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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Silus December 29th 2014, 5:00 pm

December 25th. It was definitely a big day for many people. Granted, Jesus wasn't really born today. That wasn't even arguable, it was a fact, however a certain little Lucifer was born today, one year ago. Despite his playful pestering and his ability to shift ages, Lucifer found himself celebrating his birthday, coincidentally the day after his daddy's birthday. He also found himself terrified of Santa Clause. Did you know that this fat guy literally watches every single kid and knows what they've done!? This old, fat pedo stalks little kids, then breaks into their houses and steals their milk and cookies and then tries to bribe them by leaving gifts. Seriously, what the heck!? Someone should seriously put this guy behind bars or something.

   Regardless, this was Silus' first Christmas as a self-aware non-parasitic Gene-hazard. So he decided it was time for him and his daddy to celebrate a little. Unfortunately, Zell is a Scrooge and his blatant dislike of his own birthday soiled the holidays for him. Therefore it would seem as though it was up to Silus to learn about the holidays for himself. It was of course his hope that he wander into a friend or two along the way, maybe they could have a fun little revelation together. Then again that's dumb, revelations were dumb in general. The more sporadic cousin, Epiphany, however was a cool thing to have. Those were the "Mind = blown" moments. Yeah, he could go for one of those... those were cool.

  Quickly withdrawing his baggy brown hoodie jacket that was two sizes too big, and materializing a wallet full of money, he quickly pocketed it and left the large manor in order to go in search of the meaning of Christmas. Now where would a little guy go in search of an answer like that...

Last edited by Silus on January 6th 2015, 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Lucife10
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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Swordsmaster December 29th 2014, 5:28 pm

Why to the North Pole of course! Where else would one find fun, loving people, food, presents, and adventure on Christmas Day! Well, okay maybe you could find the first four of those five things at almost every house in the world on Christmas Day but would you find a shirtless Australian hobo running through the snow at speeds reaching up to eight hundred miles an hour? No, Darren didn't think so, and he sure as hell wasn't going back state side anytime soon, not after finding out John and Tyuki left that cool Knight group thing for another group after asking him to join the other one; and then they had the nerve to change locks on their houses so he'd stop stealing their food! Like what kind of friends did that! His friends apparently.

But, that was getting off track. What really mattered was that Darren Cross was currently running through freezing cold weathers and snow shirtless and shoeless with his blue book bag on his back attempting to find Santa's workshop. Sure, it was probably empty or all the elves were off doing their own thing because it was in the states the 24th and over in Europe the 25th and what not. But that didn't mean once he found it there wasn't going to be stuff for him to do. Thankfully before he made it too far he ran past someone and had to turn around because hello who else would be crazy enough to be running around, or walking, this far up north on Christmas Eve/Day besides him? He just had to find out.

When he finally caught back around to the person Darren noticed it was a little kid. Someone younger than him and better dressed for the weather but not by much. "Hey!" He yelled out at the kid walking up to him while waving his hand, sure he looked crazy but in this world of super powered beings and crazy robot men who dropped ships on cities, and ladies who talked to spirit animals that may or may not exist, was he really that crazy? Answer, yes. "Whatcha doing up here? Besides freezing your butt off like I am obviously." 'Great way to start a conversation by the way Darren' he thought to himself 'Thanks Darren' he answers back a boyish grin on his face as he stuck his hand out to the little kid. "Name's Darren Cross, nice to meetcha."

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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Silus December 30th 2014, 8:06 pm

The North Pole! Not as great as some people made it out to be. That's right, Silus had gone from the warmth of his family manor in California all the way to the North pole. Why? Because he's a masochist like that. Also he was looking for the ever elusive Santa's workshop. He had a specific request he wanted to make from the mystical elfin creature dressed in red. The current issue, however being that Silus knew very little about this man. He knew that according to modern legend that there was this morbidly obese elf that stalked children all year round. Then he'd break into their house and steal their milk and cookies. If the children were good, he'd bribe them to not report him tot he police by giving them presents, geenrally things they've wanted. If they were bad, he mocked them by leaving coal that was made of other burned little children to threaten them to stay quiet about his late night thievery. Then again he learned all this from his older brother Jordan and Shael...they were known to mislead him.

    Well I know why he's fat now. He probably needs the extra insulation. It's cold out here!!! Silus whined inside his mind. His little jaw was jittering ever so slightly as he brought his arms up and folded them, hugging himself to hold onto warmth. Suddenly there was a bit of a blur which distracted Silus a moment. He might not have caught it if his brain weren't like his dad's and processed things several times faster than most people. It was a curse mostly. Dentist visits took forever. There was a another distraction, but suddenly there was a abominable snowman! - shirtless Australian? Well now this was....awkward. This generally didn't happen on Silus adventures. Shirtless guys were more his brother's adventures... the worst Silus ever had was a shirtless Yancey, or taking off his own shirt.

   "Hey!" Silus giggled as he waved at the man, slightly confused. The man quickly asked what Silus was doing, and then moved to introduce himself as Darren Cross. That was a pretty cool name, Silus liked it. He'd steal it, but he didn't think to. Instead he stuck out his hand ans enthusiastically shook Darren's hand, indigo eyes shining through with the enthusiastic vibrancy of youth. "That's pretty cool! Like a secret Agent or somethin'! Name's Peter. Peter Pan!" Silus said, introducing himself by one of the many names people had taken to calling him in his line of work.

So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Lucife10
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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Swordsmaster December 30th 2014, 11:37 pm

A secret agent huh? Darren had never thought of that before. Sure, being a super hero was kind of like being a secret agent but everyone knew who you were and you didn’t get to go around introducing yourself with your last name first and then your first name and last name in the order they were supposed to be. Well okay so maybe Secret Agents didn’t even do that but he was pretty sure at least one of the old spy movies they were forced to watch at the orphanage the main character introduced himself that way. Dudes name was bone something, Joshua Bones? Yea that was probably it. Darren shook his head having gotten completely off track “Wait hold up Peter Pan? Like the second star to the right and straight on till morning Peter Pan? Neverland and the lost boys Peter Pan? I figured you’d be a bit taller. Nice to finally meet you though.”

Yes, Finally. Jeez, Darren’s been living on his own as a runaway sense he was ten or thirteen, something like that, and Peter Pan never once came to pick him up and take him to Neverland but now that he’s a well-respected and certified Super Hero the dude decides to show up! That didn’t matter though, what really matter is what Peter Pan was doing out here in the middle of the North Pole, on December 24/5th whichever it was. Could he be looking for Santa and or Santa’s workshop like Darren was? It couldn’t hurt to ask, and thus Darren did just that. “So, what brings you out here? Myself, I’m out here looking for Santa’s workshop kind of got a bone to pick with the old man. Well that and I really want to see if he even exists ‘cause you know some people say he doesn’t but I think he does because have you seen the things people can do nowadays?”

Rambling was his specialty, Darren could talk your ears off and make them run away screaming if he wanted to. Not that he’d ever do that of course, he just simply enjoyed talking and wasn’t very good at keeping his mind focused on more than one thing at a time. “Whada say? Wana go looking for the workshop together? Bet I could get us there in no time flat, you just gota keep watch for me though. I’m not exactly the most observant person in the world.” Which was a flat out lie, when he was running was the only time that the world seemed to move slowly for Darren, it was one of the only two times he ever felt like everything was going smoothly and when he could think clearly. The other time was of course was when he was fighting. But Darren delivered the line with a boyish grin on his face and holding his hand out to Peter Pan. “Hop on my back and I’ll give you a piggy back ride.” Book bag now resting on his stomach of course.

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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Silus December 31st 2014, 8:01 pm

"Uh yeah. Same one. But I never said "Star"... that's something Disney added in. It's not the second star. It's just "second on the left and straight on 'til morning." But yeah. Nice to meetcha Darren Cross!Silus chirped, perhaps overly happy and then his one eyebrow furrowed and his head cocked to the side with a lopsided smile. He then made note of the lost boys and Neverland. The thought of all of that was really cool, but those weren't really his forte. He had the small rag-tag group of kids he hung out with, but they weren't lost boys. They were orphans.... wait for it....wait for it....yeeeah they were basically the Lost boys. At this revelation it became much clearer to Silus why people nick-named him Peter Pan. This was good, he was slowly learning new things about himself. From half-naked Australian sprinters at the north pole. "Theresa lot that Disney messed up." He said matter of factly with a little shrug. Darren then went on to explain about how he was out here looking for Santa. Now that was totally and utterly coincidental.

  "Well... If ya believe it, it's real! I mean, I'm all about believing." He said, placing his hands on his chest as he reference himself. His hands then dropped and found their way back to the hoodie jacket pockets. "But uh- I'm here for the same reason actually. I have... a gift I want to give someone....but I can't get it for them. Hopin' the fat man can help me out if I get him some cookies." He said, though he was obviously joking to some extent when he said about the fat man. Darren then went on to surprise Silus and offer to join forces. To this Silus couldn't be more pleased.

   "Uh, yeah I can do that for ya!" He said, happy to have found someone who was at least as friendly as he was. he didn't mind keeping a look out. Darren said about hopping on his back and Silus could only blink, slightly perplexed. "I-uh...uhm... Ya want a jacket or something before I hop on? I uh... I know it's not exactly warm out." Silus neglected to state how he could lead them to Satan's workshop, but that's mostly because he was distracted by the fact his brain just registered that this guy was without a the arctic.

So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Lucife10
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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Swordsmaster January 2nd 2015, 11:00 am

Huh, so apparently there was a lot of things Disney got wrong then, but what really made Darren interested was if he never exactly said star then where was Neverland? The kid continued to answer his questions for a little bit, Darren only really half listening caught the part about a gift for someone and then something else about wanting to give the ‘fat man’ cookies to help him out which made sense. Then it came down to the question of whether or not they should join forces, which obviously they should, but Silus had a proposition or rather a question before the two boys joined forces and took off to find the Santa Clause. “I don’t exactly own a jacket, let alone a shirt…hell all I own is what you see…but I should be fine; I don’t exactly notice the cold when I’m running.”

It was true, and what he failed to mention was that he didn’t exactly feel the cold right now either. Sure, he could tell it was a bit nippy and the snow was ever so slightly annoying but it was no blizzard and was only about ten degrees out which wasn’t too terrible for him at least. “So come on, if we ever want to get there we’re going to have to leave at some point.” He said taking the younger kid and putting him on his back. “Now hold on tight…this could get a little bit bumpy. Maybe, never actually done this before.” With a chuckle and the biggest grin on his face the speedster took off. “Just tell me where to run or yell stop of you see anything that looks important.” Sure, at these speeds everything to him seemed to slow down, as if the world was hardly moving while he himself was just lazily passing by but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to miss something.

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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Silus January 3rd 2015, 12:09 am

Silus squirmed a little as he was suddenly placed on the boys back. His face burned red as he was both infuriated and embarassd at his being so easily lifted ands placed on this random person's back. He heard about never having done this before and it made him hug onto the boy tighter, partiall scared and anxious. Silus kept an eye out, thankful for his inherited advanced processing skills as the world seemed to function in fluent motion. It was like being on a motorcycle at this speed, everything was. Yet somehow even in this bliss pace and his ever observant nature only one thing came to his mind...

Not wearing a shirt can't be healthy... His mind couldn't get over the fact that the North pole was home to a shirtless Aussie. He blinked however once he made note of a particular device, one that he hadn't noticed immediately. He didn't have the ability to scream, he wasn't used to this speeds. He quickly decided it was better to just do things his way. He leaned forward and clung to Darren like a leech and then... they were in the snow, Darren on his back, legs going as if he were still running for a moment as they dropped. Apparently when Silus void-walked Darren was a little faster than he now they were in the air, upside down. Silus grunted as the larger man dropped onto him and knocked the wind out of him. Silus began to squirm and let out a muffled cry before he tried to escape. "Sthaaap! Bleh. Look!" Silus pointed to the oh so cliched candy-cane styled pole sticking out of the ground. He quickly began scurrying for freedom as he spat, accidentally having bitten the other boys shoulder on the fall.

"Why does your shoulder taste like sea-weed?" Silus asked, eyes narrowed at the male before taking a handful of snow and placing it in his mouth.

So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Lucife10
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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Swordsmaster January 3rd 2015, 8:57 pm

They were off, a lot quicker than Darren had thought too and he was sure it wouldn’t be long before they found the workshop. Wherever it happened to be, he was so focused on finding said workshop that he didn’t even notice when he started running upside down above the ground. That is of course until they both dropped down and fell in the snow, Darren probably not receiving as much of the impact or whatnot from said fall as the little guy on his back. He struggled to get up but the squirming and pushing Pete was doing was making this a lot harder than it should have been, however after some time Darren was able to get up and shake himself free of the snow. Only to raise an eyebrow at what the kid said.

His shoulder tasted like sea-weed? What was this kid think-HEY! There was a candy cane colored pole sticking out of the ground which meant they had found the North Pole. Quite literally in fact. “Hey look what I found!” He said having been oblivious to Peter Pan telling him where it was only moments ago, and thus he walked up to the pole and poked it wishing he had a camera. Now if only there was some sort of button they were to press or a switch they flipped. I mean there had to be someway to open the thing; if only he could remember how they did it in all the movies. Maybe Peter Pan knew and thus Darren asked the question that was on his mind. “Hey do you know how to get to the Workshop? Don’t they usually just push a button or something in the movies?” Cue Darren trying to pull off the top part of the circle on top of the pole in attempt to open it.

If only the two of them were smart enough to look behind them they might notice that there was a vague outline of what apperared to be a building shifting in and out of focus. It had the appearance that if someone tried to look or think about it for too long it would once again shift out of focus. However now that neither of them were doing such if they got a little closer it would be completely visible. What the workshop looked like, well that was a different story however it was apparent it was vacant save for the Christmas lights that were on and a few lights still on inside the workshop. Whatever could it be though…

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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Silus January 3rd 2015, 9:25 pm

Silus spat out the snow. He just made the comment about Darren being unsanitary and ew- ew -ew. This was not okay, this was not okay. He quickly looked up at Darren and lowered his right eyebrow. "Yeah, that's why I flew us back here. Before we dropped." He said, still recovering from the lack of air. He quickly began dragging his tongue across his hoodie sleeve, somehow thinking that would be cleaner. He then looked to Darren and walked out in front of him. "H-hey! Wait. Stop moving. Arms out please." Silus said, looking Darren over for a moment. In an instant he would glow and then he'd suddenly shift, and instantaneously the golden glowing figure that was "Peter Pan" was now older, about sixteen or seventeen. Black hair tossed forward and glowing purple eyes comparing his own arm to Darren's. While Silus was gifted in all forms of art, fashion as well, he was terrible at gauging people's sizes. With a smirk he nodded and backed up.

"Alright...not much bigger than me. What's your favorite color buddy?" He said as he puled his hands out of his now black hoodie. Taking his fingertips he drug them gently across the snow, the snow staining different colors as the paint seemed to magically produce from his fingers. His fingers produced a variety of colors, primarily the one(s) that Darren dictated to be his favorite. The painting was quickly finished, less than a minute from all the practice Silus had. He then put his hand on the snow and clenched his fist. The snow shifted and then with a yank he seemed to bring his painting to life as he ripped it through the snow and shake it off. The fashionable temp-regulating wic shirt was then handed to Darren with a smile. "A'ight. Put it on and I'll find out where we gotta go." Silus said as he suddenly began to glow, shifting once more as he reverted to his true childish form. He then rubbed his hands together and held an open hand out over to the snow. Paint began to pour form the middle of his hand like someone turned on a faucet. The paint began to glow a strange lime-green color as it began to trail off and forced him to turn around as the painted trail would go all the way to Satan's workshop. Silus looked to Darren and smirked.

"Hey! I think it means we're close!" He cheered before looking back to the trail.

So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Lucife10
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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Swordsmaster January 3rd 2015, 9:54 pm

Darren was totally and completely out of it for the entire shirt making, spinning, weaving, whatever process. You’d think that would be interesting to him, I mean Peter had just grown up before his very eyes and then made him a shirt out of the snow. But, Darren was of course more focused on the fact that he couldn’t open the stupid pole. There was always a button, or at least in the movies there was always a button. So, of course when the shirt was handed to him he could only blink “What….How did you, you know what I don’t even wana know. Thanks though I guess…” He said taking the shirt and putting it on. Instantly he felt warmer and scratched the back of his head, was this what it felt like to wear a shirt?

Okay so maybe he actually knew what that felt like thanks to his costume, but he wasn’t exactly used to wearing a magically snow created shirt. His mind was quickly moved off of the topic of the comfortable shirt, and not just because he knew it would get ruined by the end of the day, but also because Peter apparently found out where they were supposed to go. “Great! Lets go then! We’ve got a Santa Claus to find!” Off they went to follow the green paint line that lead them up to the building, a very peculiar building but it mattered not! It was a building covered in Christmas lights and it was at the North Pole to boot! Darren was sure this was it. Walking up to the door he held his hand out to stop Peter from going in.

“Alright, so we don’t exactly know what’s going to be in there, and this is probably going to change our view on whatever for like all of time or at least the next few minutes so are you ready?” Of course they were ready, but Darren waited for the answer none the less. When it finally came he opened up the door and stood to the side holding it open with one hand, surprised it wasn’t locked, and motioned for Peter Pan to head in first. It was the nice thing to do, “Let’s Go!” Boy was he excited. Too bad the place was empty….

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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Silus January 3rd 2015, 10:56 pm

So this was it. This was the moment where the truth comes out. The moment that terrible jokes began with. An Aussie and an Angel walk into Santa's workshop. Silus found himself fearful of what lay on the other side. Whereas his homeless homie here seemed to be all sunshine and unicorns there was something about Santa that scared Silus. Probably because when he asks "and what's your name little boy?" He already knew that his name was on the naughty list. The cons of sharing a name with Lucifer. Regardless he much preferred his humanized name, Silus was a little cuter anyway. After being distracted by his own thoughts he only half heard Darren ask him if he was ready. Silus gulped as Darren just HAD to draw out and emphasize on how what they were about to see could shape the very foundations of their beliefs. This was like a bad attempt at making you feel better running over your dog.

"A-actually I'm not sure I'm read-Let’s Go!" Silus was motioned forward just before the other boy spoke. Silus grew timid, and a little scared. Now was the time he wished he were his fearless and carefree older self. But screw logic it's friggin Christmas! Silus had an audible gulp before stepping forward and pressing his full weight into the big, heavy door. With a creek the door would open. The smell of fresh-baked cookies filled his nose as he stopped, opened his eyes to the the most surprising, wondrous, jolly, holiday nothing.

That's right. Nothing there.

"B-b-b...but.... He's real...he's gotta be..." Silus stuttered and stammered as he tripped over his tied tongue. There was just...nothing. Silus still believed in Santa Clause too, granted he believed in a creepy pedophile version his brothers tried to scare him with, but still. There goes his chance to give the greatest Christmas gift ever.

So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Lucife10
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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Swordsmaster January 3rd 2015, 11:24 pm

Darren grinned and followed Peter into the Workshop taking in the nice smell of cookies letting his eyes adjust before blinking and rubbing his eyes with his hands. “It’s empty…” Or rather when he said empty he truly meant that the Workshop was deserted, because it was obviously a workshop that made toys, and had Christmas themed decorations all over the place but besides the two of them there was absolutely nothing in there. It was perfectly clean, everything was where he assumed it was supposed to be, nothing left behind it was as if the place was packed away nice and neat and everyone left to go do something else all at the exact same time. Now Darren might not truly know how things worked concerning jobs but he was pretty sure they all didn’t get a break at the exact same time.

“Well…Maybe they’re just closed for the night? I mean it is technically still Christmas in like California and Hawaii or something right?” Okay, so it wasn’t exactly the best excuse he could come up with but it was something. No need to make this little kid’s day even worse even if he was the leader of the lost boys and the inspiration for the movie that was Darren’s favorite when he was a child who conveniently decided not to come and find him or the rest of his ‘family’ back in Australia. “Come on take a look around, maybe we’ll find something cool.” Looking around he walked around touched a couple things, even thought of pocketing a watch. If he was still back in Sydney he might have but with his new life? Nah, he didn’t need the money that much it was something he learned being a hero. That was its own reward, even if it meant he had to live on the streets.

It was during this wandering session that Darren stumbled upon what appeared to be a bad with a piece of paper lying in front of it, and a Santa Hat conveniently placed on top. “Hey Pete! Come here! Look what I found!” He yelled out, and at this point his hand was deep in the bag moving around, it was huge and filled with presents. He wasn’t quite sure how but he felt as if even though the thing appeared to be completely full it could fit him and Peter in there and still have room for a house or two. The letter, or rather list with names and directions and who to give what present to and then of course the letter on top explaining everything to the two of them was completely forgotten by Darren at this point. Mainly because he didn’t read it.

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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Silus January 4th 2015, 12:27 pm

Silus began looking around, trying to leave absolutely nothing unturned. It was a wonder that he missed the bag that the Australian seemed to gravitate towards. Silus found a little odds and ends but he couldn't really find anything that justified a trip to the north pole for. He heard the word "Pete" and his eye began to twitch with irritation. Unfortunately Darren hit a nerve on the little guy. He could handle being Lucifer, or Si, or Silus or Peter Pan...but Pete? That made Silus think of that fat dog thing from Kingdom Hearts. Quickly shoving this to the back of his mind he happily trotted over to look at whatever it was Darren had uncovered. Silus quickly put the little hat atop his head as he leaned over and swiped up the letter.

"Mhm....hmmm...." Silus said as he blinked and looked at the letter. He then looked to Darren before trying to poke him on the nose. "Iz for you." Silus said lazily before handing the letter to Darren. Providing Darren took the letter or not Silus would remove the hat form his own head and then place it on Darren's and with a big grin he'd give him a thumbs up. Sadly, Silus noted the list of names and he couldn't help but notice that he was not on said list. It wasn't that he minded so much as that he was now going to have to find a new way to get the perfect Christmas gift. Silus quickly awaited Darren to finish reading the letter before he shrugged. "So... yeah. This happened."

So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Lucife10
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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Swordsmaster January 4th 2015, 1:17 pm

Darren was still messing around in the bag, trying to see if he could find a bottom when Peter poked him in the nose. “What? For me?” Taking the letter Darren looked at it, read what he could and after about four minutes or so he nodded his head. See, Darren might not have an education past the one you got when you were ten years old but he never forgot anything. It was like a side effect of his muscle memory thing or something, either way it made things easier than actually having to learn things in his opinion. Didn’t mean he was ever going to be a quick reader though. “Hey Pete you know some guy named Silus? Apparently he’s pretty close guess the real Santa was too lazy to give a gift to the kid…especially if his current spot is at the North Pole.” He muttered rummaging through the bag to find the present with the kid’s name on it.

Sure, any normal person would have picked up on the fact that maybe Peter Pan wasn’t exactly who he said he was but Darren was too trusting for that. In his world you were good or bad there was no in between, there was no grey area and being a good person but lying fell in that grey area. Pulling out the present, it was about medium sized in his opinion, he shook it a tad bit. “So I guess we find this kid and give him the gift and then we go off and deliver presents to the rest of the names on this list, yea?” Obviously he wasn’t going to leave Peter out of it, the kid had come all this way with him and in Darren, no Santa Darren’s mind that meant he deserved to go off and deliver presents with him. That is of course if Peter wanted to go deliver presents on Christmas Eve/Day to random people with him.

((Because screw you he's totally on there))

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So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Empty Re: So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp)

Post by Silus January 4th 2015, 2:27 pm

Silus blinked for a moment before humming to himself. To be fair he didn't lie to the once shirtless kid. Silus, in fact, has several names. His "True name" however is Lucifer in his native language, unfortunately it sounds like they're saying "Sigh-Lus" in English which is the adorable little name he took. Amongst his Fae friends they gave him the name Peter Pan because of his ability to never age and his highly powerful beliefs and trickster attitude. He looked to Darren and let out a little hum as he tried to think of an appropriate response.

  "I-I...I haven't....been called that in a...well, a long time." Silus said as he took the box and blinked at it. He sat down on the workshop floor, the box between his legs like a little child on Christmas, shocked that he had gotten anything.... of course it looked like that because that's exactly what it was but well neglect that fact a moment. Silus carefully pulled on the lace and the ribbon unwound, falling gracefully to the sides as he opened up the box. Inside there was a single rectangular like card. Silus face lit up when he read the fine golden calligraphy against the formal and elegant red card.

One day was all that was written. Of course it wasn't the gift that Silus wanted so that he could give to someone else, but it was a promise that one day the greatest Christmas gift ever would be given to the person he wanted. Wiping his sleeve across his eyes he tried to man up, look brave and tough in front of Darren. He quickly smiled and put the lid on top of the box and looked to Darren.

"So, Santa Darren and Peter Elf got a list. What we gonna do with it?" He asked as he stood up and brushed his pants off, keeping the card in the hoodie jacket, zipping that pocket closed to keep that card as safe as he possibly could. He turned to Darren and smiled, warm and fuzzy on the inside as he contemplated what this meant for the future. There was something bright and cheery on it's way, he just had to wait and be patient for it. All this time he was good, being a hero and living up to the expectations the world set for him, exceeding them in every way. He was finally going to make it all pay off in this gift...and it wasn't even a gift for him. Silus smiled and shifted as he settled into his hoodie a little more and he would await Darren's next course of action...and likely be drug into it.

((Because fuck you you can't put this thing in a box O___O  Lol))

Last edited by Silus on January 4th 2015, 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

So a fat guy's gonna break into my house? (Open) (2xp) Lucife10
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