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The Dawn (Open)

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INV ONLY The Dawn (Open)

Post by ghost August 4th 2018, 4:44 pm

The wind in the night was frigid. It was comforting to see the sun peak over the horizon. Gaia sat atop his black stallion comfortably. He was a tall horse, muscular and strong. Bread almost for this exact purpose, giving Gaia a ride through rugged and rough to travel terrain. He could have formed into a number of creatures himself, but there was something about being in his human form, as though he was drawn to it. It wasn't a new feeling, he had always been drawn to it, after all, it was Mother's favorite creation so far.

His rough looking hands lightly gripped the stallion's mane as it trotted across the hardpan of Navajo Nation. Light brown hair shifted in the wind as the horse began to gallop toward the mountains in the distance, the meeting place. He has told the leaders of the Tribes to meet him there. Some have heard it by plain messenger boy, others have seen animals acting strangely, taunting them in that direction. Gaia had a feeling that once he erects a new mountain there that they will get the hint.

A few hours past as the horse moved over the desert. Most of the ground was fairly dry, stones and brush decorating the landscape. Occasionally there would be a massive boulder in his path and then deep gullies or ravines, nothing he couldn't manipulate past, but the determination stood fast on his face. The now morning sun beated down upon him like a hammer, it was close, he could feel the earth thicken as the ground became more grassy and trees began to show sparingly.

At last he was there. The side of the mountain shown broad and strong. The ground hasen't changed much but as Gaia's feet hit the ground he could feel Mother calling to him. Feel her beg for this to all be over, yet knowing that this is only the beginning. You'll have to wait Mother Gaia's hands raised from his side. With some effort and blessing from Earth a small point stuck out of the ground about thirty feet from him. It's tip was shining like gold, then as his hands raised even higher the ground began to shake violently, a massive mountain began to from in front of his eye. Thirty feet closed in quickly and soon he found himself on the side of a rock face watching the ground get further away every second. The rumbling of the earth stopped.

The mountain was large. It dwarfed anything nearby by two hundred feet. It's peak was pure gold and its sides riddled with more trees than Gaia had seen in his journey to the spot. He looked in the distance and saw small towns and roads. Reaching out his arms the landscape began to change, first grass grew, then trees popped up, fully grown from the ground. A running stream was pushed through to nourish his creation, and it was only a matter of time till the Chiefs of the Tribes would show face here. By that time Gaia would have carved an entrance to the mountain, surround it by a heavy stone walls with openings in each of the cardinal directions, and decorate a bit.

The flowing landscape was not hostile and it didn't impede any of the roads or ways of travel. At least not yet. Gaia had a plan and he meant to stick with it for as long as possible. Once the natives could see what he is capable of, them following him seemed like an easy feat. He didn't desire fear, People who fear you are not useful... but someone who loves you, who would only see the best come out of you, they will stop at nothing to please Me... You... Gaia grinned.

Last edited by ghost on December 19th 2018, 7:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Moved a coma in the first paragraph; changed the name to “(OPEN)”)

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: The Dawn (Open)

Post by ghost December 24th 2018, 12:06 pm

The ground inside the mountain was now soft with grass, its walls lined with vines that shown with bright florescent colors that light the way. Gaia created four entrances to the mountain, each leading directly to a center cavern. There he raised the Freeing well, and carved seats out of stone into the walls, making it resemble the Colosseum of old. In the air were fireflies that acted as lights, distinguishing even the smallest shadows. Grass was allowed to grow more fiercely in the center, making it somewhat difficult to walk for the normal man but giving home to mischievous fey that were invited to the occasion.

Soon tribe leaders started to show up. Although they were all part of the Navajo, the have splintered over time, giving way to discord and division. There were now 47 leaders, all of which were invited and would be there whether they liked it or not. Gaia made sure of this, sending stone soldiers out days before the meeting ensured their pre-meeting cooperation. After they were there Gaia was convinced they would fall in line behind the future mob.

First was Niyol, other than his normal day cloths, a feather was perched in his hair. Then came Hastiin, who wore nothing but animal skins and traditional dress, followed by his three boys, all of age now. Then Nastas, he wore a business suite, but his feet were bare as he was instructed. An hour or so past and more people started to walk into the mountain. Some were being drug in by stone golems, others came gladly with their families. They all made conversation and took seats on the stone benches that were provided. Dazzled by the mountains glory and the magnificent powers that Gaia seemed to wield they looked at him with awe as he walked in the center, greeting each person with a wave of his hand or a nod of his head. As he walked the tall grass before him bowed.

Once the group had arrived. Gaia looked at the filled seats. "These are your people Mother, let them hear me...", He thought. "Welcome all, young and old, welcome to my humble abode." His voice echoed through the mountain, his hands raised. "My name is Wyifagaiamen, everyone here may call me Gaia." His arms fell back to his said then he continued to speak with his hands. "I, like you, have been watching this world for ages, seeing the destruction that the cities have been making and have been outraged." A fist was made. Gaia took a breath. "Mother earth has sent me to you this day, to retake your lands, to retake the world and return her to its normal state. You have been gathered here today because you speak for your people. Because each of you has a choice to make. For too long you have watched as the American's have destroyed your home land, too long have you watched them pollute and hurt our Mother earth. I ask you will you join me? Will you help me?" Gaia looked at the crown questioningly.

Hastiin was the first to speak, "Gaia, my tribe was been waiting for you. Our medicine men have seen you in visions, have heard your name whispered on the wind. We will follow you. Though, there are some of my tribe that do not cling to the old ways. Their minds have been corrupted with care of technology and ease, what will happen to them?" The man spoke, he seemed to address the entire crowd though.
"If people will not follow us, they will be relocated. We shall not shed any blood if it is not needed. I can create them a home underground, they will not be lacking for food, water, or shelter. There they can remain till Mother takes them." Gaia answered, attempting to feel the pulse of the room. People began to whisper among themselves.
A man in a suit stood up, Nastas was younger, but well spoken, "This is lunacy, how could you expect everyone to be uprooted like this?!" He yelled.
Gaia looked at him scornfully, "Uprooted?! You will be given your homes back, your lands! I am returning you to the roots that you once known. That your people have cried out for. Fall inline and purge yourself of this evil Nastas!"  
Nastas laughed lightly, "You will not be able to change the governments minds, they are too lazy and too bent on their technology. How do you purpose we do this?"
Gaia turned back to the crowd, "First we will build a wall around Navajo Nation and we will let its lands grow back to the way they once where, lush if animals and plants. Then we will heal your people. Too often are you looked down upon as drunkards and money mongers. I invite each of you to walk through this well." He pointed at the well in the center of the mountain, the blue florescent water glowing. "Here you will be healed. Here you will be given the strength to follow me and to fight for our new nation. When this is completed we will begin to spread the wild through the USA, then Canada and Mexico. Then throughout the world." Gaia looked around, everyone seemed interested, but skeptical. "This will not be an easy route. But we can do it! We will have the numbers, we will have Mother on our side, and till the end of the world, you will have me!" He said theatrically but no one moved.
Niyol stood up, "This plan seems like it could work. But what of our children? Will they grow up learning about the world? Mathematics and science, though they have harmed this planet in ways, but can be used in purely as well."
"Bring your teachers, bring your friends, invite all who would come to this land to join us. All are welcome if they but walk through the well, fight for us, and love Mother." The crowed started to be more excited.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Socks Entrance

Post by Zonkes January 5th 2019, 1:59 pm

Sock sat on the bus as it moved through the hot desert. He hated the bus. It always smelled like hot cheese and chicken. Strange, as he had never even seen anyone eating nachos on the bus. He really did prefer the desert air. Despite its overall warmth, it always reminded him of where he came from. Floral scents. Dust. So many other small things that he only picked up on due to his proximity to the desert normally. They passed a sign pointing them towards the nearby native reservation. It was only a couple miles. If Sock wasn't currently trapped on the bus, he wouldn't mind getting a drink.

Suddenly, the bus shuttered to a stop. "Sorry, but. What is happening?" Sock asked the driver, over the sudden panic in everyones voices. "Engines busted. Gonna have to patch it. Sock sighed and stood up from his seat. "Well I've got nothing better to do... Guess I'll go to that reservation and get a drink." "Sir, it's two in the afternoon." He looked at the man, shrugged. "And I'm thirsty."

A couple miles worth of trekking later, and he came to the gigantic stone walls. Suddenly, he realized that he was staring directly at where the reservation was supposed to be. "Uh, hey. I don't remember a wall being here, but. Can I get in? I need a drink."
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INV ONLY Re: The Dawn (Open)

Post by ghost January 5th 2019, 5:46 pm

...wisps of clouds in the air. The sun high in the sky beating down on the desert. The new tress and grass bring odd sounds to the desert making it sound more like a rain forest. Soon there will be a storm brewing, Gaia can feel it.

The wall began to come to life, the stones shifted and pulled together quickly but easily. A torso began to pull from the wall, stony in texture, arms formed then a head and face.

"State your purpose." The half golem spoke in a harsh dry sounding voice.


The crowd around Gaia seemed to agree with him now. They were all adding on to how they could contribute to his cause. Some offered to teach the children, others wanting to be spiritual leaders, some calling for war on the cities.

"Please, be calm. We must take small steps to victory. First you must go to your tribes and convince them. If anyone is to retaliate bring them back here and I will send them away." Gaia called out calmly.

The crowd settled. Some still whispered to one another. Questions where about to erupt again, he could feel it.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: The Dawn (Open)

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