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Wyatt Henry Oaks

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OPEN Wyatt Henry Oaks

Post by Nate6595 July 15th 2018, 3:34 am

Wyatt Henry Oaks

"Inset snappy comeback here."

The Bio

Real Name: Wyatt Henry Oaks
Hero Name: Who
Title: The Owl Hero
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green/Yellow
Height: 6'1
Weight: 130lbs
Blood type: 0 negative

The Looks

Wyatt is a very timid looking person. He usually has his face averted and his dull yellow eyes averted from anyone who may be nearby. On his right cheek, a little below his eye, he has a small, but noticeable scar going more horizontal in a crescent-like shape. His hair is a pale shade of red, maybe a bit dull in its color. He keeps his hair decently groomed, at the very least he keeps in presentable in a short cut.

His skin is rather pale, but not to a sickly degree, rather he just doesn't get a lot of sun. He keeps himself in shape, though he mainly does that at night when he goes for strolls or at a gym. He's around average height, but he's usually sitting or keeps his head down which makes him seem smaller. On his back, very noticeably, he has two large wings that span about . His wings on the outer side are covered in feathers that are brown on the outer side and white on the inner end.

While on the streets Wyatt is usually found wearing just regular street clothes, sometimes some fancier attire depending on how he is feeling.

However! His hero attire is much more unique than his normal clothes! His hero attire comprises of:

Flight Jacket: A brown flight jacket with a grey fur trim to it. Looks very soft and warm. Two holes have been cut in the back of it to allow his wings to fit through it.

Padded pants: A pair of light brown pants with several light padding areas added to it.

Heavy Boots: A pair of heavy brown boots that look like they're made more so for hiking than flying, but Wyatt finds it easier to land in these.

Specialized Earmuffs: A pair of earmuffs that are custom made by Wyatt. They are a light grey color that wrap around the back of his head. Not only are they very warm, but they also help drown out most sound.

Red Scarf: An old looking red scarf. Very long and is wrapped lightly around his neck. Usually he has it pulled up to cover his mouth which usually makes his voice very muffled.

Goggles: An old pair of flight goggles. They look a bit worn out, but the lenses have been changed so they help drown out light. The band of these goes under the earmuff band, more comfortable that way.

Adjustable Satchel: A small brown satchel which Wyatt uses to carry most of his extra gear as well as anything small and important he may find out on a job, like a file or key card. The length of the satchel band can be adjusted to help with flight so it is not just dangling behind him when he flies. There is also a built in pouch to the side of it that works as a quiver and sorter to all of Wyatt’s arrows.

The Personality

Wyatt is a nerdy kind of teen. A bit awkward and shy though he tends to get along with most people due to his nice attitude. His strongest trait is most certainly his intelligence. He is both smart and quickwitted, able to come up with a quick comeback or jab at a friend or foe. However, with that intelligence comes a bit of ignorance, or perhaps it is overconfidence. He trusts his ability to handle situations and thinks that he may know enough to get by or out any situation he finds himself in.

The Story

Wyatt was born to a wealthy family who owned a rather luxurious manor-house on Rhode Island. His father handled the finances for a large company and his mother worked in stocks which had earned them a good fortune. Wyatt had two siblings growing up, a brother and sister, both of which he had strong relations with.

His early childhood life was spent either playing with his brother and sister or locking himself away in his tree fort to reading. He never really socialized much outside of his brothers and immediate family, never for any good reason, he was just a shy person and didn't really put much effort into making friends or conversing with people. He did have the option of going to several different boarding schools or different local private schools, but he found that there were just too many people there. Instead, Wyatt had his own private tutor, a teacher his parents hired to make sure he was getting an education of some sort. With this tutoring Wyatt actually excelled in his studies, receiving top marks in all of his studies.

As Wyatt was growing up he had a strong interesting in flight, planes, and becoming a pilot, much to his parents' disapproval. They wanted him to go into a business oriented school, unlike his siblings, but Wyatt couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to be a pilot. However, when attempting to receive the proper training he had to step away before actually finishing his studies. A problem at home arose and required him to take a year off from his goals. He did what he can to help at home, but found that he barely could do anything to really help.

Following this crisis and the situation stabilizing Wyatt decided he wasn't good enough to pursue flight training and decided to pursue something in either science or engineering, or a combination of the two. Attending a college in New York Wyatt continued to excel at all of his classes, eventually earning him the eyes of a promoter, someone who offered him a chance to be part of a wonderful new project. Not wanting to miss an opportunity Wyatt accepted and went on his way.

However, soon after arriving there was a massive accident which resulted in certain mutations in Wyatt. He had developed several features similar to that of an owl. Most importantly, he gained wings and the ability to fly, something he had always wanted. Moreover, he wanted to put them to good use. While the idea of the publicity was terrifying, Wyatt decided these new found abilities would be best used if he was to become a superhero. Now using both his abilities and intelligence he does what he can to help society and protect it from any who would do it harm!

The Priority

1. Agility
2. Reaction
3. Endurance
4. Strength

The Powers

Power 1) Winging It: As a result of the accident Wyatt has grown a pair of large wings which enable him to soar in the air at high speeds. As it stands now Wyatt can go up to about 80mph, 100 if he really pushes himself to the limits. The wings can be folded up slightly, but not completely retracted. While flying his wings are very silent, nearly undetectable by normal human hearing. This speed is a build up overtime, he can’t instantly go that fast.

Power 2) Talons for Tearing: Wyatt can grow sharp talons on both his hands and feet (though he tends to avoid growing them on his feet). The talons are razor sharp and have a strong cutting and crushing capacity. In addition, unlike his wings, the talons can be retracted at will.

Power 3) Spotter: Wyatt’s eyes have also been greatly improved by the accident. His eyesight is strongest at night, in the dark, or in low light. His sharp eyesight is able to pick up subtle movements and spot things that would usually be missed. In addition to having great sight Wyatt can also turn his head his up to 270 degrees. Furthermore…occasionally, when Wyatt is fighting or in a stressful situation his eyes turn to be a bright yellow color.

Power 4) I Heard That!: Like his eyesight, Wyatt’s hearing has also greatly improved. He is able to pick up on subtle sounds and movements. He can pinpoint something usually based off sound alone, at least within a close enough perimeter.

Power 5) Hollow on the Inside: Due to the accident all of Wyatt’s bones have become hollow on the inside, made slightly sturdier from arches on the inside. The lighter bone structure make him altogether lighter and more flexible. The lighter bone structure is what enables him to fly.

The Weaknesses

Weakness 1) Wet Wings: While Wyatt’s feathers are covered in a natural oil that helps to prevent them from getting wet, once they do get wet flying becomes very difficult. If his wings are completely soaked he will be unable to fly at all. He still will be able to move them, but unable to fly with them.

Weakness 2) Double Edged: While Wyatt’s claws are very efficient in slashing and crushing having them out for a long period of time will begin to make his hands hurt and cramp up. If he keeps them out for too long they will begin to bleed and hurt more so. If his talons are to break then he needs to wait for them to grow back which can take a few days.

Weakness 3) My Eyes!: While his eyesight still remains improved in the daylight (Not as efficient in the dark), being exposed to sudden and bright lights will greatly damage his eyes, blinding him for longer than normal.

Weakness 4) Wyatt’s hearing has both been a blessing and a curse. Being exposed to severely loud noises, loud horns, gunshots, explosions or similar sounds while not wearing his earmuffs are insanely painful to Wyatt and will often disable him and disorientate him.

Weakness 5) Don't Hit Me! :Because of Wyatt’s hollow bones he must less durable than he used to be. Strong hits and heavy force will greatly damage him, his bones are also easier to break. He has to be careful not to be in the front lines.

Weakness 6) Explosive Arrow: Wyatt's explosive arrows, while useful, do have a few flaws to them. The arrows are a bit heavier than the others and have a shorter range. In addition they do greatly risk collateral damage, which makes Wyatt more hesitant to use them. Furthermore Siren only carries a small supply of them, twelve light explosive arrows and eight heavier shots.

The Items

1) Special Earmuffs: A pair of earmuffs he designed which help tune out sounds. With his improved hearing while wearing these earmuffs his hearing is only slightly above an average person's hearing.

2) Special Goggles: These goggles were designed to help dull bright lights and prevent damage to Wyatt's eyes. They don't completely block out light, but they help resist it.

3) Money: Wyatt comes from a very well off family and has a large sum of money he can rely on for most comforts and needs.

4) The Quill Shooter: A small single handed cross bow. Despite its size and it does have a lot of stopping power. While not as strong as a bullet it could seriously hurt someone, and if aimed well enough, potentially kill (Not that Wyatt ever would).

5) Arrows (Quills): Wyatt as made a few different kinds of arrows, which he calls Quills, that can fire from his crossbow. They include:
A) Dulled tipped arrows: arrows that are not sharp at all, mainly to slightly hurt targets. If used to strike the back of someone's head these arrows could most likely knock them out.
B ) Normal tipped arrows: arrows that are just regular arrows with a pointed end. Used on more durable targets or used to pin something down.
C) Long shot arrows: Arrows that have been designed to be able to travel further distances. They are not as strong as regular arrows, but the distance makes up for that. They come in both dull tipped and sharp tipped.
D) Light explosive arrows: Arrows that are equipped with a light explosive, not enough to blow a person's fingers off, but enough to cause some serious burns.
E) Heavy explosive arrows: These arrows are made of the purpose of damaging stronger and more durable targets, as well as getting through some barriers. He using these arrows the least.

6) Communicator Watch: Wyatt has designed a watch that also functions as a communication device, it even comes with an optional earpiece, though he rarely uses that.

The Minions


The Fluff

At college he has managed to gain a good amount of friends and as a hero he has made quite a few allies. He is particularly close to Samuel Grayson, seeming to learn the most from him.

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Last edited by Nate6595 on July 23rd 2020, 5:47 pm; edited 3 times in total
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OPEN Re: Wyatt Henry Oaks

Post by Dubloon July 15th 2018, 3:54 am

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OPEN Re: Wyatt Henry Oaks

Post by Zonkes August 6th 2019, 1:08 pm

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