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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Sweet_Sacrifice March 4th 2012, 12:35 am

///*Madame Eris Sange*////

Silence. Tranquility. And eerie grim darkness spread throughout the lowly, unpopulated -- or not so populated -- alley ways of New York City. An odd thing to behold, but then again, of course, one could never assume with a naked eye the 'tranquility' that surrounded the always working city. Even in the deepest, darkest parts of New York, there was action and life. Even if that life was undead . . . .

It was a rare occurrence for the Madame to ever leave her safe haven and domain back in London, but she needed to be here for a special little mission of her own. So, after connecting with a few 'allies' she'd made plane arrangements and flown to America . . . Perfect so it seemed at the time. But then again, not so perfect for the pedestrians.
Deep and seething crimson/amber pupils pierced the darkness with the luminosity of a feline. It was a lowly, seemingly petite figure. A middle-aged woman with a sharp face, gaunt body, and inky eyes. Decorating her simply, torn, ‘pilgrim’ dress, was an old leather belt. It was merely there fore ‘fashion’ reasons and to hold her murder weapons . . . A hatchet, meat cleaver, scalpel, and about four capsules of the dirty, over-used blood of her former victims . . .
It was none other than Madame Eris Sange. The Lady of Chaos and Blood. The Woman in Red, the Maneater. And she definitely lived up to her title . . . Currently, she was out of her comfortable little cottage in the outskirts of New York and simply hunting for a meal . . . . She needed some more dollies as souvenirs from New York . . . Plus, the Lady was getting hungry . . .

A male around the age of 18 was her first victim that night. He was easily beaten down, but had managed to get away. Eris was not a fighter. She was a strategist and manipulative—strength was never really an option for her. So, she relied on her wit and deception for her kills. Her second victim that night was her current . . .

She’d been stalking the young woman for miles now. Currently, she had her against the brick walls, taping her mouth closed to keep her from screaming. “Oh, lovie, hear that? No one’s coming for you . . . A lovely, whimsical feeling to know you are going to die here with no one caring . . . “ Running her scalpel along the crying woman’s cheek, she lightly cut into her throat. “Mm, your skin tears like butter, my dear . . . You’ll be fun to skin. Come on, let us sing together in this joyous time!” She suddenly giggled, a childish essence creeping into her once eerie, low tone.

“With a SMILE and a song, my dear!! Come on, sing with me! Sommeee . . . Day . . . My prince will come . . “ Lightly swaying as she ‘sang’, Eris quietly and almost gracefully slit the woman’s neck and began to start the skinning process to carry the meat back home easier.

"WHY AREN’T YOU SINGING!?!?!?!" She whined loudly, stabbing the already dead woman right in the gut. “Dammit! I KNOW I can’t sing good! You’re a HORRIBLE friend! Good thing you won’t meet MY prince! Because he’s gonna come for me and we’re gonna RUN AWAY WITHOUT YOU!!!!” With a howling cackle and her head tipped back, the Madame continued to work . . . Not noticing the presence upon her . . . .

//*Madame Eris Sange*///
Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Adybe9

///*Come little children close your eyes
Dance with The Madame's pure black eyes
Feel the demons grab your feet
As you sway to their bloody beat
Hush little children close your eyes
Here come the broken butterflies///*

Fear is Inevitable--You can't escape it.
I am Fear itself--You can't escape me.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : Somewhere is the Swampy Marshes of Lousiana
Age : 28
Job : I'm so Fresh you Can Suck my Nuts
Humor : Swag
Registration date : 2012-02-26

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Ronin March 4th 2012, 12:44 am

Nightraven had been on his nightly patrol of New York. It had been a quiet night for him, stopping a few drugs deals and a rape. Things had always been this easy for him around the city. Nothing challenging ever happened when he was around. Nightraven wanted a stronger presence of his to be felt by the city. He was beginning to feel as if that he did not get respected like other heroes and vigilantes around the city. He always did the right thing and never crossed the line. As Nightraven jumped from building to building he heard a scream come by in a distance. He quickened his pace now trying to get to his destination; he finally arrived sitting at the edge of a building. If Nightraven did not have a strong stomach he would have thrown up at what he was seeing. A woman carving flesh off the body of another human, which was not right and should not be tolerated. Nightraven could not watch no more and jumped down from where he was sitting at. He stepped out of the shadows so the lady could see him clearly. "Just what are you doing there." Nightraven reached down to his pocket and pulled his staff out not extending it to full length. He folded his arms and waited for the stranger to reply to his question.

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Sweet_Sacrifice March 4th 2012, 12:53 am

///*Madame Eris Sange*////

"Finding a new PLAYMAAATTEE!!!!" She told him with a wide toothy grin with little bits of flesh and skin in her teeth. As much as he liked cooking meat before eating it, she was too hungry and had let herself slip just slightly . . . Just slightly. "Ohhh, look at you!! S-soo NOBLE, soo HEROIC . . .So sad and aloonnee . . . " She told him in her little childish sing-song voice. "No one cares about you caped bastards do they . . .?" And suddenly, the Madame's voice was converting back to its cold old monotone . . . Her split personality living true to its name. "As if you'd stop me spandex boy . . . "

"I am Madame Eris Sange. Lady of Chaos and Blood-- Numerous more titles are given to me out of fear, out of respect from my peers. And you are . . . . ? Exaactly . . . SUUCCCHH A THREEAAT!! A LITTLE MAN IN SPANDEX TRYING TO PROVE HIMSELF A MAN!!! OH, BY THE GODS!!" She cackled, waving around her bloody meat cleaver carelessly as if it were a toy-- but then again, by her standards, they WERE all toys . . .

"You should be my friend! People get scared of you and leave you alone!!! It's FUN-- you should meet my dolliles, Mary-Jane, Joshy, and Victoria. They respect me-- Im their BEST FRIEND! Who's YOUR best friend? Oh, right, you're a caped little bastard, YOU HAAAVVEE NO FRIENDS!!! YOU HAVE SO FRRIEENDDSS!!!" She taunted like a little 8 year-old child on the playground with a highpitched sing-song tone..

//*Madame Eris Sange*///
Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Adybe9

///*Come little children close your eyes
Dance with The Madame's pure black eyes
Feel the demons grab your feet
As you sway to their bloody beat
Hush little children close your eyes
Here come the broken butterflies///*

Fear is Inevitable--You can't escape it.
I am Fear itself--You can't escape me.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : Somewhere is the Swampy Marshes of Lousiana
Age : 28
Job : I'm so Fresh you Can Suck my Nuts
Humor : Swag
Registration date : 2012-02-26

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Ronin March 4th 2012, 7:20 am

"As much as you are having fun I am going to have to ask you stop doing what you are doing and step away from that dead body. I do not wear capes, I find them slightly uncomfortable. I am used to be alone, been this way since I left my home country. Stopping you would be the easiest thing I could do." Nightraven listened to her go on and on about how he had now friends. Maybe this was true to him, he did only make friends with one person out of a million. But he had a friend didn't he.... "Maybe you are right...I do not get enough respect like I should...."

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Sweet_Sacrifice March 5th 2012, 10:04 pm

"I'm insane, not stupid . . . . " She gave him a toothy grin and brushed passed him, smearing blood and human gore onto his suit. "You crave respect-- You wish to . . . Be seen and recognized. Ah, conceited little pests you caped bastards are. Well, if you wish to earn respect, you must have fear. You think SUPERMAN got so much buzz because he was a nice guy? NO. It's because anyone that tried to fuck with 'im got their asses kicked. See? Villains are worth being scared of . . . We earn the fear of others. People work for BOSSES because they have autohrity. They don't wish to talk back because that person PAYS them. You need fear and authority for respect, dumbass."

//*Madame Eris Sange*///
Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Adybe9

///*Come little children close your eyes
Dance with The Madame's pure black eyes
Feel the demons grab your feet
As you sway to their bloody beat
Hush little children close your eyes
Here come the broken butterflies///*

Fear is Inevitable--You can't escape it.
I am Fear itself--You can't escape me.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : Somewhere is the Swampy Marshes of Lousiana
Age : 28
Job : I'm so Fresh you Can Suck my Nuts
Humor : Swag
Registration date : 2012-02-26

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Ronin March 5th 2012, 10:11 pm

"If what you are saying is true....then how do I achieve this fear that you are talking about. I know what I stood on before as a hero, but I think it maybe a time for a change in my methods to get the results that I want." Nightraven felt her brush pass him making him uneasy. Something about this women made his stomach churn but she was speaking the truth. He knew he was going down a road that he should not travel, but he was tired of being stepped on. Victor placed his staff in his side thigh pocket and folded his arms as he turned to face the weird lady.

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Sweet_Sacrifice March 5th 2012, 10:28 pm

"C'MOONN!!!!!! If ya shoot the king, no one knows what tah DO!!! So you know who takes over?! THE KILLER!!! THE KILLEERR!!!" Cackling a bit, she plopped down on the cement and began to continue with making her 'fresh cuts.' "No one questions a murderer for the fear of getting murdered. No one questions SUPERDOPE cause he's powerful and SUPER. And how did he ASSERT that damn title?! He BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA BAD GUYS!! DUHH!!" Swaying lightly as she hummed an off-tuned version of 'Row row row your boat', Eris grinned up at him widely and licked her knife slowly.

//*Madame Eris Sange*///
Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Adybe9

///*Come little children close your eyes
Dance with The Madame's pure black eyes
Feel the demons grab your feet
As you sway to their bloody beat
Hush little children close your eyes
Here come the broken butterflies///*

Fear is Inevitable--You can't escape it.
I am Fear itself--You can't escape me.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : Somewhere is the Swampy Marshes of Lousiana
Age : 28
Job : I'm so Fresh you Can Suck my Nuts
Humor : Swag
Registration date : 2012-02-26

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Ronin March 5th 2012, 10:38 pm

"Murder...really, I told myself I would never cross that line. Because then I would not be a hero anymore. Nor a villain I would be a renegade who would abide by his own rules. People love heroes because they can not kill. People hate villains because they do not hesitate to kill. But vigilantes scare the people more than anything because their motives are suspect. For example.." Nightraven walks down the alley and a scream could be heard as he comes back with a gun in his hand and dragging along a cracked out drug dealer. He puts the gun to the drug dealer's head as he begins to plead with Nightraven. "See this is the shit that scares people. Right now I could pull the trigger but for what..."

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Sweet_Sacrifice March 5th 2012, 10:50 pm

"You want respect? Do it. People fear you. His little drug-bags will be terrified of your ass." Shrugging, she stood up. "Nice ring, by the way." She commented sarcastically, referring to his engagement ring.

//*Madame Eris Sange*///
Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Adybe9

///*Come little children close your eyes
Dance with The Madame's pure black eyes
Feel the demons grab your feet
As you sway to their bloody beat
Hush little children close your eyes
Here come the broken butterflies///*

Fear is Inevitable--You can't escape it.
I am Fear itself--You can't escape me.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : Somewhere is the Swampy Marshes of Lousiana
Age : 28
Job : I'm so Fresh you Can Suck my Nuts
Humor : Swag
Registration date : 2012-02-26

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Ronin March 5th 2012, 10:57 pm

"Who is going to stop me?" Nightraven pulled back on the gun as a clicked could be heard. He did not pull the trigger but looked down at the drug dealer grinning. "See if I let you go then I would be joining a cycle that I am starting to grown tired of. Tell the devil that I have paid for my sins already by letting you live." Nightraven pulled back on the trigger releasing a bullet into the drug dealer's head letting the lifeless body falling down to the ground. Nightraven blew off the smoke from the gun and put it in his other side pocket. "Gracias, now that I have tarnished this image of the regular spandex hero, I think another one is in order. Much more scarier."

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Sweet_Sacrifice March 5th 2012, 11:00 pm

"Beautifully done. Now if you'll excuse me, it's past dinner for me . . . Get back to your wifey before she gets worried." She sneered, dragging the woman's skin and meat away and disappearing in the night . . .

//*Madame Eris Sange*///
Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Adybe9

///*Come little children close your eyes
Dance with The Madame's pure black eyes
Feel the demons grab your feet
As you sway to their bloody beat
Hush little children close your eyes
Here come the broken butterflies///*

Fear is Inevitable--You can't escape it.
I am Fear itself--You can't escape me.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : Somewhere is the Swampy Marshes of Lousiana
Age : 28
Job : I'm so Fresh you Can Suck my Nuts
Humor : Swag
Registration date : 2012-02-26

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

Post by Ronin March 5th 2012, 11:03 pm

"Welcome, do not leave a trail of blood please. She is not going to like this story." Nightraven got low before jumping into the air. He began heading back to Essa's apartment not thinking about telling her what happened tonight. He was no longer a hero because hero do not kill. He was not a villain because he was not always out to kill. But he was now a vigilante he would live by how own rules made by him.


Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 150
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven) Empty Re: Revelation and Devastation (Private to Nightraven)

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