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Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

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INV ONLY Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Mindy April 1st 2018, 3:30 pm

The beaming morning sun hit the roofs of the stack houses casting drawn out shadows onto the Wiltshire countryside. They rays that broke past, sparkled off the ruby red sides of a single convertible that was cruising along the winding country roads.  The hood of the convertible was pulled back revealing two girls and some suitcases in the back. The girl behind the wheel was sporting a pair of gaudy pink heart of sunglasses that did not even bother to accent the rest of her attire of a jean jacket and a black graphic tee sporting some sort of punk band along with a bunch of bubble gum comic book speech bubble stickers that had been stuck all over it. Her silver hair was tied back into twin tails that flew back in the wind behind her.

Despite being in a sour disposition from being back in Europe after all of this time, something about being on the open road with good company lifted Mindy's spirits. She took her eyes off the road for a second to look at her tiny friend in the passenger seat. Quinn was leafing through one of Mindy's old grimoires. Quickly flashing a smile before turning back to the road, Mindy found that the smile was still there a few minutes before. She had run into Quinn not too long ago but had found herself hitting it off with the little robot. Having come back to this corner of the world to try and re-access the life stream, the main mana stream of planet, at stonehenge one of the few rare places that two major mana ley-lines crossed Mindy didn't realize that it was going to weight so heavily on her. Normally she would have at least have Sebastian with her, but she still hadn't manage to reconnect with her blue bodyguard/butler after she had been ripped from a hotel by her sister and chucked into a similar ley-line in Africa. Damn brute didn't even carry a cellphone, How was one supposed to contact him! The thought still boiled Mindy's blood.

After landing in London and getting cold feet, Mindy called up Quinn and asked her to make the trip with her. The days leading up to Quinn's arrival pretty much turned into a week of partying, drinking, concerts and blackouts. There were plenty of cute girls to keep Mindy distracted, but deep down she couldn't find herself caring deeply for any of them. They were distractions from remembering what her life had been before the rings, and even thinking about it today would bring waves of nausea through Mindy's body. Despite all of that, Quinn's cold logical demeanor was comforting. Mindy didn't need to think too much; she could breath easy and just be in the moment.

With her free hand, Mindy reached over to old analog FM radio. It had been retrofitted with an aux jack using the cassette player, but that did no good for Mindy, since her mp3 player was probably with Sebastian or with some hotel cleaner that made off with it. She flipped on the FM radio and turned the dials a bit till finally she had found a station that came through clearly, just in time to catch the beginning of Young the Giant's "Cough Syrup". The mellow guitar strummings changed Mindy's smile into a rueful one as she began to sing along.

"Life's too short to care at all, oh woahh~ . I'm losing my mind, losing my mind, losing control, oh oh~."

Cough Syrup:

Post word count= 604

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Quinn April 1st 2018, 4:13 pm

Quinn was more or less completely ignoring the wonders of nature for fresh knowledge that Mindy had given her in the form of a grimoire. It was a rather interesting read, if one looks at it from a purely academic viewpoint, but whoever wrote it seems to have a thing for tentacles and some creatures that they call Elder Gods. If Quinn was actually human she would have been losing sanity by the bucketful just looking at some of the pictures, but she wasn't.

To be honest, Quinn was surprised that Mindy had called her up out of the blue like that, seeing as how they weren't very close and had only met twice before this. She may not have been the best source of standard human interaction, but having someone you barely know go on an important trip was not something that normal people did. Though, Quinn wouldn't actually call Mindy someone normal, judging from what little she knew of the girl. Quinn was far too nice for her own good anyways, and the free knowledge was just icing on the cake so to speak.

Quinn only halfway notices Mindy reaching over to mess with the radio, barely glancing over before returning back to the book she was reading. Then Mindy's voice echo'd along with the voice on the radio and she stopped her reading, almost pondering to herself for a moment before joining in with Mindy, their voices blending perfectly together.

"These fishes in the sea they're staring at me wa-oh oh~ wa-oh oh~.. A wet world aches for a beat of a drum wa-oh~."

It wasn't long after they had finished singing the song that Quinn had finally finished the grimoire, which allowed her to go back to actually figuring out why she was here in the first place. She turns towards Mindy after carefully closing the book and putting it in the back seat with the rest of the baggage. "You never did tell me where we are going, you only said that it was important and that you did not want to go alone."

Quinn, though she would never actually call herself impatient, still didn't actually wait for Mindy to answer her question before reaching back to find herself another grimoire, since she was never one to actually pass up information that was free for her to grab. It didn't take long before she had a second book in her arms, though she did not open it instantly like she did the first, her conversation with Mindy was, for now, more important.

"Remember when I told you that I was going around the world searching for something?" Quinn watches her pull out a crumpled up map that had been marked up, back and forth many times till it finally settled on a series of circles around a point where to large bold lines crossed.

"Ley line wells. My sister had thrown me into one in Tanzania to try and awaken my powers but it wasn't enough. I tried other smaller spots since, but I still can't break through the dream wall. Which only leaves here." Mindy reaches over slightly and taps the giant circles on the map. "Stone Henge. The Grand-Momma of Ley wells!"

Quinn just nodded once at the answer, glad to know what is going on now, though she was now kinda worried since it seemed like it was going to be more dangerous then she had predicted, which made her a little worried. "Oh, if you had informed me I would have acquired more gear, I do hope that I have everything that I will need."

Wordcount - 619
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Mindy April 1st 2018, 4:57 pm

"Oh, if you had informed me I would have acquired more gear, I do hope that I have everything that I will need." Mindy laughed melodiously in response but left it that. She took mental note that Quinn had finished the first book and quickly began leafing through another she had pulled from Mindy's magical backpack that had been propped up from the back seat. When handing Quinn the book, Mindy hadn't really payed attention which one she had handed her in the first place, but she remembered that it had been quite hefty. It was good thing that her back pack more then three magical archives worth of books; she had learned well since their last encounter.

Several more hours passed on the road before they had finally approached near enough to their target location to begin their hike up to the hill that Stonehenge sat upon. Sadly no roads lead directly their, Mindy detested having disturb her friends peaceful book filled reverie as well as leave behind the comfort of their car's radio with it slew of summer singles. It took Mindy a few minutes to fit the rest of her large suitcases back into magical back pack, but it was not long before they had begun their trek.

It was still early afternoon and thankfully the sun was beating down the hardest on the other side of hill. She had noticed it slightly back when she was driving but it was very green and lively outside. The bluffs rolled into long sprawling hills as far as the eye could see. The only sounds that could be heard was the ever so faint buzzing of insects, the gentle whistle of the wind through the mini valleys around them, and the duo's sweet-smile-tasting banter. There was a liveliness to this area that was even more abundant then in other rural areas. The mana concentration wherever was so thick that it began blur quietly blur the edges of Mindy's vision, filling her with a slight ecstasy that left her buzzed, almost as if she was beginning to get drunk. She was smile and laughing a lot even in the presence of her friend's more muted sense of reacting to everything.

It wasn't terribly far from their destinition when Mindy realized that her foot had connected with a small rock-like object. Looking down at what the tip of her high tops had connected with, Mindy was filled with disbelief when what she saw looked like a small painted egg.

"What the daisy du-"

Thats when Mindy saw what looked like a transparent sphere closed around her. Looking quickly to her tiny co-patriot, Mindy saw that she had been caught by whatever Mindy had triggered. Her vision exploded white for a second before she had found herself in what felt like a pocket dimension. a corridor of sharp whites, smoke-y grays and ardent blacks.

Swearing to herself Mindy, looked around for the source of the spell. She had missed the egg in the mana haze around Stone Henge but normally she would have noticed such a blatent signs of a spell from a mile away. At the edge of the corridor, where the blacks were the deepest, a large purple bunny-human abomination with an absurdly large head filled with rows upon rows of teeth. Its Deep purple fur was stained with blood. It Growled before breaking into an animalistic four limbed sprint at Mindy.

Post word count:585

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Quinn April 1st 2018, 5:19 pm

Quinn had managed to chew her way through at least a dozen grimoire, all of which were thankfully way less weird than the first one was during the trip. She also managed to perfectly sing along with Mindy whenever she decided that one of the songs were good enough, all without pausing in her reading. When the car stopped she closed the unfinished book, having memorized where she left off before shoving it away in the backpack and grabbing the two bags that she brought for herself. After slugging them over her shoulder she turned and helped Mindy shove her stuff into her magical backpack.

Once they had everything packed away, Quinn followed Mindy up the hill towards the giant pieces of stone, looking around them to see if there was anything interesting that she could study while Mindy did her thing, whatever it was. As they got closer to them, Quinn could tell that Mindy was starting to react to the mana that had filled the air. Even Quinn's normally constant mana generator had seemed to kick it up a notch as they got closer to their destination, letting her know that this was a magical place.

Suddenly Quinn ran into the back of Mindy, forcing her to pause and take a step back. Mindy had started to say something before a transparent spheres had appeared around each of them, before a blinding flash of white filled her vision. When it cleared she was in her own pocket dimension, a corridor of sorts.

Quinn looks around interested in what happened, but then noticed the creature. Some sort of weird bunny-human hybrid that clearly was meant to violently murder her as quickly as it possibly can. Not really interested in being taken apart and worried that Mindy was fighting her whole beast, Quinn calmly drops one of her backpacks onto the ground, then reaches it and pulls out a fully loaded pistol before emptying the whole magazine into the charging beast. She just kinda tilts her head to one side as it drops to the ground, but she can clearly see that it was still breathing.

Never one for half measures, Quinn reaches into the same bag and pulls out a high explosive grenade, pulling the pin and expertly tossing the grenade so that it lands right beside the head of the bunny thing. She then turns to look behind it, trying to see how she is going to get out as the grenade explodes behind her, causing her to stumble forward a couple of steps. As Quinn was pondering on how to get out of the pocket dimension, she started pulling out the gear she brought with her. A few moments later she was fully equipped much like a modern soldier, though without the body armor and, for some reason, a hot pink helmet.

She stares at the exit for another moment before shrugging and pulling out some plastic explosives. She arms the explosives before sticking it against the wall and then using the remains of the creature as cover as she sets it off. Peeking out she finds that she could see the area that they were teleported from. Walking over and stepping through the hole in space, Quinn looks around, wondering where Mindy was but having no idea where to even begin on finding her.

Word Count - 560
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Mindy April 1st 2018, 5:53 pm

The creature was in a full bodied sprint after a few strides. If there was any question if the creature was human they vanished as it approached what was roughly forty to fifty miles per hour. Thankfully the mana haze was no where to be seen in the pocket dimension, and Mindy felt her mind becoming clearer by the moment. She embraced the the light magic within her and felt the white tattoos appear along her body and felt the mana that made up her body become more malleable. It was nothing compared to the ease that had come inside the Ley well in Tanzania, but that euphoria would have to wait.

In moments a bow of light appeared in her hands. She let loose three arrows and flung her self back as the arrows slammed into the aberrations chest, both knocking the air out of its chest and knocking it off blance, launching it in the air where Mindy's torso had been only moments before. One nock for two knocks.

In an ungraceful scramble, Mindy sprawled up to her feet. Stretching a bolt of light mana into a spear shape, she plunged it into the creatures back as it was trying to get up. It let out a guttural roar, almost knocking Mindy off her feet again. Not bothering to pull out the last spear, Mindy formed another and another and another, stabbing the creature more and more times trying to down it. On the final spear stab, The beast in desperation jumped back, crashing into Mindy causing her to fly back into wall. The impact was almost enough to knock her out.

The cold rage filled her veins again, Pushing out irresponsible amounts of mana, she formed another light mana bolt, folding it and condensing it over and over again into a spear. The beast laid where it had landed last, just barely breathing.

"For King Goodfellow" "For King Goodfellow" it rasped. The words fell on deaf ears. With a scream Mindy launched the spear straight in to creature, skewering him to the wall with a giant hole in his chest.

With a huff, Mindy fell to the floor and almost collapsed entirely. She had to find Quinn before she could rest. But before she would look for her tiny robot friend, Mindy made her way to her bag. Reaching into the side pocket Mindy pulled out some of her magical girl costumes. she tossed aside the first two before settling on the new one she had picked up during her stay in London. It was black and pink which small white skulls and roses. It even had two pistols in two side holisters, not that she knew if they were real or not. she had stolen them off two thugs in an ally way after deciding the fit the dress.

Freshly changed, Mindy slung her backpack on and lifted her hand and called the mana spear to her. Normally her bolts dissipated by this point but they layers allowed to stay longer. She had gotten the idea from one of her books that had described Persian Water Steel. With a life huff and a skip, Mindy launched the spear full force into a wall, tearing the pocket universes to pieces. She landed not far from where she had been taken from, and was met with what she assumed was her little friends expression of boredom.

Mindy almost passed out from exhaustion right there. "I'm gonna need a minute, love."

Post Word count: 587

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Quinn April 1st 2018, 6:28 pm

"Are you okay? You are not wounded right?" As she speaks, Quinn heads over to Mindy and helps her stay standing, giving her a once over to make sure she doesn't have any visible wounds.

"Yeah, I'm great! There was this giant monster thing! and It was... there then here, and I took it out with some shots... ba bam! Definitely not wounded." She had started quite excited but her exhaustion was become more pronounced as she had continued speaking. With a wink and rueful smile,  "Maybe concussed." she joked halfheartedly.

"That is good." After hearing both Mindy's answer and making sure that she was telling the truth, Quinn helps Mindy off the trail and onto more comfortable grass, letting her sit down before sitting down beside her and pulling her head down so that she was laying on Quinn's lap. Of course, she made sure that she had removed any of her gear that wouldn't be comfortable to lay on, not wanting to make it worse for her friend.

"Do you need to eat something?" Quinn asks in what could almost pass as a worried tone of voice for her. She leans over slightly so that she is able to look Mindy in the eye. "N- hmm, not now. Just need a minute to breath."

Quinn just nods once, then straightens back up, but started to gently rub the top of Mindy's head like she saw some mothers do to their child, or lovers do, though she didn't know that they were like that for the latter. "Just make sure to tell me if you need anything, I will gladly help you in any way that I can."

"Just keep talking, the sound of your voice is helping me stay awake. Your voice makes me feel so very calm"

Quinn glances back down at the girl on her lap, blinking a few times in confusion. "Do you care what I say or can it be anything? I could tell you a story or sing something?" She wasn't sure what Mindy meant by her voice calming her down, but she was never one to reject something even if she didn't understand it.

Mindy gives her a small smile, "Sing me a song. A song that your heart wants to sing"

"Okay." Quinn gives her a nod and composes herself, thinking hard on what she would sing for her friend. She closes her eyes as she opens her mouth, starting to sing.

"Distant moon, so big and bright~. Softest silver glowing through the night~. High atop, the mountain gold~. Sun unseen, the world is cold~."

Time almost seemed to slow as Quinn sang the song she picked for Mindy, but when it was over it felt like it was just an instant. Once she finished Quinn opened her eyes again and looked down at Mindy, what almost seemed like a hint of a smile on her lips. "Can you stand now or do you need to rest a little longer?"

"I'm feeling a lot better now, we need to get going, and I have a feeling that I got a king to personally return a welcome to. In the face." A slight sour look inching its way onto Mindy's face, but after a moment she smiles at Quinn. "You're the best. I mean it."

Quinn nods and helps her friend back to her feet before standing up herself, attaching her gear back onto herself as she gets ready to continue the adventure.


Wordcount - 593
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Mindy April 1st 2018, 6:57 pm

Despite her show of acting tough, before Quinn had helped her lay down, Mindy felt like she was breathing through a straw. Normally the effort of mustering so much mana so fast would cause her to take a nap, thankfully since the air was so saturated with mana it was almost as if she was drinking perfectly chilled water. Quinn, shifted her gear and eased Mindy's head onto her lap. There was a tenderness to the sincerity of the little kind robot that Mindy had not thought she possessed.

As they shared that moment, talking back and forth, Mindy hadn't felt this close to someone in a long time. It was different then a lover, but it was beyond friendship. She didn't know the word for what she felt so she didn't bothered trying to define what it was. She simply enjoyed this moment that felt distant from the rest of the world, distant from the rest of time. A time that only they shared together.

Quinn's song was even better then anything that Mindy had expected. It was real and genuine. It had caught Mindy so off guard that she had almost gasped and squealed in delight at the same time, but she restrained herself to no risk breaking her friends reverie. Each word was weaved into a tapestry that was hers and hers alone.

And just a quickly as it had come.  "Can you stand now or do you need to rest a little longer?"

"I'm feeling a lot better now, we need to get going, and I have a feeling that I got a king to personally return a welcome to. In the face." A slight sour look inching its way onto Mindy's face, but after a moment she smiles at Quinn. "You're the best. I mean it."

And they took off again, making their way towards the rocky monument to standing rocks again. To be honest, Mindy had never got why people had been so excited about it, since it was little more then what babies did with legos. Mindy chalked it up to mage propaganda, in hopes that people had left their giant stone markers for where the great ley lines met. Might explain why Stone henge was the only land based ley well that didn't have city sprout out around it, small or large.

They had managed travel another hour before the "King Goodfellow" sent his next welcoming party. It was a swarm of hundreds of  small winged babies buzzing through the air. With a sigh, Mindy chucked her slowly fading spear into the air at the nearest dense patch of the flying cretins. It passed straight through them. Illusions.

With a scoff, Mindy started to move forwards when the swarm loosed arrows. It was almost too late before Mindy had been able to tell that some of those arrows were of a different type of magic. She flung up a wall of light magic, but a moment too late to stop 3 of them. One crashed into her shoulder, another into her lower right flank and the other one landing right in front of her feet. The fizzled out but they stung like a mother. Mindy swore.

Post word count: 543

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Quinn April 1st 2018, 7:22 pm

As the two girls headed towards the monument that was up head, Quinn made sure to stick close to Mindy as they traveled, still worried about how she felt after the last trap and not wanting her to get hurt or something just in case she wasn't feeling perfect. After about an hours worth of walking Quinn saw the next welcoming party that was coming up upon them. She tensed up, ready to move in case Mindy needed it, or at least right up until the attacks Mindy sent their way passed right through without doing anything. "Illusions?"

Quinn threw the question at Mindy, but before she could answer the "Illusions" attacked, all of which happened to be real. Quinn wasn't ready for it and as such could only watch as Mindy was hit three times by the arrows, not able to block them all. If Quinn was annoyed before, now she is downright angry. "I guess they are not illusions." As she spoke, she pulled a fragmentation grenade out of one of her pouches, pulling the pin out and cooking it, After a moment she just tossed the grenade straight at the swarming mass, before taking a step in front of Mindy and turning around. She pulls Mindy close, making sure that her body is in between Mindy at the grenade that goes off at the exact same moment as when Quinn covered her.

Mindy could feel objects hitting Quinn through the hug, though she didn't react at all, Quinn waits a second before releasing her friend and looking at the mess she created. Quinn narrows her eyes when she sees that the swarm is still there and nothing else became visible after the grenade went off. "I am not sure if I got anything, can you tell?"

"Definitely feels emptier then before, chuck a few more for good measure?" Mindy was squinting around the area, looking for something. Quinn just smiles at that, pulling out another two grenades. "Sure, just stay next to me so I can cover you."

Instead of pulling the pin herself, Quinn turns and offers them to Mindy, allowing her to pull the pin out so that she can cook both of them at the same time. Once they were perfectly cooked she just tossed them behind her without actually looking away from Mindy this time, then pulls her into another hug as the grenades go off on either side of the swarm this time. After the smoke clears Quinn feels her back, seeing how shredded her shirt is now.

"I guess that I need a new shirt. It is too bad, I liked this one." Though she says that, it was rather apathetic, like she didn't really have an opinion on the shirt and just felt that it was something people say. "If they were not gone before, they should be now. Stay near me though, so I can protect you in case some of them is still alive. I do not want to see you hurt."

Wordcount - 508
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Mindy April 1st 2018, 7:52 pm

They were clockwork, dispatching foe after foe. Each one holding some sort of gimmick that obscured them some way shape or form. The colored eggs that were left behind each time was slowly stoking the fire that was building up inside of Mindy. The trip that should have taken them only a few hours, had taken them all the way till sunset. As they finally approached the Stonehenge, the saw a stranger standing in their way.

It was a man with the legs of brown furred goat and had the stout pudgy body of a man. His face had puffy cheeks and the look of a chronic alcoholic which only accented his obvious beer belly. It was a fawn. A god damn fawn.

Though the thick mana air had only gotten thicker as they got closer to the peak of the hill, which had made quick firing some many spells in such a short time all the more manageable for Mindy, she was mentally tired. Before waiting to see what sort of gimmick this one had, Mindy almost lazily chucked her spear at him. The spear at this point was barely even a spear at this point, leaving little more then just a daggers blade in size.

With a flick of his tail, a wave of mana erupted out dispelling the spear. The movement was barely an after thought.

"My name is Puck. Also known Robin Goodfellow. Guardian of this holy land." He waited smugly as if that had explained everything.

Mindy would be dumbstruck if these kinds of things were not common place in her life. Like since when has Stongehenge had a guardian?

"You have three seconds before we discard you like you're faithful servants."Mindy debated with herself on just destroying the fawn for all the trouble it had caused, but she was tired. Even she doubted that the fawn would be able to help himself.

"How dare you! How dare you speak to a god like this!" He said with a huff. "I have protected this location from greedy magic user's for millennia! I could smell you from leagues before you even got close, Magus-kin! you and you're magic-doll! Now Begone before I smite you where you stand"

Oh god, a fawn god the universe had found a way to make the entire situation even more riddiculous.

Mindy was about to retort calmly before the Doll line processed in her mind. Shadow Magic exploded from Mindy, Like a tidal wave towards Robin Goodwell. The wave washed over him without harming him. though it killed all the plant life around him instantly.

Rather retort Mindy continued to chuck more and more shadow magic at the fawn god. Which cast, the tatoos on her body became more pronounced.

But no matter how much Mindy threw at him, it all slide off him as if he he was surrounded my some sort of armor. And to make matters worse, just like the mana was helping Mindy from running out of useful mana, he seemed unfazed as well.


Post word count, 516

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Quinn April 1st 2018, 8:12 pm

It took them hours to get through all of the traps and other gimmicks that kept being tossed in their way, and Quinn was beyond bored of the whole thing already. The first half dozen were kinda interesting if one looks at it from an academic viewpoint, but after the twentieth it started to get stale. So when they finally arrived at Stone Hinge Quinn would have cried tears of joy if she was both physically able to and actually had the emotions to.

Of course, that doesn't mean that it was going to be any easier from the man that was standing in front of them. A weird half man half goat, or a fawn that they liked to be called. Quinn wasn't impressed and waited to see Mindy's spear go right through the man. She was almost tempted to sigh when it failed, wondering what sort of puzzle they had to go through this time.

As Mindy talked with the fawn, Quinn was going through her ammo to see how much she had left. Two grenades, three magazine of her rifle, two for her pistol. It wasn't even close to what they had started out with and Quinn was beyond wishing she had packed twice as much ammo for what should have been a milk run.

It was then that she was called Mindy's magic-doll. Now Quinn doesn't have anything against Mindy, she would even say that she liked the girl, but she refused to be called someone's thing. "Excuse me, I am my own. Mindy does not own me. You will respect that."

Once she told the god what's what, she showed her displeasure by unloading her full magazine onto the god, not reacting as the bullets seemed to do nothing at all. Reloading almost as reflex, Quinn emptied the second, and then the third magazine from her rifle before dropping it onto the ground like the dead weight it is now. Drawing her pistol she empties both magazines from that into the god, actually tsking when nothing happens to it.

Almost halfheartedly tossing one of her two grenades at the fawn, she actually sighs when it, like the rest of everything they had tossed at him, did absolutely nothing to whatever protection he had going on. With that done, Quinn just turns to Mindy and gives her a look. The look which said 'I am so done with this shit why did you even invite me to this crap'. Of course, Quinn would never actually say these things to her friend, but she'd think them.

"So, what is the plan now? I only have a grenade left and from the looks of things it will not do anything anyways." Quinn sighs again, pure annoyance allowing her to show more emotion then she had for all of her life. She turns to look back at the god, who almost seemed to look smug in his weird god bubble. "I would not mind punching him in the face a few times though. He annoys me."

Wordcount - 517
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Mindy April 1st 2018, 8:43 pm

Quinn and Mindy threw what they had at him relentlessly. And while Mindy had no clue how many bullets Quinn had left, even with the extra mana she was feeling winded. Of course the twenty waves they had to endure before they got to this point didn't help. No wonder this little bastard hadn't lost before this point. Even if people knew about him, they would have to questiong nuking the entire hill because of well beneath them.

As Quinn unloaded onto him, That's when Mindy noticed the strange feature about of their fawn diety problem. As the bullets went to collide with the goat man, rather then bouncing off, or being absorbed or passing through him, they just vanished instead. Destroying Mindy's magic would not be terribly difficult, since it in itself would not have mass. But in order to destroy Quinn's bullets that did have mass, the mana cost would be huge. Unless they were on Puck's godly plane, such a high cost without breaking a sweat would be unlikely.

If it was a barrier that had a magic property, then if it was divine magic then her magic should have counter acted it. She had to test something. Reaching into her back pack's side pocket, Mindy palmed something quickly and launched a single shadow bolt at Puck's face.

The fawn lord let out another condescending, obnoxiously musical laugh as he was just getting ready to start attack back. THWACK! A florescent painted egg slammed into Puck's face. Thank fully the little eggs were harder then rocks.

"THAT WAS MY FACE! YOU PUNY MORTAL!" The area around his eye was satisfyingly darkening. That was definitely going to leave a mark. With an overexaggerated series of arm movements, Puck summoned vines that raced across the ground at Quinn and Mindy.

With an unladylike grunt of exertion, Mindy pushed out smoke out of the sleeves of her dress. Forming a dome 15 meter's around Puck. Mindy took Quinn by the hand, and ran out to the side of the vines that were aiming to skewer them. Mindy knew that any sound should would make would not escape the cloud. She took Quinn's hand and traced the words into Quinn's hand faster then any human would have been able to understand, knowing that Quinn was more capable then any human that she had ever known. "Use the eggs, His shield can't block it. I'm sorry." and which a single tug, showed Quinn which way Puck would be standing, Mindy left five of the twenty eggs they had collected in Quinn's arms before running off.

Puck was enraged and blinded. He was shooting Vines here and there, uprooting trees and chucking rocks everywhere. Using her ability to see through her own smoke, she easily dodged the enraged attacks, and kept chucking Eggs at puck from where Quinn was not, to give her tiny compatriot safety and time.

As the smoke began to dissipate, first from where Puck was standing and slowly from the rest of the circle. He began swinging around wildly to try catch sight of the two. Wildness clearly in his eyes. Out of the Smoke, Mindy jumped out of the smoke and slammed an egg straight into the other side of the Fawn's face. "TAKE BACK YOUR SHITTY EGGS!"  

post word count: 566

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Quinn April 1st 2018, 9:06 pm

Quinn nodded her head once when the egg bypassed the god's shield like it wasn't even there. "Yes, just like that." of course, Puck was anything but happy about getting smacked in the face with one of the very eggs he had used against them. It was rather lucky that Mindy had decided to pick them all up as they worked their way through them. When Puck summoned vines to send against them Mindy tossed out some smoke to block his vision before dragging them out of the way of the attacks.

Mindy rapidly traced words into her palm before shoving five eggs into her hands and starting to run off, only to get pulled back by Quinn before she can get very far. Without saying a word Quinn's skin seems to liquify before flowing down her arm onto Mindy, Quinn being completely unharmed by it. Within moments it settles onto Mindy like a second skin before taking on her features, making it become basically invisible. Now, though, Mindy was protected by anything that isn't more powerful than small arms, allowing her to be bait without actually being in harms way like she would have been.

Once that was done she finally let Mindy go, then turns her attention to the eggs and her final grenade, a plan forming her in mind as she works. After emptying one of the eggs of it's core, she somehow shoved the grenade into it in such a way that she can pull the pin without issue before looking up at the direction that Mindy had said Puck was in, ignoring the yelling that was going on. The only sound coming from Quinn was the fact that the pin was being pulled from the grenade before she tossed it perfectly in the direction Puck was standing.

Moments later the egg covered grenade hits Puck in the face. Then, exactly a full beat later, it explodes, only giving Puck enough time to think of a single word before it did. Sadly for him, that last word was likely something along the lines of ouch. As soon as she heard the grenade go off Quinn rushed forward with the other four eggs, trying to get through the smoke to see if she managed to get the annoying little bastard or if she has to stab a bitch.

As soon as she got close enough the smoke cleared, Quinn being just fast enough to get there in time to see the body of Puck dissolve into some sort of weird muck. She wasn't really sure what that was all about but she was pretty sure she got him. With that done she turns and calls out to Mindy. "He is gone, you can stop the spell now."

After the smoke clears out and everything is clear again, Quinn walks over and takes Mindy's hand again, her metal liquefying again, but this time sliding back into where it should be in the first place. Moments later her robotic skeleton is once against covered by her skin. "I feel naked whenever I do that." She gives Mindy a small smile, before turning to Stone Hinge.

"I guess this means I'm staying here."

Wordcount - 541
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Mindy April 1st 2018, 9:34 pm

With a boom, Puck was left as a pile of golden muck. Quinn was an aficionado when it came to grenades. Well that was a little unfair. Quite clearly she was an aficionado when it came to modern weaponry. After reuniting back with Quinn and returning to her... her skin? They made their way to the monument. At the center was a stone table

. With a a little prodding and searching they found a small glyph that opened the way towards a staircase that led the way towards the center of the hill. After what felt like another mini eon, They made their way to the well. Ironically it was an actual well. Where the other's had been more of a small area where the mana flowed freely through. The ancients who had built Stone henge had built a literal well, Either as a joke or maybe for some sort of other unknown reason.

Mindy almost began jumping up and down in excitement, just like in Tanzania, She could see the actual life stream, the flow of mana that ran through out the world, and it was even more vibrant and vivid then it had been there as well.

"I guess this means I'm staying here." the tiny robot that Mindy had come to see in a new light today, asked her with a small smile. Mindy took her and hugged her close into her chest. "I'll come back. I promise"

They stood there for a few moments, clearly more for Mindy then for Quinn, but out of polite consideration for her more emotional friend, she allowed it.

With a sigh, Mindy stepped away from Quinn and made her way toward the lip of the well. Her breath caught in her chest and her heart hammered away in her bosom. She turned back to her friend one last time, trying to muster up her courage. "See you on the flip side." with smile and a wink, fell into the whole backwards.

The light raced away from her as the the stone walls flew past her. The wind whistled as it ripped passed her body. When she hit the life stream, she simultaneously felt her body instantaneously get torn into to shreds and as well as if she had popped out of water at an extremely fast rate. Every nerve was fire, but at the same time every part of her being was at peace. It was a paradox of peace and pleasure. It would steal her breath away if she was capable of breathing. During the first moments of the connection she could still consciously feel her being be split and dragged around the world before all of her senses are flushed out into a darkness that was more consuming then any sleep she had ever had. Light and dark didn't exist, only being, and not. Boy, girl, child and elder, none of that existed. We were all a part of the life stream. and the life stream was us. In some ways Mindy understood magic the most while she was like this, but also the least.

And that was the last thought that she had had.

word count 531

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Quinn April 1st 2018, 9:36 pm

Quinn just watches as Mindy jumps into the ley lines, then looks around wondering exactly what she was going to do now. Seeing as how she has no idea how long it was going to take Mindy to finish whatever it is she was doing. Luckily Mindy had decided to leave her stuff here for Quinn to play with, just in case she got really bored. First, however, Quinn decided to wander around Stone Hinge and see there was anything interesting that she could do. Quinn also pocketed the four divine eggs that she had left, just in case Puck decided to try a return visit while Mindy was busy.

First thing Quinn did was get closer to the ley lines, not nearly as close as Mindy got since she didn't know if she could get out if she actually jumped in, but enough to see how the mana concentrated in the ley line changed how much mana her heart was generating at any one time. Making a mental note to get a way to sense mana, she heads back to the backpacks and pulls out that grimoire that she had yet to finish, settling in to read and wait while Mindy was doing her thing.

Of course, she was keeping at eye out for Puck, seeing as how anyone who can dissolve like that wasn't likely to be done in by something as simple as a grenade to the face, even if she wished it was so. However, it seemed like he was gone for good, so to speak, since Quinn managed to get through the whole book without a single issue happening. As she started to shift through the backpack for another grimoire that she had yet to read, Quinn pauses, suddenly having a stray thought. It was such an odd moment for the robot, since this is the first time such a thing has ever happened to her, but she couldn't help but think that this had been far too easy.

Puck was a god, a deity. Someone who should be at the top was taken out by a grenade. She stands up, pulling out of the eggs out and stabbed it with her knife, allowing it to coat the blade. "You are still here, are you not?" She does a full three-sixty, looking in every direction, until she finds where he was before, standing there like nothing had happened. Once again the robot let's out a sigh, annoyed that she has to deal with him again. "Why could you not just stay away?"


"I do not like liars." With that said, Quinn rushes the god, trying to get close enough so that she can stab him a couple dozen times, maybe hopefully make him stay away for good this time, though that was wishful thinking. Puck reacted instantly, summoning his vines again and forcing the robot back easily, not giving her a chance to get close enough to use her egg covered blade on him.

Wordcount - 519
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

Post by Mindy April 1st 2018, 9:51 pm

Tangerine sunlight streamed through arched windows down into a large cast iron cage. In the cage a post-adolescent girl with silver hair with a white stained iris's sprawled on the floor. Clutched to her chest was a transparent globe containing what seemed was a modern day suburb. Her eyes were lazily engrossed on the tiny globe, a solace to the monotony of her monochrome jail.

The girl had laid there for as long as she could remember. The cage wasn't locked but the doors leading out of the room didn't open and the windows were much too high to reach. Nothing changed there. Not the time of day. Not the inhabitants of the room. Not the smile on the girl's face, that she wore more as a mask then an expression. Nothing changed except for the small transparent globe. It depicted the lives of people who lived there, all repeating their daily routines, but everyonce in a while one of the residents would do something unexpected, and it was for those moments the girl obsessed with the globe.

It was after what felt like several eternities, before she finally noticed a change. The drop of red into a scarlet pool beneath her head. Moments passed before she reached up and realized that the blood was coming from the corner of her mouth. She pressed a finger to the spot and stared with quickly blossoming excitement. Looking down at where the pool had been moments before only to find a stained cell floor. For the first time in a long time, a smile touched the girl's eyes finally matching the one plastered to her face, as she began her new project. Hours passed into each inch of the stain that she traced into the ground. Time didn't matter anymore. The old globe left on the ground, neglected and replaced with the girl's new toy.  

This was where the dream changed since last time. The story continued. The girl drew and drew, which each stroke she was brought closer to an unspoken salvation, a freedom to a world that she controlled. Days had passed and she continued to drawm scratching over and over again. She became engrossed in her paintings. She believed that she was the girl that she drew, and in her dreams she was truely free.

But what the poor girl had been too engrossed to notice was that the cage had been opened this entire time. Where she was trapped by the illusion of entrapment  before she was now entrapped by her own flight of fantasy.

Mindy slowly walked into cage and swung the door open. Crawling into the cage, She hugged the tiny girl and whispered in her ear.

"Its ok to be you. You don't need to be the way that they think you should be, and you don't need to be the way that you think you have to be. You can be you. You are allowed to love yourself."

Quietly the little girl looked up at her and said with a twisted smile, "Do you actually believe that?"

"Not every day, But I will."

And with that, for the first time, Mindy stepped outside of her cage.

And she flew out of the well underneath Stonehenge

Word count: 551

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : No place you want to be lol
Age : 31
Job : Medical Student
Registration date : 2015-02-25

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INV ONLY Re: Some Bunny that I used to know (Invite Only) (Easter) (April 1st)

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