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Fun, friendship and crime.

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OPEN Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman August 19th 2019, 11:59 pm

The passenger train was almost full from front to back with people who going from New York to Philadelphia despite it being late in the night, almost 11 o'clock, but there was this one almost empty seat where Dilly was sat, almost board out of his mind. The only thing that he had to pass the time and keep him awake apart from his phone was a few pages full of notes in his small pocket notebook as well as some small doodles of other heroes he ran into and a full page that was Arrowman and a few other heroes vs The Equalizers from his time in LA. His notes was full on locations, members and other titbits of information he was able to get about a small crime syndicate in the city.

His train can to a full stop at a train station, some many people was getting off that you could barely see Dilly get out. He was carrying a backpack that was jam packed with his costume and his weapons, his bag was heavy because of all the stuff he had inside.

Dilly ran to a small abandon Alleyway, he checked all sides to see if anyone was walking past and he got changed into his costume. Now his was Arrowman! He put his pow and arrows into his sheath and quiver and aimed his wrist mounted Grappling hook. He aimed it up to the roof and shot it to the ledge while holding his bag of clothes in his other hand.

He finally stored his bag in a secret place and smiled under his mask and jumped off the other of the building, and began to swing from rooftop to rooftops.
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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Hiddenmage August 20th 2019, 4:18 pm

Bumblebee crouched, wide eyed, behind the large garbage bin filling up the back alley. She couldn't believe what she was hearing! This hadn't been a typical drug deal like she had thought. But the conversation she was eavesdropping on sounded like something straight out of the Godfather.

Fun, friendship and crime. Screen11

"You sure you got it done? The Boss ain't gonna be happy if you screwed up something like this." The first man said. He was in a pretty spiffy suit for this part of town, which wasn't saying much.

"Everything's done. Relax." The other person in the alley scoffed. She was in dirty sweatpants  and wornout sneakers. "Just hand over the cash and go run to your owner and tell him her doesn't have to worry about a thing."

"Don't tell me what to do." The man growled.

"Just do your job." The woman tossed a package to the man, who caught it, dropping his composure.

"Moron! Don't be so reckless! If this triggered accidentally..." He yelled, holding the package carefully. The woman was already walking away out of the alley nonchalantly.

Bumblebee shifted as the conversation ended, the air filled once more with the noises of the city night. She peeked around then end to see the man tuck the package carefully into his suit and start walking down the alley towards her. Bumblebee creeped back, pressing herself into the corner between the garbage bin and the wall, momentarily wishing her costume wasn't bright yellow.

She held her breath as the footsteps came closer, not moving a muscle.

The man walked past without a moment of hesitation, walking down to the edge of the alley before rounding the corner.

Bumblebee pushed herself away from the dumpster, focusing her telekinetic field to lift herself clumsily into the air. She bobbed along, following after the man. At least bobbing through the air like a bubble was quieter than walking. And quiet was what she needed right now. Whatever was in the package, it didn't seem like anything good.

Bumblebee peered around the corner to see the man climb on a motorcycle and start the engine. Bumblebee quickly floated upwards til she was hovering above the nearby rooftops. The motorcycle revved and took off out of the alley and onto the road. Bumblebee took off flying after him as fast as her levitation would allow. Hope I can keep up! She thought to herself.

Bumblebee glanced up, trying to figure out where the motorcycle could be headed. Far in the distance ahead of her, a shadowed figure swung from rooftop to rooftop.

Buzz out!

Status :

Quote : "There's no day bad enough that a stick of bumble-gum and a nap won't fix" - Bumblebee

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Humor : Sarcastic or just weird
Registration date : 2019-08-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman August 20th 2019, 5:33 pm

Arrowman was swinging around, jumping from rooftops to rooftops like he was in a hurry, he continued yo moved forward. In one of his notes, hr written down that there was going to be a meeting that has to with a small package, what was in or what it was for, he didn't know.

On his way to the meeting location, he managed to scan the area around to find a little place to stop out for this operation, but with his luck he could see an abandon building. Found my new home! He joked to himself knowing that he would have to go back to get his clothes.

He keept swinging until he got to the allyway that was reported to have to meet in, he saw a bike drive out and he decided to follow to bike to see where it would lead him.

He looked back and could see something that looked to be a person? He couldn't tell but it was levitating up in the air while wearing both black and yellow.
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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Hiddenmage August 20th 2019, 6:08 pm

Bumblebee's brow furrowed as she concentrated on staying in the air. She was going to loose track of the motorcycle at this rate. If only she had some way to move through the air faster once she was up there!

The motorcycle swerved the corner far up the road, disappearing behind the buildings of the city. "Yeah Bumblebee I don't know what you were expecting." She mumbled to herself, still hovering forward at a steady pace.

She peered through her mask at the skyline ahead of her. There definitely was someone swinging around the buildings over there. I hope they're friendly Bumblebee mused as she reached the road the motorcycle had turned down.

She was in a very rundown part of the city all the way out here. Every other building had been boarded up for one reason or another and the few lit streetlights flickered unreliably.

Farther up the road, a garage door closed, the light from inside slowly being closed off by a squeaky metal door. Bumblebee grinned. She'd bet anything the motorcycle had gone in there.

Bumblebee glanced around for the figure that had been swinging around earlier but didn't immediately see them. She shrugged and flew to the rooftop across the street from the garage. Bumblebee landed heavily and creeped to the edge.

Buzz out!

Status :

Quote : "There's no day bad enough that a stick of bumble-gum and a nap won't fix" - Bumblebee

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Humor : Sarcastic or just weird
Registration date : 2019-08-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman August 20th 2019, 6:24 pm

Arrowman continued to follow the motorbike, not trying to spook him but just far away so he could watch them, he noticed the bike going into a garage, Danmit. He mumbled to himself, he wasn't expecting this, he was hoping to stop this meet in the alleyway but now, plans have changed.

he didn't want to blindly rush in there so he puled himself to the top of a nearby building that was directly across the street from the garage.

As soon as he pulled himself to the top he grab both his bow and pulled out a surveillance arrow and mounted it into his bow but stops in his tracks as he see a young girl who was wearing yellow and black, H-hey! He says awkwardly with a shy little wave, he was never great around people.
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Number of posts : 169
Registration date : 2017-08-04

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Troggy August 21st 2019, 8:07 am

He had been following the package for quite some time now. It had all started back in L.A where a couple of guys were up to no good, started making trouble in the neighborhood, they got in one little fight, and their boss got scared, and send the package away from bel air. Bob had done his best to help take this bunch of baddies out, and even though the police had decided to let the Philly Police deal with whatever it was they had sent away, Bob wasn't too comfortable with that arangement. He couldn't read minds per se, but he could read emotions, and the way the gangsters thought about the package they had just managed to send away sent chills down our hero's spine. Thus he had taken it upon himself to tail the courier with the package and see where he was going, and with his special brand of telepathy this wasn't much harder said and done, even though the package did change hands a few times.

However, what had complicated things a bit were the fact that the package had gained two more 'shadows' along the way. He had not seen only caught glimpses of them, but judging by their outlandish costumes they were most likely heroes aswell, and thanks to his telepathy he already knew that they were not friends of the courier. Both of them were young, about the same size and were wearing blue and yellow respectively. He wondered if they were some sort of local hero-types or just regular vigilanties. At times like this he really wished someone would make a heroic encyclopedia just so you could identify all of the bizzare fellows that mucked about and did heroing. He could feel the mind of the motorcyclist slowly grind to a halt, even though he could not see him at the moment. He had probably reached his destination, and it was most likely the best time to strike.

At first Bob briefly considered going in alone, but there were many minds in the building, and it was hard to sense which of them were the bad guys at the moment. It could probably get messy in there, and having back up might not be the worst of ideas. After all, it was better to move in together in a coordinated fashion than not too. It was probably better to link up with the other two and see what they were going to do before doing anything on his own, and so, he decided to telekinetically fly over to their rooftop to meet them in person

'Heroic' might not be the right word to describe Bob Temple AKA Doctor Feelgood. "Peculiar" was probably more up to his standards, "outlandish" would probably convey his appearance in a satisfactory manner as well. He was wearing a pair of washed-out, flared jeans, a pair of sandals over a pair of somewhat grubby feet and what looked like a cross between a colorful coat and a bathrobe. what remained of his long, silky red hair was buffeted by the wind, his eyes hidden by a pair of dark sunglasses, and to top it off he was 'sitting' crosslegged in the air with his hands folded comfortably over his pudgy belly as he flew over to join the others. just as he arrived Blueboy was just getting aquainted with YellowGirl.

"Like, Hey man!" Bob said as he lazily nodded to the others  as he joined them. he didn't actually land, but instead kept hovering a few inches above the roof, mostly to spare his knees. he was no spring chicken anymore, and after sitting a while like this it was a tad painful to stretch his legs out again, especially since he knew he would most likely have to assume the flying-position once more in a little while.

"I'm Doctor Feelgod and I want to like, stop these squares from, you know, doing bad stuff." He said cheerfully, as if that explained everything about his sudden appearance
"I'm like, slightly psychic, so I know neither of you are in league with them or anything like that." he added, just to make sure everyone was cool with one another. If it would work, well, we just have to wait and see. . .

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2019-04-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Hiddenmage August 21st 2019, 3:48 pm

Bumblebee perched on the very edge of the building, legs tense as she prepared to launch forward towards the window above the garage. If she could kick off hard enough, she might have enough momentum to break through the window and get in.

3... She took a deep breath. 2... front foot shifting against the edge of the roof to get the best grip. 1-

"H-Hey!" Bumblebee jolted in surprise, faltering right as she jumped. Her front first slipped and her concentration disappeared. Instead of launching across the street, she found herself plummeting downwards instead.

Panicking, Bumblebee quickly focused all her energy on not falling. Her telekinetic field coalesced beneath her halting mid air.

She looked up back towards the roof edge. Who the heck was that? Carefully, she floated back upwards until she could look over the edge. Standing on the rooftop in a blue outfit and hood was a boy. His bow was notched with some fancy looking arrow.

Bumblebee looked at the weapon suspiciously and floated a little higher, bringing her fists up in what she hoped to be a fighting stance. "W-who are you?"

"Like, Hey man!" Bumblebee's eyes darted over to where another person had just appeared.   An older man was floating over to them dressed with the same fashion sense of her grandma's deadbeat neighbor. "I'm Doctor Feelgod and I want to like, stop these squares from, you know, doing bad stuff." Bumblebee made a face. That's Doctor Feelgood? I thought he would be less... slobby? Bumblebee had heard of the Doctor on the news before. He was supposedly a competent hero. But this person gave the Bumblebee the distinct impression of the type of hero that would get pulled over for drunk flying if the police did that sort of thing.

Bumblebee looked back and forth between Doctor Feelgood and the Blueboy who had just snuck up on her. Just what had she gotten herself into?

Buzz out!

Status :

Quote : "There's no day bad enough that a stick of bumble-gum and a nap won't fix" - Bumblebee

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Humor : Sarcastic or just weird
Registration date : 2019-08-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman August 21st 2019, 6:28 pm

Arrowman looked backed at what seems like a new hero joining them, he didn't rally know what to say before he rushes over to the ledge to try and save the young girl from plummeting downwards to the streets below. But before he watches her as she floats up and took a fighting stance towards him.

Ahh! Don't attack attack, I'm friendly! He says in a light panicked before continuing, Why do people say they're friendly when they don't even know the person? He rambled on this pointless topic before shaking his head.

He looked back and forth between Doctor Feelgood and floaty girl. So yellow floats and Doctor song title. Couldn't resist having a little fun with their names. I'm Arrowman. He said with a smile under his mask.

Arrowman moved his arrow to the same hand as his bow as he now uses his free hand to wave towards both of them.  I'm guessing your both on this Crime Syndicate file too? He asked while tilting his head a bit.
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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Troggy August 22nd 2019, 8:00 am

Even though none of them knew it, in that particurlar moment in time he and Bumblebee thought the exact same thing. What have I gotten myself into? He had not realized just how young these heroes must be. Bob was not an exceptionally tall man, but he had almost a foot on both of them in height. not to mention probably the better part of four decades in age. He looked between the two of them hesitantly. He had worked with young heroes before, but probably not quite this young, not to mention that both of them showed a bit of ineptness. Yellowjacket seemed to have a hard time controlling her flight and Blueboy seemed to be of a generally nervous disposition not exactly ideal when you're out heroing and potentially have to face off against one of the big baddies of the world, especially since the most powerfull could obliterate cities. Then again, he was pretty new at this hero-thing himself, so he didn't really have any right to judge.

However, his thoughts about age and inexperience were interrupted by Arrowman as he started prattling on about being friendly and the general weirdness of claiming to be friendly to strangers whom you had never met. An interesting statement, but it was hardly the right place for it.
"I like, totally don't know man. It's never really occured to me to like, you know, think about it." Doctor Feelgood answered with a shrug and a small smile playing on his lips.

"I, uh, haven't got a clue if I'm on their files or not. All I know is that some desperately uncool weapon-smugglers back in L.A sent a package here, so it's bound to be nasty" Bob replied as Arrowman mentioned being on the 'files' of these nasty men. Apparantly he might have underestimated the youngster, he seemed to have a rather firm grip of what he was doing after all. at least he seemed to be well informed.

Bob once more looked between the youngsters and the garage where the courier and his package had dissapeared into. he wasn't moving, so he was still definately in there. A few of the minds he felt immediately registered as potential bad guys. They were happy that the package had arrived and felt very excited about. . . something, whilst there was many more minds throughout the building whom he couldn't tell if they were part of the bad guys or not. The baddies definately had numbers, but Team Feelgood had surprise, the initiative and a fair helping of superpowers. Still, this could get very nasty

"Alright, guys, let's get down to, like Brass Tacks. What can you do, and how do you want to play this out?" Bob said, his voice much lower this time, more serious. The smile wasn't completely gone, but a bit subdued. It was fairly obvious to one and all that he had put is gameface on.

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Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2019-04-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Hiddenmage August 22nd 2019, 10:20 am

Bumblebee looked at Arrowman with wide eyes. Crime syndicate? This doesn't seem to be the drug deal I thought it was... Her theory was confirmed as Doctor Feelgood started talking about some weapons dealer in LA who was involved in the deal she had just witnessed.

Bumblebee landed, dropping her fists from they're fighting position, suddenly feeling foolish. Clearly these two were heroes! Should I just leave then? I don't want to get in their way... She frowned No I can do this! If these criminals are gonna mess with Philly, then they're gonna have another think coming. They're gonna regret ever crossing Bumblebee's path!

"Alright guys" Bumblebee looked over to Doctor Feelgood as he spoke up, asking what her and Arrowman could do. A slight shiver went down her spine. His demeanor was entirely different. He hadn't really moved or shifted, but he clearly meant business.

"The name's Bumblebee." She said, puffing her chest a little to try and look more intimidating, "I can control a telekinetic field that radiates from me." Bumblebee put her fists on her hips. "Philly is under my protection now. And I'm gonna go down there and stop those baddies from whatever evil plot their up to!" Her confidence faltered under the gaze of the other two supers. "But uh... I could definitely use the help... since you guys are like... here already... and stuff?" Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She really needed to get better at the whole talking thing if she actually wanted people to take her seriously. She sounded like an eight-year-old.

Buzz out!

Status :

Quote : "There's no day bad enough that a stick of bumble-gum and a nap won't fix" - Bumblebee

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Humor : Sarcastic or just weird
Registration date : 2019-08-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman August 22nd 2019, 11:35 am

Arrowman looked over at Doctor Feelgood while tilting his head slightly, No I meant are you also going after this Crime syndicate too. He said correcting himself before he continued. We really need a better name for this group then just "Crime syndicate" it's extremely generic He carried on joking before turning around towards Bumblebee.

He listened closely at what she was saying before he stuck his thumb up at her, giving her a thumbs up with his free hand, Good! We are all acquainted with each other and know each others powers, good for us. He says with a smile, hiding the fact that most of them probably knew about, that he doesn't have any powers.

He turn back around so he is facing both of them, listening in to what Doctor Feelgood was saying. He reached into his pocket to pull out his notebook with all his notes in it, he flicked though the pages giving them clear view of his doodles and little comic strips. Gotcha! He exclaimed.

Okay so ever since my time in LA after the event with the riots and stuff, fun time! I got wind of a organisation know as The Gentlemen. Nobody knows their leader or where he is. The group is mostly made up of thugs and regular street criminals but they all have high power guns that go "PEW PEW". He makes a gun gesture with a small giggle following. This group usually likes to torture their enemies in extremely brutal ways. The group is all over the country and the leader in the Philly area is called Mike Harper, terrible guy, likes long walks at the beach and is great with kids.

Arrowman finishes his explaining and put his book away before walking up to the edge and drawing his surveillance Arrow, he pulls back and fires, hitting the bullring, allowing him to hear inside. He turns back at the group and pointed at the arrow, I'm gonna need that back.
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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Troggy August 22nd 2019, 12:52 pm

Bob was actually taken a bit aback by the young girls comment. He hadn't really met another telekinetic before since his childhood. Sure he had been aware of the fact that he was far from the only one, he even knew that there had been telekinetic heroes and villains popping up every now and then. Like that weird angry psychotic, hellcraft guy and the demented brain-in-a-jar, but these had only been around briefly, it seemed. "Right on, man! I'm a Telekinetic too! Apparantly we're kinda rare." Bob replied enthusiastically, his smile widening slightly.

It was painfully obvious even to a relative newbie like him that despite her posturing, Bumblebee was painfully new at this. He did not need to be a telepath to noticed just how out of her depth she seemed to feel.
"Don't worry, both me and Arrowguy's got your back, Right Arrowguy?" Bob replied, glancing back at the boy in blue. He was starting to get a rough idea what the two who were working with were. Even though both of them seemed to be similarly aged, Arrowman seemed to be a fair bit more experienced and methodical about the heroing-thing, whilst Bumbles seemed to compensate for her lack of knowhow with oodles of moxie and derring-do

slowly hovering towards the edge of the roof, looking at the building, folding his hands under his chin as he observed the building where the courier had entered. He nodded thoughtfully at Arrowman as he started rattling off what he knew about their opponents. He nodded along even though he had not heard about "the gentlemen" before, although he had a run-in with a robber who was using weapons that seemed to be well beyond his 'paygrade' so to speak. Bob could not help but to be a bit impressed. This kid was good, and had definately done his homework. He then simply watched as the young fellow shot an arrow into the wall for some sort of surveilance. Spy-arrows! What a time to be alive. Bob once again gave the kid an impressed nod as he did his thing, but couldn't help but to feel a bit sheepish as Arrowman wanted the arrow back.

"Sorry my dude, but I can't do that. Well, I could, but I'd probably bring back most of the wall the arrow is stuck in along with it. I'm not too good with the finikity stuff. Bumbles, could you help us out?" he sheepishly admitted as he turned to the Yellow-garbed heroine. Hopefully he would get a rough idea of just what she was capable of.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2019-04-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Hiddenmage August 22nd 2019, 6:52 pm

Bumblebee nodded at Arrowman's request. She could fly over there and grab it no problem. Bumblebee stepped to the edge, getting ready to jump off.

"Sorry my dude," She stopped and listened to Doctor Feelgood explain the scope of his power. Bumblebee's eyes widened at the thought of being able to move an entire wall like that! Then Doctor Feelgood addressed her, asking if she could move the arrow.

"Oh, just like... move the arrow back here... Yeah sure." She turned back to face the street, blushing in embarrassment that she had been about to fly all the way over there when she could just move the arrow from where she was.

Taking a small step away from the building's edge, Bumblebee took a deep breath, reach out towards the arrow, focusing her field to stretch out around it.

At first nothing happened. Bumblebee felt panic rise in her chest. She couldn't flub this up now. Not in front of two actual superheroes!

She pulled a little harder and the arrow tugged free of the wall, zooming backwards to her outstretched hand.

Bumblebee looked at in surprised. The arrow had moved much quicker than she had expected it to. She hadn't even noticed her hand raising to focus her field.

Quickly, Bumblebee tried to mask her own astonishment , turning to Arrowman with what she hoped was a confident smile and held it out to him. "Here you are. Easy-peasy."

Buzz out!

Status :

Quote : "There's no day bad enough that a stick of bumble-gum and a nap won't fix" - Bumblebee

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Humor : Sarcastic or just weird
Registration date : 2019-08-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman August 22nd 2019, 8:34 pm

Arrowman was taken a back, this was the first time someone took his joke seriously as he looked at Bumblebee in total disbelief, You know I was joking right? He explained to the two of them, more upset then annoyed before he shot his arrow back the wall next to the original spot.

Arrowman used his ear piece to listen to the group inside the building, so far he could hear 15 voices but one stood out for him. Was you followed? It was mike Harper,asking the motorbike about the package.

He looked back at the group, I say good sir, I believe for us to be in a spot of bother. He said in a posh British accent, making fun of where he was from. He walked to the edge of the building and pulled out a explosive arrow, The range is just big enough for me to detonate this arrow, now my plan is either gonna be really stupid, or really cool. He lined up his shot at the wall, his plan was to blow the wall while he is in mid air and land inside the room, or splat on the wall.
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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Troggy August 22nd 2019, 10:13 pm

Feelgood snorted out an embarrassed little chuckle as the man looked at the two telekinetics in a somewhat scathing manner, obviously none too pleased with their shenanigans. Even though part of him was a tad annoyed that he was expected to somehow magically intuit that he wasn't supposed to retrieve the arrow from the wall. He couldn't be expected to know how spy-arrows were supposed to work, now could he? To know that he would have to be some sort of telepathic mindreader. . . Which he totally was. Another embarrassed little chuckle escaped from the old mans stomach.

"Yeah, uh, sorry man. My bad." he said quietly, deciding to leave Arrowman to do his thing without further interference. After all the youngster was probably the one of the terrific trio that had the most intel on the bad guys they were facing, and whilst Bumblebee and himself relied mostly on their powers, he had technology, even if most of said technology seemed to be arrow-shaped. Besides he had no intention of making the rather rocky start to their professional relationship even rockier.

"I'll let you do your thing my dude, just try not to hurt anyone too seriously, kay? Oh, and since we're gonna go in loud, this might be a good oppurtunity to tell you that if any of you need my help, you just have to 'think' what you need at me. It's super easy." Feelgood hurriedly added to the duo.

"Sorry for making you look bad along with me, Bumbles. If it's any consolation, that was some nifty Tee-Kay-ing. No way, I could've done that" He csaid reassuringly. After all, he had felt the uncertainty radiate off of her when she pulled the arrow from the wall like water being squeezed out of a sponge. He had actually been considering using his telepathy to give her a boost, but he figured that would only be a temporary crutch for her. After all, she would certainly face danger without him to back her up if she contued with the heroing-business, and she had to rely on her own strength of character rather than his artificial boosts.
He was honestly impressed with the precision of Bumblebee's Telekinetic ability, their powers may be related, but there was oodles of difference between how the two worked. His powers might pack a fair bit more punch, but hers were more useful and versitile. a bit like comparing a wrecking-ball to a toolbox.

Still, even though the youngsters were both seeming to be far more competent than their age would suggest, he was still worried that they might get seriously hurt in the upcomming fight. After all, they were up to hardened gangsters who were not only hardened and ruthless by their choice of profession, but also had access to very dangerous weapons.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2019-04-17

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