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Papers ahoy!

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Papers ahoy! Empty Papers ahoy!

Post by CrazyAngel December 21st 2017, 5:07 am

Today's weather seemed pretty calm. Their was no snow in the streets, though their was the colorful leafs here and there where ever tree's would be. On that moment, Audrey-Anne was in a park where many people would pass to jog, nap, meet up or even have picnics.

In her case, she was just searching for a nice place to study and work on her homeworks. It did happen, in rare occasion, the ginger hermit would be annoyed of being a hermit and actually see the exterior world! Yes yes! It is possible!

Once she found a nice tree to sit under, she grabbed her  headset, placed the bluetooth on her phone and put on some music before placing it over her ears. She opened her back pack and started off by taking out her homeworks and all of her notes. For the notes, they we're all written in a booklet, but their we're some that we're printed papers. She took out some snacks, a bag of chips and some cookies in a tupperware. Just all what was needed to study in peace!

And as soon as she had set her stuff, take out a deep breath and finally ready to focus, the weather decided otherwise. A strong gush of wind blew ALL of the printed notes, homeworks, etc. She at least grabbed the booklet, one or two paper and quickly put it back in her backpack "FILS DE...." She yelled out in frustration, getting up, grabbing her bag and snacks and now running after a bunch of papers while yelling out "EIIIIIIIIILLE WOAAAAAAH!"

Such a beautiful day to study outside!

Status :

Quote : ''I present myself, this one french artistic twat. At your service!''

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Location : Canada, QC
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-12-07

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by PropTop December 21st 2017, 6:55 am

Marcus was taking a slight break from his usual activities, deciding he wanted to travel a bit, make the most of his afterlife while it lasted. And so it was that he stepped from the train into Montreal, still in his police uniform that he died in, the style vidibly different to the American police, but that did not bother him greatly, after all most people would look literally right through him.

He looks up at the sun, trying to remember what it felt like to feel warmth on skin, deciding to go somewhere quiet, he heads to a park, when suddenly a cluster of paper blew towards him. He gently grabs the paper, walking over to the only other person nearby, holding out the paper. "Are these yours, ma'am?" he asks Audrey with a smile

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by CrazyAngel December 21st 2017, 7:52 am

Hop! She  grabbed a  paper in the air! Feeling her first victory, she caught one by slamming her foot down on the sheet with such intensity as if her life depended on it! She grabbed the paper, sighing because of the state it was before she suddenly heard another voice. "Oh thank you!" She said, about to grab her paper freezing the site she had.

The person who was infront of her appeared to be tranparent. She could see through him. Not only that, but their was a blue flame burning part of his face. Of course, like anybody, she knew about meta humans. She was one herself even though she was very secretive about it. But she never saw someone like.. Him. He was like a ghost.

She finally got to think again and grabbed her papers "Ahem... Sorry.. You kindof surprised me there." She added, feeling bad for staring at him like she did. "But yes, those are mines. Thank you very much!" She couldn't lie, she was hella curious but she did not know how to ask without sounding rude or anything.

Status :

Quote : ''I present myself, this one french artistic twat. At your service!''

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Location : Canada, QC
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-12-07

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by PropTop December 21st 2017, 3:54 pm

He notices her face as she stared at him, he quickly realised he was physical to grab the papers, letting the flames go out as he returns to his spirit form, still translucent, but most chalked that up to their eyes playing tricks. "It's alright, ma'am. Couldn't leave you chasing a paper trail across this city. Interesting papers though, guess you are a student around these parts?" he asks, leaning against a tree as he adjusts his hat on his head, yawning slightly, which was a strange thing to consider due to the fact that he did not actually sleep.

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by CrazyAngel December 21st 2017, 5:32 pm

Man, he said nothing to explain that and curiosity was burning her! But at the same time, she didn't dare ask. She guessed he was a ghost? It was the only explanation. Or a meta human who became translucent. The papers she had we're all written in french considering she went in a french college, but their we're some programming codes that could be recognized even by someone who barely knew about codes.

She placed the papers in a binder, putting it back in her backpack while answering ''Yeah, it's college notes and home works.'' she answered while zipping her back pack and looking back at him. At least the flame didn't distract her anymore now it was gone. ''I thought it was such a wonderful day to stop being a hermit and actually see the outside world instead of staying locked up in my room until the wind decided otherwise.'' she added with a small smirk. In a way, she didn't seem to scared of that person. He surprised her of course, but once she quickly got used he didn't seem that mean.

Status :

Quote : ''I present myself, this one french artistic twat. At your service!''

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Location : Canada, QC
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-12-07

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by PropTop December 21st 2017, 5:47 pm

He nods, understanding French reasonably well on account of the close proximity of the country to his own, and the dependence on teaching it at schools, and as for the programming, to him it was just lots of confusing lines that probably made a computer do something fun.

"I often forget about the large French speaking population in Canada, always seems strange when surrounded by so many English speaking places. Wish I came here more often, experience some of the things on my bucket list." he nods "It's always worth venturing outside to see the world. You never know which day may be your last one, so it's worth living every one of them like it is your last."

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by CrazyAngel December 21st 2017, 6:38 pm

She smirked, figuring he wasn't from around here considering his accent. He sounded British. ''Yeah, Quebec is where the real shit is at!'' she said, more in a playful manner than anything. She enjoyed boasting about her province sometime. 

''Honestly it's pretty bilingual here. Well it depends on which cities, you find more french people in the small towns but you see a bit of both in big cities. Especially in Montreal, theirs as many English speaking people as french. You just kind of get used to it. It would've been best if you came during summer with all the festivals, but theirs still a lot of places to visit.'' She said. Fact still stayed that french was the main language out here. She finally ended up asking ''I wondered though, if you don't mind answering. Are you... A ghost or something?'' she asked. She was too curious to not ask and it felt so odd asking that to someone. She kept in mind he could be a meta human but everything would fit the ghost description.

Status :

Quote : ''I present myself, this one french artistic twat. At your service!''

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Location : Canada, QC
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-12-07

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by PropTop December 21st 2017, 6:55 pm

And finally it appears that this lady had figured out that something seemed off about him, to which he chuckles, scratching the back of his head "To be honest. I am not sure. I saw what was left of my body be dragged from a burning pile of rubble and placed into a bodybag. Even watched my own funeral but I'm not sure what I am. I doubt it is as clear cut as we think of it." to prove his point he wanders over to where she was stood and walking right through her.

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by CrazyAngel December 22nd 2017, 1:27 am

It was honestly not too hard to figure out. It was the first thing you'd noticed and it wasn't everyday you'd see a translucent man. By his outfit, she figured he was probably a police officer. The outfit was different from here, but it was still obviously something police would wear. She looked at him as he spoke up, scratching her own neck at the story. So according to this, he would have died in a fire? Horrible! ''Ahhhh... From what you say it really sounds like you're a wandering ghost more than anything. I've never really thought one could appear like that though... Maybe it has something to do with meta humans? Maybe if you we're one, it in a way made it as you can still wonder around as a soul?'' honestly, she had no idea. She wasn't a ghost expert or anything, so she was just throwing out what she thought even if she figured it probably sounded stupid. At least, she tried. ''Sorry to hear that, though...'' She added.

She was surprised when he walked toward her, moving back as he seemed to go right toward her to realize he just passed through her. Which surprised her. She turned around to look at him, confused ''How did you...'' she mumbled, thinking before adding ''So you can only touch certain things or we're you actually physical when you touched my papers?'' because he did touch her papers, after all.

Status :

Quote : ''I present myself, this one french artistic twat. At your service!''

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Location : Canada, QC
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-12-07

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by PropTop December 22nd 2017, 7:21 am

He shrugs "Who knows? All I know is who killed me, and that my last thoughts were that I'd really like a bacon butty when I got out of hospital from this." he sits down against a tree, his form becoming a bit more opaque again as the flames took over his face again. "It may even just be that this is what is beyond life, or just another stage of it. There's enough reports of spirits in the world that I am confident I am not alone."

He watches her confusion at him passing through her "You are alive, remember? I cannot touch living things in my spirit state. Only non living items, hence how I could hold your papers. Death can only touch death."

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by CrazyAngel December 26th 2017, 2:32 am

So he was? How joyful. So joyful her ultimate response was "Ah...

She figured well enough he probably couldnt anymore. After all he probably didn't even need to. She set her bag down and sat on the ground since he decided to sit down as well. "Ahh..." she mumbled lowly. It made sense she guessed "Have you never found another ghost like you?" She asked, tilting her head lightly.

Status :

Quote : ''I present myself, this one french artistic twat. At your service!''

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Location : Canada, QC
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-12-07

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by PropTop December 26th 2017, 6:32 am

He shakes his head "To be honest I've not been like this for very long at all. I think it's only been a month or two since my funeral. Which by the way was dull and boring, never have one." he says with a smile, kicking back as he relaxed. "But I am sure I will meet more as time goes on. Maybe I'll be like Bruce Willis."

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by CrazyAngel December 30th 2017, 1:16 am

''We're you invisible during your funeral?'' It was rather direct as a question, at least she thought that right after asking it. But she did wonder what his relatives would've thought seeing his dead body and his ghostly look standing right there at his own funeral. Surely he was invisible on that time? Now it seemed almost obvious it was.

She smirked at the Bruce Willis comment and grinned ''You might become better than Bruce Willis, who knows?'' she added in a bit more playful manner. Talking with a ghost was odd but surely interesting. ''I hope you do find more because surely it must get a little bit lonely?'' she asked. Though they did get to chat, she figured it might not be the same thing when you're a wondering soul.

Status :

Quote : ''I present myself, this one french artistic twat. At your service!''

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Location : Canada, QC
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-12-07

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by PropTop January 14th 2018, 12:12 pm

"No, no I wasn't, but the funny thing about death is that people don't want to acknowledge it. To them I was probably just someone who looked a bit familiar... Perhaps some felt a pang of pain at seeing me, but I... I couldn't say anything, I mean, what would there to be said? Hi mum, it's me the corpse." he says as he throws his hands up, before gently resting them on his lap.

He shakes his head "No not really. In fact I fear finding more; I am still here for some reason, perhaps it's my sense of duty, perhaps it's random luck. But there will be some out there who remained out of pure hatred and evil. And those people... well... I've already died once to a person like that. Don't fancy a round two." he admits with a deep sigh, looking around himself.

Status :

Quote : "Am I dead? Or is this just another state of living I wonder."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Location : GB
Age : 26
Registration date : 2017-12-13

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Papers ahoy! Empty Re: Papers ahoy!

Post by CrazyAngel January 14th 2018, 6:02 pm

She scratchrd het head, wondering what she'd do if such situation happened to her. She figured she'd have trouble not talking to her relatives. But figured maybe it'd be temporary thing then she'd dissapear. And her relatives wouldn't get to touch her or anything, she could figure a few would wanna hug her. That and maybe it would scare some? It was one fucked up situation to think of... "That must've been hard, though..." she mumbled silently.

 ".... True.." she mumbled. She was getting more silent, not sure what to ask without asking too much and ended up asking "If it's alright for me to ask, what do you plan to do now? Are you still gonna try to help out others with your sense of duty?"

Status :

Quote : ''I present myself, this one french artistic twat. At your service!''

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Location : Canada, QC
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-12-07

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