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The awakening

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Guest April 1st 2011, 11:34 pm



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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Paradox April 1st 2011, 11:47 pm

"Hey, watch out!", he said as he stepped onto the sidewalk. Pulling on the man's shirt, Tom just managed to save his life. If he hadn't pulled him out of the road, the upcoming truck would have easily flattened him. "Thanks a lot! I owe you my life!" Smiling with a calm sigh, he responded sincerely. "It's alright as long as you're okay!" Walking away from the scene he chuckled to himself. He saved someone without even having to put on his mask. That only goes to show that anyone can be a hero. But a hero that can shoot fireballs from his fingertips or lift things the size of a Tyrannosaurus-Rex? That's a little more debatable. What's even more debatable was what he was doing right at that moment. Why did he go to LA? He really couldn't remember. I... cannot remember. It's not that his memory was bad. It's just that he had been so occupied with recent events that his schedule was too jam-packed and stressful for him to even think about taking a vacation. But really, it wasn't a vacation. More like a change of pace. To shake things up, he went to Las Angeles. Now, most normal people would go somewhere else to shake things up. Surely they wouldn't go to LA. Rather, they'd go to the beach or to the mountains. Heck, even visiting relatives sounds more reasonable.

Walking down the street at a normal human-adjusted speed he stopped nimbly just before a hotel. That's where he was to stay that night. A random hotel amidst hundreds of other hotels just begging for him to fill the emptiness of their pockets with cash. Stepping inside, he made his way to the counter and spoke about his previous agreements on his room. After sorting that out, Thomas went up the elevator and into his room. Setting his suitcase on the floor, he jumped up and landed on the bed. Letting the mattress and pillows cushion his fall, he let the warmth of the bed soothe his body as his mind started to wander... What now? What was he to do now? Even when he wanted a change of pace he always did the same thing. He searched. He didn't search for anything like trouble, no. He searched for people in need of his assistance; people in need of a hero's assistance.

Easily slipping into his 'costume", or his gear as he preferred to call it, Tom looked out the window and checked to make sure that no one was looking. As if that really mattered though. Putting on his mask, Thomas appeared to transform from a normal human... to Paradox; helper of humanity. But you would have only seen that if you were a ninja. No one there was a ninja, obviously. How cliche. With a dramatic pause, he looked up and out of the window at a tall skyscraper. As he started to climb through the window, something distracted him and caught his ear. A very, very loud bang. Guess it's better late than never! Without even giving it a second thought, Paradox decided to check out the scene.

His entire body rippling with power, it turned into complete solid energy. The energy took a nice golden color, clearly outlining his gear, or costume. To add in a little bit of contrast, he decided to keep his mask white. His trademark should always be easily discernible from what else he was wearing. Bursting out from the open window with a frightening speed, even a fast human wouldn't have been able to follow him. Slowly making his way up, he ascended to a point in the sky where he could locate the shot. Searching around the landscape, he found a park just in the corner of his sights. Smoke. He now knew that this wasn't just a simple matter. Raising his speed he flew closer to the park. Stopping twenty meters before the entrance, he hid behind a building up around the second floor almost stuck to the side of building. Ten feet up in the ear, he peeked around the side and saw a strange man fall down from the sky, land, and run into the park. Was he... was he holding arrows? Shaking his head, he wasn't going to allow himself to lose concentration so easily.

Creating a considerably condensed energy barrier just above the surface of his skin, reaching almost an inch from his body, he descended from the side of the building just before the park and landed a few feet behind where the arrow man had landed. Right as he touched the ground, he formed two simple swords made entirely out of solid energy. Taking the shape of katana, the Japanese swords would perform well in the upcoming confrontation. As he created the swords he cautiously and preparedly sprinted inside the park and behind a tree around the outskirts of the park. Looking to his left he saw Black Arrow shooting arrows not far away. Looking at his surroundings, he surveyed the situation and blindly took the bet that whoever was in the center of the park was probably the Villain. How he could tell? Most likely instinct. Probably.

Hoping that the other member of this battle was on his side, he tried to signal him without making too much sound. He wanted to mask his presence from the enemy as much as possible before revealing himself. Transforming the energy katana in his right hand into a sphere. He condensed it and looked up at the sky. Quickly taking notice of who Black Arrow was shooting at, he held up his right hand and pointed the energy ball at Nicholas. He didn't know if what he was doing was completely right, but he could tell just by the situation that the man up in the air was terrorizing the citizens. How so? A tree had blown up not much earlier from when he had arrived. The explosion had come from the man in the sky. He was going down. Shooting the condensed ball of energy at the man in the sky, upon impact the entire contents of the sphere would explode outward most likely distracting, if not hurting as well, Nicholas. And just as he released the ball he began to form a simple, strong shield of energy. Holding it by a handle connected to the center of the shield he held it in front of him and began to scan his surroundings again. He didn't want to be taken off guard like he had been before in his superhuman career. Slowly forming his left katana into another ball of energy he began to charge it. The charging would most likely pack in a harder punch, if you know what I mean.

The awakening - Page 2 21

The awakening - Page 2 Powerg10

"I knew I should have taken ballet, because it's time to dance!" - Paradox

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Location : Awesomeville
Job : Being Awesome
Humor : You just lost the game.
Registration date : 2011-03-23

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by The Black Arrow April 2nd 2011, 12:32 am

((Posting order!!!
Elena, Sovereign, Elaine, The Black Arrow, Paradox, Dr. Everyone, Nightkill. If there'res any complaints just say so.))

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
The awakening - Page 2 Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 27
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Dr Everyone April 2nd 2011, 11:05 am

"Well then, allow me to help! I just hope we can kill more people then ever imagined. Hurry up, we have some work to do!"

As Dr.Everyone finished his sentence, he heard a woman's voice shout "Stop or I'll shoot." He turned to see who the voice came from. Then the woman who had been talking shot a bullet in the direction of one of the crystals. With incredible reflexes the doctor
conjured a large wall of fire to be in front of where the woman had shot. He summoned the wall just in time too, because as soon as he summoned the wall, an explosion happened. a smallish one. Dr.Everyone then looked at what she must have been aiming for.

"The crystal. Hmm,Smart, young lady. But unlike me you don't have a PhD. I am smarter than you. And that means I win."

Dr.Everyone just made the wall that was between the woman and the crystals larger, and hotter. He barely saw the hero as a threat, so he turned back to Elena.

"Before that girl interrupted us, nobody has manners anymore, I believe we were going to unleash Hell upon the living."

((Sorry about godmod. I iz shamed.))

Last edited by jbronze on April 5th 2011, 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]The awakening - Page 2 DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 26
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Alpha April 2nd 2011, 1:56 pm

She smiled as the threat seemed to be neutralized. "All i need is ten minutes. Thats all. If you can stall them for that long, then this ritual will work." She supposed she mind as well tell the doctor. Since he was helping her. Apparently this would be easier than expected. So this only pleased her more.

She held both hands out to her sides. As the red symbols covering her left arm glowed. Like an immense star. As fire erupted from her palm and surrounded her arm. Not damaging the skin in the least. Then she began to
speak. Voice as if through a megaphone.

"Flames of hell
Chains of bondage
Burning of the soul
Chaos unfettered
death unveiled"

With that she plunged her right hand into the ground. While the symbol on her right middle finger glowed as bright as the other. A red line streaking along the ground. As it went toward the south pointing crystal. Lighting it a red light. What seemed like a steady burst of light erupted from the crystal. Heading skyward. Like a beacon. Then was the next part with her availible arm. She ripped the top part of her shirt open. Revealing the green symbol on her chest.

"Sheilds of heaven
Sanctuary divine
martrys tears
fountain of gold
pathway to destruction"
Then she punged her middle finger into the ground. As a bluse line streaked though the earth. Into the north pointing crystal. Once again making a beacon of light. Though it was a ligth blue. Then the green symbol glowed brightly.

"Purgatory of earth
binder of souls
bringer of death
harbinger of sadness
messanger of despair
mocker of the fallen"

With that a green line of light shot from her chest into the east pointing crystal. Causing it to form a beacon of green light. Then there was only one more part of the ritual to go. Then the ten minute wait of the ritual would begin.

"Spark of life.
Wisp of the soul
breath of the gods
key to the hole"

With that a smoke like substance came from he mouth. Snaking its way tot he west pointing crystal. As it erupted into a beacon of gray light. Heavy winds in the area picking up. As dark clouds began to form. Lightning flashing, and thunder booming. As Elenas eyes slowed like liquid emerald.
"it has begun" She mouthed

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Sovereign April 4th 2011, 1:42 am

Nicholas watched in silent wrath as the figure he thought was not a bush, or at least not something he should shoot at and waste a bullet turned out to be something quite dangerous that ended up shooting at his employer as he hastily raised his right hand to yank back the bolt and eject a spent twenty millimeter shell that clanked on the magnetic platform he'd formed to help him stabilize, in addition to the one in front of him that supported and allowed him to aim the weapon properly. From what he saw of a brilliant flame, the threat was stopped temporarily, but he wasn't going to let that really affect him. The crosshairs centered on the approximate location of where he'd seen the flashes from gunfire inside the cloud of smoke. The heroes seemed to be ignoring the people now trying to escape the part, which meant he didn't have to care about them either.

The first shot he fired was a tracer round, which meant the next he loaded in with a push forwards of his right hand on the bolt was a regular shell, which meant the shot would be harder to actively follow since it lacked the bright yellow magnesium tip. His hand dropped down to wrap around the grip, finger slipping into the trigger housing and slowly squeezing as he inhaled, holding his breath to help with the minute movements associated with it until he felt a solid pop as something small and moving fast exploded into smoke around him, blurring his vision. What the fu- he thought sharply, wings flaring behind him as he released a significant burst of cerulean EM particles and shot backwards out of the smoke, glad he had held his breath for the second shot. His rifle had been pulled out of the weakened EM field while he streaked backwards in time to watch a splendid explosion happen where he had been standing moments before.

He flipped over horizontally with a powerful impulse of EM energy with his right wing, flying properly as he streaked down the streets, a large brown building coming up as a two way intersection divided the road. Nick banked to the right, starting early so he flew parallel to the buildings, held there and perfectly fine thanks to centrifugal and centripetal forces acting on his body and wings. He left a trail of EM Particles that faded fast, thanks to his lower speed and output as he completed the turn and streaked up into the sky above the park, sharpened eyes searching the ground until he spied a not so subtle hero in close proximity to the park. He was wearing black and seemed to be holding an arrow. Letting the rifle go slack on him as he sped up , flying an erratic track over the park as he reached into the pouch on his vest and pulling out a white phosporous incendiary grenade and pulled a hairpin turn, tossing the contact weapon at said man and breaking off into a fast dash across the skies and to a rooftop across from him, using the civilians there for cover as he waited for the grenade to impact and send glorious, sticky flames across whatever was near when it exploded.

The awakening - Page 2 Sovereign

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : Where women roam and men plunder
Age : 30
Job : This and that, mostly something Karate related
Humor : I haven't a clue what that is. Sounds like a fugus
Registration date : 2011-01-18

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Danger April 5th 2011, 2:00 pm

Shrapnel from her explosives rounds fired out from her depleted rounds. Those rounds were a little gift that keeps on giving. Elaine took a deep breath and felt herself go intangible. The force and fire of conjured made the three rounds erupt violently within the area of the ritual.

Gracing the presence of the spirits with her company with a fleeting moment in time, allowed her reprieve from the metal debris. She rematerialized a full fifteen feet away from her original location behind Elena Marie, placing Elena Marie in between Elaine and he doctor. She switched gun hands from the right hand to her left and drew out her lasso.

She blinked and gave a sly smile while she began to move into her next series of actions. The pain she once endured so heavily when making these jumps began to subside from her; her control over it must be coming along. If she lassoed a victim she could save one, but if she grabbed Elena everyone lived. Her hand gripped the lasso that she lined a few fibers of with cadmium. Ten strands gleamed with the metallic look, just enough, and just intertwined enough to give the rope a more durable strength.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by The Black Arrow April 6th 2011, 5:27 am

After preparing a frozen arrow on his bow, The Black Arrow observed what was going on in the center of the park. When he saw the man in the lab coat summon a wall of fire to block Elaine’s bullets, Arrow knew exactly who he was. It was the one and only Dr. Everyone. A mad scientist obsessed with burning everything to the ground. He had the ability to bend fire to his will, and transform into anything he wanted. Black Arrow didn’t know much more about him, just what he learned after his fight with The Virtual Man, but he knew that the doctor was insane and had no problem murdering people. Directly after identifying the Dr. Everyone, the Black Arrow glanced back up to the sky and saw his toxin arrow’s smoke completely surrounding the mercenary who shot at Elaine. Then out of no where a blast of shot out to follow up his arrow. Quickly looking to his right, where the blast originated from, and saw a man standing next to a tree.. It didn’t take more then a glance to identify the man who came to their aid. With one look at his white mask, he knew it was Paradox, ‘The shape manipulator’, Black Arrow had read several stories about this man and his unique ability. With Elena, Dr. Everyone, and that mystery merc, Arrow was glad to see he had extra back up. He wasn’t worried that him and Elaine couldn’t deal with the situation on their own, but it was nice to have someone to pick up any slack just in case.

Looking back up to the sky, Arrow watched John blast himself out of the smoke, and away from the blast of energy heading his way. He obviously wasn’t in the toxin long enough for it to effect his organs, but it at least got him off of Elaine’s ass for a now. John turned and stared down at Arrow and Paradox, while reaching into a pouch on his vest. Black Arrow glared up at the mad man waiting to see what he would throw at him next. John revealed a grenade and wasted no time, pulling the pin and throwing it through the air towards the two heroes.

Quickly aiming his bow up towards the grenade, Black Arrow prepared to shoot a frozen arrow at it before it explode. Releasing his grip on the string of the bow, The Night Hunter watched his arrow as it soared through the sky. It hit perfectly hit the grenade and froze it completely over, surrounding it with ten inches of extremely tough ice. The grenade fell straight to the floor not far in front of Arrow and shattered into thousands of pieces. The Black Arrow had effectively stop the grenade from exploding, but while doing so John was able to fly away and land on top of a rooftop. Black Arrow didn’t have time to deal with a mercenary right now, and he needed to help Elaine out, but he couldn’t just let him get away. Arrow growled then turned to his left, and ran up to Paradox. Once there, Arrow extended his hand out to his fellow hero and then went on to explain his plan. ”I’m glad you’re here, but there’s not much time to explain so we’ll have to keep this brief. I need to help out my partner, so I need you to deal with our buddy over there. I know you have a amazing gift, but neither of us know the limits of your enemies powers. Just try and make sure he doesn’t kill anyone and I’ll come assist you as soon as I can. Good luck, Paradox.” After giving Paradox the chance to response, Arrow pulled his hand back, and reached into his quiver. Pulling out two of his standard arrows, The Night Hunter nodded at Paradox then turned around and sprinted past a couple trees into the park. He wasn't worried about leaving Paradox alone, he knew he could handle himself out there.

The Black Arrow had both arrows lined up on his bow, and one hand dug into a pouch on his utility belt. He pulled out a smoke bomb and quickly sprinted towards the group. When he was about twenty feet from Elaine’s right side, and Dr. E and Elena were distracted by her lasso attack, he threw the smoke bomb between in front of his partner. The smoke would cover Elaine without effecting her lasso, and it would let him make his entrance. Black Arrow sprinted up the rest of the way through the smoke, and stood with his back turned, behind Elaine’s right shoulder. Arrow cocked his head to the left and glared at Elena and the doctor. ”Sorry for the delay, I had do deal with someone else..” He smirked slightly and looked over his shoulder at his teammate, ”But I’m here now, so lets quit wasting time and kick some ass."

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
The awakening - Page 2 Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 27
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Paradox April 9th 2011, 9:19 am

Dang, I missed. Paradox could clearly tell that the man in the sky managed to escape from his energy ball. It wasn't really all that important, though. From the use of Nicholas's weapons he could tell that he himself wasn't the strongest opponent. All he had to do was render him unable to use his weapons. Easier said than done. As the man in black; the hopeful ally, made a dash over to him, he instantly recognized the hero. It was the Black Arrow, one of the most famous heroes of his time. His intelligence and fighting skills were thought of as genius on the battlefield. The freezing of the grenade from an arrow was more than enough evidence. He was truly a sight to behold... but it wasn't time to admire him, it was time to act. When Black Arrow came up to him and extended his hand, Paradox took it and shook it. A new comrade. As he exchanged words of a plan, Paradox quickly nodded and replied just before the Black Arrow took off. "You can count on me, homie G."

Looking up at the sky, Paradox saw Nicholas soar through the air and onto a roof. Perfect. They would be alone. Letting his power swell up from within him, his body turned into the purest of energies ever to be seen. Just the layer of energy that he added above the surface of his body would be more than enough to defend himself. Just to make sure though, he condensed it more. His mask being the only white color, it stood out from the now black color his body took. His energy as a black color would make more contrast for his mask. Just as he powered himself up, he boosted from the ground and flew up into the air in the most discreet way possible. Around and below trees, to the side and around buildings, and anywhere that he could keep himself hidden. And all the while he would maintain a constant and fast speed. The energy he was discharging behind him pushed him faster than his normal speed would allow him. Luckily he was strong enough and had enough control over his energy to withstand and control such a kind of movement. This kind of thing takes experience, folks.

Scaling up the side of the building, he appeared behind the place where Nicholas would have landed, and out of his sight. Having charged the energy ball the entire time of his flight, it was incredibly condensed and powerful. That and ready to go. His shield handy at his side and his senses at their prime, Paradox's cautious nature would be ready for anything. If this hit were to connect, Nicholas would surely be knocked out unconscious from the pure force of the attack. The explosion on the other hand would deal further damage. His goal wasn't to kill Nicholas, but to render him unable to fight. There was no need for any more death. Extending his arm before him, his hand pointed at the back of Nicholas, he spoke a single word as he fired it. Boom.

The awakening - Page 2 21

The awakening - Page 2 Powerg10

"I knew I should have taken ballet, because it's time to dance!" - Paradox

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Location : Awesomeville
Job : Being Awesome
Humor : You just lost the game.
Registration date : 2011-03-23

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Dr Everyone April 9th 2011, 11:18 pm

Dr.Everyone's hands lburst into flames. From the fire, a chain looking bit of fire seemed to just drop out of the fire on his hands. Both hands now had a chain of fire burning a dull orange.

"We both have rope like toys. Difference is, mine is fire. I will melt the flesh from your body, and pour lemon juice on the skinned bodice. Interrupt this ritual, and the most painful ans insufferable death ever imagined will be your fate."

Dr.Everyone didn't mean those words much, he'd kill her if she interrupted, oh yes, and most likely by burning her alive. But the rest of what he said was for shock and to scare her."

The Doctor began walking calmly toward her, taking only two or three steps.


He put both his arms back and at his sides. Then, he whipped the chains at both sides of Elena, attempting to hit Elaine. The chains, whether they hit or not, would go to wrap around two trees behind Elena and Elaine because that's what Dr.Everyone commanded the fire to do.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]The awakening - Page 2 DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 26
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Alpha April 10th 2011, 1:02 am

It seemed that she would be stopped. By the annoying interlopers. The "heroes " as they called themselves. Still she was conciouss only. Unable to really defend herself. Thats why she had Dr.Everyone and Grommholt to help.

The four crystals began to glow like the sun. Slowly lifting from the gound. As specks of dirt fell from them. Lifting up till they were about 2 feet above the ground. Letting out a low humming sound. Spinning in a circle. At unbeleivable speed. to where they blurred into a circle. A multicolored circle. Wind picking up to at least 20 mph. The sky begginging to become thick and heavy with storm clouds. Blocking out the sun. the day becoming dark and dire. As the two sacrifices awoke. Screaming in an ungodly pitch. As cuts appeared all over their bodies. Blood flowing freely. Thentheir bodies burst like ripe melons hitting the concrete. Blood splattered everywhere. Every drop rushing to the cenetr of the spinning crystals. Condensing into a strange orb of glowing blood. As the ground beneath it cracked. The ritual was almost done.

The awakening - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Sovereign April 11th 2011, 5:17 pm

Nick watched in silent fury as the incendiary bomb he'd meant to have explode and turn the Hero into a flambé was hit and froze, shattering impotently against the hard concrete surface of terra firma. It pissed him off, to say the least, and the long cerulean wings behind him flared angrily, sending a continuous backblast of repulsive particles as he brought up the .50 caliber Beowulf version of the US Marine Corp's M16A5 rifle and placed the butt securely in his shoulder crook and yanked the bolt back. A round bounced up into the chamber and he released the handle, sending it clacking into place like a typewriter as a powerful fifty cal bullet locked in and he zeroed in on the scene unfolding. I should be safe here, on this apartment building, since no superhero would be insane enough to shoot here, where there's innocent people. It's a dirty trick, and I don't like using it, but it'll have to do.

Thus, it was a most impressive surprise as he felt something pushing back on the particles on the roof, hearing a voice say a word that only meant one hero was game enough to risk the lives of the one below. "Shit." he said, not bothering to spin around and instead sending a wave motion pulse through the mass of particles behind him. It was sort of like cracking a whip-- the initial movement launched him off the side of the building and sent a longitudinal (compressional) wave at whatever was behind him. His wings ignited further, propelling him away from the building as he spun over on his back and pulled the trigger five times, sending wild shots at whatever was behind him.

The awakening - Page 2 Sovereign

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 65
Location : Where women roam and men plunder
Age : 30
Job : This and that, mostly something Karate related
Humor : I haven't a clue what that is. Sounds like a fugus
Registration date : 2011-01-18

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Danger April 12th 2011, 2:49 am

Incendiaries flew towards towards Elaine with a violent thrust and impacted behind her into the foliage. Turning to her side allowed her to step in between the two chains, while brandishing her lasso. in front of her. Smoke began to cloud the point of view before her, closing her window of opportunity to end this thing.

The best solution to this problem seemed divide and conquer. Now that Black Arrow could cover her back, it freed her up to make a defensive strike towards the ritual at hand. The good doctor would need proper care, but that could wait. The woman with the incantations took the top priority.

The lasso flew towards Elena in an attempt to grab her and pull her away from the sacrificial circle. Entrails erupted from the ritual site, and anything that she sought through these means could only bring about pain. As the lasso flew out Elaine brought the hand behind her over her head, and using the arm in the fashion of a scorpion fired off three smoke bullets towards the feet of Dr. Everyone.

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Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

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Registration date : 2011-03-01

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by The Black Arrow April 15th 2011, 5:12 pm

The Black Arrow stood tall directly beside Elaine, and analyzed everyone’s positions through the smoke with his heat vision. Elaine picked a good spot, from where she was standing, she had Elena directly between her and the Doc. So when the dreadful Dr. Everyone created two large chains of fire and whipped them forward at the two Phantoms all Elaine had to do was turn her body to the side, and the chains wouldn't be able to reach her. If Dr. Everyone planned on hitting Elaine with his attack, because of where he was standing, he would have to burn Elena as well. It was a good plan, but it didn’t get Arrow out of the way of the chains. The Black Arrow could have done the same thing as Elaine, but they had made a plan without even saying a word to each other. The way Elaine dodge showed she was going to do something to stop the ritual, and while she was doing that Arrow would have a chance to stop the doc.

Ducking underneath one of the chains, The Black Arrow knew he would have to get a better angle on Dr. Everyone, so he rolled forward. His plan was to get in the center of his smoke cloud, where he could shoot around Elena, and at the doc. While recovering from his roll, Arrow grabbed a toxin arrow out from his quiver and placed it on his bow, between the two standard arrows. Once he had his arrows ready, he took a second to aim. It was a difficult shot, but if he could angle each arrow correctly he could stop whatever destructive plan Dr. Everyone had. Using the hand he was holding the bow with, Black Arrow placed his fingers between each arrow, so he could angle each arrow, and send them on a different path. They'd all be in the same direction, but after years of practice, Black Arrow has learned how to make more effective attacks by having his arrows hit multiple spots. He planned to shoot the two standard arrows at each of Dr. Everyone’s shoulder, and the toxin arrow directly into the center of his ribcage. Without wasting another second, Arrow released his grip on the arrows and let them soar through the air at the doc. Even if he was able to dodge, it would stop him from being able to stop Elaine from pulling Elena away with her lasso, which was their biggest priority right now.

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
The awakening - Page 2 Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 27
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Paradox April 18th 2011, 2:28 pm

It was almost clever, Nick's response to his initial attack, but wasn't enough to do the job. He was too blind of what had attacked him, and thus brought about his downfall. The energy sphere's sheer force tore through the wave, but wasn't strong enough to maintain its form. Exploding, the result sent smoke outward, cloaking his presence even further. Instantly creating a barrier before him, it received all of the wild shots in the safest manner possible. And by safe, it meant that no one would get hurt because of them. The energy barrier not only blocked the shots from hitting anything, but sucked them inside of the barrier and stuck to them like glue. The barrier stretched like rubber, decreasing the power and saving himself. When the shots were completely stopped, they slowly plopped out of the barrier and fell onto the roof. From there he quickly moved straight upward, scanning the area and started forming a strategy to retaliate. Holding his shield in front of him, the combination of all of his defenses were more than enough to guard him in case of a surprise. But he couldn't be too sure. Not yet.

Immediately spotting Nick as he propelled himself away from the building, Paradox aimed his shield at him. This ought to be good. Firing several energy bullets at Nick as he moved away, if he aimed correctly, they would hit his head and his chest if he succeeded. Like his previous attacks, once they touched their target they would explode instantly. Only, this time, they wouldn't miss. Why, you might ask? Because of his powerful ability to control and manipulate energy, he could actually command the energy bullets to follow Nick if he tried to escape or avoid them. Even if he were to miss the first time, his opponent sure wouldn't know what hit him the second time. Or the third time. Or the fourth time...

Your move.

The awakening - Page 2 21

The awakening - Page 2 Powerg10

"I knew I should have taken ballet, because it's time to dance!" - Paradox

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 39
Location : Awesomeville
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Humor : You just lost the game.
Registration date : 2011-03-23

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

Post by Alpha April 18th 2011, 4:46 pm

She felt the rope of a lasso come around her. Wrapping tight and pulling. Yet for her it came to late. As the last words came from Elena's mouth.
"Bringer of death
Harbinger of doom
I summon thee
So mote it be"

The last words came out like thunder. Echoing off of the trees. As the very fabric of the world seemed to ripple. Then the blood in the center of the rotating crystal rippled. As what seemed like lightning shot from it. Shooting upwards and downwards. As it seemed to trace lines in the air. With a liud resounding rip. A gigantic hole had been ripped in the air. Smell of blood and rotting flesh exuded from it. Through it one could see a vast plain. Grass burnt black, sky blood read and black clouds drifted through it. As Elena was dragged by the lasso. She didn't mind. Now malic was awake.

Conciousness came to him. As the smell of fresh air came to him. Like water to a thirsty dog. He stood out of a position he had become so used to. Standing to his full size. Feeling the torn rags of what used to be pants around his legs. it covered him up, but barely. Then he noticed the rip in space. Seeing the strange red headed woman who released him being dragged away. he wasnt for sure but he had a feeling about her. So slowly he walked out of the rip in the air. Foot stepping onto the green grass he had forgotten. White hair fell down covering one of his coal black eyes. Skin helathy ans tan. he looked about twenty four. His shadow moved turning into a static like snake. Rising up his body to nestle on his shoulder. "Ah its been way to long. Way too long since i've killed." he said in effortless english. Somehow he knew it. Though he wasnt for sure why. The shadow snake leapt from his shoulder to bite the lasso in half. After all this woman from what he knew set her free. Least he could do was save her. After all, the spell, was now supposed to bind him to her service. So it was more of a nonspoken order.

The awakening - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The awakening - Page 2 Empty Re: The awakening

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