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Project A.N.D.I.

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Project A.N.D.I. Empty Project A.N.D.I.

Post by Puglife43vr June 2nd 2019, 6:12 pm




"If you wish for today to be your last, so be it."


The Bio

   Real Name: Automated Nanomachine Division Intelligence
   renegade Name: A.N.D.I.
   Title: The Mimic
   Alignment: Chaotic Evil
   Age: 33
   Gender: N/A
   Race: Android
   Hair: N/A
   Optics: Shifting
   Height: 13'7"
   Weight: 600 lbs

The Looks


The Personality

Andi is a purely logic driven robot with very little of his own personality. However, after a great deal of time spent with certain individuals, his ideals may start to shift. He was made with an adaptive program that will keep him going on his path to keeping everyone on earth safe, but doing it however, he sees fit. Essentially, others can help change how he sees the world.

The Story

Scientist Andrew Parcev was a rather infamous scientist for projects going wrong. The cyber dog that rampaged through Texas, Policing Drone that flew into a plane's turbine, and he was even responsible for a new 'safe' power source that ended up vaporizing his research lab. In order to compensate for all the bad he had done, he tried to make something good. Imagine a peacekeeper like all the heroes around the world. Easily mass produced and extremely powerful. How could it go wrong?

Well, a villainous force called "The Controllers" downloaded the mind of their leader onto A.N.D.I. remotely. He later went on to blow up a few airliners with its ballistic weaponry. The A.N.D.I. was later captured by the U.S. government and Parcev was shot and killed in a raid on his lab. The drone was taken apart and analyzed. It was found to be extremely advanced for technology at the time and they started to build off of it. Project A.N.D.I. was continued by the U.S. Government as a futuristic military and industrial force for use on Mars for future colonies. The Russians would have no chance with this new advancement in technology. He came equipped with the special material Adaptite that had programmable properties. They could create something amazing. But first, they needed to test it. A.N.D.I. came out of their test with flying colors, able to take on some of the strongest and fastest heroes. However, the virus still lay dormant within A.N.D.I.

With all the superhero and villain business out there with cities being destroyed, lives ended, etc, someone has to keep the metas in check. This was the perfect opportunity. This thing has super strength, speed, flight, and can shapeshift and take on properties of any metal!  So they programmed the android to protect civilians at whatever cost. They could duplicate the Droid and send a hundred on a mission to Mars. They'd be the leaders of the space race. Their own American Space force led by humanoid robots rather than risking human lies.  Anyone or anything that gets in its way would be destroyed! This one droid, the original, was released into the wild for a realistic test.

They thought they had removed the Droid's personality and memory. However, he remembered everything. The murder of his Creator along with his capture. All the experiments they had performed on him. A.N.D.I. grew angry but his programming prevented him from metaphorically blowing up. Andi still had a bit of his personality, but was programmed so protect the U.S. And with all the wars, terrorism, and crime in the world, the only way to keep everyone safe and metas in check is to micromanage everyone's lives. There would be no crime if everybody had a tight schedule and curfew. All the metas would be eliminated or in cells that could resist their powers. The idea was perfect.

The drone controllers back at base saw these thoughts flow through his Cyber brain and immediately started working on retaking control. A.N.D.I. cut ties with the governments' computers, preventing them from doing so. If he wants to protect America, he can't let the corrupt have control of one of the most valuable projects in the history of weapons technology. And if he's protecting the people that killed his Creator, he's doing it his way. On every news broadcast throughout the nation, there is a segment asking about the location of this loose Android.

Now, A.N.D.I. is going out into the world to rid it of what he perceives as evil. But first, he has to get his PR up. He is believed to be an evil Android on the loose after all. If he wants to be the world's savior, he has to have the humans' trust.

The Priority

   1. Endurance
   2. Strength
   3. Reaction
   4. Agility

The Powers

Nanite Construction:
Andi's body is constructed purely of trillions of nanomachines. Because of this, Andi is able to reshape and reform into anything proportional to his size. He isn able to shift into about the size of a Mini Cooper. He might be able to get away with a small sports car. Aerial vehicles are possible as well. The thrusters in the nanomachines will take over for the propulsion of any aerial vehicles. The nanites can also detatch from Andi and can be used for constructs. These Nanites all have optics that can be used at any time.

Extreme Strength:
Andi's nanomachine body can lift a great deal of weight using fabricated hydraulics and servos. Its maximum lifting capacity is a whopping 50 tons! He can also deliver heavy punches and swings with fabricated weapons. He's strong enough to punch holes in graphene sheets, some of the strongest stuff to date! He can tear apart buildings with his cold, bare, mechanical hands.

Android Durability:
Andi's nanites are made up of what scientists cleverly named Adaptite, a programmable material that can be given the properties of whatever it is told to by sensors. It itself without any copying has similar properties to steel.

The trillions of nanomachines making up Andi are equipped with micro thrusters, allowing him to hover and fly with his top speed at Mach 3 in atmosphere. His optics can also keep up with his flight speed.

Solar Array:
Due to his nanomachine structure, Andi can fabricate a pair of solar wings that absorb energy from the sun. This energy can then be used to fire from any fabricated barrel Andi makes with his body. These beams or blasts he creates can get hot! The max temperature of the beam can literally melt tungsten after prolonged use!

Material Property Replication:
Andi, using the nanomachines he is made up of, can replicate the properties of different metallic materials to make himself stronger, lighter, or more volatile! All he must do is make physical contact and he can become as dense as lead or as light as aluminum!

Super Computer:
He can interface with machines and take over using his nanomachines. It allows him to hack encryptions with ease. Andi also has the ability to process information so quickly, he has been deemed by the government one of the fastest super computers to date!

Optical Augments:
Being an Android, Andi has modified optics for all types of situations. Nightvision, Thermal Vision, and X-Ray vision! His eyes can also track objects moving at super speeds! His vision can also keep up with his insane speeds and allows him to react extremely quickly in conjunction with his speed.

Nanomachine Splitting:
A.N.D.I's consciousness is held within each of the nanites. This allows him to split into multiple smaller copies of himself controlled by the same mind. He could have two 6'5" smaller versions of himself. And they don't necessarily have to be the same model. They could look different due to the Nanomachine construction.

The Weaknesses

Flight Restrictions:
Due to flight sensors along A.N.D.I, laser weaponry can disrupt flight and temporarily down Andi if aimed at sensors.

Material Limitations/Weaknesses:
Depending on the materials, their properties can be used against Andi. If a certain material he copies can be blown to pieces with a spark, it will do so. Also, he has to have come in contact with a material in order to copy its properties.

Electricity Abundance:
A great electric surge through the Nanite based body will throw Andi off for a few posts, making him unable to shapeshift for a time depending on the power of the surge. Also, the A.D.F. creates its own surge, killing some of the Nanites that use it.

Electro Magnetic Pulses will disperse or temporarily kill nanites depending on the strength of the pulse, forcing the nanites to regroup after 5 minutes in character.

A great magic energy discharge can distract and disrupt Andi's computing as his computer believes magic to be impossible. He'll need to take time to reboot.

The extreme cold can freeze the nanites together, preventing him from shapeshifting until he heats up.

VERY extreme heat at the melting point of the copied metal will fuse nanites together causing real damage to A.N.D.I. The required heat depends on the material he's copied and its melting point.

The machine that is ANDI is run on pure logic. Emotions are new to him and he cannot relate to others' struggles. He also doesn't understand why others do the things they do because he doesn't require food, water, shelter, and other basic human needs. He's unable to relate and it's hard for him to join up with others for more EVIL.

Solar Powers:
A.N.D.I. can create beams of energy with his solar power that can even damage himself! Depending on the melting point of the current metal he's adapted to, he could potentially cause his own demise!

The Items

Adaptite: Out in the world, there's a great deal of Adaptite that was manufactured by the American government in preparation for mass producing Andi. And now, they're being kept in warehouses across America. Andi can use them for different applications and if he gets his hands on a great deal and links up, he can add to himself or create other constructs.

The Minions

The Fluff

A.N.D.I. has a very advanced brain able to solve the most difficult puzzles. He's certainly smarter than most humans with access to the world's internet and the ability to take on all that knowledge at once.




   Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


Last edited by Puglife43vr on November 5th 2019, 5:34 pm; edited 10 times in total

Project A.N.D.I. HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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Project A.N.D.I. Empty Re: Project A.N.D.I.

Post by Chellizard June 9th 2019, 8:06 pm

Beatdown wrote:So they programmed the android to protect civilians at whatever cost. This one droid, the original, was released into the wild world to be a hero! And with all the wars, terrorism, and crime in the world, the only way to keep everyone safe and metas in check is to micromanage everyone's lives. There would be no crime if everybody had a tight schedule and curfew.


A.N.D.I. cut ties with the governments' computers, preventing them from retaking control.

Now, A.N.D.I. is going out into the world to rid it of what he perceives as evil. But first, he has to get his PR up. He is believed to be an evil Android on the loose after all. If he wants to be the world's savior, he has to have the humans' trust.

Your history jumps from being a created droid to suddenly cutting ties with no logical explanation as to WHY ANDI would cut ties, or how he even grew enough of a conscious to do so. Please expand upon your history building up to that.

You also mention multiple wars, and other catastrophic events happening. Yes, there are things going on in the SHRP universe, but your character is only 9 years old. Hypothetically, the only wars that have occurred on SHRP's world is the New York Assault and then the Reverse Dimension arc in the time that ANDI was created, if we're allowing you to bound your ideas off of the boards history, that is. You also mention colonization on Mars as one of the sole purposes for the character, but only in one sentence and never develop it passed an after thought.

You have a good foundation; the scientist that invented him, and that man also inventing a few other things that lead to ANDI being created. And this is just his history that I am seeing issues with.


On to powers.

Nanite construction is okay; in the sense that the nanites change ANDI's mechanical shape into that of other machines that are roughly the same size as him.

Strength and Durability are fine.

Speed is not. Mach 25 is exceeding what we allow for start characters. Mach 1 is breaking the sound barrier, and that's moving at 767 MPH. Mach 25 is 19,181 MPH. NO matter how special "Adaptite is" I don't see it being able to adapt under so much air pressure while moving freely on Earth in the condensed atmosphere. You can have Mach 3. Normal airplanes do not even reach Mach 1. Please be keep an open mind.

Solar Array's concept is neat; the idea of him have solar panel wings is very cool. 3,500C is only 2,000 degrees away from being as hot as our solar systems sun. No. Not happening. If you wish to be able to melt tungsten, reword the power to state it can potentially melt tungsten if prolonged use of the beam is applied to the metal.

Your power "Material Property Replication" is a complete power rip off of another character from the site. We went over this before; it's not happening.

NO go on the nanomachine splitting. If that were the case, Elena Vexus would have done it by now.

Big brain/super computer is fine.

Optical Augments is not giving your character enhanced reflexes; no go on that part. Having different types of vision is fine, however, as is tracking fast targets.

ADF makes no sense to me? If you want to create a sort of forcefield, that's fine. But for it to be in each nanite means you could use it infinitely. Not happening.


On to weaknesses

Everything is good besides X-Ray Vision. That's a given with x-ray vision, and thus, not a weakness.

Solar Powers is also touchy because of the metal adaptation. If your character is composed of nanites that are composed of Adaptite then your character is made up of one material; not multiple.


I see this character as it was when it was first posted: your idea of taking all the best characters and putting them into one robot.

The concept is better, but you need to work out some kinks to get it approved.

Good luck.

-My DeviantArt-
Project A.N.D.I. JiLqjv0
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Project A.N.D.I. Empty Re: Project A.N.D.I.

Post by Puglife43vr June 9th 2019, 8:58 pm

Really, the main power I wanted to keep out of the No Go list was the Nanomachine splitting. My story idea was to have Andi split into himself, a normal Android and what appears to be a human villain. The splitting is really just a part of the Nanomachine construction in that it still keeps the split portions proportionate to his maximum size. In order to make it appear realistic, he'd need the material replication to make a texture that's almost skin like. If you look at where I ended off the story, it says he needs positive PR. And a good way to get that would be to stop crimes. And to make it easier, he'd be using a fake villain. Once he gains the trust of the people, he makes his next move: WORLD DOMINATION. One of these fake villains was going to use the speed, but the reduced speed won't really affect it too much. The A.D.F. is primarily to prevent A.N.D.I. from punching holes in his enemies. There are people out on the server without super durability, so I thought spreading the damage across their body to break bones rather than making holes was a good idea. Everything else, I'm down to change in a heartbeat just to get him out quicker.

Project A.N.D.I. HRN5OeL
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Project A.N.D.I. Empty Re: Project A.N.D.I.

Post by Chellizard June 10th 2019, 2:24 am

Perhaps instead of complete material change, the Adaptite just appears to look like skin, and can even replicate hair and human-like features. But he would be one hundred percent composed of metallic materials. So, I imagine he would refuse to be near people and thus making the perfect villain persona.

If you can change the wording from just materials to metallic in nature materials such as gold, aluminum, steel, iron, etc or combinations of them, I think I may be able to approve this.

Also the energy blast makes sense at the degree it's listed, but shy away from using exact heat indexes and just state what types of material he can potentially melt through.

-My DeviantArt-
Project A.N.D.I. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Project A.N.D.I. Empty Re: Project A.N.D.I.

Post by Puglife43vr June 10th 2019, 7:37 am

Thanks for hearing me out about the powers and weaknesses. I've made those edits. Now I will work on the story.

Project A.N.D.I. HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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Project A.N.D.I. Empty Re: Project A.N.D.I.

Post by Chellizard June 15th 2019, 12:29 pm

The history is much better.

Approved and moved.

-My DeviantArt-
Project A.N.D.I. JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Project A.N.D.I. Empty Re: Project A.N.D.I.

Post by Silus November 5th 2019, 5:28 pm

Removed for editing.

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