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Don't Come Easy

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Don't Come Easy Empty Don't Come Easy

Post by Lieutenant Laines June 9th 2011, 1:24 am

All out of cash again, guess that’s what she gets for wanting to have some fun. Money was just so easy to blow through for her, and because of that she had to constantly keep working. Though she loved her work, so this was no problem, in fact she more than likely acted that way to give more purpose to her craft. Why not spend the money if you’ve got it? Kassandra knew what she had to do, and already had something beautiful cooked up. A nice little expensive gem display was currently being held at the local big fancy museum, though the busy hours were long over at one in the morning. It was the perfect time for a girl to make her move.

Kassandra stood tall and confident on the museum’s rooftop, looking down through the glass sun windows at her target. She could see the precious gems from here, all locked up in that glass case; she couldn’t wait to get her hands on them. She was dressed in dark colors; loose fitted combat clothes covered her slim body. Pretty much every inch of her skin was covered, she wore a bulky combat shirt and jeans, and strapped to her waist was a very useful utility belt. On her hands were black leather gloves, and on her feet were the black boots she always wore. She wore a common black ski mask over her face, her blond hair curled up into a ponytail and completely hidden by the mask.

Now it was time to get things started, she reached for a small gadget from her utility belt, a simple device she used to cut her way into things; almost like a plasma dagger, and it had hundreds of uses. Kassandra knelt down and put the device to work, slowly cutting a circle more than large enough for her to fit through. Once she had completed the task, she softly purred. “Perfect..” She returned the device to her utility belt, but she would need it again very shortly. Kassandra pulled out her grappling gun, something William had helped her with several years ago, and fired it off into the rooftop. The hook dug into the roof and latched itself in perfectly; it would hold her weight with ease. She moved to attach the gadget to the back of her belt and prepared to lower herself down. Kassandra slipped into the hole and slowly descended down to the gem display. The security was no problem for her, as she descended a button on her belt was pressed, and nearly instantly all the security was shutdown. The purpose of the device was to shutdown technology, though it had its limits, it was extremely useful for scenarios like this.

Kassandra gracefully spun herself upside down, now suspended just above the gem display. The cutting device was once again drawn from her utility belt, and her hands moved forward to start the job. Carefully and perfectly cutting a small circle into the glass, and making sure to give herself more than enough room to get what she wanted. Once again, she quickly finished the task and returned the gadget to her belt. Kassandra wasted no time when it came to stealing gems; she swiftly took them all out one by one and placed them into a little bag clipped onto her belt. A mischievous smirk clung to her masked face as she collected the last one and zipped the bag shut; now she could leave this dump. She spun herself so that she was no longer upside down, but before she could begin reeling herself back up, her sweet moment was interrupted by the faint sounds of footsteps coming from behind her. Her heart sank and a chill went up her spine, she froze up, but only briefly. Great, she’s been busted, but how the hell did that happen?! She never gets caught! Kassandra was confident she could make a getaway if it was the security or the police or whatever, but when she spun around it was obvious that this man was no man of the law. Perhaps a fellow thief, that was her first assumption at least, but if that’s the case, he’s not getting any of her loot. Kassandra was not one to share.

Kassandra wasn’t looking for a fight, in fact she just wanted to get the hell out of here, but if this guy was standing in her way, she couldn’t simply run, could she? Perhaps she should have just reeled herself up as quickly as possible, but instead she went with the more impulsive option and drew a gun from the back of her belt. It was a powerful piece designed by her, silenced, and very intimidating, especially when it was pointed at you. Kassandra was suspended in the air, holding the gun in both hands as she pointed it at the stranger. “I don’t know who you are, and frankly I don’t care.” The masked woman cocked the gun threateningly as she spoke up again in her deep, obviously scrambled voice. She was using a voice scrambler, something to help even further hide her true identity because she really did enjoy her civilian life; she also thought it was a little cool too. It sounded almost as if two people were talking, robotic and harsh; almost demonic. “But if you get in my way, I’ll kill you.” Due to her bulky outfit, you could have mistaken her for a male, and the voice certainly did not help her case. Her normal voice was powerful, but clearly feminine, she was a woman you feared and respected simply because of the way she spoke.
Lieutenant Laines
Lieutenant Laines
Femme Fatale

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Quote : "Tch, I can totally say something cool. I'll uhh-, shoot you."

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Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Travis Traxler June 9th 2011, 5:47 pm

It was a calm night and the streets were almost completely deserted, not completely out of the ordinary, but that was not really a problem. You never complain about a good thing, the man’s father had said that long ago, it was one of the only things the man had ever taken to heart. If that expression really applied to him, the man had been told he was a heartless demon in the past but that was to be expected, targets rarely care about the wellbeing of their assassin. Bringing his thoughts back to the matter at hand, the man set out across the street towards the building he planned to rob tonight, it looked to be a museum of some sort, but he was not going to do it for someone douche bag that thought it belonged in his collection though. This job was strictly for the man doing it besides he needed the money anyway, so he could buy things; killing people and living in their homes for a day or two was starting to lose its appeal.

The man wore a special outfit for the crime at hand, not what he usually wore but it was nice. He wore a close fitting black t-shirt over his chest, his usual black combat pants, a pair of fingerless fighting gloves, and a simple ski mask with yellow slits of glass to cover each eye. Some people would wonder why a robber would wear fingerless gloves to do a ‘job’ but that is an easy question to answer, the man was not trying to keep his identity secret. He was simply wearing the get up so people would know that he was a super villain, something he had wanted to be for quite some time but never seemed to get around to doing. The cops would shit bricks when word got around that Gary Grinnes, although he was once known as Walking Death but he did not want that name anymore. He would have to find a new name to go by but what would be good?

Thinking while he stepped up to the front doors of the museum, Gary gave the glass doors, something than man had never understood because glass was a structural weak point in most buildings and would do little in the way of keeping criminals out, a little tap with back of his gloved hand and listened to the ring. He then placed both hands on the great glass door, at about shoulder height at only a few inches wider than his hips, and pushed. His hands were on the weakest structural points of the whole door, something a blind martial artist had taught him to do, and along with his tremendous strength it had little chance of putting up a real fight. The glass shattered but it was quiet enough that you would have to be in the very room or be listening for the sound to be able to hear it at all, a good thing for the criminal in some ways, but it would not attract the cops.

As he walked through each exhibit, looking for the jewels he was after, he continued to try and think of a name he could start going by. I had to be dangerous and deadly but it needed to have an air of classiness or grace, much like him but only when he was fighting, something that a good bad guy would have and still is able to strike fear in the hearts of the masses. Stopping for a moment to look at a painting, he observed an old painting of the Greek god of lightning, Zeus, slaying his father with his own weapon, the scythe of Cronus, and inspiration hit him. It had to have something to do with Grim Reaper. With that thought he continued to the room he was looking for.

Something however was not as he planned, there was a man already stealing the gems, his jewels. The soon to be named villain watched as the man agilely moved from a hanging position to a postion where he could get a better view while still hanging, with his gun pulled but there was no need to dodge. The voice of the other robber was strange but Gary paid it no mind and instead answered the not question. “My name,” he had to come up with something fast so he decided to just go with the first thing that came to his mind, “Mister Reaper.” It was not the best name, that was obvious, but he was stuck with it now. “And what do you mean ‘get in your way’? You’re in mine that’s my gem. I was here to steal it first,” the anger was evident in his voice, mixing together with his already gruff voice an attempt to sound as interesting as the other robber but it simply resulted in something that sounded like Christian Bale trying to speak while he gargled rocks.

Don't Come Easy TravisTraxlersGrid_zpsfb787d3d
Travis Traxler
Travis Traxler
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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Lieutenant Laines June 11th 2011, 3:44 pm

((OOC: I am still suspended in the air above the gem display; I never lowered myself to the ground just so you know. At any point, you can cut the wire I am hanging from and I’ll hit the ground. Either you do that, or follow me to the rooftops, your pick.))

Something was not right here, this man gave her an eerie feeling. Kassandra had an eye for detail, and nearly instantly noticed the thief was wearing fingerless gloves. Why on earth would any thief wear fingerless gloves? That was kind of creepy to her. She was tempted to just shoot him where he stood and just save herself the trouble, but the way he introduced himself threw her off. In the brief meeting with this Mister Reaper character, she felt that he was both intimidating and goofy, what kind of cheesy name was that? Kassandra felt a smirk creep onto her face, and forced herself not to chuckle as she softly shook her head. At least put some more aggression in when you say it! She did like the name, cheesy ones were the best sometimes; he just needed a better costume and better delivery to go with it. Kassandra would’ve said something, but now wasn’t the time to be giving costume tips. Despite her finding his bold introduction slightly goofy, she still felt uneasy and threatened by this man; she was worried things could get ugly.

As she expected, this guy was after the same target, her lovely jewels. This Mister Reaper fellow wasn’t getting them, not unless he beat them out of her, and she was no pushover. Kassandra had no intentions of leaving tonight empty handed. “You were too slow, they’re mine now. I asked nicely, but I can see you’re not going to comply. Farewell Mister Reaper.” Her harsh, scrambled, robotic voice threatened as she pulled the trigger. The bullet silently blasted from the chamber and zoomed towards the left shoulder of Mister Reaper. Kassandra chose not to aim for any vitals. She did not wish to kill him, whoever he was, she wanted to see more of this Mister Reaper fellow around; he seemed interesting.

She did not watch whether the bullet hit or not, Kassandra put her gun away and immediately pressed the button on her grappling device currently attached to the back of her belt. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling as she began reeling herself up to make her escape, determined to get out of here, and foolishly ignoring the possible major threat still on the ground. Kassandra was too impulsive at times, sometimes it worked out for her, and sometimes it didn't. Hopefully this was one of the times it did work.
Lieutenant Laines
Lieutenant Laines
Femme Fatale

Status :

Quote : "Tch, I can totally say something cool. I'll uhh-, shoot you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 86
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Travis Traxler June 12th 2011, 2:46 am

Mister Reaper stood there in total silence for a longer time than most would think possible, being that the villain normally did not do very well with the concept of staying still; he was a very fidgety person by nature. The newly named villain kept most of his attention on the gun pointed on him or more precisely the hand holding the gun, readying himself for even the slightest twitch of the finger that could mean more pain than required for this mission. The man spoke again with his cyborg voice but Mister Reaper had a rather hard time paying attention because it all seemed to be playing out in the usually ‘standoff’ fashion. A few tough words and then the ‘shoot out’ portion would commence. Waiting for the second part to come was the hard bit though.

Then, it happened, the man’s finger began to move. Pulling the trigger of his gun but from the angle of the gun it was obvious that it was not meant to kill and would simply hit him in the shoulder. Mister Reaper moved to his right as fast as he could, which was considerably faster than most, but he did not move all the way out of its path and let it graze his shoulder, cutting him but not too deeply. The bit of blood splattered to the floor, giving the police something to know of his presence. He looked to where the man had been hanging, having taken his eyes off him to give his full attention to the bullet, and was making for a quick escape. First the man did not have the decency to try and kill him and now he was trying to run away. That was not very polite.

Running forward towards the fleeing man, Mister Reaper stepped up onto the display the jewels had previously been on using it as a launch board and jumping up towards the hole the thief had made. He managed to grab the edge of the new entrance and pulled himself out quickly enough but once he was able to feel the cool night air, see the night sky, and have the roof of the building beneath his feet the man was gone. Turning his head every which way, Gary managed to see his pray running as fast as he could, which was pretty fast for most people but not fast enough. The villain ran after the other crook calling out to him as he did, “Where are you off to? I’d like to stop and have a little talk if you don’t mind but you should know that when I say ‘talk’ I really mean ‘kill you’.” He then let out a devilish laugh, he had been working on it for a while now, before he continued ranting to the runner, “You’re really lucky you know, I thought my two hundredth kill would be some fat security guard but instead it’s a coward. You’ll make things interesting at least so I thank you for that.

Don't Come Easy TravisTraxlersGrid_zpsfb787d3d
Travis Traxler
Travis Traxler
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Registration date : 2011-05-29

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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Lieutenant Laines June 12th 2011, 9:11 pm

For now, luckily everything worked out for her, Kassandra was able to slip away after firing at him. She easily pulled herself up through the hole in the glass and detached her grappling device. There was no time to waste, after placing the gadget back onto her belt she took off sprinting towards the rooftop’s edge. With a powerful push of her legs, she easily leaped over an alley, gracefully moving from rooftop to rooftop. She briefly glanced over her shoulder and witnessed her adversary pulling himself up through her makeshift entrance, she knew this wouldn’t be over yet; not that easily at least. It had been a bit frightening to see him there, how on earth did he move that quickly? Feeling a sense of urgency, she pushed herself forward as swiftly as she could, intending to leap to the next rooftop. If that man was as fast as she feared, this chase would be a brief one.

Kassandra looked back over shoulder after every rooftop she leaped, and every time Mister Reaper drew closer and closer. He was clearly faster than her, he could have caught her by now, but he was just toying with her. A rapid, nervous heartbeat plagued her, she was a little worried by his threats. This guy was more than a thief, he was a cold hearted killer. Did he do this for fun? Was she just another target to him? Perhaps sparing him was a mistake, one she would have to correct. Another glance over her shoulder showed that he was quite literally right behind her, she knew she couldn’t run anymore. Kassandra leaped one last alley, and came to a skidding halt on the next rooftop, spinning herself round to face her foe.

“I’m not a coward.” Kassandra said boldly in her scrambled voice as she fell into her military stance; feet spread far apart and knees bent, left leading the right, palm’s open, fingers curled, right hand high and near shoulder, left hand low and near waist. Her stance swayed with power and energy, she was clearly a well trained and experienced fighter. “I guess we’ll have to do this the hard way.” With her left hand, she motioned for him to ‘bring it on’. Her masked light brown eyes viciously narrowed in on her enemy standing on the adjacent rooftop, she was ready to kick some tail. Kassandra expected him to leap at her, and prepared herself for the defensive. “Show me what you can do.” The harsh, scrambled voice demanded.
Lieutenant Laines
Lieutenant Laines
Femme Fatale

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Quote : "Tch, I can totally say something cool. I'll uhh-, shoot you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 86
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Travis Traxler June 12th 2011, 10:16 pm

The man stopped, turned, facing Mister Reaper, and took up a fighting stance. The stance was strong and sturdy while her footing would allow for a wide range of motion, something a trained combatant would have to be taught. There was no doubt in Mister Reaper’s mind that this man in fact a trained martial artist but it was not a perfect stance, having very few flaws here and there, a lesser fighter might not notice but Gary was not a lesser fighter. The crook spoke again but the words were lost on Mister Reaper, who had found a somewhat interesting cloud to observe, watching it move and twist as though it held all the meaning in the world and taunted the earth with untold secrets, but then the man stopped talking.

Mister Reaper decided to give his own little speech before he attacked the man so they would be even in the number of words exchanged, “You shot at me and you didn’t try to kill me. What was up with that? It was not very nice. I’m going to be a nice guy and kill you, being the nice guy I am, sure I might torture you a little bit for some fun but at the end of the day you’ll be dead and that’s all that matters,” the evil man then scratched his head in thought and then continued, “alright, I’m done. You can die now.” Running forward, fast and strong, so fast that a normal man could never even dream to catch him, when he came to the ledge separating the two men Mister Reaper jumped with a tall arc planning to come down on top of him.

The man had a chance to dodge, Mister Reaper thought he would have a little fun with his kill and give it some openings to run again but like a cat and a mouse there really never was a way to run. When he hit the ground, or the man it barely made a difference, he would crouch low and kick out with his foot and try to make contact with the crook’s stomach, which should knock the breath out of him. Everything was planned out quite nicely; not his usual tactic but this would be fun for a while. The blood lust was clear in his eyes, although they could not be seen, and the smile was nice and wide, showing off clean white teeth beneath his mask that could not be seen through so it most likely would make no difference to the other man.

Don't Come Easy TravisTraxlersGrid_zpsfb787d3d
Travis Traxler
Travis Traxler
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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Lieutenant Laines June 15th 2011, 8:40 am

It was a bit creepy, looking over at the mysterious masked man on the adjacent rooftop. He took no form or stance, instead he briefly observed her before turning his attention away. Was he even listening to her?! The man was just staring off in the sky, and she couldn’t stand being ignored. It infuriated her, her masked light brown eyes viciously staring him down as he returned his attention to her. Kassandra balled her fits up tightly, cracking the bones loudly as the man went on with his little speech. A soft, somewhat cocky chuckle escaped her lips as he finished, this guy really was a frightening goofball. “Mister, you’ve got a twisted view of what’s ‘nice’. ” He seemed to ignore her once again, scratching his head before finishing his speech. “I don’t like being ignored!” She barked out in her scrambled voice as he leaped towards her. An obvious attack like that would never hit a fighter like her, being more than quick enough to step back out of his landing. Though his next attack was far more difficult to deal with, and proved that this man was much faster than her not only on his feet, but in combat as well. Not only was he fast, but he knew what he was doing, possibly even better than she did. If she hadn’t been on the defensive and prepared for it, blocking the strike would’ve been impossible.

Kassandra was able to put her forearms up in front of her stomach, though the power of the kick forced her stance to slide back a few inches. A soft groan escaped her lips as she fought to remain balanced. She felt the bruising on her arms nearly instantly, that was one hell of a kick, so he was strong too, stronger than her it seems. No time was wasted, adrenaline pumping through her veins as her right fist flew towards Mister Reaper. “My turn!” Kassandra grunted as she furiously threw one strike after another, leading with her left and alternating between fists as her flurry continued. Kassandra was determined get away with her jewels, but she also wanted to knock this guy out, just to show him who was the best.

This guy truly was something else, he was fast and skilled enough to dodge the four punches thrown his way, but he couldn’t keep it up forever! Kassandra immediately and impulsively followed up with a mighty side kick from her left leg aimed towards her opponent’s upper chest. It was not the best choice against him, but she wasn’t thinking things through, she was getting too aggressive, and that may backfire on her. The kick was swift, and had massive strength behind it; if it were to connect, he’d feel it for sure. However if she were to miss, she’d be briefly left open for an attack. If this man was as skilled as she thought, he’d jump on that opportunity, and he was out to kill her, she had to be careful. This man was not to be taken lightly, especially when her life was on the line.
Lieutenant Laines
Lieutenant Laines
Femme Fatale

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Quote : "Tch, I can totally say something cool. I'll uhh-, shoot you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 86
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Travis Traxler June 15th 2011, 6:52 pm

The man dodged the first attack and blocked it with little flaw in his form, very impressive, and he did not try to run away again so it looked like it might be a decent fight. Mister Reaper stood straight up and waited for the next attack, deciding that he would examine the real ability of the man he was fighting, wanting to see how good of a fight he could get. The other crook moved fast, not really that fast but pretty fast none the less, and swung trying to punch him full stop but Mister Reaper simply stepped back and away from the attack while he said, “You’re pretty quick and that is somewhat impressive but you should know your style has too many holes in it.” The second swing, from his opposite arm, was well aimed but not extremely impressive and was redirected away from the body with little effort as the man continued talking away, “See that was too easy. Are you trying to let me kill you because if you are I’ll let you lay down and the torture shouldn’t hurt too much.” Third was a much better punch, making it very clear the man was beginning to get angry and a teensy bit sloppy, and the dodging villain almost got hit square in the gut but a quick leap back was all that prevented it. The man let out a small laugh at the previous move before he said, “Now that was a real attack. You’re finally starting to get the hang of this.” The last attempt was worse than the last but better than the first two but was also easy to dodge because of the distance between them and gained no comment from the evil man in question.

Then the unexpected happened, he went for a kick to his side but at the same time she was completely open to an enemy attack. He was brave, very brave, and Mister Reaper liked that a lot. There was not a lot going on in the fight and there was still one more question to be answered, how strong was this random robber? Was he super strong? Wanting to answer these questions, Mister Reaper braced for the attack, but only barely, and readied his hand to grab the leg straight on.

Mister Reaper caught the leg with little worry but taking the brunt of the kick on directly had been a bad choice from the beginning. He felt something in his hand snap, not a broken bone fortunately, it was possibly fractured or if he was lucky only sprained. Not wanting to let this opportunity pass him by though, Mister Reaper grabbed the leg as tightly as he could, possibly hurting the man but it was hard to tell with the mask he was wearing, and went to grab the upper thigh as well so that he could swing him around and throw him on his back. If the move worked it would both deliver a good bit of pain to the man and place him in a disadvantageous place, since he would be on the ground and hopefully unable to attack anymore.

Don't Come Easy TravisTraxlersGrid_zpsfb787d3d
Travis Traxler
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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Lieutenant Laines June 17th 2011, 2:39 pm

She couldn’t stand it, swinging punch after punch, each of them easily dodged as the intimidating man taunted her. The way he talked to her, it infuriated her, driving her left leg to impulsively throw a heavy side kick after her flurry of punches. Who the hell did this guy think he was? She was too easy? Letting him kill her? Her style had many holes in it? Bull shit, every word of it! She spent years perfecting her style, there was no way this random trash-talking thief was better than her! There just couldn’t be! She denied it, she knew he beat her physically, it was obvious he was faster and likely stronger, but she would not accept him as the more skilled fighter. Kassandra intended to prove that, putting a large amount of aggression and power into her kick. This wasn’t her just trying to prove something to herself, no, she just wanted to kick this guy’s ass and really show him who the best was. If he wanted to underestimate her, fine, it was just him digging his own grave! She wanted to take him down purely with martial arts, but if that were not possible, she’d play down her abilities just enough to get close to him and put her power to use, but first she needed to get this mask off.

When the kick connected, she felt a cocky smirk crawl onto her face, even though he blocked it, it showed he wasn’t as powerful as he made himself out to be. The loud cracking bones rang through her ears, either she broke something, or forced a natural crack, either way it showed the power in her kick. Her opponent’s stance slightly shifted back, just an inch or two from the force of the attack; just like she had earlier. Both fighters were clearly physically strong and extremely skilled. Despite all the danger she was in she loved every second of it; loving the challenge Mister Reaper gave. Kassandra moved to pull her leg away, but realized he had been quick enough to get his grip on her. With his strength, one hand was enough to hold her in place, but when the other slipped up her thigh and clenched tightly, she knew she was in trouble. Unable to react in time, or even register the pain she felt, she was lifted from the ground and swung around by her leg. Though Kassandra was on the ropes, it didn’t mean she was out of tricks. While he swung her around, the strong woman was able to pull herself up just enough to put possibly her best gadget to use. There wasn’t enough time to put a lot of power behind the attack, but a quick, simple attack to wear him down. She swiftly gathered and directed her energy into the gadget she wore on her left arm, allowing her to fire off a small pink ring blast towards the chest off her deadly foe.

Essentially, they were trading blows, if this worked that is, but Mister Reaper escaping that was unlikely, or so she thought. Kassandra was able to recover from being tossed, that didn’t really hurt her, not nearly as bad as the pains she felt in her leg. This guy was strong, not quite enough to break her bones with his grip, but definitely enough to hurt and leave some bad bruising. She could feel the stinging imprints of his fingers on her skin, but she ignored it and focused herself on the fight. This wasn’t about slow her down, she fell perfectly back into her stance, as if she hadn’t even been touched. Her masked light brown eyes narrowed in on Mister Reaper, this was just getting started. “You’re a fool, you may have the advantage right now, but it doesn’t mean you’re going to win.” A sly smirk fell onto her face, she needed to cool off and fight strategically, and right now she had no choice but to use her power to its full potential. This guy was strong, and she could keep up with him, but if she used this, victory was far easier to achieve. As badly as she wanted to just punch this guy down, she knew it probably wasn’t going to happen if he was at his full strength; Kassandra wasn’t stupid. She moved her right hand to the bottom left of the ski mask, gripping it, pulling it up and completely off. Next went the gloves, she preferred fighting without them anyway, and she got to show off her perfect light pink painted nails. She had small, fragile looking hands, which scars, cuts and bruises were scattered across. Despite this, she still had very soft, good looking hands. “Don’t you know? A woman never gives up when she wants something.” She taunted in her normal voice as she skillfully fell back into her fighting stance; that particular voice scrambler had been built into the mask. The woman’s dark blonde hair, light brown eyes, and soft feminine features now clearly visible to her foe. On her left cheek was clearly a bandaged, recovering scar, making it even more obvious this woman had seen her fair share of danger. “Your move, Mister Reaper.” Kassandra taunted slyly in her sweet, alluring voice. If he came to her, the chances of this working were a lot better than the reverse. This guy was going to pay for all that trash he was talking…
Lieutenant Laines
Lieutenant Laines
Femme Fatale

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Quote : "Tch, I can totally say something cool. I'll uhh-, shoot you."

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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Travis Traxler June 17th 2011, 6:59 pm

Mister Reaper lifted the crook clean off the ground, swinging him around like a rag doll, the opponent tonight was far lighter than he had expected but it was no matter. The man however was a very skilled fighter, though Mister Reaper would never admit it, and managed to shoot off some kind of silly pink ring at Mister Reaper’s chest. It looked so pathetic and weak that Gary did not so much as try to dodge the cute little thing and that was his second mistake of the night. Stumbling back from the attack and clenching his chest, Mister Reaper was in moderate pain from whatever that ring had been made out of, it burned as hot as fire on his chest, searing a little ring onto the front of his shirt. That part sucked the most though, he had really liked that shirt and now it was ruined. Taking a moment to mourn the loss of his beloved shirt, Gary looked up at the other man who was already back on his feet. “How dare you? That was my favorite shirt,” although he did not yell, the anger was clear in his voice. Mister Reaper was about to get deadly serious, there would be no more testing. This was about to be a real fight but like always he simply had to say something, “You’ll be the first person that I’ve killed that has been as much fun as my father, although he’s been dead for a long time. I won’t bore you with details but it was an easy fight…” almost at once Mister Reaper was shut up by the man.

Then without explanation the man pulled off his mask and revealed that he was in fact a she, shocking Mister Reaper. Although the facial expression was hidden beneath the mask he wore, his identification as a super villain, it could be seen through his body language easy enough; his head backed in surprise, his footing moved back, and his hands clenched, Mister Reaper did not like to be deceived. Then everything seemed to make sense once again and the evil man let out his well-practiced devilish laugh before he spoke again, “You’re a woman? That makes a lot more sense. It explains why your fighting style is so sloppy.” Deciding that he would taunt his pray for a few moments before going in for the kill, Mister Reaper began to pace back and forth his eyes never leaving the woman before him. He lifted his hand to his mask and lifted the seam removing it nice and slow. “I think I’ll take this off since I don’t want it to get messed up like my shirt,” by the middle of the sentence the mask was off, revealing what most would call the face of an angel. The perfect bone structure did more than give him a naturally perfect fighting stance, his messy black hair falling flawlessly on his forehead, landing just above his eyebrows almost as though he had never even been wearing a mask in the first place, and his silver eyes were so soft and gentle that on first glance a person would never expect them to belong to a cold hearted killer. After he was done talking he brought his hand, the one that had been clamped on the woman’s thigh, to his nose and sniffed, “Tangy, don’t worry you’re not the first woman that has fallen prey to my presence.

Never taking a stance, Mister Reaper charged the woman ready to attack without any hesitation, while he was still more serious in his attacking than he was before the villain still did not attack the woman wholeheartedly. Still in mid run Mister Reaper jumped, although with his body parallel to the roof below him, bringing his foot high into the air and was bringing it down, aiming for her left shoulder, hard and fast. Gary knew that he completely outranked this woman; after all he was faster, stronger, and a better fighter. What could be the worst thing that could happen?

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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Lieutenant Laines June 21st 2011, 7:44 pm

Just as she planned, her attack successfully slammed into her opponent’s chest, searing the flesh and easily destroying the clothing. A massive hole was left in his shirt, revealing the burnt skin beneath. This man truly was tough, a normal man would’ve been killed, and the attack would’ve eaten all the way to his heart, but it couldn’t even burn past the skin. A cocky smirk clung to her youthful face, the determination obvious in her powerful light brown eyes. So it was his favorite shirt? Ha! That just made it better. She just softly chuckled at him, holding her ground and watching him closely for any sudden movements.

Though what he said next surprised her, showing more of his psychotic nature to her. What a creep, he killed his own father? Maybe he was bluffing, but with this guy, it really wasn’t difficult to believe. She wouldn’t let it show in her face, but this guy seriously gave her the creeps, someone she would never take lightly. Kassandra’s cocky smirk grew even larger at Mister Reaper’s reaction to the removal of her mask. Just what she wanted, to surprise him, to put him off his guard, and even better, have him further underestimate her. Putting up a false expression of anger, Kassandra pretended to be infuriated by the comment on her ‘sloppy’ fighting style. "Shut it. This woman's gonna' kick your ass."

This man was full of surprises, keeping her eyes glued to him as he paced back and forth. She stayed on the defensive for now, watching him closely as he began removing his mask. What a copy cat, taking his mask off after she did! He was just jealous of her style and tried to steal it, or at least that’s what she told herself. Kassandra would have never suspected the man beneath the mask to be so handsome. She expected his personality to reflect his appearance, a creepy monstrous man, but he was the exact opposite. Whatever, it didn’t matter, so what if he had great eyes, nice hair and perfect bone structure, he was still a creepy psycho killer. Though it did make him suddenly more interesting…

Kassandra found his next action to be both disrespectful and despicable, sniffing his hand like that just made her false expression of anger become real. Despite her annoyance, she was used to men constantly hitting on her and acting like that, so she was able to quickly shrug it off and replace her scowl with a sexy sly smirk. “In your dreams, creep. Enjoy it while you can, cause’ it’ll be the last time you ever get that close to me.” She threatened in her powerful feminine voice as she clenched her fists tightly, loudly cracking the bones.

A moment later, Mister Reaper sprung his attack, showing no hesitation or mercy as he threw his leg down towards her shoulder. He had sprinted and jumped in far too quickly for her to get in an attack, and blocking a man of his strength would quickly wear her down. Kassandra went with her best option, thanks to her quick thinking and amazing superhuman reflexes she was able to roll to the right and get out of the way just in time. Immediately, she came out of the roll into a spinning sweep kick, attempting to take out Mister Reaper briefly after he slammed his foot into the ground.

Last edited by Kassandra Laines on June 24th 2011, 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lieutenant Laines
Lieutenant Laines
Femme Fatale

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Quote : "Tch, I can totally say something cool. I'll uhh-, shoot you."

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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Travis Traxler June 23rd 2011, 5:55 pm

((Let me know if anything needs to be changed.))

Her reaction was delightful, she tried to hide it as best she could but the fact was that she had expected him to not only be ugly, she had thought he would be absolutely disgusting. Ugly was something that Mister Reaper was not, on the contrary he was very beautiful, it had been that way since before he could remember, at least from his father had told him long ago. Although it seemed pointless and not at all useful, being extremely attractive had its perks; people were immediately nice to him, they would instantly think he was unintelligent, and they would almost always let their guard down. The woman had not let her guard down but she had been surprised and that was a better edge than he had had before. Mister Reaper did not like what he was about to admit, this woman was good.

She was strong, fast, a good fighter, and above all else she was very intelligent. It was obvious by all the gadgets she carried with her, Mister Reaper was not sure if she had made them or not but he had never seen any toys like those before. If things got any worse for the super villain he might have to start taking her seriously, something he did not in any capacity want to do, not even for a second. To take somebody seriously was to give that person respect and this woman was beneath him at least that was what Mister Reaper kept screaming in his own mind, his mind seemed to only have on volume setting.

Mister Reaper could tell, before she even moved a single muscle, that the woman was already about to dodge, she was smart. She would always find a way around his attacks no matter what random half thought out scheme he came up with. Just as expected she rolled to the right and out of harm’s way, it was somewhat sloppy but got the job done and in the end that was all that mattered. This whole fight was getting more and more tedious by the second. Mister Reaper had no choice but to make sure that he put her down nice and fast.

His foot hit the concrete roof beneath him with the bottom of his foot and a shudder could be felt through the whole building. Mister Reaper removed his leg from the hole he had made and was going to get ready for the fight at hand but due to lack of attention he had failed to notice that the woman had moved to sweep his feet out from under him. His thoughts began to run rampant as he fell, again they screamed at him, as they always did, ‘What are you doing? This is embarrassing, you should be kicking her ass, and you know that! On a side note did you get a look at her ass? Nice. You should have known it was a chick from that glorious rear end. But anyway, show some class and kick her ass, even though it is perfect,’ and with that his mind shut up for a time. Taking the precious seconds he still had on hand, Mister Reaper fell back onto his hands and pulled the rest of his body over himself, doing a nice and quick back hand spring.

Once the sinister villain was back on his feet he took a stance, placing his legs a good distance apart from one another, which would allow him to be able to move from side to side and pivot his waist quite nicely, and turning his shoulders so that the right one was facing the woman, his left hand ready to deliver a powerful blow. During this whole time Mister Reaper had not said a single word to the woman, the time for words was gone. It was time to see who the better fighter was, once and for all.

'Oh, one more thing,' his mind butted in again, 'I think the zipper on your pants managed to unzip after that little flip.'

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Travis Traxler
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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Lieutenant Laines June 24th 2011, 9:34 pm

If his kick were to have connected, things would’ve really sucked for her. She knew he was strong, but had no idea he was that strong. Kassandra could feel the power of the kick as she rolled away, and felt the rooftop briefly vibrate beneath her. All of that was rather intimidating, but she wouldn’t let it weaken her resolve; this guy was going down! His cockiness would be his downfall, because anyone who underestimated this woman surely paid for it.

Just as she hoped, after throwing his attack he wasn’t fast enough to evade her sweep, but her eyes widened when he swiftly recovered from that. She couldn’t believe he caught himself on his hands! An obvious scowl clung to her face as he easily did a backwards handspring onto his feet. She had been hoping to get in another attack before he got away, but he had to go and ruin that. Urgh, this guy was frustrating her!

Kassandra’s light brown eyes darted down to the hole Mister Reaper had created in the roof, just before viciously narrowing in at Mister Reaper as he finally fell into a stance. This blonde was unimpressed, and clearly pissed, standing tall and confident as an old fashioned stare down ensued. “About time you took this seriously. You had me worried, I thought I was already going to beat you.” Kassandra teased him as she fell into the same military styled fighting stance as earlier. “Make this fun, and don’t take it easy on me. I can handle anything you got big boy.” She taunted with a cocky, sexy smirk as both hands balled up into fists. Kassandra began slowly moving in towards him, her eyes tracing his figure, trying to predict his next movement.

“Oh, by the way, your fly’s down.” She taunted further as she inched closer to him. If he were to let his guard down for even a second, Kassandra intended to lunge forward into a powerful tackle. This woman was an extremely intelligent, strategic fighter; she always had a trick up her sleeve. It’s what’s kept her alive all these years, and it’ll keep her alive tonight.
Lieutenant Laines
Lieutenant Laines
Femme Fatale

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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Travis Traxler June 27th 2011, 4:45 pm

Just over to the side of the two fighting people there was a stirring, although it went completely unnoticed, a truly diabolical stirring. A crow wearing a small fez sat perched atop the receiver of a satellite and was only slightly annoyed with the fight at hand. The crow gave a quick twist of his neck, which only looked slightly painful, and watched Mister Reaper expectantly, it’s eyes boring a deep hole into the villain. Then with a startling screech of a voice, the crow said, ‘You’re form is terrible. You should also quit being so stupid with you half-baked plans. You’re really starting to embarrass me, do you know that. Your letting her get ready for an attack, stop listening to me and move already.

The crow kept squawking like that for a little while longer but Mister Reaper tried his best to ignore him, as he usually did, and watched the woman before him. The two had engaged in an intense match to see who would blink first, Mister Reaper would win because that was just how things worked for him. Trying to ignore Edgar, he did not believe his remark about his zipper being down, it would not be the first time the damn bird had lied to him. Then the woman before him said the same thing, he had ignored everything else she had said, but that meant Edgar was telling the truth.

In the split second that Mister Reaper looked down to examine his zipper the woman had sprung into action. She moved faster than Mister Reaper had believed she was capable of, catching him off guard, and hit him with more force than he had ever imagined she was capable of having. She threw her first punch and it connected with the bridge of his nose, breaking it in at least one place. Blood flowed down Mister Reaper’s face full force, staining his shirt, but he ignored that for the moment. By the time she threw her second punch, this time with the opposite, the man was ready and he blocked it with the side of his arm, it stung but it too was easily ignored. Grabbing her wrist in his hand he prepared to do away with the woman as fast as possible. As fun as this fight was it was getting old fast.

Mister Reaper did not like being equal with some random woman rubbing a museum, talking that rage the man pulled his leg up under the woman, placing the bottom of his boot on her midriff. He smiled up at her, his sweet smile covered in blood from his nose, and said in a soft voice, “It’s been nice getting to know you.” Then without warning, he pushed the woman up and over with all the strength he could muster, launching her towards the ledge of the roof behind him. He hoped she would fall to her death but the woman was crafty, anything was possible.

Standing from where he had lain he looked over to where the crow sat and yelled, “What are you doing here, Edgar? I told you to stay in the room.” Mister Reaper looked exasperated, “What do you want?

'I got bored in the room so I thought I’d join you,' with that to crow threw up his wings in mock surrender and then continued what he had been saying, 'And she isn’t dead by the way.'

Confused, Mister Reaper made his way over to the ledge as he almost whispered to the bird, “How do you know that?

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Travis Traxler
Travis Traxler
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Don't Come Easy Empty Re: Don't Come Easy

Post by Lieutenant Laines June 28th 2011, 10:46 pm

Just as she planned, the idiot let his guard down and actually looked down to examine his zipper. Kassandra felt a sly smirk tug across her lips; she couldn’t believe that he had been so foolish! Almost like a professional football player, with a powerful lunge the headstrong woman slammed her shoulder into the gut of her enemy and took him down to the cold hard rooftop. Immediately she jumped on the opportunity, rising to her knees and nearly straddling her enemy. “I’m through playing around!” She barked out as she dropped her right fist with all her strength down onto his face, slamming the bottom of her hand into his nose. Her cocky, sly smirk grew even larger as she felt his nose break just in the slightest beneath her hand. Kassandra’s left hand moved in for the next attack as her right lifted up over her head, a small trail of crimson dripping from it.

Unfortunately, Mister Reaper was far from defeated and was able to put his forearm up to block her second punch. Kassandra growled out in pain as they collided, everything she had was put into it, she could feel the damage she dealt to his skin, but she feared that she may have bruised herself as well. The whole bottom of her left fist ached, but she had no time to examine the minor injury. Before she could make her next attack, Mister Reaper turned everything around on her. When she felt his tight, powerful grip on her wrist, she knew she was in trouble, but still had a chance of escape. It was only until his boot was placed on her midsection, then she was screwed. She had been too slow, and as much as it infuriated her, he had proved he was the superior in martial arts. Though that didn’t mean he was better, or going to win this fight!

Kassandra glared down at Mister Reaper as he said his ‘good-bye’, the fury obvious in her light brown eyes. If he was smart, he would’ve finished her when he had the chance, but he didn’t take it and instead flung her. Kassandra was not by any means a heavy woman; she was rather light and easily tossed by the powerful Mister Reaper. She was sent hurling through the air, went straight off the rooftop, and began quickly plummeting down the alley towards the hard cement. No way was she going to let herself die here! Kassandra grunted as she spun herself around and reached for her grappling device, her eyes now fixed on the rooftops which drew further and further with every millisecond. She had little time to react and make a decision, but for her that wasn’t a problem.

Kassandra was able to come up with a scheme in the brief time she was falling, and it was much better than anything that stupid ape could come up with, or so she was convinced. With a pull of the trigger, the gadget fired off towards the rooftop Reaper stood on. The wire was thin and barely noticeable, so unless he had been looking closely off the edge, he would have no idea what she was up to. As the device connected with the roof, a quiet clicking nose was made, and instantly she stopped falling. Gravity had been harsh on her, feeling the pains throughout her body as she came to a whiplashing halt. Kassandra was forced into a swing, swinging forward into the building and planting her feet onto it. The fall had not been great enough to cause anything more than some minor pains, though it hadn’t exactly been pleasant on her legs. Now she looked as if she was walking up the building, but that was far too slow for her style.

With a simple press of a button, another silent click was made and Kassandra began swiftly reeling up the building. A fierce look of determination clung to the woman’s face as her dark blonde hair was tossed around by the wind gusting into her. As she drew closer, her determination grew stronger. This wasn’t about getting away or staying alive anymore, if that were the case she would’ve ran away just then, but instead she went head on back into the danger. Kassandra was determined to kick this guy’s ass!

Just before she reached the top, Mister Reaper leaned over the ledge, searching for a sign of her. Using the momentum she had gained from her zip lining, Kassandra flung herself up to the rooftop into a front flip. She easily and skillfully flipped over the surprised Mister Reaper, landing on both feet just inches behind him. With the grappling device still in hand, Kassandra growled as she tried to lunge forward into him. If successful, she would slam her left shoulder into his back, sending him over the ledge and plummeting towards the ground; returning the favor.
Lieutenant Laines
Lieutenant Laines
Femme Fatale

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