscles appearing and knitting around that along with the clear nerves and veins weaving through the muscles.  Skin followed quickly after that, all taking a few seconds until he was for the most part fine. Amor pulling back and looking at him with a smirk. ”now, do me a favor and try not to let your...fixed state show. Have a feeling they have some idea of how they mess that guy up.” Someone shouted something in the distance but it was Amory so he likely had it covered. The Warden of power was able to do that on his own. Turning to the right he was...staring at Travis.

”Not going to ask. I have to save my son, because...well he’s been kidnapped by a psycho agent.” So he walked away, stepping up beside Lucius and looking around. Probably a little early but would hit head blowing up really kill Lucas? A little late I know but got the whole memories back and doesn’t he have some kind of philosphers stone in him? Don’t know if it works like that in practice but from what I can tell it should be able to reform his head.

Of light and darkness
Cas was among the other supposed fragments of Yamm around and he didn’t know what the plan was entirely. There had to be something they were trying to do but he couldn’t really admit to knowing what that was. Maybe they were hoping to bring Yamm back, though a part of him wondered if he was going to be alive for that. Would that even matter? This wasn’t his world to defend, but Nyx was his sister to stop. They both came into this world at the same time, bound in a way that he was to no one else. They wouldn’t know. He couldn’t have expected them to, nor what had been taken from him the time they last fight back within his homeworld. These injuries were...nothing compared to then.

”She’s my responsibility. I have to fight her.  We’re family, and that means not leaving her to...whoever you are.” He turned to Asmodeus and then back to The Disciple. ”If Yamm or his former vessel simply can’t tell me what how they feel, it’s their choice but I can’t let anyone else make this choice for me. " He stood from his throne, testing his ability to stand. Not as bad as before, though he had to wonder how long that would last, or if he would even make it to a confrontation. All at once he fell back into the throne

 ”That's my decision.” Why did he feel so bitter within this moment? Could it have been his own feelings or the influence of the energy that he had been injured with?
I’ll follow you into the dark
Okay, so he was ignoring him. That should have been expected but then again he was slightly annoyed by it. Could have been the fact that he was being told to shut up, even with what he saw as a rather inoffensive green little sweater.  "Leave it to you. Just push people away when things get tough." He shrugged, hopping up and just levitating above the ground. "I know more about this than you could possible imagine. Not to say you aren’t pretty imaginative but if you really want to do this yourself I can’t stop you." A low hum worked from him, as he removed the mask. No need to have that anymore considering that everyone saw beyond his facade. How they did he didn’t know but now Humanity saw who was behind the mask, all in their broken glory.

"Also secondly, no. I’m not gonna shut up. I find letting you do what you want and keeping quiet just leads to more issues. " Turning around he took note of the various people coming their way. Luke, himself and even Savior. That one guy that seemed to care a bit about what happened to Matt, though he wondered what fueled that protectiveness. Even madness gave no clue, only more questions that had no answers within them. "Oh look, it’s me. Well if you’ll excuse me I have agents to clear out. You’ll have your final boss battle like you want." Like that was he was gone, though not entirely. Instead appearing a bit ahead, before the agent known as Nerovii.  Now connected to the ground and glaring at the agent with...the look of a killer.

"I remember you. Agitating little guy you are but that’s fine. I don’t need you dead, just gone for a bit. Whatever other agents you have around...well they might not be so lucky." He looked around, noting that he might have...five minutes to clean this up. A small smirk worked over his lips as he  rolled his neck. Feeling each joint pop audibly before he took a stance. "You have a minute. Fight like your life depends on it."

With weapon drawn the fight began.

Staring into a mirror darkly
Charlatan was just following Luke’s lead, carrying a few weapons he got from the vigilante along with his gear that he managed to bring with him. Why didn’t he have a bag of holding? That would have been nice but he had no magic, not even technology. Instead he had to rely on boring normal means of transporting things, still he heard what sounded like spazzing out from Humanity in talking with...was that him? ”Is that me? Shit, that looks like me but...burned?” Pat muttered, eyeing them as they seemed to disappear in a puff of smoke. That wasn’t something that he could do. Right?

Luke slurred out what sounded like small flirtation, something that worked out a small awkward chuckle from him. Looking from Matt to where that person that looked like him had been...floating. ”Not sure about the murdering part but here to help with whatever I can.” He noted, looking around awkwardly. ”Who are we fighting anyway?’

”Are we fighting someone?” Savior chimed in, looking around confused and looking to Kid Khaos.

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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Silus January 22nd 2019, 8:13 pm

   Orpheus had never felt so powerless. He growled slightly as he noticed something very off, however. Gizmo stood at the pod, looking outwards towards the conflict but there was a small child that walked up behind the pod rather casually, seeming to somehow circumvent the traditional methods that Gizmo scanned for. The child looked to Lucas, it’s eyes closed as it began to lick at the glass. The glass sizzled a small bit, but it wasn’t potent enough to cause any form of true erosion. The small child grunted, his closed eyes shifting a little as his blobish eyebrows furrowed. The boy smirked before turning pale white in his entirety and as a liquid began to cover the entire pod, finding it’s way to the ventilation system and filtering in at an almost horrific speed.

   Once inside the boy reformed and smiled widely as it waved to Lucas, they hardly had enough room as it was.

   “Belobog!” The child seemed to sheer as it reached up and grabbed Lucas’ hair. It’s arm turned into sheer liquid and it began to reach out and pump itself into Lucas’ stomach. The child hummed like it was searching for something as it seemed to wabble and the goo seemed to twitch and dance to the humming tunes. As consciousness threatened Lucas the small child giggled and withdrew it’s arm. With the arm withdrawn it would appear to be entirely different in color, similar to Lucas’ skin tone. The small child gave an enthusiastic nod before liquifying once more. This time it seemed to wrap Lucas up in itself and expand, rotting the pod through the back.

   As Belobog reached the back, he gave a little giggle, allowing Lucas to finally be free, but placed a finger up to it’s lips, as if telling Lucas to be silent. Belobog, then did the exact opposite and walked around the pod, and past Gizmo Gizmo seemed to twitch and then suddenly recognized the slime boy as a metahuman. Lucas would find Samhain standing there, looking to him with a smile, relieved to see Lucas safe.

           “Right lad. I promised you. I’d help. Now C’mon. Let’s get you back to your fathers. I can’t wait to see that smug prick’s face.” Samhain whispered with a small, reassuring smile. He was genuinely attempting to be kid here, though his snarky self seemed to bleed through. If Lucas would trust and take Samhain’s hand...they’d be off... Samhain utilizing his boundless physiology in order to transport Lucas.

   “Counter-measures primed. Forensics Director Daniels, Caution!” The large robotic creature stated, before it’s arm seemed to transform into a primed hard light canon. Belobog just stood at Daniels’ feet and smiled widely, reaching to tug at his sleeve. By the time Daniels could see what was going on, he would see the boy’s eyes open, a piercing set of colored eyes turning a jovial and childlike smile into a sadistic grin. The discolored arm that matched Lucas’ skin tone changed to suit its original form far better. Samhain arrived with Lucas beside Lucius, leaving the boy off and chuckling.

   “T’SHI AMA AHAHAHAH!” The child yelled at the top of it’s lungs as it jumped and literally latched onto Daniels’ face before they were both lost in a torrent of flame and concussive force. White slime and blood covered the entire area, Gizmo began to scan the area before filing an incident report.

   “I’ll see you in Hell, Michael...and the other Michael, after he’s dead.” Samhain said. Now to everyone it was just him being the old IRish self. But to Zell, Lucius, Orpheus...they could see Yancey and hear him saying these words. A testimony to how far he’d fallen. But that was not the importance here. The importance was that Lucas was okay, and Lucius was here with him. Orpheus noticed this and departed quickly, giving the small Ryan a brush on the head and a proud smile behind his mask.

=====The Disciple=====
      Nothing was going to come up in the way that The Disciple wanted.  He knew this all too well. It was a ridiculous level of irritation that he was feeling. He was watching his deity, his hero fade away. He watched how his actions, how his mistake cursed someone he cared for, someone he maybe loved once, slip back into a life of darkness and deceit. The Disciple sighed as Cas made his comment on it being his decision. That was true. This was his decision, but he wasn’t seeing everything as it was happening. He didn’t see that this was the only way to ensure everyone got the thing they desired.

   “Then I wash my hands of this. I pray you come out alive, Casmaudius. Asmodeus, your loyalty to our master is most appreciated. Matthew is now going to confront the man who murdered Azrael-” Though when The Disciple said this, there was but a laughter from the throne of the broken vigilante gear, the mask of Azrael still lingering above.

   “The man who murdered Azrael. Broke him down. Sent Matthew to the Bloodmoon and broke him too. Poor little Sin-Eater comes to face the Consequences.” The giggling was almost manic at the point as they sat back with their book, tossing it onto the table and kicking back. The Disciple looked to the man, though Sin spoke up.

   “Wait. Consequences….are we talking about THE Consequence? The one from that little cluster-fuck hell hole that I don’t even want to deal with?” Sin asked as he seemed to hesitate, shaking his head. “So my going to go toe to toe and face THE CONSEQUENCES, but you bleeding lot are going to sit here and figure out how to bring back some fatass dragon!?”

   “I still don’t even know why I’m here. I think we should welcome The Mad God. Let Matthew May die. His empathy and his “Humanity” corrupted Yamm. It’s time for a change of tide.” The man with the flesh bound book cackled as he seemed to find a psychotic fit.

   “THAT’S ENOUGH!” Asmodeus shouted, standing up, this throne cracking as he slammed a hand on the table. All eyes were on him, save for The Disciple’s. “That boy means more to me than any of you lot ever will. I don’t know about Yamm...I don’t frankly care. I’m here because I know a good kid with a good heart that was willing to help a Demon Prince know what it means to forgive themselves. To know that what we were born isn’t what we were destined. So I don’t care if this kid gives a damn to help or not. I don’t care if we bring the dragon back or not. I care about saving the kid. So unless you all want me to go full out genocide, I’d clamp your lips shut and listen.”

   The room fell silent. Sin sat back and shook his head, Asmodeus remained standing as he began to feel his palm itch, looking to turn this meeting into a blood bath. There was nothing he wanted more. These were cowards, psychopaths and a selfish brat. He had no room to talk, he was probably the worst of them all. It didn’t mean he didn’t hate any of them less for it. Finally, The Disciple spoke...

   “Consequences brings in a new development. If Humanity doesn’t die in his confrontation with The Agency, he will die when he faces Consequences. If we sacrifice any of ourselves then there is no hope for the resurrection of Yamm in this lifetime...but Casmaudius is determined to go his own way. So it’s not likely to be in our favor anyway. Asmodeus, It’s unfair to ask this….will you face Consequences in Matthew’s place?”

   “I will-It will be your end-I don’t care. It seems like everyone else her is willing to die for Yamm. I’m just here for the kid.” He said calmly, finally sitting down as the Disciple pointed to the seat.

   ”Casmaudius you may have your leave. We have preparations to make. I will be in direct opposition to The Good Sister. We are the leading fragments of the reciprocating factions. Matthew and I have faced her before...another time. Another life...” The Disciple allowed Cas to be dismissed, but he could stay if he desired. Though there was likely nothing to be gained here if he as dead set upon fighting his sister. He eventually reminisced upon the encounter.

   ”Holy Mother of...You’re Alexander.” Sin said, The Disciple didn’t make a motion, though Sin just roared in laughter. “I just have to say, thank you so much for falling for the old Divinity-trap. If you hadn’t of tried to kill me, Yamm would still be here. How’s it feel to know this is all your fault lad?”

   “Alexander and The Mistress are The Disciple and The Good Sister? My, I had the privilege of knowing them in their humble origins! I almost made you into a new pair of boots.” The one man said with an ear to ear grin at The Disciple.

   “We’re getting off topic...” The one man whom had manically been laughing had now taken a stoic and almost unnecessarily cold fashion.

   “Indeed… So here’s my plan….”
   Humanity didn’t listen much as he continued to pack himself together, figuring everything out. Luke made a snarky comment about him being batman. He was actually about to lose his cool on Luke. He didn’t want anything to do with Humanity or the plans created by them, yet he wanted to come in and go fight alongside him. He broke inside as he felt so horrifically conflicted as to what to do. He could end this all in fourteen words or less. Shatter every piece of trust, break every last shred of bondage to his life as Matthew. But his heart hurt, and he felt his breathing go a little shallow.

“I’m going to finish something. Matthew May was killed one night in a church just outside of a city in Pennsylvania. I intend to get Justice, and save his name.” Humanity said as he completely ignored Luke’s previous comments. “I need someone to run interference for me. I appreciate you dealing with Khan for me, but this isn’t someone I even want to go up against. It’s just an unfortunate byproduct. Did Belobog save Lucas yet?” He asked, suddenly there was a loud explosion and a flash of light, He turned to look over his shoulder, the murmurs and the comments of the explosion ringing out. He chuckled a rather dark and morbid sense of amusement in his chuckle. “That is a confirmation, Ghost Rider.” He added to himself as he turned to look art Savior.

“Thank you for coming. It’s fitting that you were here to bury him.” He said as he cleared his throat. “I know he would want your help. But I won’t let you help. I need to see this through, on my own. I know you may think that I don’t trust you, that I push you away. I do trust you but that’s absolutely right. I do push you away. I am NOT the one you called a brother. I am something else, that just so happens to look like him under the suit. Now I need to go. He made me bury something...someone. I’, not going to risk either of you in this. Especially when one of you is compromised as it is.” He said as he continued to work upon arming and customizing his weaponry. He had a few of his spheres on him, a few of his ballistic knives and more of his anxiety toxins. He was still going over his preparations, thinking of every possible thing he could perhaps encounter. The possibilities were too great. But he had everything he needed. That part was a lie, he was horribly outclassed.

=====The Void Stirs.=====

    There was a man cloaked in a n ultraviolet color, a faint purple glowing from him as he seemed to float before the large, purple creature. Their eyes were stoic and unwavering. Their heart did not skip a beat, they did not even flinch as the loud voice boomed. They simply began to appraise the wardnes, sizing them up.

   “I suggest you temper yourselves. To maintain balance one should not seek destruction of the entire shop and it’s goods. A more...surgical and precise method can be used.” The man said as he looked on, almost devoid of any emotion other than irritation. The Lych watched as he began to pool and amass his power once more. This time he made it quite clear that he had absolutely no intention of being subtle or discrete. This was not a warning, it was a declaration. The floating man gazed, the feeling of Lych’s power sparked Archon’s and subsequently several other very powerful sources. Samhain, Elena Marie, even Yggdrasil responded by wafting an incredible sense of supernatural gravity. Axel and the other guardians rallied to this as well.

   “Your becoming quite vexing...” The Lych growled, his jaw opening as magic concentrated into physical essence and dripped like salivation. It was about to be a very harsh lesson about such boisterous and unnecessary display of power.

   “So sorry, but I could hear all of your power screaming. I was wondering if I could trouble you all to maybe shut the fuck up? You’re all only going to feed into Lucifer and Amory’s power. You’d eventually surpass him but the damage and’s not worth it.” The man, Consequences started, making a motion with both hands as everyone to simmer down.

   “Psyche? Why do they love me, but despise you?” The small voice asked, the dark outline of the figure within the Void gazing into it’s animal friend's eyes, viewing the growing powers of the universe so far away. It let out a sorrowful sigh.

“You are perfect, full of possibility. In you they have created a most beautiful dream of possibility and potential.” The animal seemed to pant with every breath, tongue lolling out as it seemed to happily answer the question. But the voice persisted.

   “But then what does this make you?”  The innocent voice asked, so full of curiosity and awe.

   “The dreaded wakening...” The animal said, a harsh and cold bellowing growl of the words, as if it held some disdain for the rationale. The voice came from a being whom watched the animal’s eyes, seeing through the void and the infinite cosmos. After a good while they observed an Archon, causing the creature to growl, and even snap it’s fangs. The other did not move. Then there were powers and forces unseen, things all changing so quickly.

   “It’s out of balance...” They said with a slightly defeated sigh.

   “Do not belong....” The creature said as it seemed to watch something hurling through dimensional barriers and borders.

   “Perhaps we should-End this.”

Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Red January 22nd 2019, 11:19 pm

Drifter's eye twitched under his mask. He had come out of that van with some renewed hope that he could help Matt, yet his friend seemed determined to shatter it into a million pieces whenever it welled up. He wanted to strangle the guy. His friend was putting forward this idea that he was a completely different person, using it to justify his sins, but at the same time held onto things that were very much Matthew May—an unshakable sense of justice, enough hope and will to keep going despite the evil in the world, and most of all, love. He said he cared for both him and Pat, yet in the same breath said the person that cared for them was dead. The contradictions were apparent, and were even more irritating coming from somebody like Matt, who had no excuse not to recognize them. He knew—he had to. He knew he was pulling this crap just to keep him and Pat safe, and to get them off his ass. It was the same stunt the hero always pulls in movies, screaming at the girl he loves and hurting her feelings just to get her to safety.

"You're going after the Director, aren't you? That's the only other person involved besides Daniels you would deem important enough to face yourself........... But you can't win, not alone, and you know it. Always the martyr, aren't we Matthew?" Luke said, taking his mask off and pulling his hood down. He unholstered his gun, Fracture, as Humanity geared up. He then slowly approached his brother, looking him in the eyes once he got close enough—or at least, where the eyes would be had Humanity not been wearing a mask.

"You really want to be like that? You really want to say he's gone? Fine. Prove it to me. Prove nothing but ashes remains of Mathew May. Prove you really are the heartless monster you claim to be. Prove I lost a brother, you fucking asshole," Luke said. He flipped Fracture around, then put it in Matt's hand. After that, Luke put the barrel to his own head. He didn't break his stare the whole time.

"Go ahead, do it. It'd make my day, because if you really did kill him, I'd like nothing better than to join him, just like I was ready to that night with the train. Come on, finish the job. You'd like to destroy what little remains of him, and to finally become your own being, right? That, or you simply don't care one way or another about what's left of your old self. All the better. Put a drunkard out of his misery, if you really are just a sin eater, and not the man that thought of me as his younger sibling," Luke said, moving his hand to pull the hammer back on the pistol in his brother's hand. He was daring him to do it. Hell, in his eyes, there was pleading. If what Humanity said was true, and Matt was dead, Luke didn't want to live to watch what replaced him destroy their bond. If it was true, Humanity should have no problem pulling the trigger, but if his brother still remained? He wouldn't do it. it was time for Matt to put his money where his mouth was.

"So what's it going to be? Who are you? If you're Humanity, push me away for good. Get rid of your predecessor's annoying baggage. It'd be a service to me, and would end my pain. But if you're Matt, put the fucking gun down, stop talking like you're literally Satan and like all is lost, and remember that we're in this life together."


Lucas awoke, gasping for air. Panic was in his eyes as he looked like he might scream, but when he saw that this kid didn't seem to want to harm him, he shut up. Being silent was imperative in this situation, from what he could tell. Everyone was in a stand off, and things were looking like they were about to get lethal. Whoever this person was, they acted at the perfect moment.

The explosive nanites in Lucas were removed. The boy didn't know this, but it didn't matter. He was safe. Samhain appeared, offering his hand. Lucas wasn't in any position not to accept, and grabbed it. With that, he was teleported next to Lucius. It all happened so quickly that barely anyone could react to the rapid shift in dynamics. Lucius and everyone trying to save his son had been on their back foot one minute, and the next were in complete control.

"Do I...know you? I mean, thanks anyway! But you seem familiar," Lucas said, recognizing the manner of Castiel's speech, but not understanding why it was coming out of this man he had never seen. As he said, he was grateful either way, but curious nonetheless.

Lucas then looked to Lucius, quickly closing distance and hugging him tightly. Lucius' mind was still reacting to the illusion cast over the area to save Gamma, and was quite caught off guard by this change of fortune. But, either way, he was happy to see Lucas safe. He returned the hug, but made sure not to let his guard down.

"You are to stay by me from here on out," Lucius said, stepping in front of Lucas ever so slightly to shield him. Gizmo and Daniels were still a threat, though the later wouldn't be for long. The boy that had saved Lucas jumped on the Agent savagely, knocking Michael onto his back.

"Get....Get off! Now! Filth!" Daniels screamed as he struggled with the being, trying to remove it from his face. It was too late, however. The nanites that had been in Lucas were about to go off. These weren't simple explosives, either. They were redundantly powerful, as Michael did not know the extent of the abilities Lucas possessed when he created them. He wanted to make sure the boy would die if they detonated. Ironically, his thoroughness was now actively being used to kill him, thoroughly. Daniels heard the tell-tale sound of the nanites activating, and his eyes widened in fear.

"You've got to be kidding m-" Michael's final sentence was cut off by the explosion of the nanites, cutting through his shielding with ease, and obliterating the upper half of his body. He was nothing but torso and legs after the explosion went off. It was incredibly powerful, yet at the same time localized. All those more than a mere ten feet from Daniels were only hit by the blood splatter.

An ear and a copious amount of blood hit Lucius' armor. He didn't react, he just watched, unflinching as his adversary died. Not by his hand, sadly, but justice had been done either way. He was more irritated by the fact he'd have to clean Agent off his chest plate once this was all over.

"Ryan! Come here. Are you alright?" Lucius said, gesturing for his other son to come to him. He figured this was as good a time as any to get a hold of them again. Once Ryan came to him, the Dictator would kneel down, resting his hands on the shoulders of both his sons.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. This is all my fault..... But you've both shown yourself to be strong sons, worthy of my name. Especially you, Ryan," Lucius smiled, pulling both boys close for a hug. It wasn't the most well thought out or eloquent apology, but with everything that was going on, this had to be quick.

"You've been through so much, you two—things no child should. You've been treated terribly by me on top of it. And yet, here you stand. I'm so proud of you both, even if you aren't proud of me. Just remember that no matter what, I'll always love you above all else. No vision of a Risen society, and no amount of power could ever replace you. You're what I live for, and I hope you believe that." Lucas just silently nodded as he was hugged. He had some tears in his eyes from the shock of the whole situation, but he was glad to be back in the safety of those that cared about him.

"Now, my sons, do you want to help me save the universe? Travis, you can come too."


Gamma, nearly unconscious, had been pulled away from Daniels under the guise of a powerful illusion. Had Daniels been wearing his glasses, he might have seen through it, but alas, the Forensics Director liked to rely on his own perceptions. A unfortunate miscalculation for the Agent. He might still be alive had he got on top of things quicker. But regardless, Oliver had been saved. Or at least, he was after he was healed in a rather........ Let's say 'unconventional' way.

"W-what the hell, dude? .....Oh, oh I get it. Nevermind. Thanks, I guess. Maybe less tongue next time, though," Oliver quipped, smiling at the fact he was no longer dying. He moved his new arm at various angles, making sure all was well. Apparently this dude could just miraculously bring back people from the brink of death.  

Oliver was about to rush back to the scene of the crisis, but he heard the explosion, and then he saw, in the distance, that Michael had been killed, and that Lucas had been saved. He sighed in relief, lighting up a cigarette. He only managed to get a couple puffs off of it before shit got real again, however. There was a giant knight looking motherfucker towering over the whole suburb now, lighting up the grey sky with a purple hue.

"You're one of those Warden people Nicolas was talking about, right? ......Guess he wasn't lying when he said you guys aren't exactly subtle."


The Wardens were mobilizing, scattering over the area looking for the man that The Elder Warden of The Mind had beamed to their heads from Amory and Kakabiel. From above, The Warden of Power himself gazed down at the entire force below him, attempting to locate his destiny. This would be the fight of his existence. It was his duty to protect Power, the Shroud, and the Universe. This adversary would fall just like all the others.

It was none other than Aurelius, who had long since split from Nicolas Flamel's group, that first spotted the Traveler. The Beast had moved to engage the Agent that had apparently been sent after Humanity. Aurelius knew it was him. Kakabiel's book of knowledge and the Mind Warden's telepathy was more than enough to give him the information to identify this being in the form he now took. His actions were odd, though. Why was he not destroying everything? Was he not here to consume this universe? Aurelius wasn't so keen on finding out. He alerted the others, drawing his shield.

He's down here, right in front of me.

Amory roared, shaking the ground as his movement sent tremors through the streets of the suburb. He turned, gazing down at the Traveler that had so far eluded him. The Warden of Power smiled, reaching down with all his power in order to grab the entity. He wasn't doing this by mere physical means, either. The very space his hand occupied would morph to contain the being. It was a vice grip, with the weight of planets behind it. His intention would be to bring the Traveler up to the level of his eyes.

"Show us your true form, Beast!" Amory said. It was then that his hand would light up with energy, power surging through his being until the intensity was like nothing most here had seen. He was channeling a force not much less than that of a sun, and intended to pour it into his captive.


Ren had found a secluded room in one of the houses, drawing the necessary runes with salt on the ground. After he did that, he recited a rather large spell. Well, it was more like a ritual with how long it took. He had to go on and on for about ten minutes, and couldn't stop even when shit started to get real outside, otherwise he'd have to start over. It was a pain, but contacting Death in this universe was inevitably going to be a bit harder than normal.  Eventually, though, he did finish, and the salt disappeared in a flash. After that, a shadow creeped over the room, swirling until it took the form of a robed silhouette with a detective style hat on, and simple glowing white dots for eyes.

"Dad?" Ren asked. It was obviously him, but he wanted to make sure he didn't just someone some kind of demon.

"Ren. REN! YES! I AM YOUR FATHER!" Death responded, looking around the room, as if confused. It was clearly just for effect, however.

"Could you.... Could you stop for just a sec? I appreciate the reference, I do, but this is serious. Shits going down in the universe I got dropped in." Ren sighed. This was a dire time, and Death was still his carefree self. It usually didn't bother the emo, but considering the circumstances....

"So, uh munch munch just head on back to Oblivion. We can set you right from there." Death said, bringing up a shadowy  bag of chips and eating from it as he spoke, his mouth full.

"Are you... Are you eating? I didn't even think you ate! Come on, pay attention! You're acting like a nonchalant teenager." Ren was trying to secure his patron's help, not deal with this childish crap again. Death just groaned, as if put out.

"Commmee ooonnnnn... What do you want me to do? Show up and fight for people's lives? You know how bad that is for my PR? Ew. No." Death threw the chip bag over his shoulder, which just seemed to meld back into the shadows. Ren stopped a moment, as if in thought. He realized he wasn't going to get his patron to do anything without giving him some incentive.

"......I'll take you to see Infinity War afterwards," Ren said quietly, smiling. The shadows swirled as Death seemingly ran off back to Oblivion, apparently in a rush. The sound of things falling over and breaking could even be heard, even though nothing of it was visible.

"Where's my scythe, SinEater! I swear to Dad I'll reap you!"


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Charlatan January 23rd 2019, 3:41 pm

Cracking under the strain
Charlatan scoffed, looking between Drifter and Humanity with an expression that was both shock and annoyance. Whether that be Matt claiming he was dead, talking as if he were some other person entirely What was he even going on about? This was some Haise Sasaki shit going and this was just not the time. Leave if to Drifter to making the situation worse by pressing a gun against his forehead. ”Really,” He muttered, looking shocked as if this were some kind of sick joke he were just bearing witness to. This had to be some sick dream. Reality destroying horror had to be the sign that this was an unrealistic thing. Matt wouldn’t shoot Luke and he wouldn’t do something so stupid like put a gun to his head. This all had to be some sick cosmic joke that he was experiencing, something that would be dashed away with just someone saying “just kidding” but this was no sick joke. ”you’re really doing this.”

”Fine.” He glared to Savior, eyes narrowed into slits, brimming with what could only be described as aggression yet glistening with moisture. ”You, Savior dude. Keep your eyes on him, Drifter too. Looks like I have to clean up some messes since no one else can.” Removing the wrapped bat from the strap, he felt the heft within his hand.  ”if you people can’t for two seconds get over whatever bullshit you have and just deal with it. I’ll fucking do it. I’ll fight whoever  you’re after, all i’m good for here right? ” He sniffled, checking over whatever he had on him and realizing he didn’t have enough to actually fight properly. He didn’t know what this  person could do, his own dying was entirely possible. Would he be fine with that? It was noble to die for your own friends, though they were closer to brothers than anything else and they could care for one another should it happen. Maybe it was the wake up call they needed.

Still, was this what he should be doing? No way of knowing really, he was left standing there despite what he had just said.  No he couldn’t just leave them despite what he wanted to do. Fighting had caused all of this but would more fighting fix anything? With a sigh, and what sounded like a few attempts to catch his breath he turned around and looked back to the friend with a gun to the others head. No, there was no way he could just leave this alone.  So he approached them and wrapped some arms around Matt. Not Humanity but the friend he had come to care about so long ago. Probably not the way he wanted to hug someone from behind but this was a serious moment, so he put on his serious pants. Metaphorically speaking.

”What’s wrong with us,” A small scoff. ”specifically you, since I have a vague idea with Drifter. You don’t have to go out and fight god knows who alone right? We’re here for you. We don’t have to shoot each other or have stupid tests of faith to prove anything.” Despite how broken his voice sounded in places, he wanted to just not see everything fall apart around him for just one damn second like they seemed on the verge of doing.
Tension sorted...for now
Ryan had expected some actual violence to be perpetrated but instead something else had happened. He didn’t know what that thing was but then again strage slime colored people around his size suddenly doing something. The agent man wasn’t paying much attention to the thing, so by the time that this slime child made their move which lead to an explosion and the man screaming before expiring. His lips curled into a frown, looking at the legs left where they...fell and splattered blood everywhere. ”I feel jipped. I wanted to blow him up.” He huffed with arms crossed over his chest and looking to the gruesome remains. Still Lucas was safe, so he could at the very least get along with that concept. He could feel his other fathers worry across the mental connection they shared. Despite how he portrayed himself, he was pretty serious all things considered within that mind of his.

Lucius Alba was the first one to come to them however, visibly worried as he called the young masters over to him. He was partially tempted to ignore him but in the end he walked over to him, keeping eyes still brimming with the blue energy focused on Lucas as if expecting something else to go wrong. There had to be something else that could go wrong considering that everyone wanted to hurt their father for some reason. Maybe it was that deep grudge people tended to have against his father who always made someone mad. How many mothers, and fathers did he have to kill to make people hate him so much. This was just the second time he had aimed for his siblings, and this was just a lucky time.  ”Dad, who did you kill to make that man want to hurt Lucas?”’ He questioned looking rather coldly at his father, eyes narrowed and expression harsh. To an extent the apologies were appreciated but he couldn’t let it go. This cold, angry sensation that kept ahold of his mind beyond the danger that was Lucas potentially dying. It also made some sense that someone would want to do this considering their father just had this nasty habit of hurting and killing people, that was why he heard that Isalia died.

He turned to his father, Travis who seemed to be put within an awkward position. The faint sign of blood on his shirt form a cut that was still very visible made his eyes narrow. ”Who did that to you?” He asked with a low growl, feeling the cold anger gain some heat.
A heart in the void
Amor had saved someone and he had some reasons for it. Oliver was valued, and a small part of him felt the compulsion to act. The potential for lost love, familial, platonic or romantic sometimes was enough to draw him. Whether that be his attention or actually his presence was always unknown. True loves kiss had its roots somewhere and he might have fueled the  myth somewhat within his own way and it did its job here now in a more unconventional fashion.  Admittedly he also just liked the ac, despite how often he didn’t do anything like that anymore. Warden politics were something that he tried to keep his nose from when they didn’t concern him. ”Oh sorry, I sometimes forget etiquette when it comes to kissing mortals. ” He was surprised these agents didn’t have some way to see through illusions but that allowed him to save someone.

That didn’t stop his unhealthy habit of smoking, though nothing that Amor could do about that. So instead he brushed out a few wrinkles within his suit and looked around as the awkwardness seemed to melt away quickly.  Looking up however brought to light Amory, flying in all his knightly glory and looking as humans would say a “glorious jackass”. Maybe he thought he was doing something right, but he didn’t know. It was hard to understand why The Warden of Power did what he did but if that meant saving this world he was fine with it. ”I like to think i’m a little more subtle but that’s Amory for ya. Guess kissing someone to heal them isn’t exactly subtle either Seems like they found The Black Beast among us already, so that’s a thing,” He sighed, burying his hands into pockets.

Then turning to Oliver with an arced brow. ”Have anymore of those?” He asked, pointing to the cigarette curiously. ”Names Amor by the way. Should probably have started with that but...well you were dying.” He smiled, conversation itself coming easy to him but he was trying to be more considerate.
Darkness in the truest sense
He made the first move.

Darting forward in a rush of motion, blade slicing through the air as they seemed to have just enough time to react with a weapon of their own.  It looked like some kind of gun, the loud explosion of a bullet as it collided with his body.  There was no pain, not even discomfort. Only the sensation of impact as it ripped through what could only have been described as a shadowy nothing before hitting a wall behind him. His blade sliced through the air and through the barrier likely protecting them as all agents appeared to have. Muscle and bone gave way, as the hand came off with a single motion ad he felt them react instantly. A kick against his face, solid in impact that forced his head to snap to the side. This would be so much fun.

”You agents really pack a punch.” He growled lips curled into a savagely amused smirk as he brought the elbow of the hand holding the weapon around, slamming into their jaw and dislocating it, bringing with it a splatter of teeth and blood. This was a dance he had long forgotten. Battling someone on the level of humans instead of whatever he had become.  Each kick, punch and knee managing to bruise, and even break if they were powerful enough. Yet he had been idealistic then, willing to hold back in the worry that he would kill someone.  That was different now.

Each blow he gave and each one he received was something that filled him with a perverse glee. Teeth would regrow, bones knit themselves back together and all damage be undone from Nerovii for the minute that they were having with him. How well would he do before the time came? Well he was in the middle of that when someone came, landing a kick square on his chest, splintering the ribs underneath as he was thrown into a wall and slumped for a few seconds while the spine repaired itself.  Bigger fishes wanted him and they didn’t normally take no for an answer, hence him being grabbed into what felt like a telekinetic prison. ”Really, do you Wardens just love to mess with me?” His limited form was doing him no favors, and this was what he got for trying to spare this universe.

”Amory, warden of power. I remember you. Still for all that power you mean nothing, so much borrowed flak.” All at once he would feel it, the overwhelming presence that poured out from him.  A dark sensation. Hatred, malice, and everything else bundled up with a bow of pure killing intent. ”You’re going to need more than that to hurt me.” His form seemed to pulsate for a moment and with a roar he broke free of the hold. ”I eat universes for breakfast. Is that really all you have?” His hand shot out, grasping his throat and denting the metal inwards.  His eyes had become dark pits, canines elongated and skin spiderwebbed with black veins.

”Nice try sport.” He made his move, to spike the warden like a volleyball into the ground before hopping back and looking to Nerovii. ”As for” With a snap they were gone, leaving him the full might of The Warden to look down upon him. Fearful likely but he didn’t care what they thought of him. They were all just annoying flies that he would have to smash before they began to grow annoying. The shadows began to mold to him, forming  an armor black as ink, though as thin looking as cloth. He wouldn’t have to erase them, but maybe seeing a mass corruption would be a little fun for a chance rather than...well all this positivity.  Around him formed what looked to be black spears, and he pointed to the wardens within sight.

”Now all of you, die for me please.” They released.
Of light and darkness
Having one wash their hands of him had become the new normal. A borrowed god in a pantheon that had their truly accepted  god so close to return and a man that saw him as nothing more than a...duty. The expected when they came together but he knew he wasn’t the god his father was expected to be. That was what everyone wanted, even though he never really seemed to like the title. Those that relied upon him said so and he accepted it if only because that was what they wanted. Someone who they could call to, though he had to wonder at times if it was worth it. Others spoke among themselves with ideas but he knew they didn’t have much hope in him surviving this fight, which was a fair assessment.  Even now he could feel that his body was not within the best shape but if there was one thing he could not break,it was the vow he made to fight her. Part of his own personal curse it would seem.

Everyone talked among themselves but once he was given leave he did just that. Standing up and giving everyone one last look over before waving his hand and feeling the portal open within the air. This yawning golden chasm that didn’t reveal what lay beyond it. Still he felt it, the sensation of destruction and nothingness beyond. Once stepping through he found himself within a strange void, blackness stretching beyond and yet the blackness writhed as if it were alive. ”I wasn’t sure if you would actually come.” She stood there, pale as ever sitting upon a throne of blackness itself. ”Have you said your final farewells. Goodbye to anyone you needed to. Your dearly beloved?” Despite how patronizing one would expect a person to be when asking these questions, she seemed almost genuine.

”I always keep my word.” His body blazed with a golden flame, forming armor over him , forming golden armor and his eyes coming to light. ”This has been something that’s been coming for a long time,” He wielded the imperial blade within his hand, letting off that brilliant cyan blue glow from the weapon.

”Indeed. Our father has already moved to protect this world with that being who calls himself The Traveler. I don’t know what his plans are but  that doesn’t matter. Your new world and everyone in it don’t matter. The Black Beast is here now, and it hungers.” The blackness rumbled, reverberating as a red ripple ran through it. ”If you’ve sad your final farewells, then let us get started.” Looking around he felt something. A rising within his chest, a power bubbling and brewing that he hadn’t felt in a long time. For a moment his pain subsided, leaving him with brief euphoria.

”I promise you Nyx, I won’t be so easy to kill,” For a moment he felt his power spike and envelope him. Casting a light that pushed away the darkness around them, causing it even to shriek in what he thought was pain. The Good Sister was not there he could tell but perhaps she had more important matters to attend to.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Silus January 24th 2019, 2:24 pm


“You’re really a fucking idiot. I thought that I was dramatic, but now I know why I’d never make it film school. Well fucking done.” Matthew said as he tossed the gun to the side and completely disregarded that any of that transpired. He swallowed because deep down he was struggling. His heart broke, not because of what his friends were trying to do for him, but because just a moment ago he actually contemplated taking that shot. One of the people who meant the most ot him and he thought about snuffing that light out. The one person he had such high hopes for, the one he once KNEW would make a better man than him. Who the fuck was he?

“I didn’t kill Matthew, dumbass. I’m going to get revenge on the one who did. I am Humanity, and YOU are not my target. You are someone I know can be better than me, someone Matthew WANTED TO BE BETTER THAN ME! I can’t carry the light anymore. I don’t want to. It’s exhausting, and frankly he’s obviously gotten nowhere in the light. Now. I appreciate the candor. I do but-Char-Charla-Pat what the fuck?” Humanity said, his voice shifting from it’s stern self to a more shocked and actually surprised. An outside perspective might have even found it amusing. Apparently Pat wanted to go off and fight Agent Williams. Now the other Pat was engaging the wardens. Why- what?

“Oh for the love of...” He looked around and swallowed hard. He shook his head and looked form Savior to the others and then all around as there was a massive purple abomination and now an ever growing power from The Lych as black clouds began to form above him. He sighed and wondered why it took the end of the world for shit to come to a head like this. “I have always been a sin eater. I will always be a sin eater. Matthew failed his family, as Azrael I was almost recruited to be part of those scum. The man who is their director stopped me from saving a small girl by the name Gabriella. He failed to save her, he failed to help his family, he failed both of you because look at the lovely extracurriculars you’ve been up to. So what did he do? He was found by an Agent of Bloodmoon. Trained and on the night of his first mission, to mark his worth...he chose not o kill a woman with white hair in Russia because she had saved a girl and took her as her own. She defied the rules, and reminded him who he was. He missed the shot, then when Doctor Karma was backed into a corner, he betrayed Bloodmoon. He became Akyuaku. The Villain. He went home, but his excursions took him to Find Pandora’s Jar. It promptly fused itself into his spine and he became the vessel of Sin itself. THE ACTUAL PRIMORDIAL EVIL. Let’s not forget then Yamm, the VOid itself, The Primordial Chaos also wrestled for my soul. When that all fucked me over because I wanted to help people, I had to rely on my own mortality. Did you know there were 5 years that you bastards couldn’t remember me. Every day I talked to you, you acted like it was the first time you fucking talked to me since the jar got infused. Then...if that shit isn’t enough. I got abducted and the only thing I ever felt truly believed in me wa ssucked out when my apprentice did the ONE THING he wasn’t supposed to. But despite that I wasn’t angry. Nope. I wasn’t angry until he left me alone. Disconnected from everyone. So I turned back to being The Villian. I sought justice and more importantly I sought revenge. For MY INNOCENCE. For Gabriella and for everyone I failed to save. So yes...Luke. Always the Martyr. Because that’s all this is. Khan, I get it. Thank you. That bastard deserved it and he wa sos much more than just me...But now there’s my replacement to my family; the Sin Clone. Let me tell you. I CHOSE to be the evil one. You know that? So it could have a chance to be a good brother. Let’s not even go into that. Let’s touch on the fact that now I’m trying to get justice on the man who put the nail in Azrael’s coffin. I’m about to go get that son of a bitch for what he just did to a kid, for what he’s done to metahumans everywhere. Because guess what, even though I’m the lone, powerless May out of the whole fucking line, I actually do care about what happens to them. To all metahumans. Just because they should fear me doesn’t mean they should be victimized! Even as I try to make a plan, needing someone to watch my back, someone I trust...because Christ knows that I’m anticipating Alba to kill me the second this is solved. No, I get a ration of shit because someone thinks I’m benching them. News flash, fucker. I don’t work WITH PEOPLE, I TRAIN PEOPLE. So if I’m a bit abrasive, it’s because I’m a selfish asshole who can’t remember how to play nice. I’ve had to lie to the people that I love more than my own life, for the past how long? I’m like 17. I should be 25. I’m getting sick of this shit. I wanted a normal life. I was gonna kill Khan and be done. But no. I was too late. Rather than having a normal life and helping my friends cope in normal ways I went out and inspired people like Legion, and fucked the world in the ass. Kill Khan, be done and have a normal life. I was out...and now I’m back. First to deter you, to turn you away. Of course, just like me...ALWAYS THE MARTYR Luke, doing exactly the same shit I’d do. Look, Even if Matthew wasn’t dead. Even if...I’m still in there. I don’t want to be. I’m already dead. Now it’s just a matter of how many bodies I bring to the ground with me. You know what…. Fuck it. Fuck it all. Fuck me. Fuck you. Fuck you Anthony. Fuck the kids.” Humanity’s rant was followed with him unloading everything he had prepped and tossed it on the ground.

“ You wanna work with me. Fine. I’m going in to fight this son of a bitch. Come in later, and if you die I don’t fucking wanna hear it when I see you in Hell. If we all live, we’re coming back out and Pat… we are going to kill that version of yourself….and whatever the fuck that thing is that just...” Humanity stopped and swallowed heavy, his heart freeing as he saw a streak of purple zip back and forth. There was a large crater and some dust, but he could feel it. The smoke cleared and he could see it standing in the distance, looking over it’s shoulder with a sick smile on the silver bearded face and a lone amber eye with an orange circle.

“Actually...we kill that first. Then we kill Psycho-Pat. Or rather that’s what I’m doing. I assume you guys wanna tag along to try and save the world. Grab what you need and I’ll fill you in...” Humanity stated casually as he turned and walked towards the portal that appeared.

Hail to the King Baby!
The purple streak of energy zipped past Guilty Spark and Past Bolt, they moved so incredibly slow, it was like watching paint dry underwater. Had to wait for everything to evaporate first. A small chuckle reverberated like a demon in the cosmos occurred as a black smudge made it’s way onto Bolt’s face, a small mustache drawn onto it while physically altering the trajectory of said being by a mere 3 degrees, ensuring their intersection with the machine trying to assist it. Next it moved towards the Warden of love, purring like a cat as it made cat claw motions towards Gamma, then pulling at Gamma’s shirt to rip it open. Then he moved a sponge over and started to drip water onto him. The being mused at what a cute couple before moving on. Then it went zipping to Lucas and Lucius manically giggling as it walked up to Lucius and his family.

Reaching out the being placed a hand on Lucius’ mask, the spark transfering to the mask. It knew that Sven could see, listen and record what it saw. A mass vibrating creature with glowing purple eyes. It was chuckling, giggling as it pat Lucas on the head. It then looked to Ryan and tickled his neck, a pleasant sensation for him once it all caught up with them. It wasn’t too long before Sven would be oriented, the recording would be fine.

“Meke’Tol Tzalu Iki Moni Atchio. Yol Doromun Thalasta Lucius Alba. Yol Akha Wira Ma Kiri Shulish Yol Ra Joma. Shulish Yol Xim Oom akha...Rise.” He released the helmet, allowing Sven to be caught in the recording and giving Lucas a pat on the shoulder. None of these motions would truly harm them. The being calculated every movement far greater than even The Archon could have. It sped off over to Ares and smiled as it pulled down his pants and took off his shirt, binding his arms with it and then hog-tying his hands and feet with the belt while lying him on the table. Next he looked over the child of Raziel a smirk on his face. With a touch the spark transferred to the boy just long enough for him to see a wide manic grin attached to a poshly polished beard and slick groomed hair. Next it went to the Lych and though that it would be most humorous to disrobe the creature and then place it’s rob on upside down, the golden circlet nos being worn like a jaw piercing.

Agent Michaels body pieces were all broken apart, and so the being quickly began to reassemble as much of it as it could. It was like a grotesque Van Gogh work. Then the being rushed off to the Wardens, looking as the Warden of Power and The Dark Traveler were just a small ways away. Neither of them fully having adapted to it’s presence yet. It walked over to the Warden of Knowledge and took out it’s marker, taking to the page.

To my favorite Warden, and the only one I actually care about. Please don’t die. PS my info is on page 7731. 7732 is that Archon asshole you think is so cool. ~The King The being looked to the Warden of power and began to tsk it’s tongue.

“It looks like we’re at quite the Impasse here. The stronger the two of you become, the more chaotic and off balance you make things. The stronger I become. And there’s two of you so I’m soaring pretty high right now.” It said with a slight chuckle as it looked to the large purple construct. The speeding being then climbed the large thing and then cleared its throat. It jumped and grabbed onto The Dark Traveler and the force he pushed off the Warden with was definitely something he’d feel. With The Dark Traveler in arms, the Kind landed and skid Across the ground, time flowing normally as he dipped and leaned down and gave a kiss to the individual that was likely horrified and absolutely dumbfounded by their resilience.
“HAIL TO THE KING BABY!” He shouted as he drove his fist into the Dark Traveler’s stomach, causing a small crater in the ground, his hand going to the traveler’s ankle and spinning him around, throwing him at the Warden of Power. From the dirt around him he could feel eyes upon him. He looked over his shoulder with a manic giggle, there he was.

“Humanity. Matthew. It doesn’t matter. Soon enough, you’ll Scratch it all out- eheheheheh!” He said to himself as he cracked his neck and held his arms out open walking from the dust as if taunting everything that saw it. “I think I sense distention within the ranks… that’s okay. I haven’t had any quality time with my favorite guy in a long time. You look terrible, then again last time I saw you I was busy ripping everything away. Do you still like Undertale references? I can’t remember if it’s still your cup of tea.”

The Lych
His robe was all messed up and his circlet was in his mouth like some form of joke. With a growl the Lych unleashed a torrent of energy, becoming a hooded figure without a face, spectral wings of bone and the miasma of death unleashing souls beginning to call out from within it’s being, the whispers and promise of finality to all. The Lych felt it’s robes correct and align itself as its power flowed forth.

“There was a plan, you insufferable fools. Tomorrow. You cannot hope to destroy The Black Beat if it can simply leave whenever it wants and Orpheus is not ready with the device. Perhaps I should remind you wardnes...that I am a promise kept by ALL...” The Lych roared as it approached. Itr wasn’t long before there was another entity there, similar to the one that wa sgiglign and laughing but tanner skin and not a silver hair. The suit was red too, rather than purple and teal.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to stop everything right now.” Consequences said as he looked to the warden of knowledge. “Don’t even look for me in that book. Close it. Or I’ll shove it up the Lover Warden’s ass. I’m very close to breaking my vow. DO not make me...” It warned, if he had a sense of humor he would have make a Consequences joke. He turned and looked to The Lych and narrowed his eyes. The Lych floated, it’s head tilted. Then he heard it. Someone yelling out Sin-Eater and swearing to “dad” that he’d reap him.

“Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long, long time...Long time.” It turned to see Death itself coming. Of course this was the Death from the other universe, not of the current one. Consequences smiled faintly and nodded. Then it saw Ren and it’s eyes paled and he shook his head. “Death. What a surprise. I’m sure you were expecting much less...wisened or...well fed version of myself. But I assure you, I’m still the same on the inside. Still believing that no one needs to die...though I find myself questioning. Ren, it’s….PTSD, Hell on earth to see you again.” He said as his voice broke a little.

”I’m here to balance things. I’ve outside the realms of Oblivion for quite some time. I’ve seen more forces at work than I could ever hope to know. I’ve long since put my ways aside, and I just wish now to bring balance. Please. Help me do that, Death.” Consequences asked. Death himself was here to make note of balance, was he not? Then why were they even in opposition to each other. Was it simply because Ren didn’t know that Consequences was someone he knew?

Archon’s Answer
“For the Love of Christ! We had a fucking deal!” Zell roared, his voice echoing as his eyes glowed a bright green. He began to frantically look around as he noticed reality itself beginning to fray and fall apart. No one here knew what that looked like, not like him. Or no one that cared anyway. This was so subtle and so minute that he actually only knew what it looked like from living it over and over again...being the reality torn apart. Like a COPD patient that noticed a minor change.

“Lucius, I need you to grab anyone who matters and rally them to your air-ship. I might not be able to hold everything together. We were supposed to harm The Black Beast through a proxy, we just skipped that and now it’s here, not even at full force and it’s already falling apart like the Titanic.” Archon whispered, knowing that Lucius would hear, no matter the distance or obstacle. Archon was not prepared for this, and he knew exactly what it was. So many people who weren’t supposed to be here. Diablo and his allies didn’t have anything to do with it really. It was The King of Fools, the Wardens and their offsetting of the power, and The Black Beast, add in the battling Gods in the distance. “Minister, Pray! Get the entire family in on it! I can’t actually hold it together like this!”


That wasn’t funny. He was hogtied in his boxer-briefs in front of the angel-boy and Axel. It wasn’t for long, as he quickly escaped and fixed his clothes. Belobog was beginning to reform in the distance, looking at the mangled corpse of Agent Daniels. Belobog smiled as he opened his mouth and began putting pieces of the artistic corpse into his maw, eating away as if it were good food. Ares growled as he stood up and brushed himself off, looking to Zach.

“Zachriel, let’s go see if we can’t find you somewhere safer to watch Lord Ares’ plan.” Axel suggested as he turned, accidentally showing the child Belobog eating a person’s body.

Ares whistled, Belobog walked over and smiled, licking the blood from his lips and saluting. Ares pulled out a cloth and walked towards the area that Archon wanted to meet up at. This wasn't lost yet, and The Dark One had no intention of letting this bitch win. Once he was there, he'd slap Zell across the face and then lay down the spray=painted symbol and slice his wrist with a dagger He snapped his fingers and Axel began to prepare the other summoning ingrediants

“That couldn’t have gone better.” Orpheus said as he smiled, looking to Lucas and Ryan, and even Travis and smiling beneath his mask. He closed his eyes and for a moment, even with the world ending around them...this was peace. He took a deep breath in and exhaled, breath shaking, hitching almost as he turned and teleported himself away. He arrived face to face with The Author, whom smirked and opened his arms. Orpheus shook his head, chuckling as he wrapped his arms around the boy. “We did it!”

“Nah man. You did it.” The author said as he showed his book,absolutely nothing had been written in it, showing that the Author’s influence had nothing to do with saving Lucas, or planning to somehow reunite them. “You don’t need help. You need to be who you want to be. The rest will out. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you this whole time.”

“To think I’ve wasted my life worrying...” He said, a slight venom in hi sarcasm as he slapped the boy’s shoulder. He looked out the window and closed his eyes. He needed to get that machine done, and there was absolutely no way possible that it would be done in time. “We need Ares to be ready to summon the Good Sister. Call The Disciple, and get Azrael ready. It’s the end….heh...and I’m not afraid.”

Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Red January 24th 2019, 5:59 pm

"Oh, Jesus Christ! The great and powerful Humanity, with all his mystery and complexity. However will I comprehend thee? I don't want your training, I don't want to hear your woes, and I don't want to save you—not anymore. You want to give up on yourself? Then I can't help you. I'm wasting my breath. Truth is, you don't have to be Humanity, Matt, or anyone else to let me in—you just don't want to. You don't trust me. You're a liar. You think taking my advice will bring you back to being someone you see as naive, weak, and lost. You think listening to me somehow reflects badly on you. No, I've only ever tried to make you stronger, but apparently it's too annoying for you to even give my words the time of fucking day," Luke said after listening to Matt's huge rant. It was more of the same, really. Patronizing bullshit. He wanted to make himself out to be this person that could not be understood. That his life was full of so many horrors that what he was doing now was only logical, and anyone who said any different just wasn't enlightened enough. Well, Luke was done.

"I'll help you save the world, but it's not for you. None of the vigilante stuff has ever been for you. It's MY choice, and the consequences are MINE. YOU were the one who inserted yourself as some kind of necessary mentor, because apparently you didn't have enough faith in the competence of your friends to handle themselves. Well, fuck you. You don't get to act like we can't do this on our own, and then at the same time push us away from cooperating with you. I don't know whether you want me to do this alone or what! I'm going to go get my stuff, and do what I came here to do: Try to save the fucking universe. You can keep sucking the dick of nihilism if you want. I don't care anymore!" Luke stormed off. He was only saying this stuff because he was drunk, really, but there was of course some truth to it. Regardless, he was taking matters into his own hands. Humanity didn't want his help—he never did.


"Who did I hurt to make him do that? Many people, i'm sure. But Michael Daniels despised our kind. Given the chance, he'd have taken Lucas regardless of what I did. The Agency would do it to all metahumans. I'm not justifying my behavior, but The Agency is not my fault. They were doing this type of thing long before I came onto the scene," Lucius said, answering Ryan, who seemed a bit apprehensive. He had reason to be, of course. He watched his sister get killed because of something Lucius had done to someone else, and now his brother had been placed in mortal danger. It wasn't a stretch to think Lucius was responsible once again.

The situation seemed to cool a bit though, as Orpheus and Author arrived. Lucius for once did not have any disdain in his heart when he looked upon the Monster. He'd grown to be his own, Red could see. Perhaps he was no longer a reflection of all the dictator's misdeeds. Perhaps he could grow beyond that. They were all trying to do the right thing, after all.

Lucius stood up, patting his sons on the shoulder one last time. It was the end. Archon reached out, telling him to get everyone on the airship that was important, but Lucius was unsure of this. That seemed like a surrender. Why would he pull everyone back to hide when the universe was at stake? More importantly, why would he separate from those he loved in this time of cataclysm once again. That had already gotten Lucas into trouble.

"My children will stay by me for the duration of this conflict. It is the safest place for them. As for everyone else?" Lucius said, pausing a moment to think. He wasn't about to give an order that would suck away the hope of the entire force. No, this was up to them. He wasn't going to dictate whether or not people laid down their lives.

Attention all forces: We are rallying in and around the airship. There are teleporters that can get you on board below it. This is not a retreat. We are going to make our stand there. Anyone who wishes not to fight will not be expected to, but we will be stronger together nonetheless. Once Lucius gave the order, people started to fall back to the airship. They were spread too thin, and everything was becoming chaos. Some consolidation was advisable.

Suddenly, a blur of a being touched him on the mask. Lucius reached for his sword, reacting quickly, but it was already over by the time the Dictator swiped at the being with Cora Zen. Lucius had only made them out vaguely, and heard what the being said, but couldn't understand it. Lucius was confused to say the least.

"Please tell me you got that, Sven?" Lucius said, speaking to his AI out loud.

Yes, I'm in the process of translating what he said. The image is surprisingly clear as well. Lucius sighed in relief at Sven's words. Whatever that was, it seemed important. But right now, they had other issues.

"We'll analyze it later. At the moment we have more pieces on the board than I know how to deal with. Archon is barely holding things together. We need to simplify the game," Lucius said, speaking to the group as a whole. Sheathing his sword, he looked to Orpheus, then to Alpha, and then to to Author.

"Orpheus, whatever you're working on, focus on that. If I understand correctly, it will be crucial in winning this. You have no need to worry about anything else. Travis, I want you to get an aerial view of this whole thing. Once you do, create as strong a field as you can around the fight between that Warden and the Beast. Go all out. We need them contained if we are to coordinate. And Author......... Make sure it's entertaining. Now, I need Nicolas Flamel," Lucius handed out the directives rapidly. It was all he could do. Yes, he was not in any way, shape, or form in control here, but he had to try, even if he had no clue what to think of any of this. He was doing what he knew, and he knew strategy. He knew how to lead.


"Kakabiel, you must leave this place. Go back to The Shroud. You're a liability. If any Wardens become corrupted, or worse, If Amory does, we'll have a much bigger problem on our hands." Flamel said out load, knowing the Knowledge Warden would hear. He watched the situation unfold from afar. He'd been separated from the Lych and the kid asking to see Archon in the chaos. Things were getting bad, and they were mostly being inflamed by the Wardens.

I agree, Immortal. But this isn't my call to make. Amory sees this as his destiny. He will not stop until the Black Beast is ashes, even if it means the corruption of us all. I voted to remain in the Shroud, but more Elders were in The Great Amory's favor. Kakabiel spoke to Flamel over a mental link provided by the mind Warden. Nicolas scoffed. Figures that the most reasonable of the Elders were powerless to do anything about this.

I can, however, provide for you a rune that will banish us once set aflame. Tell no one I gave it to you, old friend. And with that, Kakabiel severed his connection to Nick. Flamel smiled as the specifics of creating the rune poured into his mind. Perhaps his previous thought was unfounded. With this, the field could return to some semblance of order.

Just as Nick was about to figure out how to go about drawing this rune, Lucius and his two sons approached. The Dictator looked as if he were on a mission. Even in the face of such incomprehensible chaos, Alba seemed in his manner to know exactly what he was doing.

"We need to get rid of some variables. Strategy is useless in a conflict such as this. There's no telling what can happen moment to moment. Please tell me you have a way to simplify this. Do you have a way to banish any of these beings, like you did Rosario and his clan?" Lucius asked, recalling the time Nick simply wrote a rune and banished dozens of vampires. Nicolas couldn't help but smirk. What timing.

"Now I do, yes. But it will take some doing. The rune must be at least two hundred feet in diameter, made of holy salt. We will have to write it, bless it, and then set it aflame. The Wardens will be sent back to their place of dwelling should we succeed," Nicolas said. He had now heard that Lucas had been in trouble. He approached the boy and laid his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you're alright. I'm sorry I couldn't be there." Lucas could only smile. He hadn't seen Nick in awhile. He pushed forward and gave the man he saw as his grandfather a tight hug, which shocked the old man, but after a few seconds, he returned it in earnest. Once he pulled away, though, it was all business.

"We'll be walking through dangerous territory, and I'll be occupied. I'll need an escort. Can you three do that?"


Kakabiel teleported out of the way of the spears sent towards him and his brethren, appearing on top of one of the houses. Some of the others weren't so fortunate, however. At least ten Wardens were hit, and the spears immediately killed them, causing them to be reborn in their corrupted forms. It didn't take long before Kakabiel was looking down on a scene of sheer chaos. His Wardens fought among each other, and even targeted others that were there. They lashed out at the very people they were just fighting with. This is exactly what Kakabiel had feared.

"Hurry, Nicolas...." The Elder said to himself, passively. It was in this moment a blur approached. It was only an instant that the encounter took place, and Kakabiel barely had time to realize it had happened. None the less, the blur left a page that once again shocked The Knowledge Warden. The King had arrived, and he just handed over the information about himself. Yet another factor, and yet another being that immensely interested Kakabiel. He eagerly turned to the pages that he was told about, absorbing the information rapidly. Could this get anymore complex?

The King engaged the Black Beast, throwing him at Amory, who had just been thrown against the ground himself. The whole center of the suburb was now more of a crater as these three ultra powerful beings fought it out. Amory had been stunned by being knocked around, but not too badly hurt. He sat up just as The Black Beast was launched towards him, reaching out with his massive hand to catch him once again.

"If you know me, then you know that was but a fraction of my POWER! BURN, FOUL CREATURE!!" Amory screamed. It was at this point that the stars in the sky all lit up, all millions of light years away. And yet, to Amory, they might as well have been right there. Beams of pure energy shot down from space—hundreds of thousands of them. In an instant, the full power of all the stars visible to that side of the Earth shot down on the Dark Traveler, whether he was gripped in Amory's now much more intense grip or not. Amory struggled to contain the power and prevent it from damaging the planet. He was mostly successful, but things were getting scorched nonetheless. This beam of pure energy would have been enough to destroy the planet if it came from ONE star, let alone so many. The only thing preventing it was Amory directing all the force at his one, singular target: The Black Beast.

Such an attack was unlikely to kill The Traveler, but it would be felt. Even the shroud rumbled when it was done. Layers of reality were being turned over to make this possible. Amory had defied the laws of the speed of light. He was using his dominion over the mortal world to morph it into something hostile to the Dark Traveler.


A shadow flew over Ren's head. Death had arrived, and he was looking for a host. He wouldn't be able to have an effect on this reality without one. The being hummed to himself, as if he were strolling through a supermarket. He needed someone he could properly channel his powers through. Someone not afraid to die, or who perhaps even wanted to. It didn't really matter. They just had to say yes and be in tune enough with their mortality to contain the essence of Death. Ren would have been perfect, but you can't be a Proxy of Death and Death's host at the same time. That'd just be weird.

"Lucius Alba? Would be cool, but he'd never agree. Too big of an ego.... Nicolas Flamel? Seems busy, and, well, I don't think he ever intends to die. Wouldn't go well. Um, hm, everyone here is either too powerful to inhabit or a stubborn asshole. Seriously, maybe we should just let this place die. Come on, we can just get a DVD and go home. Curl up on the coach with our socks on. It'd be fun," Death said. Ren just shot him a glare, which somehow managed to make him flinch.

"Ok, ok, jeez. But seriously, If I don't find a ride, it's out of my hands........ Wait, look at that guy!" Death pointed at a rather pissed off looking man, storming off from some other irritated looking men. He was blonde, carrying a sniper rifle.

"What about him?" Ren asked quizzically, wondering what was so special about him. Ren only sensed maybe a bit more than average death acceptance in the guy.

"Looooook cloooser. That forehead, that jawline. It's perfect!" Death said, floating in front of Ren with white eyes wide in excitement. Ren just facepalmed.

"You're just jealous that I'm going to be hotter than you. He's got a face worthy of Death!" Ren was going to say something in response, but he just shut his mouth. They didn't have long before Death would start to be pulled back to Oblivion without a host, so if his patron was happy with this one, then Ren didn't care about his reasons.

Drifter saw the two approaching and just turned tail. Too goth and too shady for his liking. Death was quick in this form, however, and appeared in front of the vigilante, eyes squinting in appraisal.

"Yeah, you'll do nicely...... Say, how do you feel about being the vessel of Death for like, an hour? I swear I won't do anything pervy......Maybe." Death was saying this as if it was the most normal sentence ever. Drifter cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

"Death? Like, the actual Death? How many are there exactly?" Drifter asked, looking back and forth between Ren and the shadow being. They both just shrugged their shoulders.

"Riiiight, ok, why in the hell would I allow you to possess me?" Luke said. A fair question, and Death, having taken a dip in the vigilante's mind, had an answer.

"Cuz you want to save the world. But, more than that, you want to save your friend. I feel it pouring off of you. The despair. You want to die right now. You want to give up, but that tenacity of yours is preventing it. You're a stubborn son of a bitch, dude," Death was floating around Drifter now. He looked like a simple cloud of blackness in the air, only seeming like an entity because of the two white, glowing eyes. He was a shapeless silhouette.

Drifter was angry now. This dude just causally dropped into his head. But, at the same time, he knew he was right. It was true. He didn't want to go on if Matt was gone. He didn't want to keep trying if it was all for nothing. Still, he wasn't going to give in that easy.

"Yeah, I am. Which is why you should know I won't do that. I'm not going to turn the controls over to you. I have to do this myself," Death cackled at the young man's words. What an interesting person this was! They almost didn't notice him, too!

"Oh my Dad, you sound just like him! You guys are the same! It's so funny you don't see it. I mean, you say you do, but you don't act like it. Take your own advice kid, and accept some help. Don't be a Humanity. I can help save him, maybe, and I can sort this whole mess out. I just need your help. Yes or no? I don't have a lot of time, so decide quickly," Death was pushing the right buttons now. Drifter wanted to choke him, but alas, he was incorporeal. That said, the only reason Luke was angry the words was because they were the truth. He was acting the same way he rebuked Humanity for acting.

This was a huge decision, especially to make under pressure. But, if this thing could solve everything.....? It would be worth it, right? Even if he never got control again, I'd be worth it? Luke swallowed his pride. Maybe he was only doing this because he was drunk, or because he was desperate, but this seemed like the best way at the moment to truly make a difference in this fight. He knew the right thing to do, but he was struggling with the words

"I..... I don't know what to say. This is too much." Tears rolled down Drifter's chin. Death's eyes took a concerned expression, but then they went back to normal very quickly.

"Oh, just shut up and stop crying. You always tell other poeple to get a thicker skin! Swallow your own damn pills. You know exactly what to say right now." Again, this guy was right. Drifter wiped away the tears, nodding softly.

"Ok. You're right. I'll do it."

Death laughed with glee, twisting and spiraling as he moved towards Drifter. He entered the viglante's mouth, causing him to scream in pain as he was violently taken over by the Death entity. A scythe appeared in his hand, his armor turned to some elegant formal wear, and his eyes turned black with white pupils. A  streak of black even appeared in his normally blonde hair. Once Death was fully in control, he breathed in the air, feeling his new face.

"Smells like Warden. Ew."


Not long after Death took Drifter as his vessel, him and Ren found a familiar face. He did not make it explicit, but anyone could infer who this person was given proper context. Ren smiled, happy to see his friend. Death even ran up and hugged him.

"Cammmmmm! Good to see you buddy!" Death said, squeezing tightly. He seemed far too excited.

Ren however cocked an eyebrow. He was happy to see the guy, but he was, well, different. And he was speaking about balancing things. The goth couldn't help but question him.

"We're here to bring balance too. If you want to save this universe, then we're on your side.... But if not...?" Ren said, trailing off. Death looked at his proxy, shocked.

"Of course Cam is trying to save everyone. How could you, Ren!? I mean, not that I care about these people.... But I know you humans put a lot of emphasis on compassion. Anyway, what do you need us for? You have a plan on how to fix this?" Death finally pulled away from Cam, stepping back. He looked at him eagerly, waiting for what he had in mind.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never one, without the other. (MSG for Inv.)

Post by Charlatan January 25th 2019, 3:06 am

Always too late
No matter what everything seemed to fall apart around him. Maybe it was Matt acting as if he were someone else or Luke not talking things out, instead lashing and walking away like he always did.  The words came out in flows that made no sense to him, all coming together in a blur that threw his senses out of whack. This all had to be some kind of nightmare, but he was looking at the culmination of something that had brewing for a while he guessed. It took the end of the world for them to fall apart as well, a preamble to the end of everything. His own composure should have just been an additional part of that. Even now he found breathing to be a chore, though the concept wasn’t something he really brewed on. The Black Beast, himself but a murderer and those two now. Was there anything that they or he could do?

Stronger people would have said this was the time that he had to be strong but was that possible? A small portion of him said yes, but the rest screamed no with every fiber of his being. A shout against a whisper, something that should have made the answer obvious but that was not the case. He knew he couldn’t just leave things as they were, as that would have been stupid by many metrics despite how understandable it might have been. Lately he hadn’t been the most understandable of people, alongside those that he cared for despite their own flaws. Everyone here was flawed it seemed, and he was just languishing within his own.  He looked over the things attached to himself, frowning slightly at how not well equipped he was to do it.  A few of his stupid gadgets and things that might not make Batman look twice at him.

”It’s like i’m just pissing in the wind. I talk and no one seems to listen to me until I decide to go on a suicide mission. I don’t really know what’s wrong with you Matt or Humanity or whoever the hell you are but I remember when you said we were like brothers. I took that seriously, regardless of what my feelings were or are now. I’ve been here for you and Luke as long as I can remember but if you don’t give me something, I can’t help you. All I can do is watch the two people that I love falling apart and they won’t tell me anything. Instead they snap at each other like little purse dogs. This isn’t me trying to tell you what to do or how to do things. Just….enough of this pushing me away and  whatever else is going on. There’s a reason I didn’t stop associating with you when I found out you killed people, and it’s not because I want to sleep with you.” His eyes were beginning to irritate him, the tears were a damn annoyance.  

Not like he was crying loudly or anything like that. That would have just annoyed everyone even more. ”I believe in you. That’s always been and it will never change. He wiped the bridge of his nose. ”Enough about that, we have someones ass to kick don’t we?” He didn’t look to the mad man that joined the fray but instead they had more important things. He hefted the bat within his hand and glared at Humanity. ”So fill me in on what we’re doing?” Luke might not be here but he had to support Matt nonetheless. That was what he was doing anyhow, right? Anything to take his attention from the evil him blasting people from the skies.
Chaos rings
His fist felt the impact of metal against it and the warden descending towards the ground with a resounding boom. It felt good to see him collide with the ground, even if that would do nothing at all. It would take more than that with all of the power that he was throwing around. The problem however was not Amory but the purple blur moving through space. It wasn’t something he could keep tracking,  until they stopped and brought him down to the ground. No,that couldn’t be who he thought it was. He didn’t even think about all the squirrely antics.  His expression that of pure shock mixed with what looked to be..horror? Not even the blow to his stomach was something that registered as pain, beyond the fact he was colliding with the ground which created a great crater.  This was a disaster and there was no undoing it.

Porting away from the warden of power after colliding with him, he appeared on the ground not far from the King as he called himself. "" He sputtered, looking even paler than before if that was possible.  Amory was one thing but this was another issue entirely. Something he didn’t think too far ahead about, enough so that he was considering just letting the restrictions go now. "Like an awkward pubescent boner you just pop up when no one wants you." He growled, looking to Amory who only cared about conflict. Stopping him at all costs without an idea the true threat within their midsts and likely not caring about that threat either. How could an ancient being be so foolish like this? He had to wonder but that didn’t matter anymore. Their race, all of them were nothing more than cosmic mistakes and the cosmos would replace those that he dealt with. Even he who represented unmitigated power like this.

He didn’t fight the grip this time, letting the force of the night sky itself slam into him at full force. A universes worth of cosmic force, like the hammer of god meant to smite him. Yet no good came to strike him down, only the light of the stars and their energy. Supernovas composed of an infinite beauty wasted for the purposes of Amory, and yet they were nothing. Slamming into his body, suffusing through each infernal cell as he felt the energy course through him.

Forever hungering.

"You fool. Did you think every star within this universe would harm me? My presence is like that of The Big Bang. When you were just a figment, a gleam within the eyes of reality the thing within me existed. Hungering and waiting." Blackness rippled from his form and he slammed forth the destructive essence into Amory. More powerful than before, though he had to contain himself enough not to rip the reality around him asunder. Create a pocket around the warden and let them be affected only. "Besides, someone is here who supersedes you and whatever threat I might have." He turned to The King, who likely only grew stronger by the second. "I doubt i’m your favorite. I doubt you can even have positive emotions. So can you kindly fuck off? Maybe to the reality where people actually want you around?"
A rebel of love
Amor didn’t know what he was expecting from Amory. The Warden of Power was never a reasonable person, even now when he had the chance to follow a plan and he managed to ruin everything. He had the feeling that someone would be angry, though who that was unknown. All he knew was that he was having a smoke with someone, drawing the carcinogenic substance into his lungs crafted through shapeshifting and blowing it out his nostrils like that of a dragon. ”Definitely needed this.” He sighed, looking up to the fighting going on, though the purple blur interesting. Though it didn’t become more interesting until of course ripped open shirts and his mind trying to figure out what had gone on. ”That...was a thing that happened.” He said with a smirk, looking Oliver over before returning attention back to the battle which was going terribly.

”Shit...I think I need to clean this up. I’m...sure we’ll talk again. I’ll get a phone, then you can call it or whatever.” Like that he was gone, already producing the dark pink bow within his hand and drawing back a few arrows within his fingers. A few handlers had found themselves struck, dying and subsequently being corrupted by the trauma. Lost to their base instincts like he had once been and the sympathy he felt was overwhelming.  Still his mind went to Aurelius, the only person in the wardens he had...well deeper feelings for but that was neither here nor there. Without wasting time he let off a few shots, banishing as many corrupted wardens as he could to the Shroud. He was sure that he could get one or two of them. This had to work somehow, though he didn’t really feel too confident within that idea.

Once he took note of Aurelius, he quickly relocated to him with weapon still drawn. ”Just so you know, I hated this plan.” He noted, letting of a hail of shots at a couple handlers harrying him.
What must be done
”Wardens. That reminds me why I don’t have any of them.”  The librarian hipster hybrid noted, watching the knight in purple float through the air and shaking his head in a disappointed fashion. So much was going on now. Instead of following the plan, The Traveler was having an all out brawl with them as well as someone else. Well, not a brawl with them but he could feel that would be the case soon. He approached Lucius Alba and Nicholas Flamel, still a small amount of good humor reflected within his indigo eyes. ”Your  rune should work.” He looked back over to Lucas and Ryan, offering a comforting smile. It hadn’t been long since he last saw the two but it was good to see the young Alba hadn’t been harmed by whatever was planned for him. Looking over the elderly man and the dictator, he pursed his lips.

”His Dragonball Z showdown is ripping the reality itself apart. I swear no one has any understanding of how to do things around here.  I think I need to talk to someone else right now.” For them he was gone but for someone else he was there. That being a certain Archon who was watching things fall apart as well.  It didn’t take words to see that things were falling apart, though he had to wonder how his presence would be received. Did that really matter now that things were so close to coming apart at the seams? A good question, but his shouts to others to to pray was a good sign.

So he breathed in, letting his essence which held a small hold within this world to begin with to flow. Spreading outwards through the veins of those pockets. In and out. Wrapping around the fraying seams, knitting together the parts that threatened to break open. It was lucky he supposed that this place was so...well connected to him to begin with. ”You looked like you could use a little help. Thought I might offer it.” He twirled the cane within his hand, dark wood blurring before connecting with the ground once again. ”Need any more help dad?” He seemed to ignore the slapping, blood and ritual circles for the time being.
Posting Apprentice
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Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

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