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Step by Step

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Post by Roxanne Kochenkov March 5th 2012, 4:51 am

Roxanne barely made a sound as she ran down the hall of her temporary home, silk-wrapped feet whispering across the plush, imported carpets. The lace of her pitch-colored corset fluttered when she gracefully descended the steps to the first floor of the large, three story penthouse apartment, and with each sharp turn, the tresses of her ebony hair left a halo of black in her wake. Maids and butlers scurried about their respective duties, blissfully unaware of their mistresses intentions as she expertly wrapped her dark locks into a pair of girlish pigtails just behind her temples. Her usual body guards followed behind, buttoning their three piece suits to snugly fit around their large frames, but as they collectively squeezed into the front hall, before they could even slip into the line of loafers next to the door, she turned to them and gave a gentle smile. "Нет, мои братья. Остановитесь. I shall go alone today."

Most of them looked puzzled, but only one of them was saddened by the news. ''Miss Kochenkov... don't. Please.'' He sounded worried, and, dare she say, hurt. Her falsely inviting eyes stared into his, searching for the source of his emotion. His name was Barnaby. Barnaby... something or other. He was in his late twenties, an American-born younger brother of one of her most trusted bodyguards, who everyone simply called Brom. Roxanne had heard whispers, gossip spread by the hired help that it was Barnaby who had most recently fallen for her, who wished to have and hold her in spite of her unattainability. Her brow knit together, but her smirk betrayed a humored frustration in his lack of obedience. ''I do not need a guard dog to follow me around all day, and I most certainly don't need a puppy after me just so I can visit a simple nuisance.'' He winced at her words, his cheeks flushing bright red from the sting of the insult. One of the other men carefully held out her cloak, one made from soft, black fur. She pulled it tightly around herself before shaking the silk wraps off her feet, instead slipping them into a pair of reinforced, coal colored pointe shoes, quickly tying their wraps around her ankles before standing proudly amongst the small crowd that surrounded her in the front hall. ''Gorgeous, as always.'' a man said softly. She giggled, the sound like silver bells in falling snow, and without another word, she pulled the large front door opened and skipped down the hallway to the building's elevator, climbed inside once it reached her, and rode it all the way to the bottom of the massive apartment complex. A few more elegant strides and she was at the building's entrance, giving a polite word of thanks as a flustered doorman stuttered out complements when he pushed open the door for her. A gust of wind pulled at her hair and fur cloak, but she ignored it; today, she would do an unheard of show of affection for her beloved maid Magda.

- - -

Magda had always been a favored helper in Roxanne's many houses. The elderly woman followed her employer wherever she went, and always without a fuss or sour expression. Roxanne had offered countless times to house Magda in her many lavish abodes, but she had always refused, unless they were in Chicago, where Magda had an apartment down the street from her youngest son. The old woman had confided in her mistress that she despised the man that lived above her, and used many an impolite word when she discussed his behavior. After yet another morning of Magda grumbling in annoyance when she came in to work, Roxanne decided she would have a few stern words with the unruly man that resided above her treasured Magda. The maid in question had no idea, instead going about her usual tasks back in the penthouse, and as the ballerina slunk into the back seat of her blacked out Cadillac, she formed all sorts of insults she could use when she arrived.

- - -

The car pulled next to the curb of the bland building made of cement and beige plaster. She almost pulled a face as she looked at it's unremarkable windows and lack of accents or detail. ''Here we are.'' her driver said politely, unlocking the doors with the press of a button. ''I shall wait here for you, Miss Kochenkov.'' She didn't respond, just got out and quickly ran up the steps to the single wooden door that opened as soon as she barely touched the handle. Inside, the walls and floor were covered in tile, giving the air a potent chill. She searched in vain for the elevator, instead giving the stairs a quick glare before she began her trek to find room 7B. The second floor yielded her desired result, and with a huff, she squared her shoulders and took long strides to the door of the infamous upstairs neighbor, rapping firmly but politely on it's pale blue surface. Strange music rolled out from inside, followed by a myriad of foreign sounds that vaguely reminded her of slapping. ''Извините меня?'' she ventured, her voice abnormally loud so that she might be heard above the din. ''Hello?''

As if on cue, her inquiry was echoed by the unmistakable, throaty moan of a woman being sexually satisfied.

Roxanne Kochenkov
Roxanne Kochenkov

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Location : NorCal
Age : 31
Job : Student
Humor : Sardonic/Cynical
Registration date : 2011-07-07

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Step by Step Empty Re: Step by Step

Post by Jack Maroon March 5th 2012, 9:33 am

Jack was having one of his off-days. It was one of those rare days on which, instead of celebrating life and living it to the fullest, he just stayed in his apartment, playing video-games and....well, playing the flute solo. Sometimes Jack's mind was a little clearer than usual, devoid of the spectacular delusions he lived in daily. During these days, our hero was more prone to the fits of existential anxiety and feelings of loneliness that came hand in hand with the cancerous growth residing in his cranium. This was one of those days.
On days such as these, thoughts such as "What am I doing with my life?", "Why even bother?" or "Why me?" frequently crossed Jack's mind. And instead of living life in his daydreams and going out to fight crime and party hardy, Jack would remedy his existential maladies in a more human way. Wallowing in self-pity and endlessly bemoaning his fate did not fit him, he considered himself too strong for that. Some alone-time and small distractions, such as those of self-stimulation and applying himself to his old otaku hobbies would suffice for now.

Jack lay slumped on the couch with a bottle of whiskey, wearing only a loose-fitting white polo and some boxer shorts that hung around his ankles. He hadn't even bothered doing his hair this morning, not seeing the point in doing so. As a result, his dark blond hair was an unruly mess. It wasn't even that bad a look for him. It added to his image of a wild card; the hero with questionable motives who lives life by his own rules. His current attire however, or lack thereof, gave off an entirely different image.
The television screen flickered with images of half-naked animated girls writhing around in bliss, being violated in nearly every orifice and enjoying every minute of it.
For only a short moment, Jack contemplated whether such a situation would actually be pleasurable to a young pretty lady, thinking it would probably be very uncomfortable in real life. Of course these thoughts were quickly stifled by his ever-growing libido as he began to engage in practices that need not be described here.

He had the sound turned up to its maximum, something that had become somewhat of a habit of his. At first a few of the residents had come complaining about it. Jack couldn't really remember the specifics, but one time he was confronted about it by one of the other tenants, an elderly woman if he recalled correctly. He had trouble remembering the faces of other tenants, mostly due to having no interest in these people at all. He had had a bad day back then, having been unable to catch and honorably defeat a supervillain who had tried to rob a shopping mall. Seriously, who would even do that? Is that how people used their super-powers these days, for petty theft?
Anyway, he was in a terrible mood, and all of the sudden this lady came up to him and started complaining about him being a public nuisance or something. He didn't really remember the exact words as much as he remembered his own reply.

"Fuck off." He had said, not at all in the mood to hear any of it. The people who lived here knew how powerful he was and the danger he could pose, so they left him alone. After that day, no one really bothered him anymore, giving him a wide berth. That was the way he liked it, he told himself. Other people were a distraction, with their petty concerns and their mundane interests. How could he ever relate to that? How could they ever relate to him? He told himself he was better off without others.
Thinking about all of this had put Jack out of the mood. As the women on the screen reached a screaming climax, moaning loudly and uncontrollably, accompanied by cheesy music, Jack was the only one on in the room who was left unfulfilled. He considered turning down the volume a notch; in hindsight, that woman had been awful courageous to even dare approach him, not to mention tell him what to do. He didn't like that very much, but now that he looked back on it it instilled some respect in him, and a quiet sense of shame for having acted the way he had. Then again, did it even matter any more? The damage was done, and people left him alone like he wanted. Why would he concern himself with that? He had greater far larges issues to deal with.

Before Jack could come to a conclusion for his dilemma, his train of thought was disrupted by a polite but firm rapping on the door, followed by what he thought sounded like a 'hello?'. He turned off the television, having enough of that porn for the time being, pulled up his boxers and walked to the door and opened it. In front of him stood a really pretty girl. Like, hella hot. She looked like one of those gloomy gothic lolitas right out of his anime shows, only she was, well...real. After giving her the look-over, that brazen male stare that scanned a woman's entire body, he uttered a single word of greeting. Brevity is the new eloquence, Jack told himself.


Before the girl could react, he realized he wasn't really dressed for the occasion, barely being dressed at all. Immediately upon realizing this, he shielded his eyes with his hand, turned around and hurried back into the room, scouring it for articles of clothing to wear. Most important were the sunglasses. A real-life girl was standing at his doorstep, being all pretty and shit. No way he could deal with that without his dark spectacles shielding his eyes. It simply didn't work that way.
At this point, Jack began to give in to his delusions again, starting with placing an irrational amount of value in wearing his sunglasses in the presence of others. He retreated back into his room and began to dress himself, starting with the sunglasses, then jeans, sneakers, removing the shoes because he forgot the socks, then the socks and then the sneakers again. He had left the door open wide.

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Job : Not anymore.
Registration date : 2012-02-03

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Step by Step Empty Re: Step by Step

Post by Roxanne Kochenkov March 5th 2012, 5:46 pm

The way his eyes had raked over her would normally have been enough to merit a sturdy smack from Roxanne, but every well-versed thrashing, insult, and vague idea of what to do with the noisy man in apartment 7B disappeared along with the assumption that he would be wearing pants. Inadvertently, her shocked gaze landed on the lack of trousers, making her face flush red in both surprise and embarrassment.


''Well, I never...!'' she gasped, her voice lost in the various sounds of the man suddenly retreating back into his living room to dress himself. ''I...'' His attention was no longer focused on her, instead he threw on a pair of sunglasses. Taken aback, she wrapped her arms around herself and let out the classic, unsatisfied feminine chuff, which he ignored so he could pull on a pair of jeans. ''Excuse me!'' she said, words wavering somewhere between anger and confused attraction. Though his face, and body, were nothing less than visually satisfying, the way he presented them made her gaze intently at her feet to hide the ever growing tint of her cheeks. Magda didn't mention that he was a good looking young man, this would prove to be a bit of a distraction for the poor girl; not a lot of available men crossed her path, what with her line of work, though as she chanced another look at him, she wondered if she could even call him 'available'. Roxanne carefully eked inside, taking care to shut the door behind her, and treating each step like she would if she were in a mine field. During each careful stride, she slipped out of her cloak and folded it neatly over her arm, not daring to let it reside on any coat hanger or the back of a chair in this establishment, or, god forbid, the man's couch.

Once she reached the stranger, she stood up to her full height, puffed out her chest, and drew back her shoulders in an attempt to look like a woman that you didn't want to mess with. It worked for a moment, making her look like a sensuous and dangerous force to be reckoned with as he put on his shoes the second time, his hunched posture making him small. All of this, of course, fell to shit when he stood himself up, being almost a whole foot taller than her, at the least. When he looked down at her, she did her best to veil her other emotions by looking as angry as she could. ''I hear that you have been quite rude and disruptive.'' she blurted out, quickly darting up to stand on her tip toes to give her a few inches of extra height. ''And a proper gentleman should never make himself a trouble to the women around him.'' In a feeble show of her frustration, she poked him sharply in the chest with a elegant, gloved finger. For a heartbeat, she was distracted by the feel of his muscle underneath her fingertip, but lurched back into reality long enough to rattle of a few things in Russian before promptly slapping him across the face.

Roxanne Kochenkov
Roxanne Kochenkov

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Location : NorCal
Age : 31
Job : Student
Humor : Sardonic/Cynical
Registration date : 2011-07-07

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Step by Step Empty Re: Step by Step

Post by Jack Maroon March 5th 2012, 7:10 pm

Jack had expected the day to pass relatively uneventful, spending most of it playing videogames, watching porn and silently contemplating the meaning of life.The usual stuff he did when he wasn't busy partying his ass off or looking for villains to take down. Events had taken an unexpected turn when this girl had entered his apartment. As Jack was getting himself dressed, the complication of rusty cogs and wheels in his head were grinding madly. Who was this mysterious hottie, and why the hell was she standing in his apartment? The plot thickens.
The scenario didn't fit any of the scenarios from his games, tv shows and movies, which were the source of Jack's limited knowledge of social interaction. This could put Jack in a rather delicate position, effectively rendering him unable to lead the social tango between him and the girl. That was cool with Jack though.

Jack had managed to get on his pointy sunglasses and some jeans already, and had hunched down to put on his sneakers. Sneakers he would soon remove, having forgotten to put on socks before, and then put on again once the prerequisite task of the sock-donning had been completed. During the undoubtedly complex and unforgiving task of putting on socks and shoes, the girl, Roxanne Kochenkov, had approached Jack, and towered over the squatting figure imposingly. In his tunnel-vision Jack had not noticed her careful stride towards him, and looked up at her with a stoic expression on his face. Though he didn't show it, he did find it somewhat intimidating to have such a beautiful woman look down on him.
This only lasted until Jack stood up, easily dwarfing her with his length of body, now looking down on her instead. Apparently she didn't like that, as she took on an angry look and began to berate and accuse him of things.

Rude and disruptive. Okay. Ungentlemanly and a trouble to the women around him. What women?

Jack didn't really follow what she was saying. Her words were lost to him as he focused more on her body language and vocal tonality. She began to tiptoe in order to increase her height, which Jack thought was kinda cute. It earned her a small smile. The poking his chest was pretty cute too. It seemed she tried to put some force behind it, but he could barely feel it through his formidable pectorals. So far, she'd mostly endeared herself to Jack, despite the fact she had been calling him out for various things he wasn't really paying attention to. But then she started rattling out insults in what Jack would have deduced to be Russian, were it not that he had been surprised at the sudden gesture of violence laid before him.

To Jack, her swing took an eternity. When he put his attention to it, most actions of people almost seemed to go in slow-motion for him. He took his time to admire her appearance, which she had obviously taken great care of. The way she dressed was actually really erotic. He almost felt sorry for stopping her slap in mid-swing, not having minded it terribly if the blow had actually connected. He would have actually enjoyed the touch of her silk-encased hand on his face, if it weren't so absolutely antithetical to being badass to let that transpire.
Having caught her wrist, he raised her arm in the air, doing so as gently as possible though with some amount of force, enforcing her need to tiptoe even further. A big grin formed upon his visage, revealing his pearly whites.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy there, girl. Don't get your panties in a twist." Jack said, somewhat amused by what was happening. Now that he was holding her like this, she'd gotten a little too close for even his comfort. He let go of her hand, almost reluctantly, and took a step back, now leaning against the couch.

"So ehh, what's this all about? Musta pissed you off real bad for you to come bargin' in here all flustered like that." He said, pointing at her face.

He scratched the back of his head. "Thing is, I think I would've remembered you. You look eh..." He glanced over her body again, though with less of a predatory look than before.
"You know, too memorable to forget like that." He snapped his fingers.

He calmly looked at her face through his mirrored glasses, awaiting her response. Though the girl's initial intent had been to scold and berate him for his vulgarity, all she had done so far was make him forget about the worries and fears he had been drowning himself in before. Jack Maroon's day had just become a little brighter. Perhaps this wasn't 'one of those days' after all.

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 193
Location : Glorious Nation of Dutchlandia
Job : Not anymore.
Registration date : 2012-02-03

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Step by Step Empty Re: Step by Step

Post by Roxanne Kochenkov March 5th 2012, 7:58 pm

Roxanne had left her apartment this morning expecting to put some serious fear in a man, perhaps grab a coffee and danish in some run down cafe, maybe even be bad and get a fast food burger before she got home and took a relaxing bath. All in all, it would be another day where the world was her oyster, but this man tossed an unappreciated wrench in the works, and the lack of fluidity, or downright respect, from the stranger threw her off her game to the degree that she had trouble even sounding dignified, let alone looking or acting like it. Thank god she was covered in expensive looking things, or she might have been mistaken for an uppity middle-class woman with a penchant for showing off her figure.

The sudden masculine grip on her thin wrist barely had time to register before she was being pulled upwards even further, her toes now barely on the ground. All she could do was lean on him for support as her breath hitched in her chest, making her all the more frustrated. When she looked up, her glare was met with a wide, impeccable grin. "Woah woah woah. Easy there, girl. Don't get your panties in a twist." ''My panties are no concern of yours.'' she said bluntly, shoving herself away when he released her. His comment about her being flustered made her hand subconsciously touch her cheek, further deepening the tone of her embarrassment. This man was a source of many conflicting feelings, which Roxanne both loved and hated, and right now, she would stick with the hate.

"Thing is, I think I would've remembered you. You look eh..." His secondary assessment of her body stoked the fires of her ire, but also flattered her in a way. ''I look what?'' she spat out, now keeping her legs so close together they almost crossed, and her arms folded tightly around her chest. "You know, too memorable to forget like that." The snap of his fingers both punctuated his statement and mimicked her patience. ''I hope for your sake that you are attempting to flirt.'' A flip of her hair capped off her aloof statement as she gazed off into an indiscriminate point somewhere past the stranger's head. ''If you knew who I was, I am sure your tone would change.'' She did her best 'I'm better than you' face and held out her hand to be kissed, ensuring that her large, ornate ring accented by a jeweled bird was too obvious to ignore. ''Perhaps you have heard of me before... The Black Dove, at your service.'' she said, the last three words heavy with disdain, for she never thought that she would meet a civilian that she had mixed feelings about protecting.

Roxanne Kochenkov
Roxanne Kochenkov

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Location : NorCal
Age : 31
Job : Student
Humor : Sardonic/Cynical
Registration date : 2011-07-07

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Step by Step Empty Re: Step by Step

Post by Jack Maroon March 6th 2012, 4:29 am

The Black Dove held out her hand to Jack Maroon, boldly displaying the symbol of her influence, expecting him to kiss it. She even gave out her 'hero' name under the assumption that it would instill a certain sense of fear and awe, demanding a respect she thought she had done well to earn. With a single, clumsy gesture and a few simple words of dismissal, Jack Maroon would crush every single one of these expectations, once again giving the Black Dove very little foothold in this bizarre interaction.

Jack took her hand with his, and shook it clumsily, displaying his signature grin once more. "Nope, never heard of ya. I'm Jack. Pleasure."
Pretending to be blissfully unaware of the gesture's intended purpose. True, it almost flustered him when she extended her hand to him.It wasn't very often that women dressed in nearly only black lingerie and silk came up to him and offered him their hand to kiss. Nope, even with his wild imagination he was pretty sure this situation was without precedent. She did it with such a regal bearing however that it seemed a little...exaggerated. It was kind of...adorable, really. He was in familiar territory now, knowing fully well how to handle this situation. Just stay cool, and don't take things too seriously. That came close enough to his life's motto for it to come natural to him. Yeah, that would work.

"Well, I expect you're about to lay things on me. You know, explain yourself and all that jazz. So I'm going to get a bit more comfortable if ya don't mind." Jack said, as he turned around and suddenly lifted his couch into the air, rotated it around expertly, put it back down and subsequently fell down on it comfortably. He now sat right across from her, his arms resting on the sofa's back comfortably, and his legs wide open. Yup, that was the most comfortable way to sit. Just completely open, no sign of tension. Nonchalant was the fancy word for it, he thought to himself. Yeah, he was definitely being nonchalant.

"So, what's on your mind babe?"
Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 193
Location : Glorious Nation of Dutchlandia
Job : Not anymore.
Registration date : 2012-02-03

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Step by Step Empty Re: Step by Step

Post by Roxanne Kochenkov March 6th 2012, 5:16 am

She closed her eyes, maintaining a regal visage as best she could before it was all brought to a screeching halt when she felt his fingers wrap around hers and give her hand an awkward jiggle. Her eyes snapped open and tore into his, a clear mask of displeasure quickly spreading across her otherwise calm face. He gave his name, a casual greeting, but she jerked back her hand like she had just been brought to touch something disgusting. A quick shake of the digits and smoothing of the silken glove and she was back to her cool exterior, clearing her throat as she boredly placed her hands against her stomach. ''Yes, it's lovely to meet you... Jack.'' The name was new on her tongue, and made her lips tingle and sting all at once, like she had kissed the business end of a firing rifle made of butterscotch.

"Well, I expect you're about to lay things on me. You know, explain yourself and all that jazz. So I'm going to get a bit more comfortable if ya don't mind."

She shook her head ever so slightly, barely enough to ruffle her pigtails. ''This is your... home, and I use the term 'home' very loosely, do whatever you mu-Oh dear lord...'' Her sentence was derailed almost as soon as it had gotten on track when Jack moved his sofa with the ease of someone turning the page of the morning paper. The way he had caught her hand earlier had definitely puzzled her, but was easy enough to ignore. This, on the other hand, was something that couldn't be taken lightly. This was no ordinary man; he was a mutant. Roxanne herself was actually a regular human, so meeting someone who had gained powers naturally was amazing to her, the revelation making her eyes go as big around as saucers. A small smile began to manifest, and her hands slowly went up to gently touch her lips. Not only was he cute, he was a bona fide metahuman, even if he was a bit on the strange side. Perhaps he could be useful in some way, but how? She could risk trying to hire him as a body guard or associate, but not just anyone could work for a Kochenkov. There were far too many delicate secrets and facets to let anyone into the fold of one of the most, if not the most, successful underground crime family in Russia. The ridiculous idea of dating him came into her mind and went just as quickly, though the concept did make her feel an inexplicable fluttering somewhere between her belly button and the underside of her lungs.

His posture, though rather forward and... splayed, mattered little to her now. Instead, her mind reeled with all of the possibilities his existence presented to her. She made a mental note to thank Magda later for living underneath this man. He was a diamond in the rough, her own personal golden goose, a ticket to becoming an even more effective crime fighter. A grin almost split her face in half as she placed her hands on her waist, cocked a hip, and let one leg extend out beyond the other so she could bend down to examine him a bit closer. "So, what's on your mind babe?" Roxanne giggled and tilted her head to one side, then the other. ''Just thinking of all of the things I could do with you.''

Roxanne Kochenkov
Roxanne Kochenkov

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Location : NorCal
Age : 31
Job : Student
Humor : Sardonic/Cynical
Registration date : 2011-07-07

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Step by Step Empty Re: Step by Step

Post by Jack Maroon March 6th 2012, 5:06 pm

Tsundere. This girl was the embodiment of the concept. She had entered his room wearing only some classy lingerie, scolding him for his behavior, flinging insults at him in Russian and trying to slap him across the face. Now to be fair, Jack understood that greeting a girl wearing only boxers and a polo wasn't considered the most polite welcome, but that was probably not the only reason she angry. Even after he had subdued her with strength, having easily stopped her slap from reaching his handsome face, she still persisted in being tsun. A total ice-queen. She had offered him her hand to kiss as a display of dominance, and tried to intimidate her with her name, a name that didn't even ring a bell. When he shook her hand and introduced himself, she cringed at his very touch. Only when he displayed his strength, lifting his couch and rotating it so he could take a seat on it facing her, did she suddenly warm up.

Now she was practically bending over him, examining him thoroughly with a huge grin on her face. How weird. Usually he was the one doing the grinning. He didn't mind at all though. Who would? It wasn't every day a total babe dressed in lingerie came barging into his room, insulted him and then told him she was thinking of all the things she could do with him. Wait, what? Yup, definitely tsundere, Jack thought. He wasn't showing it, but he was beaming with joy now. His day really couldn't get any better now.

"Well alright then. Awesome." Jack chuckled.

"And what kind of things were you thinking of doing with me then?" Jack asked, gazing intently into her eyes through his sunglasses. For a moment, he entertained the thought that she would tell him she wanted to go bowling with him, or take him on a quest to find the last Unicorn. He found the idea amusing, but discarded it due to it being kind of retarded. Truth was, he was in the dark here.
She had taken the lead now, and was holding all the cards. He didn't have an inkling of why she was here, what she wanted from him and whether or not she was actually coming on to him or just toying. For now, he really didn't care. Whatever it was, he was enjoying it, so he'd just roll with it for the time being.

(OOC: This post felt lackluster and short; my apologies for this.)

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Step by Step Empty Re: Step by Step

Post by Roxanne Kochenkov March 25th 2012, 2:47 pm

[[ OOC: I apologize for moving Jack, but it was just to get things going >__<]]

''Mostly... employment.'' She said, tapping an elegant finger against her lower lip. ''Perhaps you could be of more use than your personality would suggest.'' He could be a body guard, or even an incredibly strong member of her houses security. Maybe she could hire a team of geneticists to attempt to decipher and distill his abilities, make them available to her already loyal and trustworthy employees. ''Come with me, please.'' she said bluntly, more of a command than a suggestion, delicately holding out a single gloved hand to help him up from his slouched position on the couch. The moment his fingers were in hers, she clenched them tightly and began to drag him towards the front door, not caring about any protestations he might have. There were much more important things to deal with back at the penthouse.

Like a guide dog leading it's master, Roxanne pulled him down the hall, stairs, out the front door, and right over to the waiting vehicle. Her driver gave her a princely wave; he had been standing patiently by her door, opening it without even questioning her guest. ''Thank you.'' she spat out, wheeling Jack towards the car and shoving him inside, climbing in expertly after him. Once the door shut behind her, she got herself situated in her seat and relaxed, watching boredly as the driver walked around to his side of the car. ''Well then, Jack, shall we-''

Roxanne's words were cut off by a spattering of gunfire, followed by the driver slumping over the hood of the car, his back now sporting a few brand new holes in it. She let out a small scream, jumping a bit in her seat as she pressed herself up against the back of it. A glance to her left revealed armed men spilling into the street from two unmarked vans, all dressed in identical clothing, and all swarming towards the very car her and Jack now resided in. Bullets shattered the front window and windshield, and soon the new foes were clawing at the doors. In a single, panicked act, Roxanne threw herself onto Jack, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and yanking him forward so he was bent down, before encasing the two of them in a ball of ferrofluid, the two of them falling through their door and onto the sidewalk in the process, entwined together in a very unromantic way. Each bullet left a small dent in the surface of the sphere, sending a ripple along it before disappearing somewhere outside.

Now, with the two of them curled in the fetal position, she let out a small sigh. ''I can't, uh... move. Could you try to... uhm... roll us away?'' Assassins, though surprising, were hardly frightening to the femme now. More a trifle than anything, especially with this new metahuman in tow.

Roxanne Kochenkov
Roxanne Kochenkov

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Step by Step Empty Re: Step by Step

Post by Jack Maroon March 29th 2012, 4:43 am

Jack was taken aback by the girl's implicit job proposal, regardless of how cute she brought it; which for the record, was pretty cute. Before the question was even asked explicitly, or anything else was said, Jack already had an inkling of what his answer would be. The prospect of working with a beautiful young lady who appeared on your doorstep out of the blue was very attractive to most men, especially the world-weary, the naive and the perpetually lovelorn.
Jack's initial spark of reluctance was only fueled further when Roxanne spoke again.
"Perhaps you could be of more use than your personality would suggest."

Jack was no genius, but even Jack knew what that meant. Her attitude towards him had changed considerably after he had performed even the smallest feat of superhuman strength, turning from one of explicit disgust and disdain to one of interest, mixed with the attributes of the former.
She offered her hand, and in his bewilderment he took it, allowing her to drag him along through the halls and down the stairs of his apartment complex like a lost child. Well, it was to be expected. He was used to people trying to use him for their own gain. It didn't hurt him as much as it shook him awake. People tended not to like him much; and he could kinda guess why. That just didn't matter to him. From where he was standing, he didn't have the time for worrying about other people's feelings and opinions of him. All that matters is making the best of his life, living it according to his warped perception of what a hero should be, seeking out the thrill of battle.

It was kind of a relief that this girl too just wanted to use him. Commitment doesn't really work when there's an aneurysm lodged in your noggin' that's just waiting for the right moment to spring out of the box and go all "Guess what motherfucker, time's up!" on your ass. Still, if anything, there was a hint of disappointment mixed into his feelings. Somewhere, deep inside Jack's psyche, in the part of him that was still the little chronically sick boy with a fucked up childhood, he just wanted to be loved. A room full of videogames, anime and a primo multimedia installation had done surprisingly little to replace actual parental affection and even less to assuage his grievances.
Fat chance of that happening though, Jack told himself. He wouldn't fool himself into thinking the real world was actually anything like in television and games. All that crap didn't matter anyway, right?

Jack had remained uncharacteristically silent during the journey, until the doors of the car he had been pulled into had been slammed shut. He had done enough thinking for now, and had come to the conclusion that he would go along with the current chain of events. He had nothing better to do today, and he was still curious as to what was going on here. He forced a cocky smile to reinforce his belief that everything was just spiffing and that he was, as always, the center of the universe and basically the coolest thing in existence.
He looked over Roxanne again. Upon closer inspection, she was still spectacularly pretty, the kind that makes you want to hold and protect a girl and keep her all to yourself. But now he also noticed a certain aloofness present in her, a certain coldness that made her beauty seem more artificial.

This aloofness quickly dissipated as she was interrupted by a hail of gunfire clattering onto the car while she was in mid-sentence. With a little yelp of surprise her cool exterior cracked and she jumped onto Jack, wrapping her arms around him and tugging at him in such a way that he was now bent over her. Well, so much for the ice queen theory. It reminded Jack of how he had earlier managed to fluster and confuse her. That was fun.
And then it was the Black Dove's turn to surprise Jack again. All of a sudden she emitted some strange metallic liquid from her palms, which quickly encased the two of them in a spherical form, protecting them from the bullets, but leaving them in an awkward embrace that resembled the fetal position. "Nice." Was all he had to add in response to her sudden reveal of her abilities.

''I can't, uh... move. Could you try to... uhm... roll us away?'' It was an odd request, but it made Jack laugh. Really, what the hell was up with today? "Sure, sure. Let's get you some cover then." Jack said in a somewhat patronizing tone, proceeding to awkwardly roll the both of them back into his apartment complex, seeking the cover the walls offered. It was a little weird to be rolling them to safety by rocking his body, but he got the hang of it quickly. Didn't make it any less awkward though.

Once they had found cover inside the lobby and Roxanne had dispelled the liquid spherical barrier, Jack stood up and began tot reassess the situation. Two vans, multiple armed men. He didn't quite catch what kind of weapons they were using. Pity. Fighting with his bare hands wouldn't be an option against this many opponents. Would severely restrict his mobility, which he needed in order to combat the threat of their firearms. Bullets stung like hell, and always had a chance of penetrating his skin, however tough, and killing him off. Especially when there were this many gunmen.
He could try using the environment, but that was risky. Still, he didn't have much choice. Couldn't just leave the girl standing here just so he could fetch some steel, even if she had a wicked neat ability like that. Or he could just ask her. Yeah. Communication. Cornerstone of a good relationship.

"Alright. I could go fetch us some steel from my room, or we could just go ahead and wing it. Your call. Either way these goons are dead." Jack grinned. This was more his style. Killing was one of the few things he excelled at greatly. After all, he and death had always had a close relationship.

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Step by Step Empty Re: Step by Step

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