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Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk

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Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk Empty Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk

Post by cymakara January 31st 2015, 5:40 am

"Good or evil? No, just black pawns and white pawns, all standing in the way of my checkmate."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Gabriel Cross
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Dusk
Title: Detective Cross / Dusk
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Caucasian)
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 180lbs
Blood type: O+

The Looks

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The Legacy

Depending on when you catch him, Gabriel is either a cheerfully bubbly klutz of a Detective, or a straight and emotionless tactician speaking as if he was playing the world's most difficult tactical game. The morning Gabriel is likely to make you smile, and while he may seem clueless to some of the things you may say, will still smile and laugh and act as if he was part of the conversation. By night, however, he'll be reading you like a book, if he didn't already finish your entire biography... Twice. On the inside though? Its all just logic. A game. There is no hate, no love, no envy, no pity. There is competition, and then there are set pieces.

((A note to mods: The story here is that used of my character Dusk in the Marvel game I was in with friends that lasted a year. While Dusk's canon story goes on much farther to his actual death, I've chopped up enough of it for him to fit in the new world without it being a massive retcon of him. So I do hope the plot of him being on the force will be acceptable, and his origins not to OP for a random Renegade just now popping up.))

By day, Gabriel Matthews Cross is a Detective on the Police Force... Somewhat. Most of his co-workers and his superiors see him as able to find details ironically more than competently. His office is kept cluttered and messy, and its surprising when anyone can find a file in the mess. Let alone, Gabriel comes across as more air-headed and lacking of cognitive thought than intelligent. But, he's kept around as he's inadvertently helped solve a deal of cases, and his ditzy attitude makes for a good moral boost around the precinct. The truth, however, is it is all a clever ruse to throw people's trails off. Gabriel is very intelligent, and comparable to the levels of geniuses. At night, he takes on the mask of Dusk, and proceeds to play "Games" with the superpowered and the vigilantes, both villain and hero alike. This is a game to him, not about reward.

His venture into the world of... Whatever one may call this, was interesting. There was no horrible story, nothing cursing or blessing his life aside from a natural IQ dwarfing others and a fairly good poker face to pull of the idiocy. As a youth he always hid his intellect as he hated when people piggybacked on him through school. He, as many youth do, became interesting in many games that involved tact. He would put on the charade he was clueless on what to do, even seemingly harm his chances of winning SEVERELY while playing the games, to somehow win through "Luck." It was something he continued to do through life until he managed to get into the police force. He started out as most do, a normal cop. He was immediately a beloved moral booster among everyone, as he'd constantly goof up or do something stupid and hilarious to make everyone smile, while still managing to arrest basic crooks. The fun came when he started "accidentally" helping the detectives and investigation units solve cases they were stuck on, and soon he was the new Detective. His office is hard to stand, of course, and many leave it alone unless they want a quick chuckle or word, often walking in on him asleep at his desk, or spilling coffee or food over important documents.

As for the game, knowing that he was seen by the police as a goof and far from a threat, let alone being one, started opening gates to a more dangerous style of play. Soon finding himself playing both sides as he'd see if he could outsmart gangs, criminal syndicates, and soon even tricking and playing with his own co workers, often stringing things together to frame another criminal with no trace to himself. After awhile, this stopped being fun, and he upped it once more. For the next couple years, he began preparing for the first move of this new game. Cadio training, acrobatics, slowly purchasing items and putting together a suit... A suit that would soon be known as dusk.

The Powers

Power 1: Above Human Intelligence : An intellect that dwarves that of even geniuses. Inventor, schemer, tactician, and mentally unmatchable by most.

Power 2: Supernatural Supergenius : A heightened awareness and understanding of the occult and supernatural.

Power 3: Martial Art Prodigy : Self-taught, self mastered, and deadly in both Taekwondo and the less popular style of Drunken Boxing.

Power 4:

Intelligence: 6
Occult: 6
Strength: 3
Speed: 5
Durability: 4
Ability: 0
Fighting Skills: 5
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 0
Wealth: 2

Last edited by cymakara on January 31st 2015, 3:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : Good or evil? No. Just pawns in the way of my checkmate.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2015-01-31

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Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk Empty Re: Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk

Post by Odien January 31st 2015, 9:04 am

The first point in wealth is free, so you have one more to spend.

Any stat above four is considered a "power".

Welcome to SHRPG.

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : [20:06:47] * Odien has sex with Mike [20:07:20] Zell : So did his half brother, don't get excited about it Odien lol

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 412
Location : [17:31:53] @ Forceaus : Not killing the innocent is part of being a hero to begin with
Humor : [19:30:11 19/01/15] @ Bliss : It's like holding someone's head underwater and forgetting they aren't a fish
Registration date : 2014-04-11

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Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk Empty Re: Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk

Post by cymakara January 31st 2015, 2:48 pm

Odien wrote:The first point in wealth is free, so you have one more to spend.

Any stat above four is considered a "power".

Welcome to SHRPG.

Noted. Amendments will be made shortly.

Edit: Ammendments made.

Status :

Quote : Good or evil? No. Just pawns in the way of my checkmate.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2015-01-31

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Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk Empty Re: Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk

Post by Odien January 31st 2015, 4:58 pm


Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : [20:06:47] * Odien has sex with Mike [20:07:20] Zell : So did his half brother, don't get excited about it Odien lol

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 412
Location : [17:31:53] @ Forceaus : Not killing the innocent is part of being a hero to begin with
Humor : [19:30:11 19/01/15] @ Bliss : It's like holding someone's head underwater and forgetting they aren't a fish
Registration date : 2014-04-11

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Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk Empty Re: Gabriel Cross A.K.A. Dusk

Post by Sponsored content

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