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The Will of the Skies

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The Will of the Skies - Page 2 Empty Re: The Will of the Skies

Post by Andrew May 6th 2012, 10:38 pm

Phoenix took a few moments to take hold of the situation as he started runing in circles blow the beast to dodge its attacks. Every few paces head jump to left or right. He had never gone full speed before, but he guessed it was around 80 miles per hour. As he reached his maximum speed she set his arms ablaze and started to create a tornado of fire that was floating up towards the cloud. He kept up the heat, and speed, trying to pump in as much fire as he could to help his comrades in the situation.

He skidded to a holt, and followed up with a flurry of fire attacks up at the sky. He did a back handspring and landed next to The Ranger. "Any ideas?" he asked as his left arm went ablaze and he fired a barrage of powerful fireballs towards this creature. "I have never seen anything likes this sir, and I don't know what to make of it. I lead my team into battles all the time, and create plans all the time. I'm usually a quick thinker, but for the first time i'm at a loss." Phoenix said as he looked up to the sky .

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The Will of the Skies - Page 2 Empty Re: The Will of the Skies

Post by The Silence June 26th 2012, 2:13 am

The Cloud continued on its course despite being attacked, only moving from its trajectory in order to move away from incoming attacks and to prove that it was not so easily taunted into a fight that it had less of a chance of winning. The creature itself was a shrewd being, despite its lack of general intelligence, its cunning in the forms of the hunt were far superior than those who have barely even attained that level that it had. As it continued, The Cloud made its trail throughout the streets, fire, sound and arrows zooming past as it bobbed and weaved through his assailants' attacks. Once it reached the net that was meant to capture it, The Cloud smashed against the trap and exploded in a blast of vapor. Without notice of those who would normally have noticed, The Cloud had managed to spread itself far enough to cover a majority of the Earth and Sky. With such a large area of influence, The Cloud could attack from any angle, be able to strike from any direction and keep an element of surprise in its own home domain.

"Foolish.... humans.... fall.... trap...." The Cloud began to cackle, its voice echoing from every direction possible. Its presence encircled its would be attackers, the so called defenders of the city. The Cloud knew the appropriate tactic, one that would make the fight even easier for it, a tactic used by creatures from ancient times. "Now... DIE!!!!!..."

With another banshee-like wail, The Cloud unleashed another torrent of lighting. However, instead of direct bolts like it originally had done, it instead unleashed a literal storm upon all those around it. Lightning lashed out like whips of pure cackling light, smashing apart concrete and charging metal in every direction. Though it seemed like a desperate attack or a simple display of power, The Cloud was doing this for a reason. The true reason behind the release was in order to scare all the prey in different directions, to separate them enough for it to pick them off one by one. However, if they were to converge, it would make them even bigger targets for The Cloud's longer range attacks. It was a simple tactic, but The Cloud had used it without fail until that moment, so it had full confidence that its tactics would work, no matter how advanced his opponents were.
The Silence
The Silence

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2010-07-20

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The Will of the Skies - Page 2 Empty Re: The Will of the Skies

Post by Ember_Fangs June 26th 2012, 4:17 pm

Faith I could really use your help right about now, Scar glanced to the turbulent sky. Maybe the angel could calm the element down of whom Faith nursed into existence. Elementals were strange but they tended to be loyal to the cause and those who they acknowledged as being higher than them. The fiery wings folded against her back in a familiar fashion. She couldn't fly with them of course but the movements were natural, she knew how they had once felt against her back. She knew how they had moved and twitched at sensitive movements in the wind. She paused when the element spoke and glanced to the sky in time to see it turn foul again. Great. The lightening struck down upon them.

"DON'T SPLIT UP," she shouted over the racket of lightening cracking concrete and sending it flying. Her hand came out and a wall of fire shot up in front of her as little bits of debris hit the molten hot flame and hissed it's way through to little bits of stone. Stones she could deal with, despite the saying stones didn't break bones. The lightening could be disastrous if it hit her, she wasn't quite sure what fire did when it met lightening and she wasn't overly keen on finding out.

"I thought your kind was honourable. You fight in a cloud! I remember the times you came and stood toe to toe with the other elements and looked them in the eyes. Can you not do that or are you as cowardly as the water Elementals who hide in their oceans!?" she shouted. It was common knowledge air elementals hated water ones religiously. Just like Earth hated on fire so much. Mostly because fire liked to burn large amounts of Earth... BUT that wasn't the point. She was hoping that comparing him to one of their most despised enemies and focusing it's attention on her, the others could launch an attack.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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The Will of the Skies - Page 2 Empty Re: The Will of the Skies

Post by Forceaus June 26th 2012, 9:33 pm

Forcewave continued moving forward across building tops and through the streets themselves trying to stay ahead of the cloud as it moved towards the facility where all the residents of the area were being kept during this whole ordeal.The mere fact that it was heading there of all places made it a priority to defeat this thing immediately.The mass of fog created by the creature began to spread.It was difficult to see anything without really trying to.This certainly worked in favor of the cloud monster.He could just barely make out the others in the distance.Whatever Scarletta's plan was he hoped it would work.They needed something to work against it.

Forcewave was prepared for whatever would come next.Energy swirled around him ready to fire upon the moment it was needed to.Then the cloud struck again.This time it seemed to attack everywhere at once.He blocked the lightning around him and proceeded forward towards it.

He just noticed how far he had gotten away from the others.His panic had caused to him to separate himself from them completely.He was conflicted on whether to try to get back to them or remain on his current goal of reaching the building where the residents were being kept before it could."Come on already."He said challenging the cloud to try and attack him

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Will of the Skies - Page 2 Empty Re: The Will of the Skies

Post by The Ranger June 27th 2012, 10:35 am

Phoenix asked him if he had any ideas and to be honest he had a bunch of ideas, though he wasn’t quite sure how any of them would truly work. He had never had to face anything like this at all; this thing was on a whole different level than any of them had probably ever faced in their lives. When the cloud smashed into the trap and spread its self across the sky he muttered a quick, “God help us…” and drew a regular arrow looking over at Phoenix. “Scatter! But don’t spread too thin or stay to close to someone!” He yelled hopping all of them could hear him as he dived to the side, ran past lighting, and dodged the strikes the best he could. He was skimmed by one and tripped up on his feet and went rolling, almost right off the roof.

He let out a cough and stood up his eyes closed and a slight pant in his breath. Besides his speed and invisibility he was only human, this running and dodging and what not was killing his stamina, they needed to finish this fast. If they didn’t not only would they themselves possibly die but the humans they had sworn to protect would as well. Ranger could not let another person die under his watch, he had already lost too many people and the Crimson Archer wasn’t going to let it happen again. Looking around at all their options he heard Scarletta trying to drag the thing out of hiding. If that actually worked then maybe the other three of them would have a chance of taking it out. It was risky using her as bait and Paine would never forgive him for it but Ranger couldn’t see any other way out of this.

There was only one other thing that crossed his mind as he sped off towards Phoenix and Forcewave, trying to signal them to follow him. That thing was simply where in the fucking world were Black Knight and Black Arrow right now? Those two would definitely be a great addition to this make shift team they had trying to stop this living elemental but they didn’t appear to be anywhere in sight, and Black Knight’s plane couldn’t be seen anywhere in the sky. This was not a good out look at all. Stopping on a building opposite of Scarletta he signaled for her to keep doing what she was doing as he looked to Phoenix and Forcewave. “I don’t like saying it but whatever Scarletta is doing right now, which seems to be luring the thing out is our best plan of action right now. If she does get it out Phoenix I want you to light my arrow on fire and Forcewave when it gets close enough to that thing blast it with all you got. My arrow that is, because right after I fire the arrow Phoenix has lit on fire I’ll be sending an exploding arrow. Oh, and when it goes off you might want to duck.” He said relaying the somewhat plan he had. He didn’t know what good it would do and that was because it all relied on Scarletta right now.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
The Will of the Skies - Page 2 TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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The Will of the Skies - Page 2 Empty Re: The Will of the Skies

Post by Andrew July 1st 2012, 3:50 am

"Alright" Phoenix said, preparing to light the arrow to fire. This battle seemed grim, but Andrew was determined. "How can we get that thing down here?" he asked to the others. It may have seemed like a bad idea, but the closer it was to them, the better chance they had of hitting it. Scar seemed to be luring out the beast. "Showtime" Andrew thought lighting the arrow on fire. He had done his job, the rest was up to Forcewave.

Phoenix was told to duck after he lit the arrow, but instead he rolled to the left and dashed over towards Scarletta. "I think me and you can do some serious damage on this thing." he said looking up at their opponent. "What you're doing is working. Keep it up." Phoenix readied a fire bolt in one hand and set his left arm ablaze. Creating a bubble of fire around Scar and Phoenix, he planed to launch it at the beast. "Wana add some fuel to this fire?" he asked Scarletta as his fire was reaching it's maximum temperature.

"Alright you giant pain in the ass. Let's see what we can do to end this." Andrew thought to himself looking up at the cloud. He was not prepared for a battle like this, but it was time to do what he did best. Letting out a little grunt Phoenix's fire reached it's peak, and was roaring around 5000 degrees.
Mega Poster!
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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
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Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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